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- Horano Grooley was boru in Amhurst, X. H., Februury 3d, 1811, loaruud tbc trmlo of a printer in Bast Pulteney, Vt, migrated in sfiarch of hi fortuno to Brie, Pu., in 1HÜ!, nd thoneo backward to New Vnk City in ai'.:w months thercafter. Aitar doing jour work, starting severa! papers, and being a general litoraiy and politici! pnek-horse t'or min years, in oonnection with Mr. McElrath hc suc(?ossful!y launched the N. T. Tribune on thu [Üth of April, 1811, since which his caréei is known of all men. - Tbo Bourbon Republicana object to (Jreoloy beeauso ho signed tho bond oí' JeíT. Davis and fa vors general amnesty. Didu't Gruut reaontmend general amnesty beforo ho waa a candidato lor President and subsequontly in his messagea :i:nl vvasn't the watohword of tho '68 campaign " Let us havo Peaco "? But, perhups ürant wasn't honest ia his deolarations and recoBnuendations and hit friends in Congress raay havo been privutely advised to opposepcace and amnesty- - In view cf tho resohition of the Cincinnati Convention not to nomínate a cundidato with a largo circle of relativos, it is in order to inquiro as to tho number of Mr. Greeley's giandfathors, fathers, brothera, brothors-iu-law, Bons, nephows, cousins, wife's cousins, etc. Who will list thern, Don Ilenderson at tho New York Times'1' Perhaps Nast can bo inducod to put thciu all in a family picture for 11'irjisr. - In tho Sonate on llonday a inotion to ainend: the postoffico appropriation bilí, so as to nbHsh tho franking jirivilego aftor tho first of January noxt, was tabled, by yeas, 29 ; nays, 22. Congress Ulysses like, means to hold on to a good thing. - Tho balanco in tho state Treasury on the first day of Mfty was $808,109.79, au inernase during tho month of April of $09,77-1. 33. As tho sevoral Statu iustïtutiou8 will only nced to borrow a sniall fruetion of this balance, in antieipation of their appropriations, tho "pet banks" will bc in clover. - Gratz Brown made a snronade speech at Jefforson City, Mo., on Tuesday i ning, in which ho said of Horacc Grenley : " I teil you, ray friends, that oíd white j bat of his covers the largest brain and shadows tho softost heart in América." - It is stüd that Judges Matthews, Hoadloy, Briakcrhoff, and othor revenuo rcformers aro so mucii dissatísfíed with the result of tho Ciucinnati Convention, buth in platform and candidatos, that they meditato anothor conveution. - Mr. Tilton (Theodore) is ruported as urging tho nomination ai Mr. Greeloy at Cincinnati because " it would import an element of fon and frolic to the i vass' It is doing tluit, but it niay not bü all vu to tlio ürant moa. - The late charter election at Coldwrtter is being contostcd on the ground :hat in threo of thu Waids the polls wero closed i.t n joh for an. hour. Oli tlii.s teehnieality the courts aro asked to reverso the verdict of tho people. - Nearly all tho Germán papers in the country, iucluding thoso prominent in advocating tho Liberal movement, eithor rogrot or oppoSe tho norainLition of GrocL'y. Adams was the favorito of tho Gormans - - The Chicago Tribune s:xys thüt thebattlo-fiuld of the coming campaign will bo in California, Connecticuí, Illiuoid, Indiana, Alabaiua, Axkanaas Kebraata, New York, Pennsylvariia, and ühio. - Telegrapfaio advices froin Molbourne reiiort heavy floods, proat damage to gi o wing crops, and the loss of suveral huiidrod lives. A little of that shower would have boen ttcceptabte this way. . - Tho Cincinnati Enqnlrer and St. Louis RepuMiain are tho only two loading Democratie journals which hcaitily and without iosrve iuiljise uouiüutiou of Greeloy and Brown-. - Suinncr is rcticent concerning the Cincicnati Conveution and iU resul:. propoBUS to bo so until after the Philadelphia Cnrentioi. A loug time for hita to maintain silonce; - Niblo's Theater, on BroadVaT-, ?í. Y., was burilad on Monday Laat. The - Metropi-lifeiri Slotol and sevcral adjoining buildings werc more or loss injured. The actors lost heavily. - The London papers do not Speftfe very favorably of nomiaatiou of Uoraee Greeley for President: vrhich is, perhaps of inore service to him than oomplimentd. - Iloyt Post, Esq., of Detroit, a gradúate of tho University, Literary claes of I 1861,. ha been Reporter of the j Supremo Court, vici Hovt-y H. Clark, resigned. - The lower house of the ?C. T. Legislature bas Ordtered the impoachuieufe of Judgc Barniird1. Judgo Crdozehaa stolen the march on tho asseuibly aud rosigned. - Senators Beiinett, of Jaokson, and Brownell, of Slacoiub, havo resigned, busiaess demands interfcring with thoit attodaice up&a the Cousit oL Impeachment. - Tho Eov. "SV. n. Perrine, Of Albion, was the only mernbor of the M E. General Conference who voted against the admispion of lay delegates. "Scissoi-s." - Grimt declares íbr civil service roform, but his udvisers and backen in Congress legistate against