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Mr. FAJSQUÉlXE, TS. D.' Offlco ove A. A. irrs ítore. Kctfdeace Woghlngioi btrttít, four dooraeabt of iHato. lii7;;y4 Sidöwalk Order. Sr LTÏ3 OF YJrilIfiAN',. Cüy ..f Ann Art. i ■ ktllUd] Diiv. A o km D ■'■ . i . vi il . LHiugjabfr, ' I r.tu.iiiwuit, Liïiua Lit'iC", Jchu X. Gott, fcoloiuui Weil, Y; : -.. , Jacob Wëfl i: Bn Leojwjlii Wt i. ui' to uay othor pereea ra'ereated in tii picmuea witliin tbc limita mentloned : You are bereby d ttiflcd taal vqu ui o nbout io . ■ ■ .. es orgradinffaod planktn the sklcv. .uk in front ut i adjaoöpt to certiüu pvcxu, tr oooupied dy you ín aid itj", and that a .xvporta ! made out on the pf ■ in the oflfoü of blio Kteorctst tor kiapeei .y and, turther, t!.:ii. the onanoa Cvoncil wilï m thi Couneü Uooiq. in the city of Aan ArbOrt ou th üvrt Moudny inJurue aext, af 7 .. oclocli p, :.r., an itt roil on itïut: tA anyjpervo conaidcriiig biuiiüdi iigtp iove Biud slcwalk is to 1 H Ui Of lfuiun v[i . . ild extj otl t. t.incli plnnklaid iengthwiae u fourby inci: scaoojog mr í.t ■ yon ure aBowd tii?iy 4ftya withi idter tfi .superintoiulciice uf CbarloB K. 1'orttT, ObairiBMn o ■ immii te ■. and ii" "the mms hnll withi i ■ i 1 1 v. ■ b i 'i w o 'i litctio t'i' l);c ' 'Ituiiiuaii oi' the Siilpwiill. ■ :io t'X p mai .i prooeti Unifa to ooUoot tha aame ai,'unt th :;g: shall be incurr&l by thein. Dated, Aluyi), 1872. L. ÖRUNEfi, Pfioordcr itf wild City of Anti rbor. OÍ Jaulas Aiitcheil. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County ofWáahtcnaw, b O Ai p -■ ;'' 'lw ■ l ourt fox the I Af Wasnie&aw, büfQÖB -it t!iu Ïr&bai3 Offirc, in tl City 'ii Asm Arbor, ea i-': i ;. - , Uu ; i.-ivJ du ui Muy, in the yi-iir one tboiua&d eigkt iiuu dreti una Bevont} -t w f. Piuacut, Hiruiit J, Beahes. Judga of Probate. lu the inatu-r üi tlrt mats ot James Mitchel de i ;'. ed. 'i. r.-ndinr and flttng tlie peittïon, diily vcrificd, of Edwin A. l'ierc-, prayiog tiiat u ourtaiii Instrument .v i-i ihirt ('ourt.. Mirporting lo bo the last wil! and uwtamentof saiadeceutcd Jimy be adiuittcd tü Bcalwfca. :.:i'.l thuL he my bc appoiïttsd solc Kxuoutor thereof. ilheKQSÈQËfi it ia oniv ftd tint Alanday, the y of Juno ïi'xt, ;. tea oïcloek in tlie fonoon, bc issigtHtl lor tïit; f saiA peiitiun, 1 1 s, ";i: bteea asid hodxB at law : ad aU "il er pnaoiu utcie&tcd in aiJ osi ii I ■. aro requii-ed to appear ut OQ oí' said Cüurt, then to be liolden, at ílie Probato Oflico, in the City of Añn Arbov, and iÈ$a, ii ;iny ihtnr be, wby ÜMpraMRttftbc petitioner should not be granted: Ana it w furtheie Üiatsnid pftiiioncï1 giTfl iioïice tOithaparaon ■ -U-. of the pendency af c(i pi :itiim, and the heaiina thexeof, by oauahig acnj.