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I AM MS MoMAHÖN, Just ice of tïic Peace, OiLco in ncw block, Xorth of Court House Jloney ooUeoted nml promptly paid over. INSURANCE AGrE:N"T. Trlumph. assets, JT2T 908 il Norm .Missouri, " i 45,417.] Hlbernla, 4 :: U,OO0;QÜ TÏPiAXi KSTATK. I hav 80 aerea of land ' of a müo front the city Imlts, ïinciy Ivcatod for fruit or garden pur posee. Also 40 acieá. Mbo 10 acres, with htmse ftntl bafuand a llvt-ly Btrcam of water running thronyh the barn ynrd. CO acres, a mile ont 1 will seli iiny or all the above olicap, or exchant;e for city propi-ily. Irt74 JAMES McMAIION. Commissionors Notico. Stat:: op Michigan, nmty ot Wwhteoaw, m. 'Die ondersigned, having been uppointcd by the Probate Oonrt tor miid eonntjr, Comiousioiun'a to receive, examine, and adjust all oiaims and domands of all penom againsl the estáte of Patxick MoCarty, lid county, deoeased, hereby give nottoa that sbcmoutbe from that are allowed, by order of ftuid Probate Court, for crédito to present theirolaims againsl the ntate of eaid deoeased, and tiuM tbey wil! meet at the residenee of Timothj llol arty, in Northfield, in eaid coaoty, on Satordny, the twenty-a dayof July, and on Wednwdayt"tho twontieth day of November next, at. lüo'clnck a u. ofeaeh ofeaiddftys, to reoeíve, axAraine, and adjiistBaid claims. Uuted May20th, A. D. Ï872. WILLIAM PITZGERALD, MICHAEL O'BBIEN, I3"5w4 i oiinnissionen. C. H. fYIILLEfy Will, on Friday, May 17ih, OFFER AT SPECIAL BARUAIKS, A.N ELEGANT ASSOKTMENT OF SINGLE, AND STUIPED LONG SHAWLS, LLAMA, POINTS, AND JACKETS, PARASOLS, J APÁÑESE AND BÜMMER SILTvS, BLACK ALPACAS, PURE MOHAIRS, STJMMER DRES8 GO O DS, WHITE QÜILTS, L I N E N S, TA IJLE DAMASK, NAPKINS, TOWELS, CASSIMERES, I AND DOMESTICS. I OFFE I i THE EEST ONE DOLLAIi KLD GI.OYE3 IN THE CITY. WARRANTED. C. H. MILLEN pBOPLE'8 DRUG STöti,t R. W.ELÜS& CO. A?T}Sr ARBOR INTESTINO MOKET! A chance to savo 2 1-2 por cent., by in vesting daring tho present luuutL, in Burlington, Cedar llnpids and Minnesota R. II. First Mortgage Gold Bonds. INTEREST PAYABLE INJCOLD SEMI-AJWUALLY. Present prico of bonds 92 1-2 and nccrued interest. On June lst, prico will bo ad vaneed to 9ü and accrued interest. Alw oonstantly 011 lmnd :mj for sale NORTHERN PACIFIC 7-30 GOLD BOND, ut jíítr, and accruetl interest in currency. BCSf For Bonds or inform.ition pply to 8. GEANT, Agent, 1874w! At 8Ylng Bank QLÜRIOUS NEWS FOR ALL CREATIGN! E. J. JOHNSON, ; THE " HATTEE, ! HAS EECEIVED HI3 SPRING STOCK AND STYLES Olí' lints, Caps & Straw Goods, GESTS' FIKSISHIÏG GOODS, ETC, WIIICU UK PnOPOSES TO SELI. AT PRICES WHICH HKFY COMl'EïlTION. 7 South Main St., Ann Arboi. DRY GOODS -A.T MAYNARD'S WE AUE NOW OPENIXG ÖCR KTEÍ17V STOCK OF SÜMMER DM GOODS. THE STOCK IS MU.CH IARGER THAN USUALj AND HAVIXG BIEN SELECTED WITIl GREAT CA11E WK SU A LI. OFFER Til KM IT I'UICKS WniCH MIST S4TISFÏ THE CLOSKST CASH DIVERS. J. n: MATNARJ). 