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DETROIT AffllISEMEim iJL Manufacturen nf "round f'offcc-., Spi s, IHnatard, etc. nd Wholesale dealen lo TI5AS AND OKOUEKs' siNlli:!!;-, 110 Ji fferaoa Avenne. Detroit. i, hi i, canmeh ooods, Et ., 1 have now n ptorc n liirjre stock of Foreign and Domestic Frnits, Oanned Goode of all tradés Ptoklesi etc , otc, waich I m uiTerlng at low prices to thr trade, JOHN HEFFKO.N, Wholnnle Fnilt Ilonso, 218 Jeffcrxoii tve. M?:ntif:icturer8, Importcra,an(] whoiesalo dealetB in Huls, Caps and Straw Goods, '■Wand MS Jetfcrsob nvcunv, Detroit, Mlch. Also phippuiH f uiulrossed Kllrfl. p. bsmldwin: co., Manuf[,cturersancl wnnlnsnle dealen In All Hand Made ("ustoni Boots and, 43 Woodwurd Avenue, DiirnoiT, mich. TOHJi PATXOX SON, a Bfcnafactitren and Dealor in Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Etc, The flnest tttisortment in MIclilpau. Established in 1S42. Factory, corner Woodbridge and Bnish StreotB. Hcpository, '!{', Jeffersor Avenuo, Detroit. lAHKlAíii:, I always keep on hand a very nlce apportmeut of Open and Top Carrlageë, which I will seli At iow figure. Buyers will do wcll to cali tind examine tock and p rices before purchas ing. Dealers cuu buy of rue to eood advaBtaju JOSEP1I KINOEI,, 55 Gratjot Street, corner Parrar, Detroit, Míen 11OOKS ! J. M ARNOf.D.tOO snpply Public Llbrarieo, Sabbath Bohoole ■';)'! 'look Birrert eueralty, at low rates. Oiir etucïi is choice and large. 139 Woudward Aví'iino, Detroit. OA C(( BAUOSS OIIIO STONKWARE jyjyJiJiyj at Wholesale. Alsu au entlreljr now stock of Vi'hitc (ïranito and C. C. Goods, Plainanl Decorativa China Dlnner and Tea Set, Cut ülass siher Platcd Goods, T.ampa. Cuilery, Japan Ware, hc . ".t No. IQ Michigan avenue, opnosite oew City Hall. DAVID MoüOUJíK K 'y ICHIGAN JIACHI.LUÏ lil'O'JT. Q-. 8. Wormer & Son. Dealen In all kinds of Wood and Iran Working ITIachincry, 6ü, 101 and 103 JefBKsqa Avenue, DETROIT, MICH. nOItTAHI.K MtlMS For Mechauical and Farm uses. D. B, Kioi:. Mauufactu-er, 191 Atwater Street, Detroit. TOIIN If, WENDELL & t'., OommUsion Mcrchants in Flonr and Grrain. Office aud Warehouse, Nos. 50, 54, U and óG Woodbridge eireet, weet, DETROIT, MICil. lTONE WARE, "Ha Hard & Starrat Manurioturers and whnlcsnte desier in Stone and i '-ckiugham Ware Fire Jhty, Kiro Kriek and Draiu Pllej GTasa Frull Jars and Plasks. HAoufactnrert AgaU tor the üblo tone Socket Fevcrand WuttT l'ipu. Office and warob ase No. 60 Vfoodbrldge Street, 3ppuriïe Bo;ird of 'i rade, Detroit, Mirli. si A. TYEELL & C SVVA1N, Wholesale and rotnil (tartera in all kinds of' Parm Implemento, Machines, State Acents dr the Philadelphtu LAWN MOWÍCIÍS, warrnnted 10 be thc 1 In Ule market. Prices I rom :rlí to $85. Liberal discount to dealers riT Sc-ud lor circular. 2s'o. '.1 Je;!crtíütt av-nue, Detroit. Detroit Stcam Fuik y Dyeing Establishment, 42 Congressstrect, east, betwecn ñatea and Ran dolph aïreets. Fancy Dyclng on slik. Woolcn and Mixed Qoods of cveiy deocriptlon done in the best posstble manner. Brery kimi ol Shawls, &llk8 etc. citíiuud ntid re-ptesecd. Kid ClovaB clenued and üyid. AKCHIBALD OKANÏ. -i SCIIlLEXBIBíi, nniiard Table V .'. mamifuctiiriT, wltb lolney"e Patent St.e'l Wlre hions, noiversally ackiiowledged to be the best in ute, lts, lüü aud IOS Ritudoljih stii-ct, Detroit, -Mich. V IdiLWftUKEE LAGER BEER isthe bc6t brewed In Iha state. Addrus K. W. VOIGHT, Mihvtuikee Brewery, Detroit, Mich. TermsGasb. , -ulo. S. FROST .te CO.. vï Uctroit, lUirh. Agente and dealers ia Pine iiinl Farming Lamls, in Michigan, aiuMa nearly all the other States, rmctV ol t'ine Lánd bout;ht or 8old ou Cominis■Ion. 'J ha best of lmda in tbe Southern Btatea at luw ratei (■han. Noble. Gco. S.Frost. Chas. W. Noble. OjEEDS. Fk'csti and E5olis'3o ÏT:tr(ï-n? FloTvcr, kikI Firm StM'íís, Wholesale and Ketiill 1). M FERRY A CO-, Seedamen, "JO.t Woodward avenue. P. S. Onr illustrated and descriptivo pi-iced Sced Catalogne of 1C pates free to uil auplicauU. CÏSEJDS! SKKI3S! Fresli and Reliul)lc Oarden, Field and Flower Seeds, Wholesale anj retail, at the lowea'j ratea. Also lruit and Ornamental TreeV Grape Vines, Sbrtibs, Uosos and Plants of all kinds. Scnd for a catalogue. WK, AI) AIR &QO ., Detroit. TOHN H. UOTJGrl-IElRTY. Manufüctisrcr of Iflirror and Picture Frauiea, Chronios, j;nyri-;i iü _ s and PliutoN. Déniers snd Avenís supiílied. 2T Jeffersn ave nue, Detroit, M Icb IV Germán p:ates at lowest marlcet rates, tíoud for c:ll:lïoLlie. jMMl. F. A. CADWELt, ]tl. D. Of. - ulisï aud Ain-isi, ]ermanently I I d locaied in Detroit for Twcnty-Jülvo , yearH. Specinlly treatiu dleaCK ol tlir !'i ■ [V i:vic ]srn kar, and Catarrlnil aflecUoiifl of the HBAD -A.ND rX'Ii IiOV'l', Office and rosldenco, No. 52 Lafayette avenue. OIl'.ci hours froin 0 a. h. to e r . RofexeawM bj Permtorion - JSuthanlel W. nrooks. Hou. In Hayhew, Cit'. Prentlis, , U'm. I). sfortou. Banier, I!. F. Morton, Esq , Wm. I Fowler, Bsq. 1370m3 LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! ï)ouls in botli FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SnufF, [Pipes, Sdc, AT NO. 7 EAST HUROX STREET, Next t the Express Office, a-v Aunoit, mica. 13451 f A CARD. Mr. CLARA B. DARUOW wonld respectfntly acíounce to her former pntrons, ndothcrsiuterceted hat Bhc will roBiime her instruction 111 Vocal and nstrumentalMaslc. She wlll alaoform a clnss for nstrtiction of chlldrcn in the clemente of Vocal Mnslc and lleading aud Singing by nott. Addroes her at residonce No. 23 Pourth Street, Ann Arbor. Murch Tth, 18T2. 