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PON'T DE FOOLED Aboilt lii!íll l'riiis omiinc. Sondluim lian .(ust rctnriKil witli a lurgc Stock Of I!-lll} -.HiUlf lullliHtr, Sllüicicnt to clothv you uil, aud lul uutil iiili prices conto down, w iii Ii bo WiU ell ut LW PHICES. 13Tlv4 QLOBIOUS NEWS FOR ALL CREATION ! E. J. JOHNSON, HJLxTEÜ ! HAS RECEIVED nis SPRING STOCK AND STYLES OIP Ilats, Caps & Straw Goods, obiw rokimuifi coods, etc, WHICH IIE PROPOSKS TO SELL AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor. DRY GOODS AT MAYNARD'S WE ARE NOW OPENING OÜR KTEWT STOOK OP SÜMMER DEY GOODS. THE STOCK IS MUCH LARGER THAN USUAL, AND HAVING BEEN SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE WE SIIALL OFFER taESl IT PBICGS niCH BÏST SXlSFï TBE CLU3C3T Ai!I Di:VLUO. J. H. MAYNARD. 13T3W4 nn nn iwdaïdobs Zd, Zd ! ITMEAN! Tbis qnestion has been nsked many times lately find ojie of Erin's gong eaid, " It would takc au.educated non to tall that." Cr.t It uk-sus thnt I,. ('Ol.BV, who has for the last three ycars heen a partner in a lariíc whlceale house in Chicago, and although the terrible flro of fast fall has left that city in ruine, fcc etili lives, and like BAflNABY'S CROW, Never say9 die, but has opened a flne stock of new clean GROCERIES, at No, 29 SOUTH MAIN ST., between the fashtonalile Dry Oooda Store of Henion & G"tt, and the Mammoth Hardware Stote ol Lewifl c. Rigdou. I will eay to citizens of Ann Artor and surroundinf; country, that I will eell i;ru rritt., l'rovisiotis, ('rockery, Ulasswarc, at alovr fl;;iirc for Caih or ready pay ouly I ahvays pav Cash Down for Goode, and must have pjy for them when delivered. Po not aBk me to trust you, even if you are worth a milliou. Bil' I '11,1 SU.I. GOOES LOUER TH.tX Aï ■H CS WHO T1KKS (KEUIT FOR PAV. All kinds of Produce taken In Fxchauge. Oooda delivered in the City free of charge. Come in READY PAY CUSTOMERS, and cxamiuc my poods. I will SHOW YOU AltOUND, with the greatest of plenanre, oud lf you do not buy, Ipromiscyou I will not luok cronti. Specia. inducemente lo Koardingllousea and Club. Look for the slgn of the C. 0. I). Groeery and the Big 20. Hiewis Colby. March 14th, 1872. 1366 JFor Scrofiila, ScrofuloiiM itisc:i h e h of thcKycsor Scroftilil iit iiny forui. -ny diseuse or eruption of the Skin, disease of tlie Liver, Klicuinatism, PimS-a ple8,UldSorcs,LTlcci'8.ürok 0 Y v en-down Cönstitu t i o n b , OjsO Sypliilis, or any disease de■ ií@ puiiding onadepravedcoiiÖÖg Bitton of the blood, try DR.CROOK'S Z-&& SYRUP OF m POKE ROOT. vC? 'last'le medicinal propSMgbl l''ty of Pokecombined with lIJs al"'eParal'" of Iron wliicli llfi' goes at once into the blood, Mfr' performing the most rapid f and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for l)r. Crook's üompound Syrup of Poke Boot - take t and be healed. T UMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, lian a Urge añil well tockecl I'imlicr Ynnloi )effnan Street, 1d thoatb part of the CHv, 0D( willkfCjjoiiBtnnlly uu hand au ex;ellcnlvnricty ol Lli!tiBER,SHINGLES,LATH&C w.iichvlllbe old alow nscai be affordcd in ]thl inurkct . QuiüityaDdpriccMUchthal KO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KBATP. AnD Arbor Jamiar20th. 1ST1 980 DfíOPLE'S DRUG STOtvní R. W.ELLIS& CO. A.3STKT ARBOIR, [OR.CROOK'SWINEOFTAR êlO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Dr. Crook's