13"nw4 QD QQHVBATii Ziüj ju I II Wkm Tbl qne.stinn haf been aeked man; times latei; and one of Erin's sons gaid, "It would take an cducatcd mon to Ml thnt." Br.t it mcniiB thnt I,. C'Of.IïY, whn has for the cinl thrco yoars been a partner In a large holesale house in Cnlcago, and althoucïi the terrible firc of faat fall haa left that city in rulus, lic ftill Uree, and llke BARNABY'S CROW, Ncver snys die, bat has opened a flue stock of new clean QROCBRIES, at No. 29 SOUTH MAIN ST., between th iaeblonaUe Dry Qoodi store of HenIon & G 'tt, arul the Mamteoth Hardware Store ol Lewis O. Kiedon. I will say to citizenn of Anu Arhor nnd furronndlng ooantry, that 1 will sell Ciroccrlcs, ProTisions, Crockcrj', GI(Mïvare, a! alowfljrare forCah orreadypay only T alwayi pav Cash Down for Goorts, and mnst have i i.v lor thora wlicn deHrered. Do net apk me to trust yon, even if yon are worth a million. BIT I W1I-Ó COOES Í.OWER THR A7SV "W OM U 110 TUE8 CBEDIT FOK PAï. All kinds of Prodaoó taken in rzebanse. Oooda dcllvered in the City free of charge. Come in KEADY PAY CUSTOMERS, nntl examino my goode. I will siiow ou aroüad, wlth the createst of plcnnure, and if yon do not bny, I promle on I will nol look cross. Specln mdaccmantstoBowdtngBouiiuaiid Clul. Look for the sign of the C. O. D. Grorcry iiul tiic Bia; 29. TLewis Colbv. ïlarch 14th, 872. 1365 J [DR.CROOK'SWINEOFTAR êlO YEARS PUBLIC TEST JDr. Crook's WINE ' To have more ,.-v.i.8ife2: _:Crit than any f j similar prcpnraSMaSBKLiíí tioii ever oiïercd the public. Tt ia rich in the nicilicinal qualitiosttf T:M', aml unequaled for rtisoases of tlic Throat and lililíes, perfoi'ñiiüg the niost remark able cures. CougliM, Colija, Cbronic Coughs. It cffcctnally enres tliem all. Asthina and Bronchitis. Has cured so many cásea it has been pronounced a specific for _ these complaints. For paius In Breast, Side or Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Liver Complaint, It has noequal. " It is also á superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevenís Malarious Fevers, Oives tone to your System. . Wai.krr, Propritor. K. !1. McDonald A ('o.. Drogfftati A tíon. Agent. Rin Frwwbeo, Cftl., MMl 34 Comni?rco tict, N. Y. Ml TM ons Bear Teuiïnoqy to tkcR _ Wondorful Cnratlvo Eflects. They nre not avile Fancy Drink, Made of Poor Etnnif Whlskey, Fiool" Spirit and Reftiae Mquors doctoree!, gpioed and sweetcnedto piense ího tAAtc,cal)cd "Tonicv' "Appolizers,1' "Restorcrs'&c, hatlead the tipplcr on to drunkciincssniid ruin, bu taro atnio iredicino.mado fromtheNíitive líiv.i w : . of California, freo from nll Alcofaollc Stimnants. They ara tho GltEAT HLOOI) 1TH1J-IERund A LIFE (IVJLNti PRJKCIPH n perfect lïf novator and Invljcorator of the System, c.irry i tip oíT :ilt poijjonouH matter and restoring tlicblood to a hcnlUiy condltlon. No pernon can take these Bitters accordlng to directlom and remain long umvell, irovklecl tiioir bono are not destroyed by mineral oisonor other means, nnd the vital orcans wasted bfiyond the polntol ropftlr. Tlny aro n Gcnilo Pu raat ivo nu wcll ns a Tonic. pocwulnff, tdso, the premiar incrit f ttctlnpi as apowrrful apent In EeltovbiR Congrtlon orlnüammation of tlie Tiivor, nnd all tho Viscera] Oríjans. FOll FEMALB COMPLAINVS, lnyonnor old, marricd or inplo, fit tho dawn of wonianliooii orat tho turn of life, these ïonic Bitten have no oquáL FÓr Iiil!a:niniiTory and Chronlo Kliciitiia" tlnm mul (out, Dyspopsla er Intlifft'Hi ion. Kil i n n n, ReinJttCiit Ji nd I nicrtniinni Vt- vcrn, 1) iscri (('■ ot l Illontl, ]iivn Iv i cl - nor and lïladdci', these Bltterftbvrebeeninosfe sncccfisfnl. Sinli It4ase8 are c;itied hy V itïaiod ISIood, which lanonoraUy produccd by dcrangement of the Dlff estivo Orsnntt. I) Y S T !