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DETROIT ADYERTISEBENTS, A R. & W. F. LIXN, ijl Mannnñtaren of Kround Coffcm, Spiccn, llmtarcl, etc. and wholcsale de&lcn In TEAS AND GROCEUS' Sl'NDRIES, 120 Jeiïerffon Avenue. Detroit; rItlIIT, Ci!V!E CrOOltS, Etc., 1 havo no-,v In ptoro a large stock of Foreíern íiikI Domestic Fruits, Cnnned Qood of all errvien Plcklps. etc , etc., which I nm offering at low prír-ojí to tho frtíln, JOHN HEFFRON, Wholesale Fruit lloune, 218 JoiTVrntm t.vo. Tj1 ni III., KE1ÏMJID4CO. Manufacturera, ImporterB, and Wholesale, dealers Ín Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, 40 and US .lofferson avenue, Detroit, Micb. AIsü ehlppcrs of undressed Fura. ir p. BAUítvi.M t ro., Manufacturera aiul wnolosale dealers in All Hand Made Oustom Boots and Shoos, 43 Woodwunl Avenue, DETKOIT, MIÜH. I O. PATTON SOU, J Manufacturen and Dealers In Carriages, Bugsies, SleigliB, Etc, Thu finest aseortmenl in Establlelieíl In 1842. Factory, corner Woodbridge and Brnsh Street. Bepodtorj, Jifl JuíTereon Avenne, Detroit. TiAHUIAUES, I always koop on hand a rery nico aKcortment of Open and Top Carriages, wbirii I will sell at low flgnres. Buyers will do well to cali and examine tock and prices lcforo pnrebas Ing. lealer can buy of me to eood ativaníage. JOSErn KI.NOKL, 55 Oratlot Street, corner Furrar. Dutrolt. Mich UOOKS ! .T. M. ARNOLD&CO suppty Public Librarles, Sabbath Schools and Book Buyers penerallyt at low rati-s. Our stock b choleo and large 13D Woodward Avcnne, I'etroit. íArknníidAi'i'" ohio stonkwark UV)UuU at Wholesale. Alsu an entirely new etock of White Granito and C. C. ftooda, Plain ain! Dccorntivn China Dinner and Tea 8ets, Cut GIbbs. Silvcr Platcd Goods, I.amps, Cutlery, Japan Ware. He , at No. 10 Michigan avenue, oppoaite ncw City Hal!. DAVID HoCORMICK , ICHIGAN MACH! Milt V IiKI'O'1'. Q-. 8. Wormer & Son. Dealers in all kind of Hood and Iran Working lUacninery, 09, 101 and fri3 Jcffereon Avenue, DETROIT , MICH: PORTABLE KNUIKES For Mecbaokal and Farm nses. D. B. KICK, Mannfacturer, 101 Ai water Sireet, Detroit. JOHN ii, vi:.mi:i,i, & o,, Commisslon Merchants in Flour and G-rain. Ufllce and Warehotigo, Nos. 50, i2, 54 and 66 Woodbridge street, west, DETROIT, MICH. Ballard a Starrat MannfactoYere and wluilesale dealers In Stone and J{-'(:kiniiain 'arc, Fire olay, Firo Brick and Drain THe, Ol.'ies Fruit. lar. añil t'lasks. M(inulHi:t!ir!'rs' AL,'enU for tlie Uhio Stone Socket Sewer and Water Pipe. Ofïice and warehoute No. 60 Wro.-ïbridge Strt-ct, opposite Board of Trade, Detroit, Mich. jï A. TYKSLL & C 8WAIN, Wholesale and retail dealers in all kinds of Farm lmnlemcnt.% Machines, State Agents for the Philadolpfaa LAWN MOWICR9, wnrranted lo be tho beet In the market. Prices Irom $ Í5 to $3". Liberal discount to dealers fy tíead for circLdar. íío. 21 Jeiiersou avenue, Detroit. j iTTEiire. Detroit Stcam Fancy Oj'innr Estab lislnmiil. döfpirmreet.' " ráney Snftr ' W oKéi "ni Mixed Goods of every dencription done m the best ponlble raanner. Kvery kind oi Bb&wJa, ttllk, te, clonncd aud re-pressed. Kid (ilovea cleaned and djed. AUCIIIBALD UKANT. ( ' SCHULEN'Bt'RG, Billiurd Table V.y. Muunfai turer, with Delanoyn Patent Steel Wire Cnhions, universal iy ackuoMiedged to be the best in use, 98, 100 and i'j-2 iiaudolph street, Detroit, Mich. "VrOIGHiT'S FAMOU8 V M1LWAÜKEE LAGER BEER is the best brewed in the state. Adihoss K. W. voKiHT, Milwaukeu Brewery, Detroit, Mich. Term Cash. Cl EO, S. FRU8T Sc COf Detroit, Itlicl. Agente and dealers in Pino. aiil Farniiu Lnnds, In Michigan, and In nearly all the othcr States, l ractt ol line Land bought or sold on Commisilon. '1 he best of lands in the Southern States at low ratea Chas. Noble. Geo. S.Froat. Chas. W. Noble. t'rcsU iil Rcliablc Oarden, Flowcr, and Farm SitiJh, Who'.esalc and Itctall. D. M FERRY & CO , Seedsmen, 203 Woodward avenue. P. 3. Our illustrntecl and dc?criptive priced Secd Catalogue of 162 paires free to :ill npplicauti. PKKD9! 3KEDS! Fresh and Relinble Oarden. Field and Flowcr Seodn, wliolepalc anO rct:ul, at the lowos. ratis. Alao Fruit and Ornamental Tree. Grape Vinos, Surubü, Kosos and Plants of all kinds, jend for a catalogue. WM. ADAIR A CO., Detroit. JOHN H.DOU&HERTY, Manufacturer of JTIrror nnil Picture FrameH, Chromoa, i:tt(jr insf and Piloto. Dealers snd Agenta supplied. 227 JeffersDn ave mie, Uuiroit, Mica tv Oerman plates at lowcst market rates. 8end l'ur calftkinj. ..- ís ''. C!)Vi:i.l,. T. l. llrI . .- "% uliHt and Aurist, pi'rmanently BSmmRIu lc'etl i'1 Detroit for TwoDIv-Five HRHOjK ycars. Specially treating dlseases Ss' " jrYK ATirn xga.r, and Catarrhal aifectinns of the HKAT) AND THBOAT, Office and rcsldencc, No. 52 Lafajctte avenue. Office hours from 9 a. u. to 5 r. m . Kcfereuce8 by Pcrmlssion- Nathanlel W. Brooke, Hon. Ira Mayhew, Qeo. Prenties, Esq., Wm. 0. Mnrtou, Baukerj 13. F. MortOD, Eq , W m. I. Powler, Esq. 1870m3 LOVEeJOY, TOBACCONIST I Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SimfF, JPipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HUROJÍ STREET, Next to the Express Office, AW ARDOR, J1H1I. lS46tf CARD. Mre. OLARA B. D ARROW would reepectfnlTy announceto her forraor patrón, and othere iotereated that sho will rosnmo her instruction. in Yocitl and instrumental Music. Shc wtll alKoform a claee for Instrnction of chtldren in the elemente of Vocal Muslc and licatling and Singing byoie. Addroes her at residcace No. 28 Foarth Street Ann Arbor. 7th. 187. 