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A Story About Greeley

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A Now York correspondent of the ' Omaha Jlerald givcn thc füllowing incident conuected witli Mr. Greeley's editor iíil lifo : Thero is a newspaper reporter in this city who recoived liis lirst lesson in jour! nalism on tho iS'ow York '1'ri' Although he knew nothing whiitevur about nowspaper worlt, he w.s posseSsodat th-ii timo with a high opinión of his own abilities, believing that ho could do anything he saw lit to unilurtake - -m;ikiiig application to Mr. Moore, city editor oí the Tribune, ha was taken on trial, his flrst work boing to get up a short report of a meeting ot' thi; Uimrantinc Baard. Returniug to thü oilioo he handed his uopy to Mr. Mooie, wholooked ovorit, thonght it would do, inai'Ko.i it " local," and thon, placing it in tho dummy, sent it to tho eomposing room. Going back to the offloe the next morning. our highly elated friend was sent to report the proeoodings of some organization wbieh hold their meetings in Cooper Instituto. Tho new ly fledged reporter was n?t very fiivora bly imoressed with thc ft] p'aranco of the mon eomposing tho sociei.y, and, instead of reporting the proeeedinga as occurrod, he onterei into a nowiso flattering description of the men present, and wrote a burlesquo of tho business they transacted. llcturning to the room of the city editor, he found that gentleman absent, and taking it for granted that his report was all right, hemarked it "looal," as he had Men .Mr. Moore do on tho day previous, put it in the dummy and sent it alone. Upon goiag back to the office next day, he "was told by tho city editor that Mr, Gre? 07 wished to seehim. Hf immediately rushed off to Mr. Greeley' room, flattering himself thut th?.t gentleman had beun so favorably imid by his contributions to the ' currónt litL'rature of tho day " that ho was anxious to soeuro him Ixf.iro the other papers engaged him. Full of this thought ho entored the philoiopher's room, informing that gentlem:in that thü city editor said he wished to soo him. " Are you the d - n fooi who sent up that report yesterd:iy of the moeting at Cooper's Instituto?" inquired that great and good man. Tliis was not exactly the roception our cheeky friond had expoeted, but ho mannged to recover himsoli' enpgh to be enabled to answer in tlie affirmative. " Did Mr. Moore examine your copy beforo it was sent to the composing room?" queried H. Gr. " No, sir," responded the reporter, "he was not in his room when I c;im- in, so I just ohucked it into a little box where I had S"c?u him put my roport tho day beforo, and suppospd it would Ie all right." " What business hal j'ou to burlesque those who were present at the meeting ':" said ilr. Greeley. " Well, I considered them a set of woodc-n hends, and I thought it wouldn't do rvny hrui tu say u," ropheil tho l'eportjr, mtekly. 'H - 11, man," exolaimocl the oxispo.rutod iliilosoplier, " I am i'residout of that urganization. That's all, young man ; you can go." The reporter did not remain on the Tribune. Hu was possessod of great talent, tho editor all said, but it was not just exactly thü kind of talent the Tribune neoded.


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