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"looks Are Nothing."

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It is to no purpose that tho English arstocnicy fume over tho fact thoir good Queen is at best but a motherly-looking iovnrncss in appearance; not that they lublicly coniuH'iit upon it - tliiir etjml de corps would prevent this - but in their iearts they would much rathor sho were as extravagant as tho old Stuarts - had i;ss virtiifi and more stylo - anything rut lier than that respectable, middle-classlook whieh so eminently characterizes her. Obsorvers of hmuan nature think it i this very approximation in appearanco which endears )ior to ,tlie coininon people, particularly to tho women, who are moro [oyal than the men ; her plaiunrss and motherliness bring lier nearer them, and their sympathies seein to be more in common. Accustomed as this class is to think of a queen as pictured in the school books - English school books - a soincthing stately and stiff, dressed in velvet robes, with a crown on tho hc-ad and a sceptre in the hand - a something to stand in awe of and look at from a distance, yet in which they have no interest, heing taxed for its support - they oannot dives,t themselves of the idea that this old lady who bows to them so pleasantly has deprived them of a right ; and as the men pay the money they want the show. " I really feit mortified," said an English woiiuin, herself every inch a ju en in look and bcaring, " when I saw Victoria and Eugenio together; - our Queen was fo owdy, and that Spanish pantnti was so handsome, and graceful and olegaiit, and woll drossed. I devoutly wished that Sophia, Eleclress of Hanover, luie died ere slie mixed the blood of the Stuarts with that of the house of Brunswick inarring the psrsonal appuarauco of our royal line, and giving it the worst points of tho Germán character and phy.sique.' The Enplish succession misht have gone further, but itcertainly could hardly have fared worse. A tourist describes having sren the Queen and part of her family with tha of the lJuku ad Puchess of Argyll, in Scptland. A plainer, less aristorrati group of people h never raw. liad b not known who they were, ho should have taen them for somo well-behaved ?;v geois out. on a holiday. Indeed, the Dtich088 of Argyll hardly looked that ; ho had seen ïnany inarket women in Philadel' i phia more comoly and les coarse than she. The Queon reminded him of a well-fed matron of some chaiity ingtitution, oue acoustomed to authority. This, be it rcuiembored, was only the personnel ; in cunversation, there was no mistaking ohiiructcr and culture.


Old News
Michigan Argus