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Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Minnesota Railway First Mortgage Bonds

Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Minnesota Railway First Mortgage Bonds image
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Tlic (Iemand lor tnvestmeut n this favritR secnrity lus beeu so free that by dlection of the President of the Company hu price will be advunceel ou and aller une ist to 95 and accrued interest. At his i-ate the bouds yteld more than 8 per uut. oa thu capital invested, which Is a nuch more liberal return than is given by iailwny mortgages ou other roads comi'.eted aud in profltable operation, most ol vhicli commaud fioin par to 105, bcariug ntereet at 7 per cent. curreucy instead of old like the above. Tlie earnlngs of the'Burllngton, Cedar iapidtl and Miunesota Koad BttOW that its bonds are equally secure wlthuny of thof-e quoted at the Stock Exchange, for paynent of principil and interest, and the present advancc, it Is tMlievèd, will be lol owed by further increase in price as the public is familidrized with the merits of the bonds, and come into competition for theni afier tlie Company slmll have ceased sell ng. Very few now rcmaln uusold, aud as soon au thosc ou hand are sold out ap[ilication will bc made to tho Goverulog Committee of the Exchnnge for permis siou to place these bonds on cali, after whlch time parlies holding theni can bu or sell at the public sales by payment of a trifling brokeiage. The earniugs of the road for a series ol montlip, while nader constraotlon, on kh average mlleageof 200 miles were 70,000 per month. Prlcea of se ven per cent. First Mortgage Bonds iu !New York dorlng April : Pitisburgh, Fon WayneA Chicago, 10G Ciiicago, Hocklslaud and Pacific, 103. Michigan Southern, 105. Chicago and Alton, 10&jL. Galena and Chicago, 10). These bonds can be obtaiued at the Ann Arbor öavings Bank. 5,000 Egs, tou buttor, or more, wnntcd ; also any ftmount üf íarm produce at B. F. Boylau'a, oorner oí Hurón and iúi street. 1374-2W CAKüV The ludies of the BftpUit Sooiely heroby exprese thcir liïLrb apptedatiOD of the Ubmttty of the rrtabyteriau Chui'ch at thcir r-cent ftstiv;il..


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