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TJfclKE33 DIRECTORY. ,t r. fasqvf.i.i.i:.. ra. nm'' "V1T MaAT tri' 'ore. Ri-Mdeucc Wa-hin.;ton Jüit.four doori ta-t uf Sute ISTüy1- ..,V IRBDn 7IIMKAI. BPRIKOS. L Morrtn Hile. sl D-, Siid.-rinuvndent. Oflior , coruer Mmin aud U'aat Hurón Street. ,i-KS A OTIUE, -OtJ Mainstrcet. B Aon Ar or, Mlch-, wholesèle and reuil denl„ n Dry Qodi, CurpeU .in.l Groceriea. "' i33itr _ ."VbJíOWJC, Aïont for the Fiuklc & Lyon iriciur"dovlin! Machine They ure illent, '.;„ rnnei.ynodm ke the lock ttllch. No. I S M.ilo Streot, Anu Arbor l3-1'?' nlCK SCIim, Dealers in Dry Guoil. )lGr(ccrle,Crockery,&c. No. 54 Soath Main ! _ ÍÍÍCÜAEI. JH'ÍKIT, ltoofpr Pire and 11 "ntor Prooi, Peil i"l Compoaitlon Gravel j,,,,,!,,,! u urdcr midwitrranted. Bidenceon jtmm Street, A on Arbor. ' ,) H. f.t,l,Iri 4 ;., Drassists anidenlerl H. So.a South Main Street, U Arboij ________ Lr a. JACKSOX, Dentl! sucecssor to C. B. II l'iirter OIHc corner Main d !uron strect, lore of !i. W. Ellis& o , Aun Arbor, i. tiiciihctlca admlninWrcd if ruiitd. 'ZTT BR E AK.JV, m. ., PhyuiclMi BHÍ ,,!. ik:;. . ;.i ridenw of llu,,n:i Diïisiun StreeU ürst iloor easl of PresbyriioCbarrh . Anu Arbor; Mkh. BJ. JOU.WN) HïSlor i; Hits nnd Caiv liu. S'.raw t)ojH i" Fnrnihing Gnods, d I &ilMti Mia treei. Anu Arbor nich. íñflIEHI.AÍiD A: IVHKDOS, Life nnd !pir-Jni!''niic' Lrt'ntc; and deuleiiwn Kea! Csc:it. jftou liaron Street. 'W1S " HSSnOSI. Dealer In Hardware. Urvth IliHisi; Kuvni-lHugGoodi, 'Hu Wafe.&c. .i Snuth .Main 8treet. T4CH & ABEL, Dealürx in Dry Goode Orüjtiiiei, tb 4c..No - fouth Mniu .-treet.Ann I IWSOÏ1 SOKT (frucei, Prrtn scd Icnnmiaslon Merchant, mul dealer in Water . Lan:l Piaster, and Pluier Paris. No. 14 Ka-t bXBHEIX, Whaii!i:e and KetailDoaler Litf {--adv Made ' lothlng, Clothe, CassiDiew, . tgt.audOeBt'd ParnlshTng Gouds. Ko.S Bmitil ;;n itreet. ir.TÍ. WA;Ktt, Deniei' 1b R-nly lnd-l'lutlr I Ing, lotlw Cnmlmerc Veécinn. IIn,Cpi' pet Hagp Ac '1 Somh Mai strect. HLnOSE (ÍSEK, B.iokwllen DdSUJ i;i rs M ■ 1;-al J.UV nnd Ulillee Tpxt ÜO'iks, ■:r,!: Bhok8 X). 3 North Main I.Gregory Bluck.Ann Arbor. (i.VI.I:Y Sc I,KWS.S, Healerslll Hiio-f.ShOM, .iitiTs,Sji)at.-,. M#. ï BustlTuron streel, ffÜAH W. CHEEVEK, ATTOENEY AT LAW ! :-iltliK W Morcan, Eae-t s'dtofCönrt House ÍS;1 T. F. SCHAEBEBLE, r of M usic. G'"íís iustructlon on the lANO, ViOLIN AND GUITAR, Hl c'dícPi R". S3 Sotl) Mnki street, CMoorc'e iljiiigj.orat iliereeidKiiceöf Llic NrW PIANO ÏÜ.MivG, ide traecteHty nnd Milibfiiction unr;uitf cd. i'nOGKEM Y. QLiLSSWARE & ÖftöCEBïES j. & ronnelly Hrc in Uorc a Inrge stock f rocker), Olasswarc, flidvriiri!,(''.tliiry Urncuncs, &c, c. all tobe KHtWminaaUyJuw (trjcet. Ho 84; UrfrOn flrtt, Ann Ajbor. fjfitf J. & I'. BOJrtEM. i JOHN G. GALL, DEALER lïtf ÊEÊSHANDSALTMEATS, fc&ÍJ, SAIJSAftKS, !!