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TT ILL'S OPEBAHOUSEf " FOR ONE EVENIXG, WEMESDAY, MAY 22(1. First appcüi'iinc; of the wnrM-renowned AVILLIAM 1LOÜACK LINGARD! Alice Diuming. (Lingard), nrt tlicir grent conijviny. Thö perforniaiïre will coraiH'iicc with A PRETTY PJECE OF ÏHSIXKSS. Ciaa 'iruutlcy, - - Alice Dunning (Linüarp) Aii'l Ihe cuiupnny. ïoliowod by the Inimitable TjTI&GÏJK.'BIJD SKETCHES ld oontllalfasg wtlh itobtTlnon's exquisite (hreeuct omedy DAVID GAERICK dd Inu-ot, ... Ai.ici: DuKHlKQ Sjuire Chivy, - - - Wu. H. Likoabd Amt a cast. A.D1IISSION PIFTT CENTS. H rred Beata Oop Dollar ; now on sale at Oilmoie Í: FUke's Hookstcro. Finest 4ssortment of Toilet Gfoods in the City, by ÍN VESTÍS U MON EY ! A chunco to save 2 1-2 per cent., by investing during the prosent inonth, in Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Minnesota R. K. First Mortgagc Gold Bonds. INTER EST PAYA BLE INJGOLB SE31I-AJÍNUALLY. Prfisont prico of bonds 92 1-2 and accrued interest. Oa June lat, pric will bo advanced to 95 and accrued interest. Also on haud :md fornalo NORTHERN PACIFIC 7-30 GOLD BONDS, at par, and acoruod interest in currency. S3T For Bonds or informalion apply to S. GRANT, Agent, 1371w2 At SiiTinRa Bank. TV'OTICE. Tho 8uirv3ír oí the Tliird and Fourth WardB of tb! .'i(y of Aun Árbor, hiiviu;; completeJ the aasessment for that District, wül bei at the offieo of James Molluhun, E Yi+ In said District, on the 2Oth, 21st nnj 22(1 dnys of May, for the parpóte of rvricwing tho asm&ainent on th9 applicition of anj' jwrson co 11sidering himsolf aggricved. A. A. SRSaOttï, Supervisor M Sc 4th Wnrds. TOIIS r. HEXSIE3T, Maauilaodmtf ííí TIN, COPPEK A NB SHEET I ROX WAKE. Wholeule and lietall Dealer in Stoves, Hürclwiiro, Gliws, Paints, Oils, etc. Nos.132 and 1M, corner St, Antolns anrl Fourth St., DETBOIT - - aVEICKC. AUo Rüeut lor the North American Liehtnln" Rod ManufactoryGHOVEH êf HAKT 'I'S EBASÏIO AM) LOL'K STÏT'H SEWING MACHINES. The v: y best In use, affords all Uu Iatest imnrovements Etend for a circu'ar, -Nu. 4 OPERA HOI7SK, 09BTBO1T. QTOIÍE (JUTTERS AND CONTRACTOR3. COBIi, WALLAGE & LAW, Ars prepared to f irniea all kinds of 'OUT STOXE Water Tables, bilis. Cup, Copiu, 9:eps, Laudiugt, &c Country nr-'ori promptlr altendert to. üílice and Yara cor. Macorab anü Bmmhien Sts-, DETUOIT. CARRiGB REPOSITORY AND MvNCFACTOKY. ew har! conxtanUy ou han'l, of our wi raake, a nne agdort'nont of OPEN Afil) 'l'O3 BUüWIK . Which wecnn so'i KW OOÜ CASH v dcfy Oiirn petlilon for ;;. .,il work. l)eaem MipplicJ. AH cxamluatiou ol ttotK euncltcd. LONOPRBY & PKT R-!, 184: 40 -42 Larned Streel K:ist. 1)kt..oitC. l-l EVSÍLLE3V3 Will, on Friday, May 17th, OFFER AT 8PECIAL BAR! uAINS, AN ELEGANT AHI SOltTMENT OF SINGLE, AND STftlPED hJQfTH G SHAWLS, LLAMA, POINÏS, ' AND JACK ETS, PARASOLS. ; JAPAKESE AND BÜMMER j SILKS, BLACK ALPACAS. ■ PURE JVIOIIAIRS, SUMAIER DRESS G-O O D S, W HITE j QUILTS, LIKENS, TA BLE J DAMASK, N A P K I N S. T O W E L S, OASSÍMERE-N AND DOMÈSTIOS. I OFFER THE BEST ONE DOLLAR I KID GJ.OVES IN THE CITY, WARKANTED. G. H. MILLEN [ , I NATURE'S REMEDYTV flSMIpB JHE PREAT B LOO D JPURI Fl ER .S VEGETINE is made cxcluaively from the juices of cnrefully o.ected bftrks. ïcots nnd herbé, ánd 80 stronjjlycuncemrnted that t will effcctuully eiadloate irtHn the system every tniui of Strofulat Scrofuous Huuor, Tumors, Cáncer n.mcerotts Humoi , EryBipelcs, Sdlt Eheum. Syph.