■: I'S I A O IÍ. 1 N i ) I ( J HST I O S, Headache. l'nin in thftSbouIdors,OoQjrhs, Iffhtnou of .ho IJhost DIbzIdoks, Bour JSnictations of tlio Btoniach, Had Taste Ia tlio Moath, Jïilious Attacks, l'alpitation of ho Henrt, Inflammation of tlic liunfïs, Paiu in tlie reeions of the Rkhieys, RXtd Q hundrcU otlior painfut BymploniA, ara tho oflsprlng-s of Dyspopsia. Thoy invicorato tlio Stomacb and stiiuulatotliotorpfd jiver and Jïowcls, wliicli ronder them of aneqnalled eRïcacy in cleanstnc tlio blood of all impnrities, and impartins now lifo aod vior to tho wbolc systcm. FOK SKIN DISEASES, Bruptlona,TotUr, Snit ilheum, Blotcbcs, Spots, Pimples, Pustuios, Uoils, CarHinclett. Rin-Worms. Kcnl'l liomi. I Bryripea, Iteb.Scurfs, Diwcolorntions of tho Skin, Humors and l of tbo Skin. of wiiatov?r namo or nature, aro itf rallv duc " ftnd carried out f tbr syntem in a Bhort Ime bftbe uso o Uieee ilictora. bottle ín surli CJisofï will conviiico incredulüus of tücir curativc efTfi'tJ. Cloansc lbo Vitiatrrt Clood irbonerer yon find Ita im)uritiea bontiDC tïirnnch tho skin in Pimples, EruptionB or Sores ; clcanso it whoti you find it obstruriod udalOfcUi In tho vettu; oleanM itwhen it isfoul, and your feollofa wlll teil you irhcn. Koop tho hlood uret and tlic ht-atth of tho BTStODI will follow. Pin, Tur;, and otLer Wrmn, lurfeinft ta the eystem of io many thousamlfi, aro effectually destroved umi rem wed. Says a distiinruishcd physioloit, tiif-rf is fic.ircoly au Individua] njion the faee of the cnrth winst' body tl ezempt froi ■ "i1 wonns. It Is not apon ili-' healtby ■ lemen ■■ oí tlm iorjy thftt wortns exlst, but upon tho dtwaaed bumow md lUmj demsttii ttaat brewi tfaeso Ifving monstera of lisoasei No Byslein of Mediciae no vennifuipi . t o tnili.-liiiiiiiicB nrlU freo the system from wunns liko tllAM Hii.trs. J. WALKER, Prnpriotor. R. II. SïoDONALD & CO., trugiRtsniiíi Oan. Aicents. San Prano1cotCalfnnrii uuittaaa W Ooromerce Street, üvn forL BfySühi BY ALL DRUGGIST8 AND DBAI1KB& 6otoE.W.ELLIS& CO's forstrictly Pure Drugs and Modiefnefi,Pamte,Oil6,&c. j I 'mï "i ■ 1 111 '■■■ ■-■ 1 iii .i - Je Q. a, sjsjor(!s' INSURANCE AGENCY. His Companics Are Souud. pHCENIX INSURANCE CO., 1IARTFOKD, CONN. CAPITAL ANP -."l ,000 CHICAGO LOSSES 750,000 TKE3PH0ENIX is the best conducted FIre Insiirunn' Conipuny in the Hui tod States. Alwuj, prudent and soiin.l. and alwaj- prompt in paj mcii of lOSAlOS. NTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. The first ComiWHy to pa.=s tho ordeal of the New Torklneurance Oommlsalonán eincethe Chicago Pire, coming out from thesevcro test TRIUMPHAÑT ! Associated Press Disrpatch, November 2,1S71, TnE IXTEUNATIONAL ISSUnANXE COMrANT. The Snperlntcndent of tlieNew York State In■Brons Department, whols making acarernl offl. elalexamtotíonoftheHew York City Companlc to-day,o9rtHlegHitthe International Company. ssets of Í1,.',00,000 aro ecur„ly investoa, nnd its capital of MOO.000, fter providinfr for all liabllitics, iDdndingthe Chi,aRO flre, Is wholly nnlmpalred. This Company i payingauíts Chicago loeica and !8onni1 and rellable. Poliricsissuedat fair ratcs at my office No 11 tast llnrou streel:, Ann Arhor, J. Q. A. 8E8SION8, Ageut. 