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Geo. Alfred Townsend "explains."

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To Ihe Editor of the Phihidelphia Tress : SlR : The following editorial paragraph frora your issun of Monday, is at hand : " A friend in Delawaro writes to us for Information concerning the delogation at Cinciimnti frotn his State, which cast six votes tor Adams. Hs has no knowledgo of the election or even tho solf-appointment of delegates from tho littlo commonwealth, and henee the query addressed to us. This, liko quite a number oí' other subjects in conneetion with tho Cinoinnati Convention, is pne of thoso things that ' no fellow can find out.' " I want every fcllow to find out all about it. Tho subscriber had tho pleasure aloue. He was so well known to be a nativa of Delaware - never having voted elsewhere - and to be a writer in favor of tlia liberalization of both parties, particularly the ruling party, that tho administration papers accused him of a design to appear at Cinoinuati and voto Delaware thero. A paragraph to this effect eonceived in littleness liko to its forin, wont on its travels, and by tho timo I arrivod in Cincinnati to act in the line of my profession, letters and telegrams came to rao from Delaware - from oollejjiates of my nativo county of Sussex, and folks of tho city of Wümingion - advising rae that the Liberal Rcpublictms of Delawaro were pleased to heur that they would not be without a delégate. Had none of thes? messagés been received, I should have votod anyhow as a Dclawariiin by birth, interest, andby intentions of residonco and citizenship, ncver abaudopod sinco my boyhood, and which, long ere this, had boen gratiüed, except by in y roving attaehment to the profession of tho illnstrious man whom wc nominated at Ciucinnati, and whoso old white coat, as Chateaubriand said of Xapoleon's redingote jrix, has already " mado all tho politicians of the continent fly to anus." The name of Delaware was callcd in my hearing without response. At last I presented my name boforo the Committeo on Credentials, whero I was, perhaps, not thoonly solitary ropresemative of a State ; for this was callcd a " mass convention." But timpá have also boen whm as laro a State as Pennsylvania had onlyone voico in a "regular" convention, tho ochóos, however, counting. In this convention at Ciucinnati overy delégate oounted, and none wero echóos. I was recognizod, and cast six votes alternatoly for Adams and Trumbull - tho rulo adoped being that whero r. Stato was partly representad, the fractional repreaeutatiou should stül give tho whole vote, In our Delaware delegation tbero was no división Wo nuvorrofïred to consult. In tho l.anguagc of Oarl Sclmrz ' wo mcant business." Pinally we accepted Horaco Greeley with entire uirmimity - one bino heu sitting on tho six electoral eggs with oase. It was imarksd that as we wciv thejfirst State to ratify the Constitution, we werr tlio easiest to please ;md ti fall into accord at Cincinnati. The i'ollowing was the rosolution wo drew up to report to tho poople of our State : First in tho war was Unolp Horaco when ho outlined all tho campuigns with "On to Richiuond ;" fust in poaoo whou I ho appoared at Kiohmond, t'Onqueror, and took the most grieved man in the fallen cause by the hand, bound up liis wounds pouring in tho oil without the wine, and became his surety with the mild-mannercd landloid. And whon we prove him ' nost November, first in tlio hoarts of his CDUiitryuien, soniebcdy niay, perhaps, atk without captiousnusü, " who cus!, thc1 six vot;s of Deluwavo for HoraCó Gréê loy's no'.nination V" I shall bo ready to answor as oheerfully thou as now, and I bilivemy chiUlreu will approvo of it. Thoy wcre given by (yotjrg truly), GEO. ALFÏIÉD TOWNüfiXD. Washi:;gton City, .May 10, 1H7'_'.


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