1364m3 ! PHYSICIAKS PIESCBIPTIOSS"7 ACCURA1ELY AND CAHEPÜLLY PREPAPED BY R. W.HLL1E &OO.,IJ11UÜGIS78. r AM nov RECEIVING A LARGE AND SELECT ASSOUTMENT OF OOATXNQ8, VESTINGS and TROW3ERINGS AND EVERYTOINO IN MT LINE FOR Tl SPRING TRÁDE Gali ad Examine Our work in the Field Spcaks for Iself. Also a Line of Gents' Furnishing G-oods, at 24 South Main Stro et. JAMES BOYD. 8 È i i ! B 3 8 H 2 g ft 1 rag .S l S , , o (ft W m Ka MÍO y' ft, S 0 3 s cc B DON'T FORGET That the Fairest, Sqnfireat . and boet place n Ann Arlxiv to bny l'nre Druu'i nii'l Medicines, 'nes aud Llqaors, fur Medicinal l'urpüsc, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, :BRUSHES, &C, is Aa1 R. W. ELLIS & CO'S. Corner Oppoelte the Savings Unk. CALL -liVKriD E2CA_lVlI3SrE Onr Permanent 'ol'-rt, for oattldeor insirln païniIng, maniitáctiiri-d írnm Pure White Lead, .inc, and Linnecd OM. Cheapcr an'i bettar tlmn anv other Paint made. sld by tho eallon, tM, ar barrel. Alo Pure White Lciid, Zinc, &x., at satisfitrtorr Priceg. REMKMnERNAMK ANDPI, .IK it. v. i:i, a o. Go toR.W. ELLIS & cO's for choiceWinesandLiquors for Medical Purposes . B. GIDLEY, Successor to COLGROVE i SOU. I DRLGGIST AND GHEH18T IN CO'JK'S NEW nOTKL, No. 12 E. HUBON STREET, DEALER IN BICS, MEDICINES, sriuüi u, nsTRcnEüTS, PIRE WHES A11 MQDOBS, fFOR MEDICAL PURPOSES ONLT.) Fancy Goods, Perfumcry, IMIMS. O11.S, VAItlVISIIKS, GIASS, AIV PITIÏ, PHYSICIASS' PIESCBIPTIOSS Carefully compountled at alt hours. I PBOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. F.. II. CIDIiGT. 18Ttf pURNITTJEE t 1872. PRISON FURNITUBB SALESROÜMS 241 AXD 243 MAIN STREET, JACKSON, IYJSCK. Our StocU is 5 tniMiullj' I.nroro and Complete, and. Embraces ver y Varicty of FURNITURE ! ESPEClii. Il;EEMEST8 ARE OFFERE. Inspect Our Ooods and learn the Prices before Purchasing. 5SV@g BABY ÍÍRRIACiES A SPEf'Sjgaêgp as sevekal xoveities. Goods Dkuvered to R. R. Depots AND PaCKED ITT OüRSELTES Frke of Giiarok. l!!G3m3 A PAL5E REPORT ! THAT A. A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOF TKADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LARQE AND COMPLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT TITE TIMË3. AL8O A PULL UNE OF GENTS5 PÜRNISHINO GOODS! DON'T PURCHASE TOÜR] SPRING AND SÜMMER OUTPITS UNTIL YOU QIVB I-ÏI3VT -A.OÍtIjXj. 15 South Main St., Aun Aiboi. 1341-lf. HURRY UP ! 1 A B'l' I i:s wishini; Wall Puper, Phndcs, ] - Hullamle, Wlndow Fixtures, CoTdfti Tnasels, &c , nll New Stylcs, at Sntlsfnctorj , Pcli-e, b) J. R. Wrlnt'T t Co,, tiook St'Tc, noar tho Ejptcsa Ofilcc. X X i Gommissioncrs' Notice. OTATE nr MW11K;A,( oimtyof Wnshíonaw.sfl. ' v Thfl Uiutenigued, liuving teon nppoiutcd by tho ' Frobítte (,'ourt íor sítid onunty, CrannuasioneTS to T8 1 icive, examine ;nvil.iut a.ll cLurae mil demanda of f vil peisoxu agai&at ilr pvtntvof Ansel A. Jlolnomb, s i oounty, deocasedyheivbygive ooÜoethatsix J Tioiuhs froiO dote ;rf ;llowfvl, Iy onlrr of Mid ; jute Court, t'or oreditmn t pvsso&l theír idaiaai tpiiiiKi thc estiite of said deooMCd, and thattlieywiU :neet at the reaUtenoe of suid deceased, in the township )f York, in Bald county, on Satunlay, tho twt'iityiccond day of June, itnd Friday, ílio ewhtÁentb duy f Ofrtober next, at ton o'clook a. m. of onch nf Huid lay, to vt'Cí'iv-, oni::inc ;unl uJjuíít Huid claims. í)utoU, A.WÜ itiLli, A. I 1H72. LOVATUS0.A1XEÏT, v J081AH HATHAWAY, 1371 w4 Commissionere. i Estáte of Matthew SchaibJe. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntyof Washtenmr, ss. o Notloeis hereby given, thaf by nn oYder of the 'fcöbate Cour! ft tne County of Wtishteiiaw. marie on be l wvu'ii'th das t" April. A. I). is;:, six nontha frotn fchat dato wen auowed for crédito to treseut fihelrdlalma agalnsttbe estafo ni' UottlMw lohaible. Late of laid eoanty, dweaaed, and tht uil roditora of sai'l deooAwd are requlrad to preseni beil clalma to snitl Probute Oourt, nt the Probate M&oe, in thtt ( lito of Ann Arbor( for examination nnd Uowanofl, on or befove the tweuty-first dny of Oetobfr icxt, umi thut m:h i'l.uin-s will Ixi honrcl befOTO snid róbate Court, on Hntuitlny, the first cluy of Juno, nd on Mondiiy, tbs t .wenty-first dny of Octoher u- ! , t 10 o'clock in tlie forenoon of eaflh of Hiorc days. Dated, Ann Atbor, April 30tb, A. 1). 1R72. ILIltAM J. BEAKE8, 137Iw4 Judfio of Probate V40NEY WANTED. Five or Rix thousand dollnrs, or more, on a mortugc of uuincumbored real eetate worth tbrec times :ie nmount. Knquire of 13 E. W. MORGAN. PinestAssortraen tof Toilet Goodsinthe City,by Rail lio ad Stock Asscssmcnt. Office of Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern R. U. Co. i Ann Arbor, Murch 13, A. 1). 1M2. i Kotiee i1 hereby iwn, timl toe Directora of the Polcdo, Aun Axbor iV Northern Knilvoud í'ompany, niviiiíf li ■;♦ i ■ i í: ■ ■! : ,:mi.iIi d thai part of Boid bom mny's liailroml Una lyirir in tl. tnty Of Monroe, ind in tluit part of the oounty of WtusMciuiw south of tho nver JIunm, in the city of Aun Arbor, i visión for coiinlruciion : At a'm'etinj? o!' lh" Boftfd rf boIcJ i ompany thia day heM, naid Soard üd, by reuotatien, requixe uil penóos holding r in1' reated in tho Capital Stork of unid Compuny, whfi, by along oí ooUateral lo sach deei ■ livisiini, OT wilhin two iiiii-s of Úthei Of tlrt termini .hereof, or by special agreement oí otherwuK arelíable bo be aMsewea and mude to p'iy towarN t he oonstruo:ion of such desígno-ted división, to pny tothti Tivasui'Y of -v ii 1 Company, ut his oliicc, in Ann Axbor, the EbUowing Lnstallmenta apon such sharea of the capital itook&wdbyi irely to wit: One InstAllment of ten doltan per Bhar6t on or beforo tbíi ftrst lay nf April next ; OúO installinent of ton dolían pal sharo on or bofore the tint day of May nexi one SnHtu Urnen t of ton dollars por sharo on or befo:e tho ílr.-ít dny of June nuxt ; one installinent of tíín dolían per fthore on or belbre the Rrst day of July next, for the construct i tm of sucb división ol mu lxnad By order of tlie Bonrd of Direotors, B. W. MüBGAN, Secrctary of the T., A. A. & N. It. 11. Co. 1365 Sidewalk Order. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Oityof Ann Arbor, w.O To Samuel F. Juwett, Samuel Doy, Ansoo !. Be simor, Lyi 11. DonglaaB. &EÍDerra Fllnt, Geozae íí.. liruithwuit, Ijinns ljtrch, John N. (íott, Holomon Wall, Tripp, AíUís & I'rir, Jacob Wcil & Tivon. and Lcoix)ld Wnl, or to my otner penon Intencted in the piumisew vithin tho luriits berélnafter mentíontd : Yon are hereby notiütnl thnt you are nbont to be nstOD-d to defray the axpanMs ol' erradinand plankiug the sidewnlk in fnmt ni or adjacent to certain premhea owned px oocapied by yoa in said city, und that a reiort aml asaeumezit roll made out on the prendsea is on file in the ottlee of the Recorder tor innpection ; and, furthcr, that tho Oommon Oounofl will incet at the ' fcmncll Hoorn in the city of Ann Arbor, on the lirKt Uonday in June m-xt, at 7 i o'clock f. m., and review uoh nwooomnnt roll on requeat of any person considerinff himself nggrieved. Said ddowallc u to be sonatrueted on tboaonth sitie of Jtluron Rtreet, botween Pirst street and the vest boundiiry of aiiid city, flve feet wide, of two inch plAnklald Lengtiiwiae on four by four inch Rciintlin'r? lakt croa w toe. tour feet apart, and thot y on are allo wed thirty daya wUlaki whloh to mako suc-h grnding and Bidewulk, under ïne Bnperintendei f ' Inarh . li. l'orter, Chairman of the sidew:lk Oommittea, and if tho same sball within that time have been po oonstrueteA to the satisfactiou of tlie (hairinnn of tlic Siilcwalk Oommittoe, no ex penae of proceedints to colleot the aame agatnst the perbons o cunHtmcting shall 1 inctirred by ttkem. Dated.Mayii, 18TSL. QRtTNBR, Pororder of said City of Ann Arbor. Mortgagc Foroclosuro Notice. DEFAinr huviiiff been made in the eondition of a mortae pude and exeeuted by John (Heutel to Clark rtutton,beaiinif date the fourthday of May. A. 1. eifihtecn hundrel and pixty-ojjilit, nm'l reoordeu in the ottico of the Jtetdater of Deodfl ol U'jishtenaw County, ïliobigan, Ín liber thirty-oight of inortgagea, on piiire four bundred iin.l twenty-six, on the e&htoenth day of June, A. 1). aighteen hundTid and sixtyeiglit, ut eleven ana a h:ilf oiclock -. ie., and tho power of sale contained m pain mortgage having become operative by reason of unh dcfnnlt,, aud the sumof tnrec hundred and eigMy-one dollars and ten cents being claimed to be due on said morti? agre at the dato ot tStt noüoe lor principa] and Interest, beaidea a rea Bonivble Attoint;y t&Q lor the forecloure of said mortpaga, aad no "it oi pxooeedbiga nt lAW havin teen InatitntedtO n-ovi-rthedebtseeuredbysaid laortgage or any part thereof ; Notice i therefore hereby given, that said raortffne will be foreclosed by a sale of the morimured lands and pri'mifteH theix1in doaoribed and hcreinafter mentioncd and set forth, or some part thereof, on Saturday the ritteenth day of June next, at eleven o'elock in the forenoon, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor. that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for the county of Wushtenaw. The said ïnorfgaged so to be uold, by virtue of the power of ale in said mortgage, ure deaorlbed m sakl moit"ape as follows : " All thut trart or parcel of land sitúate in the townahip of Bridgewater, in the county of Washtennw, and Btate of KDohigfto, boundetl and dewcribed :ih being the northt-;t.-t Quaxtor ï' tlie northweat quarter of aection numbor thirty-eix 36] in township number fom ;i) south of range numbev foiir (4) cast, nontaining lort y acres of' land be the saine more or leas. Uatcd, Ann Arbor. March Hth, 1872. LARK SU'rrON, ITortgagee. Htiiam -T. BEAXX8. Attorney for Mort-gagoc. 136G Mortgage Sale. DEFAUI.T having been madt; in tlie condition of a mortL,'Hgeexeouttd by ilimm Bfaaphi rdand Kliz:ibeth U. Whephr.rd, bifl wifo, to Uw UTuícrsin'-J, Alnhein Feloh, bearing date tho third day oí Jamurar, A. 1. eighteen liiuulrril umi soveuty, and reoorded ín the oflko of tlin Register of Dcids oí Washtenavw C'oiiiity, in the State oi Michigan, in líber -í;l of murtgagea, 0:1 iKigo 131, on tho fourtecnth tïay of Jaiumry, A. I. t7i, by whirh defaitlt the wer oí' sale contained in aaid mort gage haa btoonu operative, and there is daimed by me to be dae on saii.1 mortgage at the date oï this uotice, theumof fourteen hundred and Beyenty-onc dollar and tdxtf-táx oc-nts, lor principal and intoreet. mul atoo tuestan tf farly doliars as a ■ BolicitOT6 ox AttortieyV loc on iakisig I hen iinafs to t'orerlofw said mortgagi . pravtded in the same, aüd aonuil orpivoéedfoig atlaw or ÍQ dunu&Bty Inwint beeu intatitutcd to recover tha dcii tecured by said mortKBge, r any part thereof ; NOTXOB is lhïcfore hereliy gLve&t ihat by virtue of the power of sulo coiitninnl in saiil inorlgage, and of tlu; statuic in such cjisc made and providf!, said moitfage wül ba forecloaed by a rtlo of the mortgaged premises, at public, aiirtion, to tho hijihest bidder, on HConday, theeiiibth day of Jlyiïext,ïittenof thcclock in ihc forenoou of ihat diy, it tlie south dooi' oï the Couït IIousc, in tho city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Wü.shtonaw, smid Court Hotme being iho plnco of ïuMdini: tl Circuit C'ourl ior ( i " "'" -■"'t,vot".':i-.i]. tenaw. I so í"x:sold aro describtd in aaia mortgage aa fóllows. to wh : ' T!ie nonh half of tho &orthw4t quaxter of section twenty-one, (21}, in town Tour [4) Hmth of lange ris {O cast, in the county of "WiiKhtcnaw ;un! state of Michigan, containing eighly acres of land more or lesw." Datod, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 8, 1872. AUPHEUÖ FKLCfl, Mortgaeee. C. n.ORANT, Attorney for Mortgagee. 1369 iEortgage Sale. DF.FAt'Ir haring beon mado i:i the condijion of a morí gago givon by John Í-'. t.r.-il and Sarah A. 3eil lo liriHtian Mank und Fredfritk Si-liimd. dated Tunuary tenth A. D". 