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- Dolly VurrtiMi bas a rival: Jimmy Varden is his name. - 10,000 immigrante arrivod at Castle Gurdim, N. Y., 011 Monday last. - Gov. Hoffinan has votoed tho l'alrner or sccond New York City charter. - Greeloy has removed his headquarters ironi Chappaqua to the Astor Hoom - As yet tho "Liberal Republicana" in this havo held ao ntliiication meetings. - Whitelaw Beid, managing editor of th; N. Y. Trümne, has boen elocted President of the Lotus Club. - A Greeley ratification meeting is amiouncod for Union Square, N. Y'., tho 28th inst., Tuesday noxt. - " A liuniorous campaign " was whnt Tilton wanted under tho load of Qreeley. It is nothing olsu, so far. - be&son tickets to tho Boston Peace Jubileo aro rated ut $50. Singlo tiokste duringtho first week, L5. - The " Quaker Poet " has written a letter commendatory of Greeley : but forgot to promiso him his vote. - Honry Ward Boochor indorssed labor strikes and doncunced capitalista in his sermón last Sunday evening. - General and Minister Siokles arrived at Madrid on Monday : for which the Madridians aro not at all to blame. - Hurtranft, Rupublican candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, want3 Grant to wlthdraw, to insure his own suoooss in Octobor. - Senator Suinner is reported preparing hiinsclf for a speech againsttho "supplementary article." A suro sign that it will be ratified. - Pennsylvania will domand the candidato for Vice-Presidont : to insure the State for Grant. Solf-sacrificing Pennsylvania. - Adnan is to be mado happy by having the whitewashod and "loil" Gen Longstreet ttke np his residenca there : or so rumor has it. - A " Ilaok Drivers' Assooiation " at Niágara Falls proposo3 to reform abuses and put down robberies : in excess of their established rates. - Ex-Secrctary Sowardhas been intorviewed touchiiig the Alabama claims and the ïreaty of Washington, and dcclared in favor of the supplementary articlo. - Horatio Seymour has written a letter to 8. S. Cox concerning Greeley and ihe Presidoncy, bat don't advise the philosopher's nomination at Baltimore. - A said-to-bo respectable woman was maRied a few days ago, in tho Chicago jai!, to a notorious thiof ttwaiting trial. Tho officers and olficiating magistrato ought to be - garroted. - Is thero a living man in the country who has not had his " poetical day ? Even Horaco Greeley is now cortvicted of having dabbled in rhyine in his boyhood. Who next 'i - Tho Tribune says that 75,000 more quarts of milk are sold daily in Now York than are brought into the city. When that will bc regiilatod. - ÏYom tlio Germans, the dissatisfied "Liberal Kepublicans," the "Rounion and Reformors," and sundry othor quar ti -v.i, calis como for tho nomination of Charles Francis Adams by tho Baltimore Convention. - It was an immigrant from the Groen Islo who proposed to " vote for Gineral Jackson, because ho is a full-blooded Irishman, just liko niosolf, boin' ho oorae to Ameriky two yoara bofore he was bairn." And the same reasons are said to wít Irish support of lloraeo öreeloy. - If a Jaokson dog, now setting on a nest full of hen's eggs, provos a successful hatcher, ho may aid country debating schools in ddoidiag tlio old, porplexing, nd voxing qufistion : " Which is the mothor of the ohickens, the hen that laid the eggs or the one (dorg) that hatched them ? " - At Central" Part, N. Y. tip to May 16, 1871, rain had fallen on 56 days, continuing 18d.llh.47m., and measuriug 15.70 in. For tho samo period in 187:2 the record is : on 38 days ; continuance, 9d, llh, lóm. ; fall, 8.98 in., or but littlo more than half. And the difference throughout tho country is fully as great. - Knowing Grant's proclivities to get and keep money, sundry Republicans proposed to ponsion him with a million dollars - in a single installment, in consideratiou of which ho is to withdraw from the Prosidential course and restore harmony to the party; so says a Washington correspondent of tho Bcston Post - on the authority of a subscriber to the fund. - It can rot bo that Zack Chandlar, who is nover musical unless imitating tho roar of tho British lion, and who aches for tlio samo opportunity lor winning glory in a war with England that ho enjoyeci at Buil Bon, wlll adviso and consent to tho ratification of the " supplementfiry articlo," with tho promise of perpetua] poace it holds out. No, Zack, tho letter of other jicople's blood, is no such man. The Sonate had an all night session on Wcdnesday night, and, a bare quorum being present and voting, managed to put through threo important bilis: lst. A bilí continuing in forco the habeos corpus suspension law until the ond of the next session of Congress, or March 4th, 1873. This is tho law which gives Giiant, with the aid of the cnforcemcntbill, power to elcct himsolf. lts passage is only n fulfiilinent of the prodietious mudo by ;he Demooracy a yeir ago. Tliis bill was asseil by yeas, 98 ; nays, Ifi A full Senato consista of 74 meinbers, so that it receivcd tho votes of but mombers in excess of ono-third. 2nd. Tho Cahpextek Civil Eights bilí, a modification of Sumxjík'h, but recognizing separata sfihools, cemetcries, and juries ; so that a white inan nood not send his children to a colorcd school, lot a eolored man be buriod in his grave, or be tried by a colorod juiy ia defiance of local law. Tho Sumner bill went the full figuro, and so he did not voto for or against the Carpen i1bill. The voto was veas, 27 ; nays, 1 1. 