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BUSINESS DIRECTORY tic F. FA8triSI.L,E, M. lï. Ofllop. ovct .11 A. A. fwry'eMore. Rculdence Whinon gireet, four doors east o( State' I;t73yl 7! ARBOR niMHHI. SPRINftS. A Morris Hale, M I).. Superintendent. Oftire ■o builiünir, corner Manu and K'cst lurou Strceta. iirlES de WORDKX, 20 South Main street, 11 Aun Ar 'or, Mlch-, wholesale aud retail dealen il r' Gooda, Carpeta and Groceries. 1351tf IE, KROiW, AEnt for the Pinkle &■ Lyon t '■ Vicior Bawtog MacUiDe Tliey are eilent, pwitíve, ruu e:í!yand m :ke the lock slitch. No. 7 Suato Main Street, Ann Arbor. 184yl MACK Sc SCIMID, Dealers in Dry Quods, ürocerles, Crockery , &c. No. 5 South Main MicHAEL HUSB1I, Rüofer. Pire and Hier Prooi, Feit and Compositlon Gravel Rufl.'s put on to order Hiulsvarranted, Beüideuceon JlftnOD Street, Aun Arbor. 11 V. KIL.IS k CO., DruspUts anddealcra IV. u Points, Oile, ele No. a Soulh Muln Street, n Arbor. iir tl. JACKSU.V', Dentlst.HUCCe&eortoC. B. ïl l'orter. Office corner Main and UuroudtreeU, rcr the store of R. W. lCllis& CO , Aliu Arbor, inoathetlca dmiutetercd if requiied. WF. BREAKËÏ, M. B., Physician and Snrgeou. OIBor. at reaidenu, corner nf llurun aud División Streel Bral lo,r east of Piesbyit.-ian Ctiürrh . Ann Arbor, iich. il J. JTOHMSON, Dealer in Hnti nnd Capg, Lj9 Pnra, Straw Gooda.iSenta1 rurniBbinji Gooda, te. Ño " S.iutli Main -truot, Ann Arbor, Jlicb. nrjTHERIAND t WI1EDON, Life aud nInsuranct eiH,and dealere. uKeal Estáte. Moeon Huron Street. i i;VIS '. KIKDOX, Dealer in Hardwaro. j Stoven Htjuse Frjphiuíí Goode, Tl Ware, Ac. 'o. 31 Soulh Main Street. I).4(H A: ABEL) Dealers in Dry Ooods GroD errloa, C 4c.Su. !f South Maiu =treet, .Uiu Irbor. nliAWSOH V SSf, Grocers. Provisión and a Cüiniíiüñiou UerchautB and dealerK in W'Mter ind Piaster, aud Planiur Parie. No. 1-i East ttcet. i SOHBB.EUÜÍ, (Tbolesale ::nd Het; i Dealer Vin U -düy Clotbiug, Clotha, Cïi&sirDcrcei, ;iudGeutö Furuijliitio' Gode. No.ySoutU [lili Street. W.V. WMiNEU, Uealer in Ready MadeCloth [üg, lotba. C(itüinere ita.Oapa1 rrank, Carpet Iias8 &e il 'outli Maiustreet. nlLJIOBE Si f'ISKS:. Bookelln andStaUf Uoucco st-'diCBl Law and Oüiiege tv-p--- . oellaneons iiu..k.s. No. a orth Miün iraat,Gregor61ock, Auu Arbor. FIM,;:V Jk J.KiVIS. I)m1i-imi !!.:.-. ShoeS, Cuite, Sappers, Ac. No.ï Kast Uaronstruet, TOAH. W. CHEEVEK, AiTORNEY AT LAW ! OMicwithE.W. Morman, Kuet side oTCourt House Sqmre. 1331 J. F. SCHAÉBEBiE, Tcarhcr uf Mnsic. Q'e instiuctioii on the PIANO, VIOLIN AND QUiTAR, ithii office. Ho, 57 South Muin strcet, CMoore'u blildiugj.orat the rcsidcncf of the pupil. PIANO TUNING, tatde sperUüty and satif factiun gunrnuteed: 13t!4yl nEOCKEKY. GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & P üonnelly Hiyeinïtorcalargcstock.ifi'rockerv.Glaeiiware, Wtted Ware,! utlcry Groceno, &c, 4c. all tobe ioM at unaP'iHily low prices. N IS Kast HuronStruot, Aun Arlior. 