-yof thia order ío be publífeñed in tibe Mickiffan Atffus, a . priuted and circulating in siiid County, Üiroe euèoessive wéelu prcvions to siiid day of hcariny . HIBAM J. BEAKES, K73 Judffe of Probate. Estaw of nilliaiu Cuighy. ST LTKOÏ MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnnw, ss Ai í; B.'asiüii of tl.irt lor the of Waliiimtw, bohU'ii at, the Probate ütüce, in the City "t Aun Albur, on ïlonduy, tlic sixth da; r May, in tlio y car onc thuusand eiyht hun diml and sevtuty-two. I ..:, Rirïun J. ISeakes, Jadge of Protmt. Lu ;.'u: umltcu of tiio fcsiaU of Wflliam Quigley deflAasecU On vciuiiiip ;nl flün7 tlic pL-ti!ioii, duly verillcd, o Aiiii Quigley, prftying tlmt ratriek "Wull or tome oth PI BuitaOXQ pOTSOD PUy bc ;tipuiutctl atlüüuibtiatoi of tlic o&táte of snid tlcceascd. Tbotoupon, it i otdeied, that SCovday, tli.1 tUcc dny ot' June next, at un oclu, k in the fcnfcuooo, be . for tlie l-arinp of soid pl ïtion, nd thal the hcirs ut law .■,...., aad uil ether persons iterare v duirecl tonppearaf a ms- ttion oí said ( i i 1 1 ' , Ihen to Ih, hulde at thcl'robate Ofiice, in tli City íti Aun Arbor, and show oaum) if tiny then te, why tn pvierof the petitioner should ooi begrantëd : And iiis furtlicr oixlci'cd, thnt snid petitionoi give uotice to the persons mteresttd in said estáte t thewudency of said ion, and the liearin- thcreof, by couomg a copy of this order to b publidhcd in the Michigan Argus u nefrepcrprínted and circulutinK ia MÍQ conui y, thxee BUCOBUiTC weeks nroviousto uldday of henrinji. (A truc copy.) HIIÏAM J'. 1BAKE8, l13 Jadfla ui' rabato. For Scrofula, ScrofJ9 utiïiis Dlseases f JtheEyeMyor Scrofti o li in auy Ibrui. y -uy dUOSQ or ci'uptimi of tlie Skin, (ïïstwse oí the y'D Livor, Rheuinntütm, PimS-- jU-s,t)i(.iSor(,ri ,cis.Bru];V en-iiown ConatiUl t i ons, i.' íSyphilis, or anj diea8cdfiP@3) pending on adepnived'ooBxfe aitiou of tlrtí blood, Uy DE.CSOOK'S STRÜP QF fPOKE ROOT. Tt lüisllu' tüciliciiial ;irierty of Pokecoinbined with a prepanitioo oflroji whjch goea al once uto the blood, performing ilio most rapiu and wondecíul cure.-. Ásk yonr DroggUt for Dr. Cronk' Ooniiound Synip of l'uke Koot, - Uk itano be healed. Finest Assortmenf of Toilet : Gooas hi th& City, by DRY GOOBs MAYNARB'S we a:ü: jtow oraxiao O0B o? SUMMER DRY GOODS. THE STOCK IS MüCH LARGÊR TKAN USUAL, AND RATING BKEN 8ELECTED WITH GRElT CARE WE SU ALL OPPZR T3E it Pttif ss wint n rist siTisn tbi CLOSEST CiSH ClïEUs. J. H. MAYXAEB, I DR-CROOK'SWINEOFTHit álO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Has proTed J3r. Crooli'j WINE f i wte h! -, ' To hare msre íwíSm similar prepara. LL223l3CiííL (isj ovrroilcml tlít' pcibtic. Tt in rich In the medicinal gualHisofTar, anA nnequlcdir oisvases of the Tliroal and I'i:ig'S peií'urisiu} Uíb ij.o.