1871, and reoorded in tho Kepiscr's otfic.;, in Washtenaw ('ounly, Mieliijífin, in líber No. 44 of raortgagcs, at pago 7u"), by which default he power of sale therein containod becarae operativo, ind no siiit or proceodiny having lwcn instituted at aw to recover the mortgage debt, or auy jjort thereof ; and tlie smn of three hunured ana thirty-eiglitdollars utd sOTCDty-thros centb iH'ing now claimed to b duo nnd tliivty dollars as an Attorney fee, a pmvided v said murlgape, and further sum.t to beeonie duo : Notice i therefore hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosiKl by a sale Of tlie mortgnged pTOnÜM, doscribcl as follows viz : Commt-neing twelve rods i'Mst.ilv of the northcast corner of lot twelve (12) in block eijpht (8), in ürovvn & Fiiller's addition to tho villagtï (now city} of A:m Arbor, BUehlgan, aeoording u the reoorded plat thercof, thonco ulong the soutB Une of Wall stroet in said additiun in a simthenstorly direction tour (4) rods, thence in a southcily direction at right nngles to said Wull street thfrteea timIh :md three links, thence northeasterly in a line parallel to s;iid Wall street four rotïs. thence in a norílierly d&eotion thirtocn ïtxls and tlirrc links at right itngles to Raid Wnll stroet to the placo of boginning. fxeopting and reservinff ono and one-half rods off from the outhendof Die abore deaoribed land for a street, at publiovendue, at the Oonrt House, in Ann Arbor, on the twonty-wventh day of Jtily next, at noon. Datecl, April 20th. 87S. CITRTSTÏAX MAÖK. 1S72 FBEDSRICK BOHHIX)v Thomas Xinde, Attorney. Mfrtgagees. SlierifFs Sale. OTATE ÓF BUCHft fAX, Connty of Wnsníesaw, ss. O By virtue of a writ oí' execution is.siied out vt and under the scal of the Circuit Coturt for thc county oí Washtenaw, and to tnu direotod asad delivcred, agauut the guods, chut! les, 1;uh1m and tenwnftnta of üeonro J) Hill, Ididon theÜftliduy of Maxch, A. J. 1S, rafe? and levy upen all the right, tiüe and interest (jfeorge I), Mili íuls i the fbllowing dflEoribed lauda, situite iil Uu tOVnship of Aun Albor, COUnty oí Washdn iw, Michigan, begiunlngftt a jxiint in the vreet lina oí' e:tion thivty-threc, in townsliip íwo sonth in range -i-c OMiti si :it y-üvt' toda si;uiii j'tüui tiie norUrvran ooruer oí said section, Uienoc wmtlt on said 960tlon Une twih' ohajnfl uud íifty-tw liik.s, thUMSQ cast parallel to thc nnrth lino of a:ii( section, sovcn chíiins und iorty-one líuky, tiit-nro nortli icunlUl lo tU? west line of siiid seclion twelve chiiius and fií'ty-two links, thcncc eiiat parullel to the north line of snid suction to i)ie north and south quarter lino of said section, thence north to the quarter post of said sect ion ujkii thc iiorth line of snid HOtfon feo tlit? nostlnrast comer of suid section, thence soutíi on the west line of suid sectionto the place of beginning, oontaining ninety-five acreB of land, more or les-s, ezoeptinf thevefrom thc landt ot' (lic ashtcnaw Coiinty Agricultural and Uortiirultwral Society ; also tlie south part of the east halt' ei the northoist quari.r oJ ul seetion is abov6 desoxibed, being all of iid half (piarter section which lie.s south of 1 lic Ann ArJxr ;;iul SstU&Dtl road, (so calltd),exQoptinirt6& &OT6B 'jl land BOld by (ieorgtï l'rurin to Jacob WOftver, and oontaining thivty acres of land, moreor less ; also thc fcülowingAdSCribed londa to wit : The eaet half of Üie Dozthoast qnarter of section nineteen, and tbe wost half of the weai half of the north vest quurter BOOÜon twi-ntj. Itrtownahip two sontib n ranga six cast, in said county and State ; also all tin; toliowing tlerfcribed lancls, situated in the olty ni' Anu Arbor, Michiean, to wit: Lots numdcr flve, rix and leven, in block one north, in ranfre three eaat, together nitli llie (ier;v House and OthèVbnildürira thereon ; urbich real estáte ubove descríbed I nhall exposé for vle to the hijfhest bidder, at public nuction, at the iouth door of the Court House, in the city of Ann ïrboK, in the 28th day of Muy, A. 1). 18T2, at 10o,clock v. r. of MÏd day. Dated, April Sd, A. D. 1X'2. MYRON "WEÜK, Sheriff, 13G8 By JouriN Fobbxs, Under-Öhcriff. Sheriff' Sale. STATE OF HÏCniaAK, county of Washtennw, sa. By virti'.c of 11 writ of exivution issuod out of aad under the eul of bhe Circuit Conrt for the county of Waahtenaw, and to me direct ed and delivored, ngninst the gooils, chai t les, lande ati'l h m monta of George V. Hül.ldid.on theöthdfty of April, A. D. R71 ;md l"vy tipon uil the right, litle and intrrest Uooivre 1). Ilill h;ts ia Ibe followine de.wrilx'd laniN, aituate urnahijp af Aim Arbor, county of Wushtcnaw, M iphigftn, boguinlng it ;i poini m the wrt line of eoction lliir( -fint -, in townnlip tiro sonth in nme six , . iii y-iivi' tocIb sontíi Ltoio the northwest oorctioD. thenceaouth on enid KOtíon line ',;ni!H nul titty-twn links, thence c;ist paiitllrl to the iiuith HiR' of s;id section soven ch:ins und forjy-nin' links, tbenoe north parallel to the yrat line of ■aid BCtion iwelTo ohaim and tü"ty-two links, thence east parallel to the north line of snid seetton to the . nortti and BOOth quarter line of snid section, thence noi'th to tho tunrU-r post of said eeetien upoo Um north Iinr of s:iid seotipn to the nort h west corner of ■aid seoftioni thence soutib o:i tho west lino of said ieoüon to the place of beginning, oontainiog ninetyiof land more or lew, zoapting therofrom the landa nf the Waahtenaw Oounty Ágricaltaral tata Horticaltural Society also the sonih part oí tbeeaat half oí Üie norUpat quarter of aaid MOtlon MAbore deacribed.'belng alï of aaiihalf qnarter seotion wbJofa líes south of the Aim Arbor and Ypsilnnli road (so j oaUed] excepting ten acres of bind sold by George Prurin to Jaóob wayartand oontaSning Unrty aona af land mow oor Lesa; ateo the BoUowlng describod ] l:unls, to wM : Th eaai haJtf of tbe northaasi qoatter i nineteen, and tli west hnlf of tlie wvst hnM of the north west qnarter aeottop twenty, In tojnship twuHOuth in range sfx oaat in said eounty and state; ! aIm aU the fbUowing deocribed landa ntoated in tho ■ oitvof Ann Arbor, Mifhitrün, to wit : IxtB nuaibcr flve ix :ict Boren, to blook oae north in range three , aast Uwether with the Opam Hooae :i".l other t iníre'thweon, wWoh real estáte abov deaoribed I ahaU t aumae toréale to the bighest bidder, at publioauction. , ttlwMuth door of the Court Houso, in thcrity t.f . AnnArbor, on the 28t.h day oí May, A. 1. 