ütic .Diseases, Canker. Fitintncss at theStimach. nnil aüdieiuses that .arise fr m iuiure blood. Sciatica. Infiatnmatory ud Chronic Rheumatism. Npnrrlgia. Gou: il Spinal Oomplaints, can imly be cnvctiially cured tfiroiiffh the btoud. Kor Ulcers ud Eruptive Direasfa of the skin, fustales, Pimp!e6i Blotchss. Koils. Tetter, Scaldhead "ui Eingworm. VEtiETIXE Ims nevcr lailed to ''ilcct a peruiaueiit euro. Por Painï in the Back. Kidnej CompHints, ropsy, Femflle Weakness, Lcucorrhoea. arlalEg romlntoroK) ulceratlon, and Dtorioe diccases and General Dtbility. VBOBTINB nrt.s dtrectlj npon the caases of t!ie-e eomplaints It inviííorntps and N'n-iiL'thciis tli1 liolc vysïctn. aetl upon the peeretivc oriiiuip. nllavH lolbnnatlozii euro ulcelaïtuiiHnd reffnlates tin; bowelsPor iWTMllill. DYSPSPSÏA, B4BITCAL COSTIVBNESS, Palpüatiom nf ihe Htart, Hiahulic. Pilm, N nnvtiusf and Qeneral proatratíon of tlie Aniu .s'v.i:-m, no medicine has ever gïven such perfect satfoctlon ns the V30ETINK. ItpnriilcKthc blnod. eanseaall or the ocgant aud poweasea acontrolliu' power over the NervoUf Hvtem. lia raraarfcalile cre Irected bj VBOETINE inve lAdaced mmiy pliysK-iuns nnd apothocarlea liom we know ia pretciibc lid une it in their own mlllei. In fact. VE0ET1NE U ehe bwl reraedy yet Bleeov. . fl f'nr the ah i' e riiseasi's. and Ih Ihe on ly relinlile , Ulooil 111 rif Êl'r yet pljirctl bffore llie puoilc Prepared bv H. IC. t oiin, Boston Mas. l'iice S1.4Í5. 8old by all Drugst. 1361 ra3 POR SALE ! : Tho residene'! of the sttbscriber. UmiBe No 62 and r Kxvn lote on Uuron Sircet, Kant. Po.He.ihion piven tïic t Ist of Muy if dNkd. luquiie at tho Ahoub Opfioe. ■ or of C. II. IIIÍ 1I.TIOM. i, Dnt-.'d, Ann Avbor, March 20Jh, 1H72. 126Cm2 GotoR.W.ELLlS& CO'e , for choice Wines and Liquor L ' í or Modical Puiposes . TAMKS McMAHÓfíj JusticeoftliePeK0 Office in now block, Xorth of Courtflo Money culfcctea and promptly jay 0Wf INSUUANCK AGBlf Triumph aHst'ia, Noriq .Missouri, " Tï" 9fla n lliberuia, l,t:} ItEAL K3TATI; I have 80 acres nf Umi % Of a mil. f. üruits, II, ly locntcd tot fruit or gard' n ,0D1 tbl Alao 10 acres, wilb h use and barn streani of wafor running throoghtbe H CO acres, n mlle out '" 1 will ecll any or all the aboTc chim, n. for city property. "-"ap, or ci 171 AMesmcMaHo;, EsUte of Hatthew S. Cwl w TATE OF MICHIUAN, Coudu of w i Atjwiouof the Pwbsto cíurtfv"01, ut Todhtenaw, holden ut the iT„lté im1 City of Ann Arbor, on WednoU„y tL??L dajr of .Muy, in th yew onc thOUSi,„c" . ' l'n Miit, Hiümi J. Bonken, Judgcof IV, i. Jcremfih I). Coroy, Kxcc-utor ot the 1 . testuuoat oí kiíJ deccosed, comes llt(J ' tal m that he ú now preparad to n-nj„ P4 % ncconnt as rach Ezecutor. " """w hiiLJ ïhcreapon r. is ordered, that llanl ti dayof u-u oVluck i„ thi f il ' aajisned for examininif nnd Hu i,,,, ,K:h ", W itus, do-visec nnd hcin " id deeeaaeo und u!l otlii-r ptroii ■'' l in aaid state, ue irjiiii