18-(Ttf. PIANOS Havo taken the First Premium OVEK ALL CO.HPETITION AMERICA, E2STGLA3STD. AXD JTHAÏÏOE. These Standard Instruments, Are now offénd at Roduccd Rates on tho OW HU ICE SYSTEM. W 4 O , O O O -2 OP THESE S t a n cl a r (1 p i a n o-Fortes Have been made and sold 8i„Ce 1023, and MÜHTY-OXE FIIWT PREMIUMS Have bccii awarded to onr Kirm 01 ER ALL COMPET ITION conïeTedPio"be8 " "' - "niver8ally The Standard Ins.'rumcnis of i,e WorW, Chlckerlns a 8oiJ8. TJammoíh ílanntoctory Wc culi especial attontion to onr ÜPRIGHT PIAWOS . 1 r, r ! n' ' Wh'C.h !""V "r" " """rl "ltitUtO. CHtCKERIrtG & SONS, 11 E. lltliSt., Xcw York. i4 Washiii(ftonSt„ Itostou. 11 8w8' HURRY UP ! ÜARTtKS iriahing Wall i;lpor, Cloth JL. and Paper Rhad n, Hollands, U'inrinw Cmd, Tapáola, Ac, ill New Btvles, at Satlufactor] Prlces.byJ. u. W'obstcr Vn., 11 ok slore, ne the Exproag 1 1 WYHÖÏAM' P8ESCRIPTI01SS il iO( riM-, ELT k; CAnsrüLIjY PllBPABED V. ' &G0.,I)RUGGI81B. For Scrofula, Scrof"l . uloiis Discnftes of X 1 EyeS) or Scrofu'LL la i ii nny l'oriii. c Ain diseafie or eruptïon vr of tlie Skin, disease of the Oy'J LtW, Rheumatism, l'imvQ plcs,Old Sores. I'lj(is.J irokW _ en-down Constitu t i on s , 04 Syphilis, or any disease leSJS pending on adeprjved confe dition of the blood, trv m$P BR.CROOK'S '@V! SYRUP OF f POKE ROOT. X ti liastbemedioina] prop tó3 erty of Foke combi ned' wit h l J a pi'eparation of Iron wliich goes at once into the blood, Jffrfc performing tlie most rapid Jp and wonderful cure. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook's Compound Syrup of Poke Koot - take ,tand be healed. T UMBER YARD. JU C. KRAPF, Ma a lrtrpo and veil tockcd Lnmbr Yanior Jeffor9fn Sireet, In the nontb pari of ('ii -. . nu willkecpconstnntly on hand un exHl]enívarÍcty o) LUMBER,SHiNGLES,LATH&G which wlllbe"il nslmvnicnr ho afforded In jthts _!KilHyiiu!ircinchthnt NO ONE NEED GO TO DETP-OIT. KlAVfi Ann Arbor .Iaiui.irj20tli, 1S71 986 1 "Finost issortracntofToilol Goods in tho City, by ft.aü.B)Íí5&60.,iiriggiírfí. NEW SPRING GQODS FULE! LEWIS. Are now reccivir;; the most complete and ELEGANT STOCK OF PIKE GOOD8 OH THE LINK OP BOOTS and SHOES EVER BEOÜQHT TO TUIS I IIAVBG TEE ECLIS!VE SALE OF THE WORK OF ALL THE FiKST-tTiSS HAKIIUTIÜERS IS THE COKHTET, HE EAY OFFi't TO CASU ClSTOüElíS GTÍRATER . INDUCEMEKTS TITAN AjS'Y OTIIER house in tuis city. Wecarrj complete lices ofwork from E. C. Bl'RT, GUAY BKOTIIi.'IÏIS, STUWWEïit HÏÏOi'. InJCHILDRfflN'S FINE iSHOES, r wblch we havo by Akr thft larjcest and fincst asortinfni crer bronght to Aon Arbor. Jua. "I. lïtirl's Gent' ! l.: HAND-MADE Boot and Shan, uncqu.-iiort rv vii', d;ii'm;. :::.;. i'v.l ihn-li. Ji.liii W. Bnrt'a Ihoea, tndln fací a Completa Stook óf yiNEaud rr.AI.N Qooda, mitabluforlhi nikrket. isea


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Michigan Argus