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Railroad Arrangement

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The Tulwio Blad of Mouday has the fol j paragraph, which will not be wiljitlpkreüt lu uur renden In this citv and jüï lic line of the Toledo, Aiiu Arbor :1 Northern Railroid : ftUDO Sr. Woodvii.i-e. - On Satunkiy cni'jun au arraniténieut was consumniat iKliicii ensurc-s the speefiy coinplellon of tWuodvlile ltusil. Tiie Puno. Central, lv assumed the exeeutjon ol the conKtSorconstracting the lïom ii.s innectlon with the Daytou mcl Hlcblgan, itlic Stock Yarls, to the Stale Line, Ure il wiil meet the Aun Arbor and othiiwdi cuterlpg the city (roin ilmt dlrecfe. The terius of th arrancumeat are Khtliat uniplu accomiiiodatioii is kuhi-leeJ al! roads feachlng the city froni the orth. It is untlerstooil that active opera ons noder this new contract wlll be iin wliitely commeneed, mul thut the worb 'ill bj completed by Xov. 4th. It is cspeil'.y agreed that the roadway from the hl IjIiic to the city sliall be coninleted T the time It is wanted by the Auu Arbor Md. Tbe"Woo(1ville Raad ' fs the road bcing Al by Talado, and has been teascd by Trustees to a Mansfleld and Toledo íiipany, which has the contract of the "insylvania Central to build and oper :it. Tliecontract roquires the Pennsylva iicompanjr to bridge the river and run ! track to thu State line, our road tD ve the use of the track from the State 'fi depot and depot grounds at the river, sí bridge, and the tracks ou the south ;fc of the river to connections with or fwsings ot other roadsi -The Pennsylvaicompauy has laltevly shown a disposin to void building the bridge, but the faitees, it seeni3, have held thern to thelr figinal contract as made and executtd 'oetliing over a year agö. -The I'enusylvania folks wlll have to "Ty up to get the bridge and the track "he State line done by the time the Ann "bar road will be ready for thera. The I.iNGAHD Comedy and Operatic iroupe are advcrUsed for oue of their iuAtable entertainmetusat the Opera House 15 Wednesday eveniiig next, when they 111 present " A Pretty Piece of Business '■ acl " David Garrick," Auce Dunmnq and "■ U. LiNciAKD taking the leadlng parts. ''these two " Our Society" a New York Carnal, says : "Ldng&rd is certalnly the prince of protuu arüsts The tlieater is crowded "Shtly. H is seldoin that one sees such Veenly beauty as is deflned in the churin!(S features of Allee Duuutng. Shc aptand in the coim.-rly of ' David Gurrick ' JW coineily provedone of the richest IrMts üf the SeASOIl." Thí flouring mili lately owned by James }IcMmiox, a inile and a half above the de W in this city, wis 'aurned on Monday cl5'it. Some time ago Mr. MoMahon sold Ul property to Mr. Wm. C. Uugiies, who 'iru sold a half interest to a Mr. üray. Me partners did not long dweil together !l1 harmony, Utlgatloo commenced, a reWv was appointed, &c. The mili ha tot heen in operation fir soine weeks, aiu t!lc öre must huve tn-cn the work of un In mllary. Mr. McMahos holds a mort Kse oí $9,000 on the pwiperty and an in 'ifsuce policy of 2,000 in a coinpauy do "kely to piy in fnTl, and is the maln loser. The Flint Dénocrat, whioh has Ion n flying Cba)es Francis Adams anc xe,K V. N. Éothrop as its candid it or President aW Yico-President, no '"ils down its lag and hopes that tli "öaocratio Katiftnal Conveution wil ll0Pt the Ciucinnati ticket. Mr. J. E. Wahnkk, of the " Trtple Alüance Menagerie mul Circus," diU a good thing on Suturday last lu our city, by tnountlDg liis ticket wagon and exposlnj; a swiudling .seiler of pri.e candy parteares, who follows his sliow from town to town, robblng - that's the word WaBNKB uscs - the innocciits who have come togethcr lu response to liis iiivltallüii. He broke op a largc and enger crowd of llats, aud Btarted his man in about t.vo minutes. Wahnkh sys that he has svvoru "by the Eternal" to break op tbo tliieving tribe wiierever they cross hls truck Succes to him, with the thanks of the public. At a regular meetliif; of Ann Arbor Lodge tío. 820, 1. O. of G. T., liohl Weduaday evening, Muy lst, 1872, the Ibllowtng offlrers wu-e Installecl by J. Q. Pkice, W. ti, D , for the cnsulng tenn: W. o. T- P. D. Wooflruff; W. V. T - fiadora B. Woodruff; W. S.