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A Letter From Washington To The N.

A Letter From Washington To The N. image
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Y. World, undw dato of tho 12th inst., says: Owing to tho coalition of tho pigiron Democrats and tho Pounsylviim.i Republicana, and tlic disgraceful absentCL'isiu of som- of tho Democratie membera, tho tariffitea havo things pretty inuoh their own way. Had it iiot been for Democratie alísenteos tho uty on pig-iron would havo boon rated on Friday at $!." This "disgraceful abseutecism" not only aids in slinping or mitshaping billa in thcir pieliminary stages, but legislates them into laws by absolutely luinority votes, a bare minority of a quorum, and even loss unless somo porsistontly obstinate opponent calis the yeas tnd naya. Thoro is one and only ono reniedy for such " disgraceful absentocism" and unsafe logislation : a constitutional amondraent roquiring tbo yoas and nays to be called on cveiy bilí when put npon its passage, and tlmt a raajority voto of all the members elect shall be íiocessary to pasa auy bilí. Put such u clause in tho Sonstitution and racuibors would be required to remain in Washington, and remainhtg there would acquire a habit oí' watohing tho preliminary stages of lvgislation. $5,000 a year, and porqnisites, may not be a princely remunoration for such large-mindod and exceedingly talonted mon as find thcir way into the two houses of Congrese, but if they oonsent to accept tho position they should bo required to discharge tho duties. " Absentoeism" is both fraud upon the treasury and moral if not legal perjury, and besides infliets êvils tbrough íniuority and disreputable legislation. Earl ErSSELL has i level ltead, or at least a olear idoa of why "indirect claims " wen foistod upon or injected into tue " American Case," ncarly cai;-iiig a failure of the " Xroaty of Washington." Witness tho following paragraph from tho Parliament proceediugs of tho l.'ith inst., as reportod by cable. Earl Gkaxvili.e having aimounced in tho Houso of Lords a now article, in effect nullifying ir withdxawing tho " indirect claims " which had stuck fast in the erop of so many "noblo Lords" aud patriotic Commoners, " Eirl Russell," says the cable, " again posponed liis motion for an addross to tho Crown to withdraw from arbitration. He hopcrl tho quostion was no langer one hel w. n Uu honor of tlie Crown and the re-election of Gntut." - Tho new artielo was sent to the Sonate on Monday., with tho correspondence, discusáod, and then roferred to the Committt-j on Fosaiga R ilations. It is undorstood to "withlraw tho claims for consequcntial damages froin the Ameri can Case, with a provisión iu substance that whenever England or the United States ühull be at war and the other a neutral, the boüigerent will mako no complaints i'or my direct, remoto or consequential injuiies or loss resul ting from a failure to observe neutraUduties." A back-down, but, porhaps, au honorable one. In the House, on Mouday, Mr BüTi.r.n, brooght to a realizing sense of the uncortin tenuro of his party, roportcd and proeured tho passago of two bilis designod to draw the firo of tho Cincinuati ticket; oue removing the political disabilitics of 25,000 porsons named therein ; and the other " romoving political disabilities from all persons who aided tho late robellion, except Senators and Representativos of tho thirty-sixth and thirtyseventh Congressos, officers in the judicial, military and naval eervico of the United States, and hoads of depurtmonts and foreign ministers of the United States." These oscepted persons can be whitcwashed and made " loil " as soon as they will pledgo themselves to voto for Grant, or tho nominoe of tho Philadeliihia Convention, in November next, andthereafter as the Radical Congressional Comuiittee may diroct. Charcoal and bonodust, chloride of limo or carbolio acid don't begin with Radicalism ofthoButler-Grant-Cameron-Morton-Zack. Chandler strijie as a purifier. The Republican journals of this State were considerably exercised over tho manifestatiou in Connectïcut of a desire or determination to ignore "King Caucus," and shelve Gen. H.vwley, the caucus candidate for United States Senator. And now that tho thing has been done, any amount of curses deop and dire will bo heaped upon the devoted hoads of the recalcitrant mombors of tho Connecticut Legislaturo and their outside abettors. Republican legislators havo no business to regard either thoir own judgments or their oaths of oifice as superior to the decroes of the cauous. Olí Saturday last Gov. Baldwin re ceived a dispatch from the Sheriff o Houghton County, indorsed by the Cir cuit Judge, dated May 8th, advising him of a serious strike at the Calumet, Hoela and Schoolcraft mines, and calling fo military to aid the local authorities in preserving order and proteoting proporty and life. Gov. Baldwix imraediately dispatehed a coiupuuy from Fort Wayne a second to be taken on at the Sault Under date of the 13th more help was called for, but dispatches of the 15th announce all quiet, no lives lost, no property destroyed, men at woik, and strike ended. Thomas Buchaxan Kead, painterand poet, eminent alike in both fields oi' labor, died in New York on Snfurclay ovening last, of pleuro pneumonía. JIr. ltEAD.was born in Chester (Jounty, Pa., and was 50 years old on the 12th day of March last. Of late years, when in this country, ho had residod iu Ciooinnati, but when taken sick he had but just re; turncd from Italy. Ho was buried at Philadelphia. The New York Democratie Stato Convention was held at llochester on tiio löth, dolcgates nppointed to the Bultimoru Convüiition, nd resolutions adopted indorsing the Cincinnati platform and Buintiug towards an acceptance of the Cincinnati oaudidates. - Tho Itepublican Stato Convention was held at Elmiii tho same day, delegatos appointod to Philadeljihiu, and tho uomination of Guax'I' a&vist . Tho Lake Shore und Miohigan South3rn Kailroad Company now opérate 1,072 miles of ruilroad, besidus miles of doub-. ie track.


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