1S64mS Tinest Assortraent of Toilet Goodsinthe City,by r AM nöw RECKIVINO A LARGE AND SELECT ASSOKTMENT OF COA.TINGS, VESTINGS and TROWSEBINGS AND EVERYTHING IS Mï LINE FOR "THE SPRING TRADE Cali and Examine Our work in the Field Speaks for Iself. Also a Line of Gents' ÍFurnishing Goods, at 24 South Main Street. JAMES BOYD. i rn K i í ü? 9 H í .o. M fe S ÏÏ H g 8 P í - J S Jí Sal -gij h:i Obí, 3:4. 1 ü o 3C ■ o S H B w i H . i ■o 2 í:i z S - i r W % D h 2 3 ' ■ DON'T FORCET Thnt the Falrept. SqnArcnt, and best place n Ann Arbor to bny Pure Drupa inifl Medicine, Wlnet and Liquors, for Medicina] Porposea, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, :BRUSHES, &C, IS AX R. W. ELLTS & CO'S. Corner Oppositn the Snvinprs Bank. CALL -A.1STID EZA-lVEXKrE Onr PermHnpiit ('ol-rs. for o:it?it!e or nsldo ftaintIDK. miinaractured .p.m Pure Whit" r.fii.l Knc nn(( Ltnesed 011. Cheaper and better thna any other l'aint made Bold hv the nailon, kf-, or bami AlioPura White Load, Zinc, c, ttï sitisfactory Priccs. REMBMBERNAME ANDPUCB II. V. ELLH t CO. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paint6;0ils,&c. JTURNTTURE ! 1872. PRI80N FDRNITDRB 241 AXI 248 MAIN STttEET, JACKSOfti, IV3BCH. Our Stock is 1 iiusually mul EomplcU'f and l',iïiïracs every Vuriety off FURNITÜRE ! ESPECIA!. nl CEJIEYTS AttE OFFERED. Inspoct Our Goods and lcarn the Prices liefore Purchasing. 7fejSgha BBY CRUICES SIECJpSlLTÏ.-. LARE ASSOKTJIEVr 3SSf Al) SEVERAL SOÏELTIE8. Goods Deliverkd to R. R. Dkpots AND PaOKBD BY OUR8EI.VES Frkk of Charge. KANSOM & KTÍAPP. 1363m3 FA1.SK 11EPORT! THAT A. A. TERRY HA8QONEOÜTOF TRADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HA A LARGE AND COM PLETE STOCK OP HATS Sc CAPS JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PISICES TO UIT THE TIMEri. ALSO A t'ULLLlNE OF GEXTS' FÜIIMSHING GOODS! DON'T PUHCHASE YOUR. SPRING ANDSÜMMER OL'TFITS UXTIL YOU GIVE X-3II3V!; -A. O l. X ju. 15 South Main St.. Aun Aibci. a2i-u. HÜRRY UP ! PAItTIFS Wall Paper, fhadei, HoltaodSt wimlow Fixtiiifs, Cotls Timeela, &c , nll Hew Rryles. at 8atlfi rj Piiws. bv J. K. Webster fc Co., Boofc St"iv, the Expiess ■ X' ■■■■.-■-■■■ ■■- . Cominisskmers' Notico. QTATE Oï MICHIGAN, county of Waahtttiurw, sa O Th; undermgned., havi ointed by th Probate Oonrt for snid oounty, Commissioners to re ■■ vi, examine, ;-. i; L mljtt.-t and il manda o all persona againlt the eetate of Jacob B Late of said county, leoaitsed, hercoy give noticetha si x mout h.s trom Hiii date ore allowed, by ordero suid Probate Cour!, rur crédito to pr sent i heircluira agalxist i said rtcceascd, and that they wil meet at the reaidence of John Jacob Breïning, h suid county, on Bnturday, tho thirteenth July, nnd on Raturdny, Ui" t vrelfth day oï Oo tobor next, ut 10 o'clocjc a. m. ut' each of said days 10 rcceive, (ixaminr. and adjilftt said rhiitus. Duted. April i2th, A. 1). 1872. JOHN JACOB BRETXTXO, BCRISTIAN KEJBLF.R, 1370 w-i Commissioners. Commissioin rs1 Xotice. TATEOF ïnCHIQANjCountvof Washtcnaw, fw. ■ Tha onderjigiied, hnving been appointod ï- the frobute Cöurt t or said ominty, Commi uonerftlore ■■ i-. i ■ xunine umi adjUBtull claims and dcmamls of persons aainst the estáte of Anee) A. Holoomb, .itcut ïj.ini county, O montiisfrom daté are ftUo wed, by order of said Prob ■ ' "ïirt, lor creditors to present thoir claim? rr.uiist i ho satate of said deowtscd, and tbat they will meet it the residence of eaid deo ased, in Mie townahip of York, in ptiid county, on Satunlay, the twentysficond diy of June, nnl Friday, tbe eigfateonth day of October nextt fit ten o'oloek a. m. oi eaoh ii said tasa, to reoeive, examine, and adjnst said claims. Datcd, April lölh, &.. D ] DOVATIT8 C. AI.T.KN. JOS1AH HATHAWAY, 1371wi CommiMsioners. Estáte of Mntthpw Schaile. STAT!'. ÜFMICHIG n", Cormtyol Whtonv,. Kotice ta horeby ■ r.---'t. tbal an order of t!ic rrtïbate ( oml lor the f'ounty of Washtenav, n the twcntieth diiy of April, A. I). 1872, ás monlhs from Üiat datewero allowed for creditors to present their claims ngainal the estáte of Mi jchaible, tite of said county, deceased, añd t crertitors of said Aeceased are required '" tli']r elmms to said Probute Conrt, al the Probate !)iüccin i,!if City Of Aun Arbor, t'or fxaminntion and Q] i ranee, on orboforethetwenty-flrsl flaj ol ■ noxt, und that suoh ol tima w UI ] Probate Court, on 3aturday, tibe flrst dfty of Jnno, ni'i on yondaVj the twentyflrsl dny tut October nxt. it io tVclock ín forenoon i eaco of Uiow days, Dated, Aan Albor, April 20th, A. I). 1872. UliïA.M J. BÍSAKEñ, MTbví Jucteoof Probate. Bail Road Stock Asscssment. Office of Toledo, Ann Arbui L Northaru B. lï. Co. Ann Arboi, Harch l, A. D. 1872. i Xotico is horeby uivcn, t b:l tbr Directora of tbe Poledo, Ann Aibor & Northern. UailixMid ' ompany, isvvinjr berptofore desiRnated that part of said 'ftnïnny'i EUUlroad Uue tyingin tbe county of Monroe, uni'in thrtt part off the county of Washteriaw south rf iln1 river iluron, in tho oity of Ann ArtHr. as a 11 visión fur eonstroction : Ata moet ing of the Board f Directere of said Company tiiis day held, tnid Board did, by reuolution. require all puisons holding or interestod in the Capital Stock ol said Company, who by residing ftlong or collateral to snoh deeigñati d HriMon, or witfifn two miles of either of the I hi r( 'it , ir by Bpeowil Kgivemeul or therwisO areliable :o bc AUBMsed and made to pjvy tovards the oonstruoioa of aueb deaignated división to pay totbe Trettsirer aí sai l Company, at bia otttce, in Ann Arbot the installments upon such shnres of the capital stock held by them respect ively to wit: One tnstnUmont of ton