1128tf J. &. V. BOJISELLY. rOHifG7QXLL, BEALBR I3ST FEESH AND SALT MEATS, I. All. SAÏSAGES, Etc, OrdorBsolicitednndproroiitly fillcd with thebest mt in the market. 31 Kast Washingtou street. AnnArbor, Sept. 16th, ISO. ]2S6tf iF F. BRO&iS, Manutacturerof tlRKIlüES, nCMM, LIHEIR WAGONS, si'Ri u u.ns, f liters, Sl.EltiHS, &C. All wtirk warranted cifthc best matcriar. Repalriffü done promptly and reasouabie. All wuik warQicdto irive perfect aitiafattiou. 68 South Main reet. 133? 1 TJR. C. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all houre, at No. 1 Qregory Blode. C. A.LKITEK CO. Ann Arbor, Dec. ïdls;i. WS J)R.C. B. POKTEll, DElsTTIST. fflceiatheSAVINGSBANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. 111 Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED W1TH CARE. ÜNSURFASSED PACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCE SETTING ARÏÏFICÏAl TEETU, TO GIrE EACH INDIVIDUAL; Vtiturtê of the proper sirt, tkajit ,f,olor , firmntêtand na al tzpretsion. 1S44 JACKSON WAGONS ! A Car Load of JACKSON WAGONS jast reCelved at Eogers' Agricultural Wareliouse. Tbose who want Jackson Wagons, had bettcr go or tiiem non at the present LOW PRICE8! M tnere s sooa to bc abont eight dollnre addcd to th proaent price on account of the advance in pricc of Wagon stocks. M. HOGERS. 136SmS pOR SALE 1 }t he re3idenoe of the nbsoriber. House No. 62 and two Iota on Hurón Stroot, Kost. Pnnwlnil iriveu tho lt of iluy if desired, luquire at tiie Abgob Offioe, orof C. H. IIKWIOMI. Dttol, Ann Arbor, Mnroh 2Oth, IS72. 12S6m2 Finest Assortment of Toilet ! Goods in the City, by JUCMUAX CENTRAL UAILBOAD. SU.MMEK TIME TABLE. Passenger trnins uow leuve the Beveral atations, ua Uowa : GOINO wtBT. I á d h x STATIONS. J W S te o 1 í i 8 1 "8 la o a m á_ A. H. A. M. P. K. Ia. M. I1. M. Detroit, leave, 7 (M) 9 30 4 10 5 40 9 30 Ypüilanti, 8 28 10 28 5 40 7 M 10 40 Ann Arbor, 8 52 10 í? 6 05 7 40 1 1 00 Dcxtcr, íí 2(1 6 S5 8 05 Cliclsen, 9 40 8 25 Gnu T,nke, 10 07 8 52 A. M. Jitckeou, 10 4ü II U 9 30 12 15 V. M. p. M. a. m. Kninmaznn, 2 10 i M 12 25 Chiwgo arrive, 7 30 OOING EABT. ii i.ii ; P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. Chicago, loave, 5 15 U 00 0 00 9 00 A. M. P. M. Kalaniazoo, 12 Si 2 15 11 55 2 00 A. M. P. M. Jitckson. 1 55 4 35 3K) 4 17 GrBtwIilíe, 6 00 3T)2 Cheleen, 5 25 A. M. 3 58 Deiter, 5 40 6 25 4 15 Aun Albor, 2 22 B 00 6 M 4 42 5 24 Y, lanti, 2 S2 6 20 7 20 5 05 5 40 Dctr;it,mvc, 3_35 7 25 8 J5_ 6 25 6 45 The Dexter Trnin runs to Jttckson 8atin]y evening on 'Kvenintj Kxprehs" timu, and back Moiifluy nioniñi' t;üi IM0W1L The "N'ight 3ixpreis" lloes not pass eat Montlay morniup. The Atlantic ;md Paciflc Kxpicsa run bitwceu rackson und Niltis on thc Air Llue. Dateil Nov. 25th, 1871. TfOKT WAYJíE, JACKdON AND Saginaw Railrcad. The most direct route to l'iUsbo-i;, Philnilulphm, Ballinmn-, Washington, and all Rota south and soulhwesl. Train run DJ I Ilioage 'time. 