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The Cincinnati Convention

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Wo havo no spaco for ho detaün of tlio proooodiaga ol tito Cincinnati Conven-i tion. On Frida'y moruing tho comraittoo on platform reportad au addross ;ml declarutiou of prinoiules, which were unani mously adopted. This oraed wil} bu iound in anotfacr colutnti. Immediatcly thareafter tho couvention led bo ballot for a candidato fbr ! Lont, mul on the sixth ballot effeotod a n -Hninalinn. Tho aertetaï balluts uiay bc tabularized as follows : lsl 2d Sri 41h r-Ui Oth. BalIot.BaUot.Bnllnt, Hallo: linllot ttilot. Oraeley iko Ma ;.i 1.11 jr, .tv: Vdains Mï 243 M4 2"!i :m 232 Trnmball ...110 lis i is in oi Davb 92Vj78 44 41 30 Brown M 1 2 2 2 ... r4o 2% 5 ... ... jt Curtiu. ...... (2 714 714 Til 714 714 714 Xccosoary fir a chuioe, SS. Grooloy's mnjority over Adama, 250. Aftcr the annoiïncoment of tho first ballot, Gratz BkowüT appoarod upon tho platform, thankcd his friends for their good will aid votos, -withdrew his name, unl renoosted those Totin for him to trnusft-r their suffrages to Mr. GüEEI.ey. Tbt roquost roceivod with. minglcd oïïeers and hisses, and the subsequent roll-cjill gavo ovidouco that tome of ni friends objocted to tho bodily transfer. Thu ballottn oontinued, Mr. Adams loading uutil tho Gth ballot, on which the vote slood, Gkeeley, 332 ; Adams, 824'; TB.ÜM.BXTLL, 10; ÜAVIS, 6; PALHES, 1 ; but before tha final announoemt-nt of the ballot tho process of " changing votes," so familiar to convention goors, comiucnccd, and this done, the footing was as abovo, and President ScilURZ dueïarecl HoiSace nominated. A motton to make the nomination unanimous was made, put, and lost, and the conventiou prooeeded to nomínate a candidate for Vico Proüidoiit, wkijh was accoin.plisb.ed on the second ballot. The ballots were: Ist. 2d. B. Gratz Brown, 2:i"! 435 Lyman Truinbull, 158 Georgo W. Julián, VU'.-, 170 Gllbert C Walker, 84) 7ó Casstus M. ('Uiy, 34 Jacob I). Cox, 2.- James M. Scoville, VI John W. Palmer, 8 Thomas "W. Tipton, 3 Go-v. ÏÏROV.N' was doclared nomiita'ed, and thus recoivod his mward fov taking time by the foretop aml withdrawing in favor of GrEJJLEV. An artiole in another column, - a lettor from Houack White, a Libenl Republican leader, to the Chicago Tribune - will givu our readers an insi I view of the convention, and a deíuite idea of tho combination which resalted in tho unoxpoctod nomiaation of Gueeley and Bkox. - 'Ph& ftominatioa of ITr. Greeley was a surprise both to his irieuds H.nd O] - ponur.ts in the conizentioB, and to tlio couii-try afe lftrge. It was a rosult whi'j'.i had not been anticipatod' as probable or oven possibis. It vivs a result, too, provin; that the convention was what it :l:iimed to be, a Eopublican bodjr, not nndor Democratie dictation, subject to Democratie manipulation, or wanting Democratie advice. The Domocracy of l the country, or that porción of them who had takon any intorost in tho conveution, with a view to givo lts candidatos their support, wose divided in their prefcrences between Charles Praxcis Adams, of Massachusetts, and Judge Da vis, of Illinois, neither of whoni would have beea obnoiious toany vory large portion of tho party, and upon oithor of whom, to our mind, tlio Democracy could bave moro easily united than on Houace (iuEHLEY, though for one we profer (jiciiLKir to Davts, becauso we do not beliove in a judge of the Supremo Court of the UnitecS States taturing the aseaa of poli tres. Mr. Gueeley's nomfuatiotr is, lïownvee, a strong ono in the South and Southwest, and, perhaps, extrouio West, and in sections, with Pennsylvania and New York, the campaign will bo fought and won : that is if hc is accepted by the Domoeraey and. Graxt is nominated at Philadelphia We say ij' Giiaxt is kou inated at Philadelphia, because straws indícate that he may be withdrawn beforo or at that conveixtion, and a now man uominated with a view to Greeley's withdrawal and a reunión of the Eopul lican forecs. But wil! the Democracy nomínate GbEBLBS? that.' the question now upfor dis3U8sion. Fortunately there is no need ol haste in answering it_ It can ouly be answered by the National Convoution, called to ba held at Baltimoro on tho 9th day of July. By that time tho Phila delphia Convontiou will luive acted and thu country havo responded to its action. At tliat tim.0 tho Domocracy will hold the key to the situation. If then it shall appoar that the corrupt ring now controlling the gpvornment and pushing on the whcol of centralization, subordiniting Congress to tho Executivo, the Courts to Congress, and the civil to the military power, can only bo brokon by accopting Mr. Geeeley, tho convention will so determino, and tho Deinooracy will say amen. Mr. Guueley was not our choico before the Cincinnati Convention. Mr. Greeley is not our choioe now, but betwoen Geeeley and Gbant, recognizing both. tho weak and strong poiats of oauh, we shall not hesitato to choose tho forruer wlicü tho timo comes. It is not necessaiy to choose now, and when the time comes to chooae wo have full confidencc that patriotism rather than iuero partisanship will govern the Ueraocracy. BEN.. Wood is reported as stating at a meeting of the "Ben Wood Democratie Associfition," on. Tuesday evening, "that Greeley infomied him thut ho would runain in tho field, no raattor who was nominated at Philadelphia, but his witlidrawal was possible should tlte Democratie Convention mako an indepeivlcnt noinination.' W'hich moans that lio is 7illing to accept a Domocratic noinination and bo iudobted to Domoorats for an oleotiojij but that he is too " loil " to run againat GteANI with a Democrat iu the fleld. Domocratic votes aro unobjectionable, but tho bost Democrat in the land stands bolow QBA2II in his ailüctions. if Bkn Wood uttered tho trut QjíEELEY ought to be put in charge of a conuuittoe, as Gen. Haeuison was ui IS 10. - If GiiKEl.EY knows anything "about farming," he ought to know that "molaBSüS is bettertlian vinegar tocatoh flis' and that a littlo soft sap is in ordes just now towards his Demooüatic biiethren.


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