dollars ior sh:irp, on nr bcfoi-e the firat lav of April nexi ; one instaUneni of ten doUnrsner iharaonoi before the nnt day of May nxt ■, one m.tallmentoi ten dollars per shan on or before the irst day of Junenuxl ; one installment of ten dolían er sharc on or before fche flnj day of Jnly next, for he construct-ion of sudh división oí sald rñnd. By order of the Board of Directors, B. MOKWAX, Becretory of the T., A. A. & N. lí. K. Co. 1365 Sheriff 'a Sale. OTATE OF MnrAX.countyof Wnshtcn.iw, BS, t Uy riitue ol one execution issued out of and onder heneal of the CilXiuit Coart tor the county. of Washcnaw and State of Michigan, ftflted tho thirtponth ;iy Oi%!''obrunry, A. 1). Um, and to me dinoted and euve'd agaiUHi tba ■ i. lands snd tvnunta of Thomas Glenan oud Wünam s. Barry,and br Tant thereof i. dul, on tl:1 fourteenth dy t' Febuary, A. 1. t87S, seÍB6 and levy upon all the riffht, itle and interest loouu Qtenan and Willam s. Bar have In tbe follovlng deseribed teal estáte, to wit : vhe northeast qnavter of the noctkvest uarter, and mtheast quartar oí1 uorthweet quaxter, in seotion No. :, and south end of sast ïl and eat half of nortUiai qoarter and hoi t heust coi ner, In eetion mtmbw 1; maldngin :iii two bnndred acres of land bethe uur moreor leas, the al ove deseribed lands boina and kngin the tovnshipof NdHhfleld, eountyof VVaahttaw, and StttU of Mioliigan, whicb above de cribed -tl estat iali al public auoüon, to i i bidder, at tlio sonth door of thu Court OUse, Ín tlw city oi Ann Arbor, on the 1-tth day of I:iy, A. IX 1872, at tt-noclock a. m. of aaid d.iy. Datod, March 26th, A D. 1872, MVL'on WXBB, Bhertff, 1863 By Jokïis PoausKB, IJilöerherJfl. pÊOPLE'8 DRUG STOriü.1 R. W.ELLIS& CO. Mortgagr : DEêBAUUI havingbeen milde ín the conditioaa oí a mortgag Meuted ! Dumel Kentiuid itartha Ki]il to SllHH H . I ■': .ui i Heni y W. iti dny of April, A. li. I-u !. and rteorded in btenaw County, Michigan, on the twenty ttfth ilay ..i &nril A. b. 1868, inlibei 30 oí m wbicb detault the power of bIo eontnined i mortgage haa I ativo, on whieh i. ■ olaiim a ta due at thisdate u hundred and . ill&rsand sixty cente,and ...i .■■■ i . xuid mort e, and nosuil or procecdins :t luw ui in ohanoery baving boon Inatitnüd Notie , hereby given, that hr virlucof thopowiot' ijale oontained in strfd mortgnge, undof thestatulèin ■ Leandprovided.gaidiDortdonSnturdar, '!:■■ eleventhday ■:: ii. the totenoon noth dost of tliei irtHoti of Aun Albo. . mtj ut V i Court ''■ ('uurt for said ( 'om,:y of Washtenaw), 1 ion tt the highest bidder, i tho premi ■ .uu , in s.M I ..,-, %;-,,: All tbose ecitain pieo ....j ln ■ i of Wanhtenaw, ,, the Hate of U described n follows, i: The vost twentj ., hundretlthB aeren oí the nortliwetl qnarter northwesi fructional quartor of section aumber fniir, and two acres of land in tliu corner on mni.! rflve, lyi ■ ■:■, pond and the. s'wtion line, all bëing intownshrpn three sontb of fnnge nvmber il ■., the ion number flve aforesafd m my Bowcd by nrblng the wnter ut tlic dam on the Brit described purcel tmrtcen feet j alm the eastpart oflotnumber tour 4] in blook nnmber thirteen (13), in therillageof Bylvanin theconnty of Wahtciiaw, andStteo4 Miobfgon.socordiuK to the recordad plat ■ , raid rilhige; boonded and dneribed aa follnwx: bonnded on t)i" nst by t!i ■ i-.vat line of ;iitl lot runningthi ■ ■ the north line of gaid lol ne M.uth to a poi&t on the eonth line of sttidlotnBy-eixfeel wesl from I 'corner lui, üienoe eaat to i. ■ soathetwt corner of Bai(i lot, Muid 1.' . arcel beinij 1 to Boid Daniel Kenl by Be ker P) wife oy deed. dftted Mftrch 5th, A. li. : Aun Ail'r, Uieh. Fel), ll'tït, 1.1 SILA.S II. HOI ■ ministrator ot tliu Estáte of n.nrv V. w, iles Fülrii ft (iust, daowBed, UcirtirüKee. Attorneye fur lloitgagec. 13(1 Mortgáge Poreclosure Notice. DEFAULT liiivirif-becn made in tho condition of a mortgage made nnd executed by John Ow Clark sutton, beanngdata the tourtb day of .Muy. A. D. eighteen hundred and ih j -■ ight, and reoorded in the office of the Begbler of Deeds nt "Mslitenaw i liberthirty-eight of morí on page four hnndrtíd and twenty-gix, on tho eiirhi .y of June, A. D.eighteenhuñdred andslxty■itrbt, at eleven and a half oVlwk a. k., and ihe power ot sale oontaiued in aaid iving become operativo by reaaon of such default, and Uie Bjom of three hundred nnd elgbty-one dollars and i-u centa benig claimcd to be duo on said mortgnge at the date of thia notico for principal s a rea nonnblc Attomey fe i raortiul nosuit oi p :■ law 1i.,vmi? i. .n iiifttituicd to recover t hc d-i ■ or nny part theieof ; Notice i thereforo given, that ,ii 1 n . 11 be foreclosed by a sle of the mort and premises therein deecribed and bareinaftsr mentioned and st torth, oraome part thereof, oa Saturday Ui Sfteentb daj i1 June t a o'elm k in :tt the south door tf tio-Court House, in tho city of .nn being the place oi holding the Ciren 1 of Wttêhtenaw. 'i besaid mortbe Bold, by vii-tuc of the power of Bale in .ii'l mortage, are deHcnbed in oaid mi 1 aafollovs: "All thiil tract or parce) of land sitúate 10 the townsl r in thé county o: naw, and lítate oí Miohi -. bouni described as being the Dorthnsi quarfier of the Dorthwesi quarb e of Beotion numofls tlurty-.iv townahip number four (4) aouth of i ■ tam i east, oontaining forty acres of land BftnTB more or less, Dated, Ann Arbor, Uarct 1 1th, 1S72. CLABK SI L'TUN', Mortgagec. iiikam j. Bi Attomey for Moif: 13('.fi Mortgagc S;ile. DEFAU1.X baving been made in tho condition of a morí ,.]■::■!.] and I beth ü. enepberd, bia wno, to tliü underaigned, Al■ ■'.