WINE ■nií ti _ ' ío bnve more .v-.i.Bife. -lerit tlimi any jgi&BRS ar similar preñara áíiESBiíáÍK (jon ever ollercd the public Tt !i rioli in tlie medicinal llialHiesof'Tar, aml unequaletl for , ilixoases ot' the Tliroat and liinxijs. perfoiming the most reiuark : able cures. Coughs, Coltls, Chronic Coughs. It effectnally cures tliem all. Aslhina and Bronchitis. - Has corea so many cases it has been proDounccd a spccific for these coiuplaints. li'or païns in lireast, Side or Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Liver CompLaint, It has noeqnal. It is also a superior Tonic, Kestores the Appetito, Strengtliens the System, Kestores the Weak and Debilitated, Canses the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevenís Malarions Fevers, Gives tone to your System. J. Walk, Fionri.lor. R. H. McDou Co., DrafgUU 4 Uei. AgcriU, San Fntucitco, Citl.,nr.d 34 Comuwrie Urtel, N. Y, M1I,MON5 Bear Testimoiiy to thclt Wonrterful CaratlTS Ellccts. They kiü not uvüo Pancy Drlnki Jlmlcot Poor Rum, 'Wliiskcy, Proof Spirit and Refale Llquoi'B doctorcd, plaed and BwoeWuedtopteM tlo ttistccallc-d "Tonica," "Appclizers," "ltestorcr3,!1áicM thotleadthetlpploroiitodrunknnoi(iiaruln,lntn ntnio tCodlolncmode from Uw Nativc Hcjts undHrbl ot Oulirornla, freo froui nll Alcobotlo Siimuliuil. TlioyaroUic;REAT Jtl.OOU 1M-RIFIÉRttnfl A J.II'li :iVlNi 1'RlNCll'L.E, iv perfect Kcnoviitor and Invioratür of tho Systclil, C3riyi"But"'IPJo"""al";-t'"'li"ul"'sturinKt'";Vlll'ü1 to a hcultliy conclition. Ko poraon can toko these Bitters accoidiug to dlrections umi remaiii wiunwcll, jirovided thcit boues ore not dcslrpyed, Lj uluöiïl poiunor othac niotinu, and tlic vitl orüans wuatfd bevond llic jrointof repair. The y :in :i Cionïlc lugntlvMiMv:lI lis a Toiiic, nosmsslng, nlso, the iwcultaf ínertt oí active as a power ful .-icnt, i'.i rclicviir CMUgestiön or Indam mutioii of Uic Livor, uidall ihoViioeral ürtfaus, FOlt FKMA1J3 COMl'JLAINTS, luyoungér oUl, RUUTicd or single, at theOnvñi of womanhood orat U"1 turn of llfe, i) esc Tonic Bitters Iiavo uo cquul. For IiiflmiiiiiRiury nntl Clironlr KlirumntlMI aiul iout, D y pOpttla or IiuliL-cstlou, Billotin, Eteiiiltteut aiul Iiiteruiliceut fféTerpí PWbaseM r tbc lilovcl, Mver, KiUiicy niul Hliultl r, these JSiitcrt liuvc liccn most tUOCMsral. tendí l)I!iintHur(!CLUiüi-dly Vitinted Illooil, whioh isííem.'ially produouO by dcraiiKciueiit of thc Digestivo Oi'caus. I)VS11ÍPSIA OR INDKÜ'STIOX, 'Iicadacbe. Palolü the SbouUers, Coiigha, TighxpesM oí tho Ohostt, i.)ur Jiructatlons oí hc BtoniAcht Bad Taste in the Mouth. JlUioimJittftdUi l'üljuiution of tlio Ileart. Iiitlainiuution oí the l.uu.., Pfeln intherctiona of the Ridü) B, nwi a liuudivd other i)aibful symptoms, aiü ilic ofilprUigi of Dyspcpsia. Tlicy iiivijorate the Ktomnch undsiinuilato the torpld LtviT and Bowetá, w'uieh vcnucr tbciu of uncquallcd clLcucy In cleftDvlDf tlic blood of all IntpurltleS) and impartiü" non Ufo ftud vigor lo ílio wholeaystom. FOR SKIN DISKASKS, Eruptïons, Tettor, alt Itbcuin, Btotoliw, Spots, Elniiitea, l'untuk-ri, lioita, Carbunclen. Rldj-Wonna, SeftM Usad, Bon 1vcr. Hrystpv i, Itcl otorallooH ufthe kin, ilumursund Diseama of lbo ttklcuof wbatver iiame or iMture are litcraltv dug up and ourricd out of Ihc systeni In h hlmrt Urne bythe nseoi thoso liftte. One lHtile in sm-li casofi