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Pacific Volcanoes

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Tho Honolulú (Sandwich Tslands) Oazstte say.i : " TVe learn Lrom ft gentleman who rooentiy visitad the volcano of Elilanea that diiring the ;ny part ot' tho present month great aetivity has boon shown in the orater. üu thu 4th inst. thero were flvo íire cont'S iu great aetivity. Duiiiig thc night ofthe4th an outíiow of lava from orn: of the conos ooonrred, which oovorod an área of something liko half a milo square. Tho eraption took placo betwo;;n tho olil South Lake and tho locality knowu a.s the Middlu Lake. About 4 o dook on the iifternoon of the (th our informant crossed tho lava flóld at consiJerablii i;vil, tho hoatboing intonso, tho fissures in tho crost disclosing thc molten lava bonoath. ïhis new fiolci oí' luv : completely brokeup athalf-pnstsix.butashort timo after our informant passocl ovor it, a : fountainof lavaspringingupin thoccntrr, pouring its torrontsin all direotions. AU attempts to visit tho lecality of tho oíd South Lake wsre quito unavailiníj, owing to thesulphurous vapors, whi:h wero quito suffocating Evory appoarance at preseni aeeins to indícate that Pulo is ])roparing for a grand pyroteohnic display, such as she can alono f urnish in this world." Tho man who stood half n hour in a oliurch vestibule, and thon twenty initiutet in the aisle, without being offored a suat, is decidodly opposed to ha ving" God put into tho Constitution " at present. He thinks that it would be better to try the experiment of putting a Hule more godlincss into the (hurches first. In removing the bodies from the oíd to the now cem ■íory at Dovrtgiac last weïk, mat of -Mr.s. Dtüiiston, buried 12 yens ago, was found to be nicely preserved in form and features by almost cúmplete lytrificatioa.


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