■.. bearing date the third day of J A. D.ii .ii bimdredand venty, aud teonn the office o the Register of Deeds of Wai 'oiinty, in tin.. Si i e o] U i 'hagan, in líber M of mort131, on the fourttenüj day of Jaaui ry, A. D. 1870, by which default the powei tained in sn: ' inoit{;aLj(? at the date üi iliis notiofi, thesnaxol tour. anrl .seviriily-oiu' dolían anti üxty-fiix ■-. Hts, lor' prüieipal and interest, and alao tbe aum oi foi ov Attomey's fee on takinf : gs to foreeloM sai provi'jeil :m the ï- .in-, and do buíi at law orinchancerj haTing been instituí-"! k reoorerthe ge, or nny ixirt thereof ; ■ ■ ihat l. i:tuoof Ie cuntained ín siiid mortRage, nnd uï ite i:i Buch oaftQ made and proi ided, .'-aiil morta : bc foreclcie ■ of the moi I I ion, 10 Ihe high' - ayof Julynext.ntienof thccloik in ihe forenoon of that day, at thè of toe Oourt House, in the city of Aaa Arbor, in :■ a : ■ ï . oi' '..siiit;i.i-,v, aiíl i i.url iluuse loiTi Ihe p bolding the Chrouit Court fi intvdfWaáfatenav. Che premisee bo t.) beso] I oré 'ii pcril ■! in ::iil mortirrifre as follows, to wit : " The north half of the northweat qaaiter of seotion twenty-one, (21), in town four (-Í) wiith of ra. .ntyof law aud 8tate of Miehigan, contaüiiiig eigiity tnnd more or less." Uated, Ann ..a:i. AprU8, 17:]. AH LCH, Mortgapc3. C. T). Opaxt, Attorney for Morl ■ Wffi Hortgago Bale. Di "F A CLT haring been made in the eonditfan of n aun o by John F. Oei] and BaxahA Geil 10 ' nristian kloek and Fredericfc Bchimd. datet Jnnuary tenth A. I. 1A71, and reoorded in ihe Reis ter'somc?, m Washtenaw County, Michigan, in Übea N. 44 of mo ;. ■■-■■ '■■ , by wuii ■ ■ thn pow r of bei irae opemtivft;, orproeeeding having been tnstttated ut hw to recover the au rtgage 1 -1 ■ t-, orany part thereof ; njid the 8um o three huncred and tbirty-eigh ■ Ing Tinw eïaii i oud thirty dollars as an Attorney ■ ■ ■■. m provided r ï, and fnrthcif suma to bei ome dae : Xo' Bt ülirl mOlli': ■ : u follows via : ' tommencinj? twelve rotte (12) iu L-it (81, in Brown & Fuller's nddition to the in, aooofding to tbc reoorded pial tbereof, thrace Inner ihe south Lon fonr (4) rods, thenou in a sontherly ■'■■ il ri;.:!.; nngli I tliirti ■ :i i three links, thence northeasterly in :i line r 1 said Wall street foui roda thence in auortherlydireötion tli' ad three links nt right ntíj srtid Wiill st.ivet. to the place of beginning, exocptlng and reserving one and ono-half rods off from Oie sonthend of i' cribad lffiwl ftr n sticrt, at pttblic wii'hif, at the i oui blouse, in Atiti Arbor, on the t v d áay "f july next, a1 noon. Datcd, ApiU 20th, CHB ICK, 1372 FRED] IM1D, Thomas Xindk, Attoinry. Sheriffa Sale. (STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wanhten 0 Byvirtueol awritoi exeentio ■ of and nndor the soul of tlie (ïurui ttnty "i" Washtenaw, and to me directed und delïvei cd, againtM uds, chatües, landsond teiivments of Geo (lili, I did on the ttfth day of Mazeh. A. I. 1C72, seize nnd levy a] on all Üie right, title and interest ■ D. HUI aas in the fo i cribed lands, BÏtoate ■ iniy ot Wushtenaw, Mishigan, beginningat a point in the west line of section tniTty-three, i:i township two eoui b in i a i trontyÜre roda aouth trom ihe northwest cornerol sai.'t seotion, thence aouth tlonline tvelve obaina and nfty-two links, thec e to the norUi Line ot said m otion, - nd forty-one lirjicí, thence north pnrallel 1 tthe v.-est lino of ráid seclion f1-1 ■ , thence insi parallol (o the north mtothe north and eouth qaarter Une of iid seetion, north to tïn.-qn;irter poel of said Becuon apon Mie north Une of said section to the no ■ ■i said section, ihenoo South "n thevest line of :iiil Bectiönto Ihe place oï beginningf con y -live acres of Land, more or ■ ■ ïftom the L the VVaabtennw County Agricultura I and Horticultura] 8o I the easi half of the northeAst quartPi oi '■ e dosoribed, ■ oí :ñ Hall quart ■ south ot ihe Ann Arbor anti Vpsilitnti road, :-o call , KÜd by Oeorge Prurin to weaver, and oontaining thirty acres of land, more or leas : alno the folio winípdescribed tanda to wfl : si linli' of thn northeast qb ■ m nineeeu, and tbr west. hult oí the weet half of the northveel Quarter seetidn twenfey, is totrnship two-ouih ü ranee -ix oart, in Baid county and State; aJso all the ribed tanda, eituated in the city Vrbor, Miohigan, to wit: Loto m even, in block one northi in range thte rith i he ' ►pera House nnd which i-stte abo ! ' Bhall xpdse fa s;ile to the hihest bidder, üt pubüo auctiott. at the south di turl Elouse, in the city of Ann Arbor. on the 28th lay of May , A. D. is;2, at lOo.cloek a. r. of gjiid day. Dated, April Sd, A. T. 1872. MYRON W3BBB. Sheriff. I3C8 By Jortin Fohues, Un-lrr SkrrilT. Shoriff's S;ilo. ITATE OF 30CHIGAN,oonntyof "Wafihtenaw.Bf. J Hy virtue of ;i w ti ot tixecution Lssucd out tut and .ikIí'v the aeul oí fch Circuit Couri for the ( m:nty of Vatht naw, and to me din i . i, chattles, lands an ■ ■■■ of Oeorge 1). mi % didt on the th day of Arii, A. 1. ÏS72, seize ad levy upon all the right, title nnd interest Oeorgo . il in has in the following doscribed tanda, sitúate n tlie lownslup of Ann Arbort county of WaahtenaW, tint in the west line ion iïiiv!y-:h i ti township two Miïith in range six :i-.r, Boventy-l ■ I ith trom the northw tid oection, thenoeaouth on Boid seotion line hains and flfty-two links, thenoc easi paraUel 1 the north l i t i - of said secri n seven chatns aod fot links, tlienoa notl ii p ■■ illel 'm the west 1íto of iidsection twelve chaina and lii'ty-two lisio, thence aai parallnl to the north line of said riectlon to the .