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Local And Other Brevities

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i. 3uperb : tlie wcatlier yesterday. „Taesday mornlug: a white irost. Momby : cold, niw, aticl uggravatins . , a nuriiuii November Uay. fbere 'as a cold mía of limitetl prortjons 011 Saturday afternouit last. The A noes office Ia the p!nce to get jíShlppfi Tags." lísinU iu your or Flobiat! Mdhlio, an oíd and wcll- (crinan resident of this city, died jainrday lust. TUero was a. weJcorae raia on WsdItJ, ihoogh ratber moderate and cold. .„.ríe (liiy's sun will set the dust Öyiug. , Pío!'. Watsox reports a liglit ■ art t-arly liour Momiay Not .Die at any great distante from the oburrstory. _ Largo numbers of oM and flue evcr„ ui varioua purts of onr city, are Jyj or show sij;ns of "goins where the „odblne twineth." I,i tlie öupreme durt, on Tuesday, S. Allen Kentsulaer Mills and Henirnse c. Aaruu K. Wheeler, Washteese, were contluned. "Jj.lre lliuiiï closed liis artiuiirncd 'noaöatarday last, haVlug disposed of lerable busiuu.-s un'd made sundry fisons liappy-by dlvorca deerces. _Ncxt MouiUy, Tuesday and VVednes,1 ihevcral SiipecVIsoru are requlred to , s; tbelr uilices for tlie purpose of rcj ihcir assessmeuts. It muy be for crest o! tax payers to give them a (II. _Pr. Wf.i.i-s has been eluttted President the School Board, viee John M Wueblslgued. Mr. Whbklhr has held the lotion mauy-ycare; dlscharglng the ilu{g thereto pertainiug iutellijieutlyt ably udlmpartially. _Hanson Sessions, of this city, has Iravrn fur grand jury service at the g term of the United States Court, , Jetroit ; also J. B. Anna, of Webster, FaKE' usCaiu'Entek and Hansom Salsdthv, aj oí York. Samson Parker, of Lima, ui for the petltjory. _ We liear that In the Supreme Court in Tuesday, maudamowM were Issued in "jioroftlie towns of Saline, Manchester isJBrooklyu, and ag.iiugt tli Stuift Treaelirecting the snnender to the towns tin liomls issnod in aiJ of the Dei.iit, Hillsvl i!e and Intlianj. Hailroad. -Owin to sever-il hitoltcs and gaps in :í:tiiit the right of wuy, grudlng on the j, A. A. a lid N. li. witiiin tlie city limits Alcmporarlly ceased. A grist of conttíon potitions is belng ground out rtke i'ireuit Court, to tiieet oü the 27tli :::.. aii'l soon that date work wlll pktWy be resniiied. - Isii't a gouil Jeal ofmoney bcing; ex wide.t on ctTtain conicfs aut shlo streuts, jlhc exclusión of other streets where ntk is more needed ? Is favoritlein rail üliiin the pul)lic good the rule wliich !.s sti'uet coiHiuittcc f 11 so, "ro:: ' 'U n olllue" slioulil be appli'.'tt to our Etaen at every opporlunity. -Jong M. WnsBLEK, ï-sq., of thls city, lUbiswife and two daughter, Mauy and leave on Mouduy nest for a .111 111 EftTOpci WMIlug iiuill DIT' :. iiv on the 25lh, by the "City of Ber ,"o:'the Bremea lUte, Mr. Wheelbr's dftugbter, Clara, is already In jtrinany, with the family of Prof. í'ui:zí. S'ewisli tlieu) u (k-:iM:uit journey.


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Michigan Argus