to 'uum., lnlol 3ion of suid Cuurt, Dien to bc LoIiIVb i i bnte Ofiice, in the fity ufAJÍ? Couty, rad ahow cause, f njtimki1 ? Mtd nocount bUouU nol bc allowpd ■ Y„j ■: wbr bt ortoed that aid Execntor Bive'nótiw V1!0"1' ona laterested in snid estntc, of the ncnJilBccount, and ie hearins thcreof, bv ra?1"1 of thi8 orter to be pablnhedin the jvi . "ft aiKwapnper printo.l nnd cireulutin „3 ■ (A tnMxonrJ IIlllAM J. hstate of Edward Bnrffpü " OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county o( VahLO At a mmsiom ui the Probate Coart ur tí.' Wa.hteuaw, holden ut the Prol.atu, „T' "' ui Ano Arbor, on Vednesduy, the "i1! 'vi-,V,y'tw„e ne t""SHnd wASlí Present, Htrem J. Benkes, Judsreof rrobt. In tlio matter of the estáte of; deccuairl. " ""Th, Dorothy A. Burgern, administratrix of na'. cornet Into-Cpurt umi represent that ,he ïï,"" pared to icndci her Knal account is sudi lS '"' Thereopon it w orderea, that Mond iu ■., day of June next, ut ten o'clcvck in tu ÍL?4 rned lor r-xaimning arni allunu, T?' comit and th.t t.he hei,, alïawof w,,l J,1"1: ui oiher porno iiitercftled in 5ui, estato quired to appeur ut a esiou of id l'otirt lijí', t at the Prebnte office, in the d;y uf in iW in o:inl countv, ami sii.nv oaiue, ir hut ik- . ï. ' Hie s:iid aceawit .-li.uld not be Mmi7 {■■' fiirtheroniercd thul wid QdraÍDi(rtrijii'. Í "" th(l irrsmw interested in said etate, SeJÍE ot .sjuM uceaunt, und the heiiririi; tl,trajf KÏ.W copy of thW. oid..-r to bu pul,iilai Hm (L l'ïl ooiinty, thrw ucoouive wci-lu prcvi,1Ub Í „ j , il (A true M,py.) HIKAM J. BKAKffl. M? Judgcufp,,. Estete of Ssmuel nV. Welk ' CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntj of Waoh-o., . " N i .1 loe . I bereby gfren , that by nn ort„ otöi; 6tc Cour. for tlic ('nuntr of nshtmaw Jli. the i.ith d.iy ot May, A. D. 187J kTLL trom thn datE wre nl:,wei for crMilor (om ti e r dirims ngainst the it.ite of 8imae w i late of sa:d county, deeenned, nud that tl] cKitimT! aid l..wac-d re required to present tl ï aid probate Vourt, al Probate Offi,i,tSSJ Am Arbo fji inrfnirtion and nllowai,,„,oAZ foro the jiinth luy of ovemlx-r next, andflut aA nUims will be heard beiore said Trohatc rw ,! Saturfay, t e twenty-Bev nth day of Jir, ,„a J day, the Dintb dny of November t, v, ocli-ckm t e forenoon of eurb of thow dan. Dated, Ann Albor, May :lth. A. T ISTi '■■ Jndge of PMbi.Commiasioiitíi s' Xotioe OTATE OF MICHIGAN , Countj of Wuktnw k The nndrigiied, liíivinif bcei; ;.:,;, Probate Court for aid amnty. ComnuaKjieni oeive, examine and adjust all cSiiu nu ■! - -ÍTL.-r the ttnte if CIiLir!. iB'oofsaidcoun montlwfi eallowed, by' order of sid Pi, bate Couit, t,i crctlitura to ii-escnt :! asainst the. 'state of aid deceascd, anri thttheTJ ' 'iiidmiitr ei ♦'T-.lav, tb "tti. 'i.T or Aiwnl, ü ednes'lay, the nineteenth day November ntxt, r ten o'clock a. m. of eiich of said days, to reoeiTt, mm' ine, una adiust said claim. Uiited, May 13th, A. D 187Í. JOSIAII CHITDS, . JAMES A. STEVENS, 13,4vr4 . Commiaiotun.' 