1S72, at 11 o'clock a. M. of said ftffISO By JOBT1N t'OBBSB, UniltT BhlTitf . Real Estáte for Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, oounty of WaMenftw,efl. in matter of tibe estáte -i Huta MCaÁihowa, deceused. No tice ia hereby givm, that in puru un oí an order granted lo the undersigned, Exccutor of thelast will iinrl tt'ntaracnt of said dewasod, by thfl Hun.Judge of Proboto iot tho county of Wfinhtenaw, t duy of April, A. I 1872, thcrowill be aold At pnblio rendue, to the highett bíddcf , at the south door of theGonrt EXonae, in the eft of Ann Arbor, in the county of Waahtenaw, in aaid State, on Tueaday, nth day of -Iinif, A. I). 17 at ten o'clock venoon of that duy [anbjcot to all encumbran■ orothernaa existing at the timo of 'il-1 aeatti 'i aaid deooaaad) the fouovtase de 1 itowil : Being a i;trt of eecti un tv. [nc, in townahip two aouth ox ranga six raat in sai d Otate beginning a.tthi :merof landherctoforodi edod by Caleb Ormaby and Dcaire Ormaby to John 8inclalr and on the east awo of the Adrián nnd Pontiao rondt and running t heneo easterly along the aonthllne i aaid land aold to üd Binclairelfrht rods, tutherly al righf anglea with she said lino nnd pnrolle] wlth taid rood four rod, thenoe weaterly pajilld with tïn: fint montionctl lino oig-ht rod to the east line of aaid rond, 1 henee northerly along tho emit line of (wid road to the plivce of bezinning ; also a piece or parcA of lund ftdjoiniuf? and beinff uorthorly of the ahove deaatibea Mutoel, oommaneniff nt thu northwewterly eorcer of Uiesaia first ahore dfsrribed lot of land on Pontiao street orroad. thenoe running eaatarly on the nortliL-rly line f)i the firul mentioned lnnd atghtroda, thenw northerly at right anglea and parallel with said rondaixrods, thenctt waateriy and parallel with tina flret Uno to Pontiao Btrovt or rond r-iht nnU. thence s'uitlu rly along the eaat lino of said Pontiac wtreet nix roda feo Uu plaoa of bcginning, lyin ond Iwintf in j of Ann Arbor, oounty aud 9tata aJEoreaaid. liated, April 22d,A. I). 1872. MAlCCL'iS J. MATTHEW8, 1371 Executor. Sheriff 's Sale. STATE OF MICHIOAN, county of Washtenaw: ïïy vjrtiïoof onocxecution isaued out of the Circuit tionrt for tho oounty of Washtenjiw, to me direct(.■d and delivered, affatnst the uoods, ohAttles, lund and tenements of (iconre 1. Hill, itud for w:mt of Roods and ohattlea, Í dïd, on the fonrteenth dav of Februaiy, A. J). ISTBatseandleryiiponalltiiarht, title and intercHt (rcorL'e 1). Hill hasin the foüowing describcd real catato to wit : tho east half of the northaal auaxter of seotion Dinetccn, and the west bul f of eaat half of west half of northwest quartor in soction twenty, toVn two sonth ranga híx east, maldng ons hnndred and two neresof laud, beinj? situüted in the townahip of Ann Arbor, oounty ot Waahtenaw, and State of Michigan ; nlso all tho interest George I). Hilï bas in lote uumber 5, fi and 7, block one north, range thn e east, huí. i tota ÏH-in:: sltnated in the cih of Ann Arbjor, cminty of Wnshtenaw and State of Michiííun, wliicli mIkvc deaoribed real eatote I ahaU exposc for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the third day of June, A. D. 1Ö72, atten o'clock a. li. of aaid day. Datod, April llth, A. D. 1872. MYRON WEBB. fiheriff, 1370 By Jobtin Forbeh, Under-Sheriff. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATTO-OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtennw, as. 1 In the mnttor of the estáte of Electa Munson, minor: Notice is hereby given. that in piirsuance of an order tfranted to tbe undersigned, Guardián of thfl eatetaofaaid minors, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtcnaw, on the twenty-flíth díiy of M:irch, A I). 1H72, there will be sold at public ven lie, to the highet bidilt-r, at the south door o: tho Conrt lloiree, in the city of Ann Arbor, in tli county of Waahtenaw, in said IJfrrte.on WaeWaay I the twenty-ninth day of May, A. I). 18,2, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of thut dny, (subject, to all eu cumbranoeR by mortgaffeor oílierwise esistinpr at th time oí the sale), the followini? dencribed rettl estáte, t wit : The undivided one-seventh of the west half ot the northeast quarter of Rcctioo thirty, in township threesouth of range six eaet, coutinteg eighty acres more or less, in yaid Stat. Dated, Murch 2Öth, A. D. ls;í. 13(19 % HKBRON HURD, Guardian. Real Estáte for Sale. STATR OF MICHIGAN, county of Wuahtennw, en. l d tbe mattez of the Batato of Cornelina Langhlm, : Notíos ia hereby sriven, tliat in pnrananoe of an order grautad to the undunsigued, Admintotrator of the estáte of said decettaed, by the Hon. Judífe of Probate, for theeounty of Wasbtenaw, elér enth day ot' Mureh. a. d. 1S72, there will be sold at public vendue, to the bighest bidder, at the dweiling house on the premisos hereinafter described, in the county of Washtenaw, in Baid Stal, on Tneaday, the the thirticth day of April. a. t. 1S72, ut ten oVlock in the forenoon of that d.ty, (subject to all encumbrancea by mortpacre or ot herwist exuting at tho time of the iir.ith of aaid deeeased) thtj following describcd rtul estáte to-wit : The west half oí' the Bouthwest quarter of section twenty-tïiree, in township one south of range aix east, coutaüiiug oighty acres more orles, in said State. Dáted, March llth, A. D. 1872. 13fi.r WII.l.iAI Jtl'KKE, Administrator. The above sale is postponetl to Thursday, the thirtieth day of May nextt at the sauio place and time of day. luted, April 30th, 182. 