■!l Boatii qukrter line of said section, thence oi'th to tho quarter post of úd aectimi apon the orth hun of said sectjon to the north weet corner ol uil seotion, thence Bonth m the west lino o floction io the jilice ofbeginnmg, eontañ ve acre of land more o lesa, excepting tberefrom ie i:i:: La f I i.r :i!:í( iiiuv ( iousty Agiicultuial nnd [rticalturftl Society ; ah the south part of theeast nlf of the northeast quarter of eaid seotion b ntcribed, beingsllof !J:il half qnartersectiot) which es south of the Ann Arbor ana fpailanti road Iw ■i acres ot l&nd sold by 'rnrin t Jacob weaver, and oontaining thirtj f land atore oí Ims ; also the following de and, to n it : The easi half oí the Dortheaal Quarter '■■■;i, and west hall of the west linïf orth west qnarter seotion twenty, in township wo aouth in range bïx eaat, in said county and State ; ao all the following domribed lands rituated in Dip tyof Ann Arbor, Michigan, to wit : T,ots number vi-, six and Reren, in block one north in range uuree ist, together with the Opera House and qther build., on, which real estáte above described IshaU cpose tor aale to t bfi highest bidder, ai public auotion, the south door of the Ooort Souae, intheoityox im &rbor, on the Uth day pj May,A. 1. 1872, at O'dOOlt . H. Of said day, Dated, April 8th, A. D. I I MVüoN WTEBB, Sheriff, 13Ö9 By Jortin PoBBBfl, Under Sheriff. Go to B. W.ELLïS & CO'e for choice Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes . Real Batato for Sale. w i kTEOF MICHIOAN , eountj .,: Washtenaw, aa. [n the matter of Oh i -■ ite ■: Kuius lïatlhewa, ■i'-n, that in purtuiance of an order granted ii.rm-d, Kxeeutorof the last will and testament of said decefused, by the Hoit. Judgeof Probate for thecounty of WAshtenaw, on ujil (iiy ut April, a. 1) lr72. Uien will bc sold ■■ f cndue, to the highest blader, at tbc ixnitb ; ■■- in city of Ann Arltor, in of Waahtonirw, in -: i ï. i State, on Toesday, tay of June, A. D. IS72, u ten ■ Tciioon of thatday [subji Dl loiill i ncui :iiHr nt tho ti !i (il ; id dei l.illowine; described ntetowil : Being i )art of seotion twentyone, in township two south of rang hix rast in snid State, bcginnin iraerol landhere■ b Orowby and Ormaby to Jobn Sinelair and on the aast nde of the Adrián and i'ontiitc roiid, and runnin rly aiung the son th line "f míj Ittn ::: heiig at rigbt anglca with sho said linr ai:d uiili aid roau fonr rods, thencé weateriy parallel i;h lijn tirst mentioned line eiifht rods to ili! eaat line of said road, thence norilnily along tin; easl Une of said rond to tho plaoi ■ i beginning; ulso a pieco or pnrcel of land adioining nnd boinK nortlioily i.i Vin above t ie. northweaterly ■ i themiid tirsi :ih(VtMlfftcribed lot of land on Pontiacrtteel id.tbenoe running eaaterly on the '.t the ont mentioned land eigW rli, thenoL1 northerly at right anales and parallol witli sail rond fix rod, thence #eaterly and parallel with the fint line to Pontiao itreel ornad r'i'.!,( rods, Uinae ponthorly along the enst line of asid Fontíae Btreet s toda to the jdaoe of beglnnfiig, lying mul being in the oity of Ann Arbnr, connly mul Statp aforeaiiid. Dated, April 2Jd, A. I'. IN4. MARCU8 J. MATTHEWS, 18"1 Executor. Sheriff 's 8aïê (TATE Of MICBIPAN, ountyof Wüahtenaw: kj Hy virtueof i i wei-mi 'm isaned out of tl cuit ('unit ii 'tiiecounty of Washtcnaw. tome edandO oods, cliattlca, land and tenemtnra of arome l). Uill, and for want of I dia, on the fourteontli day of rVbruuiy. - . I). tSTseizoandlcTyuponalltherigbjt, titlc; and interest Geort'e 1). Hill has in the following desciibed real estáte to wit: the east half of the noitheaat qnarter of section nimtteen, and the weat half of onst half ot' west half of northweat quarter in section twiii' y, town two south range xix eat, inaking rne hunilvcd and two acres of land, being ntnated in the townshipof Ann Arbor, county ot Waihtenaw, and State of Mfchlgflh; alw II the interest Oef.: Hill lms in lote number S, 6 and 7, block om; oortb, three eat, said lots being flituAted in the city of Ann Axbor, county of Waanton aw and State of Mmhi'„'iin, which aboye described real estáte I ahall axpose it pnbllc auctlon, to the highent bidder, ai the south door of tho Court House, in the oity of Ann Arlior. on tho third day of June, A.-D. 1672, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. Dated, April llth, A. n. lR?o MYRON WEBB. Pherif?, 1370 By Jobtin Fonnrn, l.'iulcr-SlierirT. Ecal Estáte for Sale. TATE OP MICHIGAN, county of W.i.htcnaw, sa. KT In tho nntUr of the óslate of Khcta Unnaon, minor: Notice is hereby given. that in puisuance of un order gtnnted Ie m undervbroed, Quari the eetateofaaid minors, b the I !■ -n. Jndge of Probate for the county of tiTashtenaw, cti the tivcnty-ntth day of Uaisb,4 D. li7J, therc will be sold . ue, to the higheet bidder, at tho south i ..(■ the Court lionse. in tho ei-y or' Ann Arbor, n tho oonnty of Woshtenaw, in saiii staic, on Wedneedfly. tho twenty-ninth day of r.iy, A. D. o'clock in tlr: i rciiuon of thatday, (subject to all encumbrancea by tnortgageor othervise existinp at the time oí the sale), the following doscribed ren! to wit : 'liii: undivided one-aerenth of the west lult of the northeast quiirter of secfion thirty, in tip1, nshin Hiree south of ranj.-e six eat, coutaining tiglity aerea more uï w, i:: Baid State. . Mmcli 26th, A. I). 1875 130'J Jli:i!U' HDED, Guardian. Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATE O? MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenn-w, ss. In tho matter of the Estáte of iornclius Iiaughlin, I : Kotice ís hereby eivcn, tlmt in purauance of an ord-%r granted t the undersigned, Administra t'ir of the estáte oí Baid deoean ■!. by the Hou. Judge of Probatd, for thecounty of Washtenaw, on the eleventbdayof Marrh.A. d. 1872, there will be sold at public vondue, to the hiirhest bidder, at the dweiling house on the premisos hcreinnfter described, in the co'unty of Washtenaw, in said State, on Toesda-y, the ieth day of April. a. n. 187Ï, nt ten o'clock in the foronoon n'. thai day, (.subject to all eneumbrance3 ly nortgage or otberwvie existing at the time of the death of said deeeased) the following describid Ka] esi ite V'-v.r : '[ west half of the sonthwest quarterof moUoii twmty-three, in townsbip om sonth of range -ix east, eonlaining eightj acres more or loss, in sai'! 81 Uated, March llth, A. D. 1872. 1363 WILÊÏAM BUBKE, Adminintrator. bore sale is póstponed to i'hursday, the thirtieth day of Muy next, at tiie same place and time Dated, April ,'ioth, 187?. 1372 W1LLIAM BURKE, Administrator. Kstate of William E. Martin. QTATE.OF MICHIGAN, County of V:isMi-nnw, ;. O At a aeasion of the Probate Couii for the Cotmty tenaw, holden at tin: Probate Office in the City ( Aun Arbor, on Thursdfiy, theaeeandday of May, in tlio yt:ar one thousaud eight hundred and sevanty-two, im .T. Beakes, Judge of I'iobate. In tho matter of the estáte of William 1! Martin, deeeaaed. LAUred H. Castle, adminishator of said i comes info Court and representa that he 8 now prepared to render bis final account as such adpiinistrator. Thereuponitisordared, thai ronday, the twentyterenth daj of May instant, at ten o'clock in the Ebrenoon, be assigned tor exaxoininff and allow'i account, and tl:at the hurs at law of . and all other pcrsins iii r-c-i - a seasira oí et, then to be hol iiy (if Anu Aibor, and srov oanae, if any shonld not I owcd: her ordercd that aaxd Admhkisrator ííive notice to th ■ persons mterested inaaidesote, f the pendency of said account, and the hem int hereof.l . tpy of tbis order tobe pubüshed n the Michigan A rgus, a newapaper printed and circu atingin Raid Couuty, tbreesnooesarre wef;ks pi o aid day of hearing. rapy.) HIRAM J. r.EAKES, 1372 Judge of i'robate. Estáte oí" Mfcry Swiffc Mosher - Minor. öTATB OF M [CHÍGAN,ooaxrtyafWii0htenftwtM 0 At h .session of 1. ourt tor the oonnty üf Wasl - HHoe, In the ciiy of .Van Árbor, on Wednesday, the Hrst flay of M iy, in the jeu one ihousand eiyht hondred ipu 1 I ;■'.;. -tV0. f Probate. In the. matter, oi the estáte oí HaryBwift Mochar, minor. On readíogand filin the petition, duly voriflwL oí Camilla I). Yalen$ne, Gfuardian, praying thai abema; i réttt estáte bolonpinu' to Siini minuv. Thereupon it isor(!ered,.thnt ; "WVcTuesday, the frwentynimh luy crf .I-ty in-t;int. at ten u'nlock in : ; noon, be . the liearintrof said petition, and thitthenext oj km o f said minor, and all oíher ■ intciT-ted ni Bfüd BtAtei are rrauixed to appeur at & s68síon if snid Court, then to be holden m the frótate tfBce, in tho city oí' Ann Arbor; and show cause, it any there be, w.hythe prayerof ildoner should oot be granted: And it is i'ur, l h.-u said pj i notice to the . of tho pextdency of (id petition, and tbe h'Mnn:: thfieoí', y causinfr n to be publifthcil i:i the Michigan . n nswspnpeT vríated and cirtfnlating h oanty, tbree auccsssive weeks jnwious to suid diy oí enrin. [A tiueropy.) IIIRAM J. BEAKES, 1872 Judge of Probate. Kstatr of liobccca Wade. A.t a eesflion of tho Probate Oonrl for the ('ounty f Waahtennw, boMen nt the Probate Office, tu th íty of Aun AJrbor, on Weoneaday, the twentT-fourth ny ot Apxili in thc yenr ono thousand cight hunRnd sewnty-1 o. :, Etiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter ot the estáte of Kebeccn Wade, ■ -d. John S. Weller, BxeéUtOT oí tlio lnst'will íind : eomea bato Conrt wad repmi'tiís that he if now propared to render his hrst coount aa m i ;ipon it, ia ordcxedi thai Tw sday, the twonty of Mny iifxt., at ten pclock in the fnrenoon, P r eraminitig ;md oUotrlng such that tho te . ■ ! hfiís t Irtw of sail deceasedi and tl other persons in! in eaid estáte, are required to appeni at ■ : -itiil Conrt, thon to bc holden at tho , in the city of Ann Albor, in Bflid 'oimty, ond show cause, ii anj there bO, whj fcheaak) should nol be allowed: And it Ís furth. ti asid Sxeotitor givo notice to the tniereetod ia - oí fche poinlency of ■■mi, and tho hearing thereof, by oausíng a copyofthis order to ho pubUshed in the Michigan rgns. a newspixir print ed and circulatiiiff in said . three auccessivo weeks previuus to said day f hearing. (A trae oopy.J HTRAM J. BEAKL8h 1371 Judreoi lrobate. Estáte of Tatrick MoCarty. OTATE OF MICII1GAN, county pf Washtennvr, ss. Al ;i sesaion Of t be Psobúte ('oJirt for tho county ot IToshte&aw holden at the Probato otKce, in the city í' Ann Arl'or, on Kriday, tlie iiinetonih day of April, 1 the year one thuusand eight hundred and sevtty-two. l'resvnt. Tliram J. Beokes, -Tndpe of Probate. Tn the matter oí the estafa ÖC Patñolc McCarty, 'insRTict fthng the petition, duly verifled.of iiMn StoGavty, praying that Timothy MtCaity or )ine uthfr suitablo person may be appointed admintrator of the estato of suid deceased. Thereupon it is ordevod, that Monday, the tweneth l:iy of tay next, at ton Oolook in the forcoou, be assigned lor the hearing of said pction, iHi.l that the hoirs at law oí said deoeased, id all other persona tntexested in suid estáte, ro required to apilar at a sosston of said Court. then o be holden at thc Probate Office, in theeityof Ann thor, and show cause, ü' any