'ïiiAlMi (U)iN.; MOSEi Muit. Scepntt Antola Ace, Ann Arbor, 1" ■" A. ir. JacJtton, 7 IS a. M. 12 17 i". M. 4 2i i". m. Uanuvi-r. " 45 12 52 1H JoncsviUe, 8 25 . 1 17 5 57 AukoIii, Í3 2-13 8 Ui Waterloo. 10 34 3 29 Aubuin, H 4 4 42 Fort Wayno, II 45 6 15 [ndliiooplii, ïOp.m (■.„cinrmti, 8 50 6 SO x. M. Luuisvillc, 11 TKAINhi GO1NG NOUT1!. Angola Ace Exprtss. Mail. Luuisville, 8 au A.M. 11 UOi.H. Cindonati, " l0 a. m. [ndinnapolh, . 3 so i m. IC 2S !,..■ iiayue, lllüA.M. 4 10 r. M. Auburu, 12 08 f. M. 5 13 Wattrloo, 12 20 . 27 Angola, 6 15 a. si. 1 20 r 20 .lom „villc, 20 2 50 7 45 Haiwner M 05 a 18 8 13 Jaokaon, lu 00 ÍÍ M Aun Albor, -1 42 ü M At Jadwon- doeecoanaotaona aio nía le tvíUi Michiiíí'in Central, Jackon. Lanaing 6c Baginaw.andöruJid EiverValley Riulroad. At -TonCMville- Uith Lake Shore & Micmgnu SoutbAt 'wntcrloo- Witli Luke Shore & Michigan SouthAt i'ort ■Vnyuc- With Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicado: Toledo, WabRili & Weteiii,aiid Ft. wayne, fcCinciunati . Kobi'. Killie, Gvn'l. Ticket A(;'l. Dec. 11, 1871. PlMAÜl RUTEE S. T. - 1860 - X. This wonderful vegetable restorative. is the Bheet-anchor of the fefcble and debilitated. As a tuuic and cordial tur the ayed vd languid il jas no eqnal araonf stomachics. As a rwncdy fur the nerrous weaknesess which women are especially ubjected, it is Bopereeding every other stiinulant. In all climatee, ropical, températe or fiigid, it acts is a speciüc in every species of disrder which andermiues the bodily trength and breaks down the animal spirits. 1555-jl. MEXIGAN ML'Sf ANO LUMÜf, FOR MAN AND BEAST. Probably few artklcs have ever had so exlcnsivc a Sale, hile none have been more universaily bcncfieial lian the celebraled IBEXiCAS ■G8TU IBIBBBrT. Ctiildtcn, Adults, lloises, and Dómenle Animáis, are alwajs Hable lo acíluent. anü It Is safe ío ,ay, t!al no iumUy tan pass a single teason witbout orne tinI of an rniollient being necessary. It becoraes a maller of importaact: tlien to secure Ihe bese. - Over threchnndreaiivcry etables iu thH City of New York alone are nlD the Mcxicnn Mustaut' Liniineut, iu all of whlcb it gires uuivcrsal saU. factiuu. The irenuine Ís wrsppediii a fine StítlfaíjongraTlug wïrt O. W -ii,r,,,,k ■„„. m "nd ' Thtdeliark, MKXÍCAN MCSTAKG LIN. I HE 7 " . nt-raved across the fnee of each wnipper Tiie wholc bears thu pioprielor'e private I ultefl Sute KcvenuetHam]). aud uot ac-mmou stamp, a uecd by dnisiritt. .„.„,, „„ LYON MANUPACTURO CO.. 1357B3wyl 35 J'ark Placo. N. Y. BOOKS. O i .■-.- I ! J. R. WEBSTER & (O. NEW UOOK STORE JÍEAtt THE EXl'RESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOU INTEREST ASI) CALL. BOOKS. LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND S31OEING TOBACCO, SirafF, Pipos, &c„ AT SO. 7 BAST HURÓN STREET, Next to the Express Oiïiee A' AltlIOK, .BICil. lM6tt TIVEÖEESE FEATHülUS PIRBTQtrALITT, iunetauUyonhand aurtfomalc-by BACE& ABEZ,


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