- Win. O. Stev,ng. y. T.- N. Arkscy; V. 1- A. W. Martin ; W. I. G -Tilla Randa ; R. 11. S. - Mis Frank Kellogg i L. II. S.- Lina Brown; VV. C- John M. Chase; W. T. S - J. F. Billard ; W. A. S.- Miss Jessle A. Woodruft'; W. D. M.- Mary Royall ; W. O. G.- Chase Dow. One day lust week Prof. Watsos advlsed us that he was flshlug for another plan et, iind got a uibble, and was waitlng for a clear nlght to laud lils game. The ausp'oinus time carne Mondtiy ïnoruing last, sonie time In the smali hours. He reporta the littie fellow in t!ie constellation Ophinclnis ; rlgbt ascensión, 16 hours and 31 rainutos ; decllnntlon 8 deg. and 57 minutes, and shilling like a star of the eleventh magnitude. Cui Bonof - Tliis ust closes np the gap bet ween Prof. Watson and Prof. Peters, and the two plautt baggen are now nip und tuck. A mrrchant of this c'.ty (hailing from ihe "Arcade") was hurrylog np Rsudolph Street, Detroit, a few days ago, wlien a stranger accosted him, grabbed him by the hand, and with a hearty gil.) and, cheerful smile, exclaimed: " How are you, Mr. Gueeley? glad to sec you, but whcre the d - 1 s your white coat?" The ex-oanddate for alderman raust have been "dis guiseil" or that stranger never saw Grsbiev, (or not even a white nat could créate a resemblance. Theladies have just received at thelr 11brary room the following new books True us Steel, by Marlan G. liarla tul ; An American Glrl Abroad, by Adeliue Traftou ; The Lady of Provence, by A. L. ü. E ; William and liobert Cbambers ; S.umterings lo Europe, by Warner'; Step ping Heaveuward ; Friendo In Need ; Habits and Men, by Dr. Doran ; Past and Present, Carlyle ; Héroes and Hero Worshlp, Carlyle; Hawthorne's French and Itallan Journeys ; Domestic Life of T. J. Hand. The Eíist Saginaw and Aun Arbor (via Flushing) railroad project, has not been g:ven up; on ttie contrary au agent has been appolnted to procure the $80,000 stock subscription nccessary for the orcran'.z itlon of the company. The stock has been appoftioned as follows : East Öiginaw, $U0,000; Flliahlng, 12,000; Gaines and Llo den, $10,000; Hartland, f15,000 Brlghtoo, 10,000; and Wliitinore Luke, $3,000. The concert of the 'Jubilee Singers,'' from Fsk Uir.versity, Nashvllle, Tenn., referred to In the last Augüs, is uow dcflnitely advertised to take place at the Opera üouso this (Friday) eveninir. MavlTth. roe rollowlng liiglily coinpllraentury notices, eztracted ut random from a large oumber, will ;ve our readers an idea ol tlií treat in store for thera : " Tliey will ciiann auy auiiience. Our peonlc have been dcllgdted with thcin." - Uenry Vi'urd Beechcr. '■ 1 never saw a culttvated Brooklyn asscml)'aL'o Bo iiii)v:-d and inelted ander the aiagnetlsm of innsic before. The wild meiodies ol' these emuuclptttd slavos tonched the louut of tears, and Bfay-Rnlred men wept llke littlechildreu." - Bet Theodore L. ■ Vuylcr. " If soccess consista in the abilitj' to draw a crowd the Jubilee Siúgen chiev ed the greuleMt Biiccess las', uveiiin. But the slngera wcre ïaccessful beyonti tliis. '1'hcy fully met the antlclputlons ot the aulenco, aud showed thut tliey had fuiriv 'on the ])raise tliat lias been lavished upn tlifüi." - 2sw Haven Daily Palladium. " The Jubilee Singers were heard In the fteriioon by u large und delighted audince, in the evening by an Immense throiiíí, ■liicii literally pacUed the edlflcu. Ful! talfan hoor before tlio commenceimnt ot ie service every seat was occupiud, gallería und aisles were crowdfcd, as well ns estibule and porch." - Hartford Post. - "Fisk University" was uot named af or or our fellow citizeu, Rer. L, R i'iSK, but after another distinguished MichIgander, Gen. Clinton B. Fisk, duw of St. Louis, Mu.


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