there bc, why the ■ayer of the petítioner ftnoold not be granted : And t is" ftuther ordered, that taid petítíoner giTe noi ioeto : in said istntí', of tú" 7'ndency :ú petition nnd tbe henrinp thon of, by oausing a ]iy of this arder to be puDlished m ;lie Michigan Arts, a newepñper priñtéd and drcalating in snid eoun-. three previous to said day of learing. íAirmcopy.) HZBA3I J. BEAKE8, 1371 Judgcof Probóte. Estáte of Joshua Downcr. TATEOF UZCHIOANtCQuotyofWashtenAwtsi Ata session'of the Probate Court for UiteCnuntj Wnshtonaw, íioldfn at the ProbatO Office, in the City LrboT] en Wedneflday , the tvonty-iinirtli day ot pril, in the year one thousuyd eight hnndred and venty-two. Present Hiram J. ReaJces, Judgo of Prohato tn tho matter of the estáte of Joshua Oowner, nd fi'iniï the potition, duly venfiofl, of ikanah i', iumnrr, Bxecutor, prayíns thal b ;'. oertain real estáte whoreof said de. the (weuty■noon, ■ i for ti i nearinfrof said petition, and that the ral o-s, devise b und beira ;■! law of :'iL doe nqed, and 1 other persona . . i hon fco !"■ ; róbate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and -, if riy there be, why tho prayor i i ,. ititioner should not be RTanted: And it is fnrther petitíonor givenotloo to the peiw iis htterasted in said estáte, of the pendeney of hoarina thi i . Ing a py of tlii-i order tt bo publishod ín the Mi ir-níf'il und ciivillutintr Ín ñnty, fonr BQOpasÚTQ weelu previaut] (Atrue"?pr TíIRAM -T. BEAKKS, WJ Judge of Trobato. Estáte of CathaHno R. CTATEOF MlclUCiAX, ,„,„„' ,'itlO At .1 nesmon oí the ProWrS otw"lile of Washtcnaw. holden at tí', , "ur! f t! "■ City oí A,m ArUr.on Frid'n tío to ' April in the yeLr one thou ÏÏ!lli'Li ■eventy-two "Uto buuJ?f Preeent, Hiram .7. Beakca Jn i Inthe matter oi niile afr i1""! ''""Íüi.'k Mitre Coyle, admítatrator of m, ""Tl" inioConttm that hok efc . r""!tl his ftn ,,„.,, , '""! pnj ■;Vsi day of Muy next, t ten o-dock i íf1!.,. ■ loi -exaiaining and allowin uS! T tlmttne huirá ( luwof i, ienL persons interested in saiii i ■■) V! pcar nt ii seseion of sai I Court 'ík. i! obate office, in the city „ ? feko& county, and show causo, if „„i tn, í." lrt a ii hould notbenilow": AÏiilia dered tbat said adnpnisUatorgi re líL? 'V1 gana mtereetwl in aaid estáte oí t),, " ' " irinethermf .Ia'ejM" : l' mih?TSÜÍ pcw8pap.T pnnt5 ,lr.d circiUtin-, ,''" 21 thrt-e sucícsjjivo week picvioustÚ; '"'Aecopy, &éXMJffl Judgt, ,. Estáte of Richard I i"f7T O At ii mion of thc l'rabnte Omír 'i WaabUnaw bolden ,a the &&, Jta$5. of Ann Arbor, rn Fridy th. ' ■ tt' ' tti ■ April in the year one thónd tíSS V ut, lliram ,T. !,.,,1!CS J,K, . In the of the mm, of? t1Prank Jodin, a'lministrntor of „. " mto i tourt id represeabi tliat he i, fttlê. n. rentier nia tiniil aocount as „-h i-ilimvT PfpirK? Thereupon it i3 ordaicd tl „t 'Z '"ï'-'m "" ethdayoBlay ne.t, .tl tVd' ■ t Vio iiítóifjii lor oxamininit nnd iii "i . and that the hrim at law of A SJ all other persons intcrested in kmJÜm quired to appcur at a session of -ai,I tlte. I Solden at t!,, trubate office, i„ ,C in h:hu countv, and thnw emue il „. ;J "W the said account shiuld not.'l. „ !I " furtherordered that ;aid,,h,t 'S : fi! the persons intcrcstel in si.i.i estale SS? "b uf ald iHTonnt imd the hearinif thcrejf ClWiln Oí thw order to be publish !t JNi Argm, a newapnpei: printcd and C1 "... 1;::;;,,y, three .„ wwk, pre,1" (Atrueoopy., HIRAJIJ.r Esttwte of Davidl]wü - aíAÍBOFMIOHIOAS.CoaBtwíi;, O At a sesslon of the Probate Cornil " of Wüshtnnaw. holdenat theProi,?0! City or Aon Arbor, on feiord.j fc,,ij5S of April, in the year oiip ik BfeU k hnndred ,in.l seventy tn-ó tllO0"M (2 Present Hlram J. Beakes, Jndeeof v, i Ir the matter of the e-tit ' d Í Onreailinsandfilinthepctltlnn fl„i Jacob Lewlck, praylns tl"t „'S,." ment nnw on (lic in mlafonrl, paroorE . Inxt wlll and testament of „„fri T.wl''"" admittedto l'robate. nd that Jnc'oh ÏK"1"1 aupotnted Bule Execntor thcre,.f ""ajji, Thereupon it U ordcred. tlmt Mond-, ,l.. tletb ci-iy of May next, at ten o-cIoSy.T1! thal tbc Ícenteos dcviww, „J l „e! ?ïlrt suid Osceaead, and all other pcrSOnil,fL'ï.i! aW estáte, are rcqnlred to wm , .ïïï1 sald Court. tben to be holden, ! the KiSL m tlip City of Ann Arbor, aud showVZl'S"' therebc, why the prayer of the mm! Z',H'r nol be granted i Aud it is furthrrcml,'? i" oncrxlve nolicc to the persona htoS0 y:O i'.st;ite , of the penfïoncy of safó JmmT1 the hearing thercof. lv cauehi'-ncocY ofiï " to bl' pül.lixheri in the' w ;.■.,,, urinted anOclrcnlatingin soid ConViw"tht?!?lf!I Ivo previous tu sak! day nr hn-h? " (A triiecopy.j „1UM ■L un JaithiS, Estatn of Allon Wñü " OTATE UF MICHIGAN, County of WailL. O At iscuaion of the Probate ComtforSSSï washtenaw, holden at the Probato OtüceitHTK of Ann Arbor, on Soturday, the twnn'aJiJ.i April, in the year one tliousand eiitht hmtS sevtnty-two. s""m rresent, Hiram J. BenVcs, Jndgcof Piol,. deí'ed. m"tU'r fthe CStóteüf Ataff-U, On roidin-f and filinpr thepetition.dulTTtrtW - Laun. Bordine, prayintt that her (ionvr'in ilT whereof suid deceaBCd died mui mnL signed to her, and the petition ot ütorceW Bk& praying thit the remainder of'said rail 'itTSl1 partitioned among the. beirs at hm of Mtitmi Thert-upon it is ordered, iliat Mondar, ftji. tioth day of May next, at ten o'clocl in p-t. noon, 1 assigned for. the hemicg of MUngfai miei tli.d the heirs at law of suiil ijccenacd dJ2 er persons inte.icstcd in suid entnte, arermuirito. pear ■■: ;i teesion ol said Court, then to ÉeboHa! ''"' :' F uf Am irlsijv showcnuse, if any there be, why the pnvaiü potitionerahouM