1.172 "WTLLIAM BURKE, Adiaini trator. Sheríff's Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, rr. 5 By virtue of one execution itsaued out of and under ' tlieseal of the Circuit (Jojit lor tne oouni) ui Wuax' tenaw and Ütate ot Miebitfnn, ilated the thirt&nth d;iy of frebroary, A. D. 1872, snd to me directed and delivercd ntiainut the ;oo(!s, ohattell, Iftnds aadteoemenU of Thomas íjlenrm and Wiüiam S. lïriiry, awl for wam thetëof I dkl, on the fonrtecnth day ot' February, A. 1). 1672, and lovy upon all the rig-bt, title nul interest Thomas Qlenam and Willam 8. Bari liave in the followiriff deseribed real estáte, to wit: The nortlioast quiri'T of (ho northwesi qtuirter, nnd southeiust quiirtor ol uorthwest quartcr, in BCCtion No. 27, nnd south end of eaat side and eásf-biúf ot northSUt i(ii:irtcr and novthcast conwr, In m -"ü nnrnVr 2b; m;ikingin all two hundred serve of land the mate more w lees, the above dmmbed lands bdnK ad lyingin the Unvnship of NorthlH-ld, couuly uf Waehreal esüito I sh:ill ( for u pnbllo aaotlon, To the higheftt bidder, st the soath door of the t oart IToube, in the city of Arii Arbr, mi the J'.h day of M:iy, A. 1). 1M72, uf teno'eloek a. m. of auid day. Datod, March 2lïth, A. ]. is?-j. MVliON WEBH, Sheriff, 1367 Bjj Joktin Fobiies, Under-c-heriff, Eeal Estáte for Sale. SJ1CT OF MJCHIQAK, oouaty H Wwhttnaw, m. In-the mnttcr fff tis lísíateoí Joi-ome (Jooding, deownoil Notioa i.s hertby given, tliat in pnrraanoe of an order grivntcd to the underuKned Adniistratrix ol the èvtatQ of said deceosed, by the Hon. Judge of hobatofor the contiiyof Wasbtenftw, on thesixthdny Of May i A. D. 1S72, thcrewül hcfotd ut public Wclue, to tu! higttcst bidder, at the dwelling house on the pri-mise, ín the town tf Yoik, in the cmintj-of ■ Waiütenaw, In said State, on Wcdneaday, tbe twvuiy■txth liiy of -hino, A. 1). 1H72, at ten o'clock in the f rt!ioon of that day (subject to all encumbmncoa hy morigHe or otheiwise existinc at the time of the denth ot said decOftMd] the fullowin daHribad nol estáte to wit : A panel of land in the northweM. qnurter of wetion tuteen, in townnliip thrce south of niïtgft stx enst, cfminient-jpT Huurt flWf chains west of theoentci ot sii-1 DOCtfaweat quirtir, thcDOC BOirU) forty degreea etust tlnvo r hnéna nrt thirtylioks, Uhom wïtith iifty degreea west nine ctitinit and sixty-one links to the center of 1 1 1 ■ hihw;ty, thence north twenty dugrees west nlons t)io highway to tlio half quiirler line, thence. cast eight chains una twenty-six links to tho phice of beghminar, con tuin iai r fite ub1 Sl-10 acre.s ; also wtst li;Ut of the m'tlv:ist iu;rttr of oction thirteen, in townhip four wouth of runirr itx east (exceptini the OKRt fwenty acres thercof) luavine sixty .K-ros, more or less, beini? the hoinostead of said iTgortnsod ; andaïsothe un4livided half of the ttorthaast 'i'iarterof the oorthwooi qnaTter of naotirwi twen ty, in townabip Éwir soath of n&ge bvtob awt in suid ntainniff fort y ocies more orles. Duted, May Gth, A.n. IR71 ( LOBIXTUA M. GOODING, IS7S Ariministrütrix Fstato of James JViitohell. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. O At usoiuionot the l'rotjaic L'ourt tor the County of WaahtflBftW) hoMni ut the Probate Office, in the Ciiy of Aim Arbor, on Friday, the third dy óf Hay, in the year one thousaud eight hundred and ffventy-two. l'n T-nit, liimm J. HenkoH, Jadgaof Protmte. In the matter of the esfcite of James Mitehell, deceaaed. On roadme and flling the pefilion, duly verin1 ed, of Edwin A. Pienre, pragnng that u oestein iBstanuacst now on ÖJfl üi thid Oourt, purporting to bo last will anï testament of said uewased may be admitted to probate, :md thnt he may bc appoinled sole Executor then óf. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the third day of Juuo oflxt, at ten o'oloofc in the forenoon, be tusigned for the hearing of said petitios, and í Imt the légateos, dtirjpow and htiis t l-aw oí said deceiised, und all other persons htBmt1 ixl in said estajo, are requirod to appear ut u st'ssitm of sttid Couit, then to be holden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, i f any there be, why tho prayer of the petítíoner should not be panted; And it is furthex oitïered, thüt okl petrtioner ffive noticetothe poison Interest cd in fuid estáte, of the ïxsndency of aaidpetition, and the hflszinff thcroof, by c;msiníí acripyof this ordtT to be publisiied in the Michigan Argus, a newspapcr print off and eire ttlttt ing in skl Cownty, threo 8uecü8sive weeks previons to said clny of btNirin, lAtruaoopy.) jaLKAM J. ükakks, 1373 Jutlire of Probate. Estáte of William Quigloy. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wahtenaw, se. O At a NPSKion of tho l'robute fourt for the County of Waslitenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, on Monday, the sixth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hunditd and sevenfy-two. Present, Hinu J. Uealkes, Jud(? of Probate. Iti tlio matter Of the estáte of Wrlliam Üuiglcy, Md On vea'ÜTifi and filing the potition, duly verifted, of Ann Quipley, praying that Patrick Wall or some other Buitable person may be appointed administran of the estáte of said deceased. Thexenpon it is ordered, that Monday, the third day of Juno next, at ton o'clook in the torenooii, be assigned 0m tbe hearing of said petitlon, und thnt the ' heirs at law of snid deceotfcd, and uil other persona iuterestetl Inleid esiatOian reqiiiredto appear al 1 : Bionofsnid Court, tfien to be holden at tho Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show oause( U any thcre N?, why lht prayer of the petitioner sboold ' rnnted i Lnd it is furthet urdend, that said . pctitioTH'r (five notice to tho persons interes tod in said est i'", "! v'iiUiin y of sju'l jM'titiim, and The ( Uut thereof, by enusing a eopy of this order to be f publishod üi the Míehtoan Argut. a ncw-p.ipor,printed 1 and circula;intr iusnid ctmnty, tliree sueoesbivo weeks I prorlonsto said day tif heazuMTi (A copy.) 111KAM J. BEAB I'S, 1373 Judire of Probate. l Kstate of Willinra E. Martin. STATE ÖF MICHIGAN, Cbratto of Wasntennwes, , At ■ sasston of the Probate Courtfor the Connty -j of Wasbtenaw, holden al the Probate tmeein tbc City 0 0Í Ann Arbor, on Thorodny, the seeond day of May, , in the year one thousaud eight huntU'cd and scv$■ enty-two. o Present, Iliram J. Beakcs, Jndu-e of Probate. ,, ïn the matter of the estáte ot Willmm U Martin, v Aiiii! TT. Castle, administrator of said cslatc, tomes into Court and represents that he i now pre,-.nderhÍH ilnal account as such adminiM rato r. Thereupm it isordorrd, that. tondy, iho r leventh day of May instant, at ten o'eloek in the J tort'iifkon, be asaigned for cxaniininiii and v ing fftich account, md that tht1 ln-irs at law of ,] m3d doooasud. and iüj otbsr. persons interested in taiil estáte, are roqiaired to appear at a st-wion of j . i. : Conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Ottice, ii t!ir City ui' An:i ArbOT, and show causp, it' iiny henbS) wliv tho :ül aooonni should not be w owed : And it Is rorthar ordered. that said . rator aire notioo to the persons interested j.{ jite, of the pendenoy ? sald aoocant, and the hearing , hereof. by oausing a copy oi tlns order to be published n Mic&ioan Arma, n newspapcr printed j atbiffüi said 'otmty, ihree sucoossive weeks previons i o said day of hearing. (A trueoopy.) HIBAM J. BEAKES, J373 Judgeof Probate. Estáte of iluryiMoshiTí BÏAÏ ffiEGAN,coontfW-rt kJ At n session of the ( v,,, 1 """a f Waditenaw, holde at the Pn.v' O ity oí Ann Árbor, on Wcdn $ ? ?L f May, in the ycar one thonaan? ' Sf '" i rod iwveuty-two. nd C'8M ü Pre -'Ut Hiram .T. Beamen, Judee „f ., ln'thenuitterof tuc catate of M, 2"'. minor, """iaii Ou pvuiinir nndftlingtlre petition , ' Camilla 1). Valentino, ;,,ai,ln "rTifct lio may be lieeiwed u sell oeitaln rri p"'l í ntf lo said minor. "lesUltV Therci'pon ít ís ordered. tliut Wr,lnwut n' linthiay ol May iiwtnnt, t ten Xl'-1'' '. noon, be assigned fcr lu-arji uf S?i 'UÏ' persons int' n -i. I In said estáte ate . L phe Probato Office, in the 'rit 71 , mrl Bho cause, ir Muy there he wL.v ihí tbepotiHoncrshould nut be irr-intiil .lHi ther ordered, tha ud Petitionerliwt5ï2 pepón interested in said estáte nftli fct midpctition, imd ti' h(rmt)({th,ÍJc,Wmfc1 copy of thia order to be pufifefcS J Jf ü ylrnu, n ncwkpancr printed nn,i „J".1 "í .L county, thr.' . -.,.,. ks previo,,,, '" 2 Estato oL Eebecc VrS STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coont, nf w . At n .-Mion of the Probate ■i, i'1" . of Waslitirn.iw, holden at the Pníí., r cty of Ann Arbor, on -Hrlne.WrtM Oa." dayof April, in tho yoar one t'huuírtMl-i dred and oventy-two. "wb4 Present, Ilirum J . lleakes , .7 udiro nt n-i In the muiter of the mate „( fö" 1. ""tu John S. Weller, Kxerutor of th ImtOBtament of suid aeceaBed oume into r resenta thut he is now prepared t0 rlJ?"?' account as uch Executor. m Wl Th.-n-upon it is ordered, that Tne!, ,i_ firatday uf May noxt, at ten o'cloekin i be asmned f.jr cxnmininK and SS? account, nnd that thc lcgntees, iltiiZ? % at lnw of iid derel, and ;1! w-'W teret;-l in s;,ir! estáte, are rniafrtt.f'l;t iwoion of .sai'l Conrt, tlien to i k!?.1! te Office, in the Hty of Aw, au? County, and show cause, it any Lherelt k' account shoulti not bo ullowed: n 'A er ordered, that aid Bxecator giwiJSJ" persons interested influid estnte, otij'4í aaid account, and the henrinp tln-:-ofwlïïI copy of this onler to be publiíhed in ÏL!! Coiuity, three sueeesifre wc-ei preTi??!1! of hearing. ' 'Jiij (Atrnoeopy HÏRAïr 1 BEAtIi '"' JuapouiSj, Estáte of Patrick MCarty " OTATE OF MTCH10AX, countr of W,i' ( At u sesaion of the Probate Conrt íot Ht'1 Washtuouw, holden ut the Probate offi iü?" of Ann Afbor, on FrWay, t) Hiaeteenth L,■ in thc yer one thousand eight hand? OM enty-two. . Present, Hiram J. lleakes, Jndfrt of Vntk In the matter of the eslitte sj Patnikv deceafied. !, On ronding and fiiin-t the, ill. -, Suuan MoCarty, praying that Tiiaolhy tó!' fltHe other uuahle peïfiOB flïay ht; pi'?, Lstrator M' tbs state of aid defcpwL Thcroupon it is ordered, tliat'Moii, fc w tieth day of Mny nt, at ten oVWk ï? noon, be assigncd tor thc henrinit o( 2" tion, and that the heirs at luw of m "J1 and iul otlier jersons ïntcresfcd ia aïïare required to nppeur ut a seasion of MidTZ-T" to be holden at the Probate Otütr. in h„,': : Arbor. and shrr m. f Dj thne u pntjer of tne petilioner slioold nt Yt miu1 k lt is further ordered, tliat said pctitiünermtTu the persons interested in said esturc. 0( tlt iü!" of said petition mul the hearins tlicrrot hr„ copy of (liis order to be fubHsKéd n the'jiSr1 gut. a newppsr ú umi crrnlaiiru(i3ü' t r. rarae soccemrtQ weeks previoua to tTK hrarinfr. ' (A true copy.) UIRAM .7. BEAKB U7X JuiljeollWw, Estato of Joshua Downsr. C TATE OF MICHIGAN. Conntr of TTiii-_ 0 Ata sessionof the Probate Conrt íorflEw', 01 Waahtenujr, holden at thc l'rolniteoiite.ïi!?' sf Ann Arlwr, on Wedneaday, the iwcnly-bntiii April, in the year one thousanü eitht kudsd J -twu. ""' " it Hiram J. Iieakes, Judgc of ProUh In the matter of the estáte of Josliu ['t. deceased. OTZ' Onreadingand filing the potihon, duli nH' Elkauali V. Downci, Éxccuior, ysmmt tta ui, Boend to acll ceitnin real tnte wWíil eeased (lied Neïaed. Thereupon it h ordered, that MonihT tWlwi. scveni h day of May next, at ten o'ckiok ntbejc beassipmedfor the hen int; of t-aitl pt-tskm, aidSai leirntcw, devisees and lieirn at lnw if dfewtli all other persona int -t 1 in said estáte, m nm to XiH-ar nt u session ol' ;iiil court, thfn to tïïïT at the Probate Orüce, in the City of AniJri show cause, if nny there be, why Ibttmud petitioner should not be fn-unted : And it fe; orderêd, that said petitioner give notict to & v sous Interestetl ui .iiri estnte, oí' tlit imíoítií autd pt-tition, aud (li heurhw thc-rvof, br oá, copy of this order (o ! piibliabea in tlclMui Argus, a newspaper jrrmt.tï and circuUüMBEi county, fonr aueeemire weeks yrcviomtoiaildni hearinu. ' {A true copy.) HIKiM J. BEiKÍS 8"J Judgeoffniin Estáte of Catliarijie KetDan. OTATK Of MK'HKiAN, county of WHbm 7 Al ■ k --i-':. ol the Probate Courtfa tl tcvr ut N asianiaw, iiolden at the l'njkwtc Wkt, it:t city of Ann Arbor, on Friduy, tlie náwwnh 6; -pril, in the year one thonsund irfatJiunditd'ai rVVsi;nV,'iïlram J. r.caliis, Judïü ( Trobatt. 