reform. Gkraut looks une vj.y, his party row othor. - Tho Detroit Union, Democratie, has hoistod the names of Greeley and Brown, " subject to tho decisión of the Democratie Xutional CoiiveUition." - Tho reven-u refoimers or anti-protectionists declare that tho Olneinnati platform is like tlu: play of ILualet with the part of Hamlet left out. - Several Amerieitn ladigs were pro sented to Queen Victofia on Monday. Now lot tho " indirect claims " to tho dogs. - Senators Trumbull and Fenton telegraphed to Greoley on Saturday congratulating him on his nominatiou. - Stanlojv the traveling correspondent of the N. Y. Iler.ilt, acreditad with ■ ing Dr. lávingstone. - Judgo Da vis is crodited' with pronouncing tho Cincinnati Convention "a gigantio fiirct" - Tho impeached Gov. Reed, of Florida, has beon acquitted, but not proved "not guiltjr." - The Irish pross and Irish associations vory genexally iudorso th& noraination of Greoley. - A Nuw York City statiouer i tisos Doliy Varden cards, enrelope, etc, ' - Tho Court of Impeachment, at Lansinr;, is muking basto slowly. - Senator Wilson prediots that Groeloy will not gct au electoral voto. - Tho Cincinnati platform will be t'ound in anotber column. ISAAC M. CliAVATII, of Lansing, Sunator tVoni tho Ingham and Clinton district, died of ho.'irt ilisuLisi! oii the ltli insc. Wu believe ihat Senator Ckavatk fonnorly. resided in thia county, but in 185G bo went to Lansing asa olerk in tbo Auditor üunoral's ofEoe, a position whiuh ho bas retainod tho most of the timo sinco lie enterad tho service during tho war, but ill-hoalth oompellëd him to resign aftor about six months service. Ho married a sister of Itov. L. K. PlSK, of this city. ïhu Senato adoptad tb& following rosolvitions of respect and sympathy: WÍIEREAS, 'i have learned tuis raornïng with preiound sorrow of the lc;ith of the Hon Isuao M. Cravath, of Lansing, Michigan, a memboi vf the Sonate for the Twonty-first Scnatoriul District : thorefore, .'- stilral, By the Senato of the Stato of Michigan, that so great a íoss to us and to thosu ■whoiu ):o represented as an activ(i, vigila&t and upright poblic servant, in the doath of the Hon. Isaac il. Cravath, should receivo a befitting and appropriate reo.ognition. ü'.'Ued, That onr appruciation of the kind, manly and genial traits wfaiehpharacterized the dceo#fed in all his official acts as a tnember of this Senato, and in lus private intercourse with us, causes a feeling of profound sorrow. WÏohed, That to bis boreaved wifè wc extend with deepest sympiithy our con3olenoe in tho loss of a truo and loving husbund, thus suddenly removed froiu her. R tolvel, That at a further mark of respect to tho deceased the Sonato attend his funeral in a body, anrl that these resol utions be entc-red upon the jonrnal, and a oopy of thom bo transuiittod to the wife of the d(ot'ik:ei. "Htióhed, That the Senate do now adjourn until Monday next, May Gth, at '2 o'clock r. xi. Tx THE Supremo Court of ühio, on Tuesday, an applicatión for a writ of mandamus compelling' the adraission of I coloro 1 ehildrun to a white school, the i township having ostablishoi a scp:ir:to school for colored children, was denied. The Court sustained the constitutionality of the luw authorizing separate sofrods, and Iiolit that it " was not in conflict with thb provisions of tho fourtcmth. auiendutent to tho Constitution of tlio United States." Senator Sumxer will havo to fulminato a buil or a bilí excommunicitting tho Eopahlican Supi'OOie Court of Ohio. TlIE several contestints for tlio State Public Schoei can not seo just why the Board of Commissioners locatsd tlje school at'jr, givhia; time to comply with a dofinite offisr. TIits actiorr is thought not cxactly in complianco withtho law, an i to s.ivor of favoi'itism. Tlie Adrián arti Jaokson papers nrobably i noverheír.l of a few eïtisrena mating largo oiïevs and tberj cailing; wpon their fiillow-citizfiiis generally to ruüevo them of a portion of the nssumed burden. They ncver do any such thing either at Jackson or Adn:'.:i. Tliuro a very few mon of jjublic spirit and libürality shell out aiid lo-t tho ntasses go free. Perliaps f TlIE ficndi.ih inui-dercr of DsNNISüX MlLLEK, in GreerfieM, Wnyno Coanty, on tho night of the 2-ith oí Novc-mbar last, h;is been arrested, and1 is now ia jail ia Detroit. Am steil fiw other crimes !:.: was suspeeted of mv.rdor, and oa being charfed with it made a full confession. Hid name is William Smitu, his ágo about 1H, and he is said to be ruspcctably coniicot(.-d. TlIE eftll for n üoniocratic Jfutional Convention will be found in another column; to bfrhcld at Raltimore oa Tuesday, July 9th. Considering the approach of tbo üeated seuson, soiuü other pliii;o should havo beeii solected. Baltimore in mid Julf wil! not be a favorable tiuite for cool deliberation. And three weeks earlier would have boon botter regardless of location.


Old News
Michigan Argus