will COHVÍUC3 ihc most iucrcduiúus of tbeir cura tire efleets. the Vitiated Blood Tvhcncver yon fiiid its impurlties lliroufjli tho skin in rimplcs, Eruptioos or Sores; clcanso it vrben you finJ il obstructed aod bluggish in tho veins; cleanse itwlien it is foul, and your fccliiigs wlll teil you wheu. Keep tho lilood pure, and tho heaHh of tbc svfitcni will foliow. l'in, Tupes unit othci Wonus, htrkinjr In the Bystcnj of bo luany tboueanlsp are elTcctuaHy destroyed and NUlOTtd. Ban a distiitfjuiwiied physiolonriRt, tliero in ficarct'ly aii Individual upon tba mee oftlio cartb wbpM body is exompt frnm tho pn aeno of worms. It is uot upon ihe liwilthy elementa r the body that wonus exist, but apOB the dlaeased bumon unl ilimr dei'Dvits that brmdthett living monsters of ditcaso. No Byatem of Medicine, no rennlfuitesi no antbelmimics will fiee the syetem froui worms liko these Bitters. J. WALKER, Proprlctor. Jt. II. McDONALD & CO.f J)riggi&tñ and Oen. Aírents, San Francisco. 'liforuia and 32fjid 3-1 Commerce Street, New Vori;. INSOLO Bï ALL DKÜÜGISTS AND DKALJSRa GotoR.W,ELLIS& CO's forstrictly Pure Drugs and MedicineB,Paints.Oils,&c. f Q. A, SiíSSlows' ti INSURANCE AGENCY. His Companics Are Sonnd. piKENIX INSURANCE GO., HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITAL AÏCI) ASSETS.Jui.ï 1,18T1....$1 T81 000 CHICAGO LOSSKS '7511,000 THE PIHEXIX is the best conducted Fir Itisuruncc Company In the United States. Alirays prudent and sound, 1111(1 alwuy prompt in paynient of losINTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. The flrst Compnny to pa?s the ordeal of the New Commitsioucrs bIecc the Chicago Flrc, coatíng out from thesevero test TRIUMPHÁNT ! Associated Press Dispatch, November 2,1ST1, XSE INTEBNATIONAL IHBUnANCE COMPAKY. TheSDporintenclent of the New York State Insiimncc Dtp.-irtmniit, who Ie making acareful offltol ezamioatlon of the New York City Companies to-day, cerüflcB thatthe luternational Compnny1 nssetsi.f $1, 50.1, 000 are sectircly lnvestcd, and its capital if 011,1100. after providiii!; forall liabilities, mclurliiijjthe Chicago flre, s wholly unimpaired. Thia Coiniuiy i payuig al] its Chicago losses and 19 sound aud reliable. Pollcicsissuedat fulr rates at my offlec. No. Jl Kast Iluron street, Ann Arbor, J. }. A. SESSIOXS, Agent. 1347tf. ÖËÉpSÉ PÍALOS Have taken the First Premium OVER ALL COMPETITIOY AMERICA, ENGLAND, AND JPHANCE. These Standard Instruments, Are now offered at Redncod Rute on the ON E - PK IC E 8 YST E M . t& 40,000 -3 . OP THESE Standard Piano-Fortes Have baaq mudo and solrt slnce 18-23, and BIGUTYiQKE FIKST PREMIUMS Huvc been a arded to our l'lrm OVER ALL COMPETITION ThwlMaios aro stlll regarded and uuiversaliv conceded lo be The Standard Insiriiments of the Morid, ná anso prononr.oidbj all the groat artist l'r ;fi:.wï l.if-r.i -ais: " I conjar the Uniekering Plauo tup. , iur to any mtvU in M.rnpe ar Awriai and ni., kuiivímc. d tlia tniit they wero iascly eutitli'd to tb firil Pri.c," ChlckorlBg & Sons' idummolb Manuf:irtory Ib raorc; than ono-lhlrd;er than anv other Piano, l'oriu Mauofaotory in ilK. ,i-or!i!, and i"s In ovcry r■pect tbu most oomu e e re-rare's machinrrv and tb CMálHIe fr ((.ing tho rery bcH clou qfmrk. Ui-Bsre. O. A Sons have, siucc the eeiaWiehmcnt of thi-ir huidneu In I8!8, made and sold 40.000 Pinnna, lid tlu's ■ Mi ii í i'-'l Ins nimma are now ofTered t Kertneed Itate upon the "One-Pbioe Ststkm," freo fruui uil disrimntí and commUsioua; and thev uro i all rulïnatiou the vrï Brst and Vebï Cuiav. e .r i ïroyClasfc l'iunos inw offeced. -. o a3eiid. We oall wpectal attentioa to our UPREGHT PIANOS whitli ara In treijr artlnlat ihe flnest Instniments i W.i.s m unir C'iirod.aud sucond only to the Ornnd Pluno, fir which ther re a nood snbatltiite. ■ v.