1 ra :i ( .', inuilí'imrt''1 sí-. ocice is nerel the Drain i. u of Waabttnaw Coun vrjllbe ttiekwseoi Wili'i'.im lius?. in the Townsl lp of Scio, in saUcouniy.flo tint day of June, 1872, at twoo'Aiciin th iUtciniHjn, to ia -tt ]) ir Lies to contract for thepxwittion and construí tiou of a drain, to bc known tht ïiu.s and Tuomy Drain, romnieliciu eiglity niam of the touthwest corner of section seventei n, ning fl&st on the Scio lineto the southeastconwll sortion nventeen, theace eaterly aud ui]u-rlrMtal neotioifs sixtiiMi and tweuty-one to m;;ir tLe hi-m:.) poit ÏK-tween sections twenty-one and twcuty-tinx I will .-ilo be ut the house oí Vi!3i uu liinsonTonday, the t-A-enty-t L-hlh day of Muy. it twoo'cJocko the aftcrnoun, ut whieh time and place 1 willexhikit Ine Muove praiiodpd d.nin nul descriptiomd th MTeTA] pnrrcls of bind d&emed by me IJeorti! tiiereby, :uul aniotint und ,ï,si! iption bjr dlrii nnd mixlivision of the above proponed tlrAÏnV upportio&eA fo thonerof e:ch descriptíwi oí luí lo ciínütnict, and to th townehip of Scio toMMtniri on account o( n,'h druin boneflting the hiifliway.aii to heitr reaaon, if any are onVred, -n-hy such an tionra'iiit !l -i!'l be rev ew -,1 mi corrocted. Aun Arbor, Muy lith. íH7l'. 1IAV1DM. F1NT.FT, T)r;' n 'oi:imÍHioner of Wsl-.tenjiw Couotj. i:í;;j. Mortgago Sale. WHKHKVS. default hebeen mude in the tui) tiou-i of a made uad executed by Hifriet K4'.cg3, of Yp . iL-iiiti, lo TheodoM A. CutR, no-.v of Auburn. New York. bearing dute the thirt; lili dav of April, eighteen nundred uni tf eifh'. mi'l reoorduB m tlxoifloe of tlielUttt Deed of the Coanl v of YV'iishlenaw, llic'iiff iu. úBtl fourteenth dsy of April, eighteea hundreJará wit'■..hi, in libcr forty of motteuges, nt pjireoMtoí" dred and sixiy-three, by which default t!ie power sale containea in s:ul morttrapre h:i becotue opt-rcti". ffnd no snit or prort-e.litiir ut luw havinif beenDrfi t '■! for the recun ry of t he debt secnred l'V Mld ik; g ii?e or ftuy part thereof. anl there bt'ingnowflaili to b ■ liic on ;iiil mortgag? thesmnof oo1 ttwuK flve hnndred anü scvéiity dollar and eigbtT rnrti cents for principal and interest, besiiies iwentt dol1 irs as mi uttornoy f'-'1, as provided in s.iiii raorl?p:: Norico i.s therefore hereby pivon that by viriiwoitbl power of sule contniiiod in Miid TiiurtiiKCt HldlDflrt gage wil) bo forcclowl by apaleof tlic tadiiM ■.'■' ■: il il in sjiid mortKïW. or ra1 I' tbereof, ot pablic uution to the hihcet biddet Moudny, the ninotf'enth dny of Ansfust m' o'clock in the forenoon. al the m.ii:}i d!r uf iheronrt House in the Cilj of nn Arbor, in iil tmuiiT Court beiiiKthe p"a e of lioWiiwtht Oin (-'ourt for the Couuty of Washtonaw , in 1 ur--uancf the stutute in such cas1 mado arul p'uvidsd: mortaircd piomlsofl orobesold bcing cleserih" suid mortgape a füllowö : sitúate iu ihc l 'ouoT Wushtenaw and Pilhte of Mlchiprnn, vtó : The u thirty aeres of the wee' hilt of theMiutljcasiqu111 of aeclKin onc of township thrce soutli of rangeubersixenst. Also. the EOuthwest quurlci B "Í DorthoiiMt qnortor of sai 1 sectiou one, town ihreeM"1 of range si x east, county and State nforefiaiil' JUated, Ana Albor, Muy U. 1872. THK01XJBKA. TAHTER, Toacy V?. Boot, Moitirti Ati'y for Mortpapee. Mortgaga Salo. . DEFAUM having been made in the condtfi' Bain iiiduuturti of niortpa-t1 