3rd. Tho last Houso Amnesty bill; soo Anaüs, last week. Tho bill was passed by yoas, 38;. nays, 2 - llcssrs Xvii nnd Su.mneii, tho lattor voting no on the principio which led the school boy to make faces at. his big ptaythate's sister: tlic Sonate had rejoctod kin Civil Rights bill. Is minority legislatiou safe ? A LABGE meeting of Un; Democratie .. ilion, ot' Detroit, was beid on'fuesday uvuiíing, at which tlie foüowing resolutiiniM were uuaninipusly adopted : Resolved, That th! rocont declarationof politicul principies by the Convention ut uincinnati is mi evidence ot' the pro of public opiSÍOO towtttd sound :nu! wholcMiii!' views of government, and that e "liüve that patriotio oitizens muy nuitc on that platform for the parpóse oí ing the ho&est administratiem of National uffair8 and enforoing tlic obligatioiis ot' tho Constitution. '■'al-, Thftt this association is a favor of hanuonious action between the il República!) and Democratie pftriíí's in the next E'residential eleotion, and that wo will support the nomineea of tlic Cincinnati Oonvention, it' they uro oni by tlm Democratie Conuontiou aft Baltimoro. Tlio Trih'ine saya the "leading Democruts of tho city" were present and took part in the procoedings, and that "spooch03 wore mado by soveral gentlemen, all in favor of tho indorsement of Gueeley and ürow.v by tliu Baltimoro Convention." Tho IPree Preax iorgets to notioo Ilio meeting. As a nopf-paper our cotemporary should record current events, evon if opposed to its convictions. TnE Kepublican State Convontion was beid at Jaokson, on tho Kith inst., tod the folio wing delogatcs eleeted to tho l'hiladelphia Convention : At large-E. B. Ward. Georgo Willard, Wm. A. Ilowurd, l'orry lLuinah. lst district - John Greusol, Nowell Avery 2nd district- N. N. Kuadall, II. A. Beal. 3d district - Ilarvoy Bush, J. C. Fitzgerald. 4th district - Gcorgc E. Olapp, J. II. StOJK}. 5th district- D. B. Pritchard, J. MStono. èth district - J. W. Hogers, D. L. Crossïuau. 7th district - B. V. Huston, Ezra Hazon. 8th district - C. S. Draper, James Birney. 9th district - Bonj. Hogers, John T. Brown. ïho platform indorsest he Admiuistration, oonsigns tho Democratie party to dissolution, and oxprosaes a desíre for tho uomination of Grant. That's all. Tue M. E. General Conference elee tod oight Bishops on Tuesday and Wednesday, as folbwa: Dr. W. L. Hakius, of Ohio ; Dr. Thos. Bow.NtAN, President of the Indiana Asbury University; Dr. E. S. Fostkr, of New York ; Dr. I. W. Wiley, oditor of tho Ladies' Bopository Cincinnati ; Dr. S. M. Merrill, editor f the Western Christian Advocate, Cincinnati; Dr. E. G. Andrews, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Dr. Gilbert Raven, editor of Zion's Ileruld, Boston ; and Dr. J. T. Peck, of Now York. - Dr. E. O. HAVEN was a strong candidato, bnt Chicago had two oanditatea who combinod to run him beliind, and thon wero beaten themselves. liosides, wc have and idea t'iat ho was to liberal for tho Conference, or the majority of it. Hok. Ross Wh.kixs, late Judgo of the United Statos District Courtforthe ; cru District of Michigan, died on Friday morhing, May 17th, iged 71 yoais, of paralysis. Judge WlLKIN'S was appointed Judgo of tho Torritory of Michigan bjj ot' the State became District Judge, and held tho position uiiti'l Doe. 2d, 1869, whon ho rotired under tho ponsion or half pay act. Greeiyuy's lotter of aoccpt;:ncn wfll be found in this Anous. It is a capita.1 production, etraigat-foxward, frank, and uot to be misundorstood. We commcud it to the caroful considera tion of every reader, of whatovor politics. Conildont and Pluck}-. Tho Spirit of tlie Times, the publishor of which, GEOKOK WlIKES, groomod ücn. GiiANT in the campaign oí IKfiS, lms onterod tho lists against tuin for the fall races, and now bots his moncy on Houa' ■!■: &EEBLBT, tho farmor of Chappnqii'. And Wilkes, full of pluck, don't aak any odds of the Deiuocraoy, aud claims that ho eau put IIouace through without thcár hulp. Iioar him : "Wo again ropoat, therefore, that it 13 a matter of secondary importanoe whether the Baltimoro Oonvnnon indorses lh nomination of Horaoe Gkkeley or not. We, who hnvo noininated him, intend to stand b}' him, witliout regard to the action of any political combinations or pretended political leaders whatsoever. Uur shiolds ure locked, our faces aro set npon uur platform and oandidatfi, and relying on tlie spontanoous support of tho wholo people, wo oxpect to beur thom to viotory November next Wo beliovo tho most likelj' rosult of the otm-vass will be that Mr. Grkki-ky will, aftor tho Oth of noxt July, be without an opponent in the field; a state of things which, wo will tako this opportunity to gay, we would oxceodingly deplore. Wo desire, eapeoially, that tingre shall be ono candidato against Mm, and that that candidato shall be Vl, (j ha xr. Against him and the corruption with which ho hae signalized hisgrossadministration we desire to wage "war to the knifo." War to tho knit'c, iu order that the country may finally dispose of ' him and his Congressional oonfederates, : through its extruiiK'át stamp of : tion L" :


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