(., Oriornolicitcd amlproniptly fliled willi tiiebest etu In the market. 31 Kast Washington street. Ain Arbor. Sept. 16th, 1S60. 123itf P. BROS, MlffuNirfcr of CtKBIACKS, Itl(.(.IKS. I.I'HBKR ;aS, yPfilYO WAOOS8, CUTTERfi SI.KIUIIS, &c. jtlwirk warrnnted nfthc best matcriar. Rppüir■-donc promptly and rcasonub'e. All work warttDted tí pive perfect trati-fiKTtitoli. OS S'.Ui Main tita. xnhyi J)R. C# 'JÍ. LEITEU CONTINÚES TO PUT ÜP AÍÍD FILL Pliysieians Prescriptions, At HBBT,t Vo. lOregary Block. C. Á.LSÍTEIi & CO. 4naArbor.De:. 22d 1871. 13M J)R.C. li. POKTErT" DENTIST. 'in iheSAVIKGS B&KKBLOCK, Afin Arbor. UlOpemions on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED WITH CARE. 'KSÜRFASSED FACILITIES AND BXPERIENCE SmiNti ARTÍFICIAL TEETfl, TO GÍVE EACH INDIVIDUAL; "Wwti of the proper $ize, thaptf.olor. Jirmnetêtnd na al czprêtêion, 1344 JACKSÖN WAGONS! A Cr Load of JACKSON WAOONS Jast red at gers' Agricultural Warehouse. [Jff " wl" want .lackêon Wagons, had bettcr o "nem now at the present LOWPRICES! "Usoon t0 brabout eight dollars addcd to f m "cnt Pr'ce on accoant of the advance In price " son stocks. M. EOGEKS. 136Cm3 FOH SALE ! Ifcfe?'4110' o! '■''" bcriber. House No. f2 and W? Itum" stl'cet. Kat. PoMcsnion givcn th dof 'f Intlu're at the Anou Obïicf. tu, . C. I. II l II MIIMI. J M, Ann Arbor, March Mth, 187J. UUnl S" iijjiji ui i i _1MJB. JinestAssortment of Toilet öood8 in the City, by JtlU.jillig fejijfruggfog. MICHIGAN C1NTBA1 It VILROAD. SUMMICK TIMB TABLE. Passenger trains nuw leave the sovernl tutions , u followi: Oo:s WK8T. Y ti STAT1OXS. J S O O '3 t- H 8 "ü S .. B 3 I. . W _fi. A. M. .. L■ I'. I'. M. !'. M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 i) 30 4 10 9 40 9 30 Vnsilanli, 8 2 10 28 14 7 OS 10 40 AmiArbor, 8 S2 10 f 7 8 04 7 40 11 00 DoxUr, 9 20 6 Si 8 05 Chclsea, 9 40 8 25 lirussl.alce, 10 07 8 52 . M. .lacki.ii, 10 40 12 II 9 SO 12 15 Y. M. 1. M. A. M. h'alamnzco, 2 10 2 55 12 25 Mlirt, 20 _8_00 _ 6 30 7 30 OOING EAST. il Allí :., Í il i II 1 & i M. r. M. A. M. A M. Ohicngo, leave, 4 15 M 6 00 9 00 KillnmMOO, 12 35 2 U 11 5a 2 00 A. M. P. MJsckson. 