executed b7 y Ham S. Barry and Ann Bafry, hu Biw} Carter, of Maoeaj 'lVombuU County, in"ieSlJ', Ohio, beariníf date the twanty-eigiiUi cl!'',Ji eighteen lnmijred-and seventy-one, nnd rocorMo i thooSoeof (he KAgúter of Dledtir tlie i."ouT J Wushtcnaw, State of Michigan, in liter lortytto" inortftpci, on pape tour hundxedaod lillt.,'i'ilj the twenty-eighth dav of April, ciglitccn l""""1!; serenty-ODe: by whiolt default the powpr of "ïïl tained u auid mortu(,rt' has become open ive.ullw. procetKlinxs at law (r in chnncery havnis li"Q 1DS tl lo recover the amount dm' on said ml'r:La&( tbe boud ucitimpanyiiiK joirne ; Hnil Uiere W , now olaimcd to bc 9ue on sftid luortgagè ;inii t1 , HocompaDying tlie same, the sumuf four tligu" tour bundred and one dollars and i.vty-siJ cenwtw ulso the furtlier urn of öfty dollars as an attoroej w on tho foreclosnre of eaid moi ti?aj;e, shoutó ?!;L oeedings be taken to forcclose the nmc: """ th ri fore hereby piren thut said mortgage'llfW closed on Monrlay, thenineiei nlh dayof AogajH al ten o'clock in the mom ing of ihut day, at ll"'w, fiont door of the C'onrt in the City " AlS,,l bor, in Muid County of WashtcnRW sil Court BWJ being the plaee ol holding Circuit Couit lo' " flounly of Vaslilemiw!, by K Klle lit auctioii t IJ highesi bidder, for cash, ol the premis '1?SCI")[(. said mortgage, or so uiueli thcreuf a nbali lc u . wiry to BatiSfy the ninount due on stiM inor'gagï1'" reasonabla cxi and axpenftfauiid intercsion mi.ii:;!': vith n Altomey of 3ji-(J lura proviaed forirtsaW norïjinire; which """rij,!, .!■ dCKCribcd in iaid mor:gge as 2 viz.: "ucing the northwestquartei of ectn'"S WTOD in (nwnshiponesouthot nuin-1'1 ' m the Stato of .Miehimin, except tkai l'-r ''"JÍ "Tall : i loria! roail whicll ■ JZ. tl thnl pali of the past half of the sontl. rst 'WjLd. ieütion Iwciil ïtwo Ivíiil; soulh of -aiil tllTi;,or 'lío AJuoarightof way four rods widc fromlo r0"h tlJ inringór brook a lütlp north of .lid run. ","!„,, ïJil of water :is reei vel iu a dt-ed .to .ïolin H rtv. f Detroit. AIm a pui t of the eas! half of "' " " natquarterof clion i-.v.-myciK!.', s1"'1 Il . tk .. desci-rbód :. foflow : eoramen "J tiirtheast corner thereof, t heneo tm i ie . ine to '.In' cast bank of a ditch nbout ' -'inIï ', & uut, thmoe southerly al: lis; Uie-east oan ". M litch to the enst lino of suid Beciion, tbnee' wr' i he ploos of boginninjf , conUining abonen" M is sii.ihis.-d. Alao thirtyTlive ncreaol '■'■'j"' hJej if said la-t menri.rao.1 flóaHor Mvtion, i,,,, outh 1 v il' south line th-,, „f. fa.! i.y.tbe .-se hereol trom tli m ■ "t ai l '''„„„m. ion.norll, to the north U,.,k of a dltch ru"3S f rast and west, an I on the north by o hnf ■ "„j rom íii.i section Uno '.v - tbe ""r' a f .,i.l dllah, an 1 wmtinned in thnl ''""'."Ytoth nat a line running'outlierly hherefrom jano m nst line ..f said keetteti (o the nonth .me of w ''"jj rsretion wlll. wilb Ihoü horetatore memvw tólude thlrty-flve ao. „„.,,!, AiinAi,,.,. May U.,j)f. . Tl.Arv W. I!n,T, Mi374 Atl'y for Mortpagee. iü-J-SJ ÏVE ÖEESE FEATHJiR? U PIBSTGitrAI.ITY, nelantl.vonha.ndandfoisalb3i _r


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Michigan Argus