not be ifranted: Andi oi-dercd, that 3iid petitioner L-ive notiretothttmti interestea i" said estáte, of the pendara tmy ti.ii, and t he hearing t hereof, by auisimMnoL order to be publislied in Die mdiigam Armt'i m. p;il;r printcd und cii-culutins iñ said uit ftm snocessive reeks prerioua ; .qJ (Atruecc-py.) UIltAMJ.l! 13;1 Jaói-eofPpte Bstatê of Polly Gould. OTATi:0P MTC'inOAN.Conntt ofWaibttut.n O At a session of thc Proli.nrcCo[irtfor[tiConri of Washtenaw noldenatthe Pr. Olty of Ann Arbor. on Monday, the ifttnik cl'iy ni April, in 'he year one OoMut ): hutu. ree und seventy twc. Present Hiram .1 Beake;, Tndgef?ro1nt In the matter of the estáte ol Pollr Gotü, lecen ed John J, Rrbison, Adminiftrati.r o{ irt is, come into Coort and represent thm he 1 now ptt pared to reuder hig ilual account assach A tor Therenpon His Ordered. that Monda] toentli flay of May next jttten o'clickl ooon, be ttpsined Tor cx.irainin; r.nii.-. acconnt, and thal the beir nt !hv ofeaiddrtml and all other persons interesten In it requin d 1 1 appear at a ses-ion of said 1 1 be holden al thc Probate office, in the I BMdCounty nnl showc-iuse, ifsp.Tüi be,why acconnl shoal I ■ And it is fïtrther ordered th:tt filid A give notice to the persons uterestcd in miit out, uf tl".e peiiflency of ?nid account, and tl . by cansine a copy of this order to b f the Michigan Airas, a newj: and clrcnlatïrjr In y. tïiree siaewt previone to saidday of hearing. f a trnecopy.) H1IÍAMJ. BE i::;o JitdïcofPrebut Estafo of Frcderick Yungísr. QTATKor MICHIGAN, Oounty of Wiishtmw." O At asessionof the Probate Coim fortICnM Wiishtmmw, holden at the Probate OIB, in Ik of Aun Arbor, on Mcndny. the if.etntit á! April, in th'i yeax one thousand eight buodndtf -. V, O. Present Hiram J. lïeakas, Jndjre of Frotaïe. In the nmttcrof the estáte of Fredcmk T"11 deccased. _, . Onrcadtag and filinfr thepetition, iíeItwiwo-1 a. Htevens, prayiog timt he or s? Biiital le person, mfly be appointed at!-1 the estute ot said dflOOfUM 't. upon it i.s ordrrcd, thnt Mondny, tbe tecnth day of May net, at tra o'clockffiWiii m ii,, !■■ nssigned tor the hearing oí said P0?"?; that Ihf heil nt law of Raid deconücd, HHOlEJ0 pttrsoDS intcroütcd in said estáte, are "H.. :i]i[n :;:■ :it n seraion of said'Court, theato]Jj t'rohnte Office, in the Cityof Ati show canse, if nny there bc, why thepra!;'''f' titiooer shonlil not be ernnted : Amlitisf" s:tid potitionor rivc notie totMpj' -tute, ot the pendeBCjr of "P tion, anrl the hearing thoreof, hy ratisingatopT" ordex to Ih pnblisheu in the Michigan .Irpttfp V paper prlnted mul cirenlating in saiil fyatty, . ■ weelis preTious to aniil dliy of bn. (A tnio mm-i JÜHAJl J. BBAI 1370 . JuüfeofPl1 Estáte of Ruby A. Hoskins. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, m-int5' f WubSÍ i At a se.-sion of the rrobato 1 ouri to "K! of Washtenaiv. holden at the Probate '"'ij city of Ann Arbor, oti Wertneslny. 'bi!'? day cf April, in the year one thousand ta&""' Md nevonty to. . Present, iliram J. Beakcs. Judpeof P""ïji In the matter of the estáte oí Kiilyi-"" deeeoMd. -ji On readins and ftlinR the petition, ciulr ■"- "- Moiriss. t.i. .. praing Uiat a rtwn """J now on tilj in tliw Court, purporting fOj vill awl testament oí said decenseil nl"T,l5í texgurobate, ma tbat hu may be ajjïwnteil "" tor thoreof. , a, )? Thcreupon t is ordorcd. llial teentli day of May next, at lenoVlockin'w'J? !■ Msigned ior the hearing of said Pl'!".'lïJii itees, devjseea nul i.i-i:--. ut linvotw,. and all other pei-sons interested in -yncl rLtoli qniretl to appear at i sesftion of said coiirt, J1 holden, al (ha Pi-obate Office, in tne aty OM bor, and how cause, if any there be, y ak' of the petationer should not lo Brf"ltB'Vjírtl further otdeied that said petitioiicrgivc "WLi perwnn interestod in said estáte, of t i said pctifion, and the hearirie tliereof OT M? copyof order to be puhliahcd _in tl ' Argru, a newnpapcr prinUd and UXUI''S Jn county, three successive weeks previoua to hreCOp,, m; Batata of Charles D. StMfc, OTATE OP MrclUt.N.('i:ii:lyof MJgf O Al i sesion of the l'robnte Court S"K of WalitBaw, holden at ihe PrufcaK wt CitJ of Ann Arhnr.on Wcdnesdy,IM'2Tl Itiv of AprB, in the ycar one tnni iilil'lrcd iini -eent) hvo. .,((, Present. Hlrara .1. r,e:ik-e?..TndL;oof vn. k tf In thematier ot the listóte of tb"" dccea8ed. , ,T.-' Oureadinefind'! Ellen E. Stttt. prayins: thnt l)nW ■ L? or some other mitnole person. mJ Administratorof the estáte of ai'l u' Therenpnn it is orderi'il, thai M' ' eonth ila.v f.r Miv next. at ten oc " assijiucd for the ' tion, nnd lhv' the heirs at la" „„US a8ed,BíttotherDerOD8lntereftc(i" urerequired to ippear at a hi-ssuii d ben to he holden at the Probrte u uitv i AnnArbor, and show canse ir wd n vhy the prayer of the pelitioiu-r s"' rranted: Anditisfurther ordercd. toner elve notie tu the persone '"'"f m sst.iie.ofthe pcadeiuy ofwiid pc";. learlne tbereof, tj canëlsg a rl"'.v ó'fr lepnbltehed In the .V-hi#a ■"'''."„,. twt" .rlnted and clrcnlatinp ta fMd ""ÏJVrBt eMlve weeks prevloun to salí nn p-"5.Jí; tAtruecopy.; lllli,' (P Estáte of Lewis Moore, SfJ STATE C !1' M Kil : ) M "j-rofll! 3 Notieekh hal hy norrtw j ,,..,.v ,„■ i"'1''." J bc nineteenth duy of í?,'i, iífS rom that dato :i!!.iv.-i-.l lor heir claims against the c1 ! ;tc Of 'vitï OOUAty, '; I . :■'■ ■ tquir tl I ; ir, for rxfiniination rïlid ■ ■ nth day ot lutnN-v: ■hiima will be hennl bei i l,,v, the nineteentti day of 'ïliaiy' ,'finck m the forenojn of ench ? Bd.AAAM.AfraM?&i?:a


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Michigan Argus