1 45 4 35 3 00 4 17 Ore Lak. SM 3 32 ChulMn, 0 IS A. M. 3 53 Deitor, -i 25 4 H Ann Albor, 2 52 li 00 (i M 4 42 6 24 Viiiil.mti, 2 S2 6 20 7 20 S 05 5 40 Uitruil, :irrivn, __ 3 35 _" 25 _ 8 44 L_2_ M' The nextcr Tmin run to Jnkson Boturdy oveniufr on " Eïenlng Bxpr1 time, uiitf bnck Mondny mornini; on it own. The " Niglit Expilwa" aoes nor pftsHcapt ilondiiy mnininp. Th Atlimlic mul Padflc l'xpres run botwccn .Tnckuni nnd Nllia on the Air Line. Dnted Not. 2Sth. 1871. CH)KT WAYNE, JACKSON AND Saginaw RaiircatL The most direct route to PitMbmg, l'hiladolpbia, Biiltjfnorp, WuhingtOB. mul all pollita outh and mthwest. Train run by f.hici(;o Time, T8A1 QOI&G SOrTlI. jlail. Kxprut. Angela Ace. Ann Arbor, 10 ios sa-'gs ittM 3& 88 tl S Auburn, W Kort Wnyne, 11 5 5 " Indiunoplia, '■■ ;■" Cnicinniiti, 8 M 6 30 a. m. Lüuisvillc, U 0 TB41KS 'WKÏ NÖB; jtjUwM Ace. Exprttt. Malt. Lomsvine, 8 30 a. M. IIMp.. Alisóla, C 15 A.M: 1 .tonosville, 25 3 50 , 45 II mover "5 s ls 8 13 S"' 10 00 3 55 8Í0 Ann Albor, ? 5 24 At Jackson- Close connefcüone are made with firliigau ciitfnl, Jackaon, LteJUg & Suginaw, anddraml RÍAtr.7lñl!c-WkhLak0 Shorc& Michigan South"AtwïSSrtio-Wltt I.e Show & Mlcl.ipan Pouth"Aton'wnync-With MHbm, Fort Wam & Toledo, Wubdah & Wwtern,iiil FJii Wvoe, Mu,,cio&Cinciu,.ü Rrïjoads. -fijWltfcHi Hob't. Bii-lic Gn'I. Ticlcot Ay't. Dcc. 11, UTli piantaw mm. S. T.- -X. This wondeiful vegetftble ' tivc is the sbect-hnclior of the teelde and debilitatoi As a tonic and cordial tbr thcflced emá tengnid it has no etjtial atnong stomachies. As a re mcdy for the nervous weakncsees wiHcii vumien are esciaüy subjectcd, it is superscding eery other stimulant. In all cliraatee, tropical, teui}icra,te or frii-d, it acts ös il specificin cvery species of disorder wliich ïindermiDcs t}ie boriily strength and breaks dowji ths animal spirits, tu&ji, j BeautiM Womas! HAGATV'S OTAfiNOtlA BALM Rivc to the Coinplcxio llic Freslincs of lijoittb. JiiOiüH. SÍinÑOLii Bi.m overeóme the flnhcd )pmir'atïcecauiod by heat, fatigue and excltement. It raakoi the lady of forty appeitr bnt tw?nty. and ao nntiirai and perfect that no persoo can detect it apUeatlnn. Dy lts use the roughest skin is made to rhai iiic pnre ratfiani-toftüTe #f yaathfnl beaulj. It removes rednesa, blotches, and pimple. It coetaia uothing that wlil Injare thelt!nln the lenst. Msgrulia lialm is used b'y U fashinable lndlep In New York. Londou and Paris. It costi only ï.s cents per Bottle, and Is sold by all Druggi6ts and terfnmST. ISsé-eW-jr.' BOOKS. BOOKSa II - J. B. WEBSTER & CO. NEW KOOK S5PORE Ni: AR THÉ " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND ',CALL. ! BOOKS. Ij }}} LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SiruiF, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HURON STREET, Next to the Express Office, A' ARBOB, miCII. JStf T WV ÖBESE FEATHjéRB tonsvaotljophand Kiulforsnlcby BAVH& ABEL,


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