1 ti the matter oí tho estáte of CiüiariM Kem, I ii Ooylet administrator of gaid otatf. sou inio t'ourt aud represents that he i& noTr fnmti rendei nis lina! aocoant ji snch ndmistntar. Thereupon it is ordered that Monday,tlH ttai. dny of May nvxt, at ton otltk in HietoriM.i f-iiined lorex.nninin? nwï alUwiryr .fiidi anmt. that the hWrs at law oí wrid deceased, and lüttr ]ensons interested ir said oia'o, nte rtfjuiml w i nearal aaeasionof suid ('oiiit, tlien to'twh-.v.: the Probate office, in the city of A mi trbw.ia eiiunly, anil RhOV cailW, it any 1 1tere be, vhy tbíttl account should nol bcal.oired: Anditia tafibnr rlnil ttia said adminifttrator gire notice to tk?? si art uueiciK-U ui wnd estáte, of thc pendenqr tfiri .. and thehcaiing thcreof, ly ranrin iq this iinler to bc pulilmhed in Uie jVirtij Ji newspaper priñll ;uid circulating in aud ra? three soceowiTC week prerious to suiddr( (Á true eopy.) HIKAJI J. 11EAKE, 1371 JudgcoifniU. Estáte of Richard L. Allen. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, comity of WttMaw. k At a evasión ot the Probate Court lortbeceut'WntthtüiiKW, holden at the Probate office, ia Út i' . of Aira Arbor, nn Jt'riday, the ninetcflrth A? '■ I April, in the yuar one thonsand eigbt hmiilnèfi: sevonty-two. l'rtsvnt, Uiiiim J. Beaken, Judgc of Prohitt. In the matter of the egt ate of lÜehtnïLJJfc de re sed iíuik Joln, nti mi nist nitor of said wttó, w tnto Coart and representa that he i no pnjm1J render his finl account as such adminisiniMThereuiM'U ir t unlcre1, tliat 3iooay. Út W j othdayofMay next, at teno'elockinthtftM be ussigncd lor exumining und atlowun I count, uni that the litira ut law of aiid dectt"1 f nll other peisona intei-eafcd ín tmift frt:.; u'iiud to appeu ttt a MBflioa of ?aid Cowt,"" noldes at the Probate office, iu thecityof Awinjl in said couDtr, aad show canse, if uny th : the Foitl uccuunt shonld not bc allowed: An!W furthcr ordei'ed that said íiiiinistritorgi ■ the persons mierest cd in unid estáte, oí tbepn" oi sla m ii-init, und the hcnrintr thcrwf, bytsaöf' copy of thia orütr to be publihed in tli-!'! Arffus, a oewspaper pristed and oircuiatinf J county, three sucw&wvc wcfksprerious to "? hearing. (i truc flopy.) niRAM J. BEAKb. 1371 JudgeofPni' Eetate of David Lewick. OTATE OFMIOIIIOAN, Coitn!olWMlllIJ! O At a sessiou of the Probate CooiK!'1'.'-; or Waslitonaw, holden ;it the ProhnliM'V!1? City of Ann Arbur, on Saturday lie """"■S of Apri!, in the ycar onc thooM" W hundrod and seventy two. Present, HiramJ. Beakce. Judgeoirrobifc In the matter of the cítate of Dtrii !' deceased. ... OnroadineandfllinKthepetitlon.diilj?; Jacob Lewick, provine that a eemn JL ment now on flle In tbla Conrt, pürportlugW" last will and testament of safd deert "i admitted to Probato, and that Jacub B' "■ appointed pole Esecutor thereof. . .-,(. Thereupon it isordered, that Mondy.ll„ tieth day of May next, al ion oYlw ". '■ ' noonbeaesi;iied for the hearing of pai1' f that the Ícenteos, devisóos and belrs ;, said decca?ed. and .-ill otlior persouslDt" aai'iestaie, are reqnircd to appesr 'd said C'ourt, theu to be holden, at the Pro""' in the City of Ann Arlior, and show emij therebe, why the iirayer of the itltloi"J not be granted: Aud it i fnrtherordcreo.'. petitioiKTjjiTenotiee to the persous ?L T( saideetate, of the pendency of said P' ÍTrfc the hearini; thereof. by CftnslDg ft copy of ül_- tobepoblithedln tbs Mithigm Atfit m Zm printedundcircuhitinp in yil C'oiinty.ti16 ! fve weeks previous to said dfty ui' iie'Vrt (Atruecopy.l 1JI11AM BÍT,:, 1371' Jadfie olF"111Estato of Allen W. Bordine. OTATE OF M10IIIGAX, Countv of WM"% l At aaeosion it the rnJte'ouitfK"lJJij i naw, hoidrii at the Probate OlH. f1!;, of Ann Arbor, on Snturaay, the twenUctn "j Ajiril. [b the year te tlioiwümleightbunonseventy-twn. . . Tresent, Iliram J. lienkes, Jucigeof ÏKruti), Ia the mattet of the estnte of Allen "■"" On reading and fllinfr the petition,aulr"n Bordine, prayiBK tlut her wcf "il. Ahercof Baid (lied ,"lzcd JTh sürned to her, nnd the petition of Oeorge y pruyinst thnt the remnindir of SilillllUvLli uariitionwl among the heb at 1 oí no "JTtSr Thereupon it i ordcred, llmt -Moml!;. tieth dy of May next, ut ten Vlot-lt " i2b noon, 1' nssisned for the hoannft ol '"''fvn, and thal the heir at law of said ieKM,%[it er persons intcinted in iid estáte, are "SríLjjis, pear at a s.ioii oí sul Cour!, tben to KjZtt the Probute OtHee, in the City of Aun 4JJ( show caum, ÚT any there be, '.t the W petitioner liould 'not te frental : Aní '■ Ji )rdeted,thnt said petitioner friro noticetowg-,. interested in said estáte, of the pemlencj "ijirfil ■i,.ii. and th lu-ninti thervuf. ,r omsing V „#■ der to be nuUabed ia the Mdnan jrs'"'„ 0 paper printed nnd siroulatin(t in snlJ 'Liig►uccessivf wtN-ks pi-evious to saiu i' ' ,:.',ir,í, (Atreopy.) HIBAJÍJjB Estáte of tewia Jloore, ƒ"■ STATE OF MIClllCAN.Cou.ity of W-i" N„ti,r i hereby (tiven, that by ""k )t Court for tho Countv of "n VÍ-" il ""íí he nlnetecoth dn; t Avril,. '?'L tf Tom Uut date mreiUlaired tor 'r,"ttvo0i.Si heir olainu againsl the eatsteofL en -".jifsn uteofsnidcbuiity. 'U ased, una Uit au i' nid .deceased ure rt-quired t" P')'"'"' ' ' Í, „i,l Prob ite Court, attheProisteOfflce. on0ty mx ArlxJr, for extminntion nnp """w „jtul ..iv th.' nlneteenth day of I Nsteber "'': " Co1':í laim will bo henrd before winl 't w'ii on1? Htuixlny, the flfteenth lay of June, " ,, f 1,-iv, the ninete-nth day of October" i'elock m the forenoon of eneh 01 tn(w üated,An„Arbor,ó


Old News
Michigan Argus