-i remú aiile cures. Goughs, Col ds, iïironlc C'ouglu. It oifectiially enns tlien all. AistliuiH asid lironehitlv Has t-rd so manv e:i8e i't has bcwi (iro. nouiiccil ;i iiiic int tlitsfc cumplainla, For paiiis iu Breast, Side er Dack, ííra vol orKTflncy Tflsmt, Disensos of íhe Urínary Orgaas, Jauudicc or any Livtr Coniplainiv It lias nu equal. It ís alKo a siipcrioi' Tonic, Restores the Appetüc, StrnngthoMs the Svsten, Ecsiores Üi Weakani Debüitate Causes the Food to Digest, Removes Byspepaa and Indigestión, Preveiits Malarioas Fomts. (iives toue to y:.-;.r Nv.míf.. Real E-it ato for Sale. STATE Oír M I II IOAN, cóunly oí Wastem. Jji tlic iu:itu-i 'i ! i;r Estute ut Jeutjae l ■ . : , that in puiiuaw' im yrttntcd lo ii, Ailmb'.raüüíí ,!■■ üL Slik1. &V . ■ ' '■'■■ biitefor tUí eountyuí to nshtrnaw, on ti44j ol M;, A. 1. IS72. t-hi . I nc highest bitldti , :t til dwelling hout a tin; premiees, in tlie u vn f tk, iu tbc amtjií S'n,liun;iw, n sincl Stnte, 0)1 Wcdnwday, rixtfrdaff Ï June, A. I). 182, ut leu o'dcck n ui a al vj:t aay [subjict to all nambaMR UT :il:!iv.:y: exiatiuB at t]ie tirae (íUt deatb '. 8id ilecea wing (ifttritrf ib. ectote towit: A pnreel oí lund in U "■! ■ cf sectioo mxwvu, n township ti rí J r;n'.'" -nx cuati oommencing aUwt fiTechams n thei atei of mi: northwes qnarttt, tlimnii foit) devi'ces i ;i thn e í'livnrts mi 1 tliiity]inlt,tK sinKh flfty dcgtces vost duim awl bxF link-; to the center of the hiliway, t Uta wit 't tl ,l,-.,.,v wetlMODit tllP 1 iliwny to thehslffl line, i kc-nce eat eigi.t caaioa and twantyut ƒ the pbici; of beginuiDg, contuiniDg jve ara 31-i acres; iilno tle wubt bou üf t!.u aortbeMl qaw5 acction tlurtcc ■, in township ici:r south of ruige .!jj cast [oiceptlng the cast twenty ucres therwf w[ sixty MTCflt moie or li-s-, being the Lomwicuu "'t deceased ; and also the ui.dividcd kalf of tr. dot"" cast quarter of the o .riliweat quarter of sect' tjr, intomish ifuurx uh of inneo stven ei h'pM'-, oontainins fit acres mon or less. Datod, May 6th, A. L). lt;0. . CLUKLNTHA M.GOOM. 1373 Admiim QLOKIOÜS NEWS F DR ALL CREATHM! E. J. JOHNSON ; THE! " HATTEB! BLAS KEGEIVED HI9 SPRING STOCK AND STMS Hats, Üiijs & Straw Goods CEXTS' FIKÏSI!IX; '.OOSS, ETf'i VHICU nK PKOPOSKS TO SEIX AT FR1C WniCU DEFY COMPETITION. 7 South Main St., AnnA MONEY. Tho subscribe are t ir.oft uil times in ■ ou tofurnish partic wlüi monuy I """ " Inndred to Fivo Tlioussiid Dollars en 'W'11" COLMAN, KOOT & K'- AnnArbor.Jiin.lst.ls72. !555_ GotoR.W.ELLI8c-'5 for strietly Puro Drugs ano Medicines ,Painí s ,0ilsM


Old News
Michigan Argus