-ry I'iaan WMTnoled f.)r Flv.! vtars. CHICKHRING & SONS, 1 1 E. 11 tk St., .Kew York 354 Washington St., Boston. 1369 w8 HURY UP ! "lï Aicniis wlshlug wali Paper, cioth 1 and Popn Sbades. Hollands, Wlndow Fixtures, Coide, Tamela. c all New Stvles, ut SulWr.-ictiin Prl:i'. by J. R. WcUlcr & Co., Book élor, ncar the Express Oíílce. X X PI1ÏSICIARS' PRESCBIPTIÖKS" ICCUBA'.ELY ANP C ARËFULLY PHÉPABED flt B. W.KLL1E & Cü.,DRUGaiS18. yyrci. wacñer 18 NOW READY FOR THE SPRIK6 TRADE Havlng Uecelved a.Large Stock of sp ai summer GOODS 1NCLUDING CLOTH8, OA8SIMERE8, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and QUALITIES, WHICH Et W1LI. MANÜr ACTUEE on terms to sult. Also a full line of REAÜY-MADE OLOTHING asv Gents' FURNISHING Goods BEST JST"S"XjiE3 ALSO LADIES1 AND GKNTS1 MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21 South Main Stt-oet,- EaetSide: OALL AND SEE THEM. AVIM.IARI WAGNEK. AünArbor, April let, 1872. NEW SPRING GOODS HLEÏHEWIS, Are now rccelvlug the roost eomplete aud ELEGANT STOCK OF Fll, GOOI litt The line op , BOOTS and SHOES EVEH BftOUQHT TÖ TTUS CITY. HAVI THE EXt'MSIVE SALE OF THE WOKR OF AM, THE IIIiST-f MSS JIAX. IFACTIKERS IS THE COlSTttï, WE l.n OFFER TO CASH CISTOJ1EKS. GREATER INDUCEMENTS TITAN AKY OTIIER IIOUSE IN TUIS CITY. Wecarry complete Unos of work from K. C. BVlI't', CBAÏ HKIS TllDIJS, sri i)i:i,i. bros. InCniI,DREN"S FINR SI1OES, of whlch wo hnvc by far the líirjjeít and rtnest nssorthient ercr brought tó Ann Arbor. Jas. M. Burt's Gent1 FINE HANÜMADK Boots and Shoes, uiioqiinled orStyle, Iural)ility anti iiniph. John W.IInrl's Boya Finv Shot!, and in Tact a Completa Btodcaf yiNEand PLAIN Goud, euitablefor thi Jtorkct. 13C3 QPRING SEAÖüN, XQ"FQ - MILLINERY NOW READY MILLINERY NOW READY MILLLNERY NOW READY -A.T THE inunuTii 33 SOÏÏTH MAIN ST. LADIES ï KOU CAN NOW FIND AT THB HIETB0F01IM A Full and Complete Assortment of all the LEAD1XG SPBIX6 STVLES OF HATS & BONNETS, FLOWEES AND RIBBONS. LACES :feo We alsokeep the LARGES.1 ASSOKTilïïNT, ■ lUe LOWJBST PK1CKS, of iiosieet, üandkekchiefs, Gloves, COLLAKS, And Cuffs, Dkess Teimmings, Dbess Buttons, &c. &c , &o., &o. TIOS. One Hundred Pieces Nottingham Lace, for Curtains, from 16e Per Yard Upwards. TABLE LINENS, NAPHNS, TOWEL1KGS, TABLE SPREADS, COUiTERPANES, TOILET QUILTS, SW1SS MUSLIN, JACONETS, BRILLIANTS, NALNSOOKS, CAMBRICS, PIQUAS, VICTORIA LAWNS, EMBROIDER1ES, And INSERTION. LADIES' MADE UP DRESSES, AND UNDER OAKMENTS, )ur Oombination Hip G-ore Corset, Made Expressly for the IETHÜPOLITAW Hoop Skirts, from the Cheapeet to the Best. The Best Dollar Ki(l Glove in the City. THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOVK OF PARASOLS AD Sf.-M V.-UBRELLAS 1ÜTHE C1XY. PERFVMERY, ■ SOAPS, B RUSHES, VOMBS, GENTS' IPDK'S., TIES, COLLARS, H0S1ERY, c6c, cC-c, tCv. H. COHEN. 33 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 1 ïscs.


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