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The Presidential Campaign In England

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Frora the Londun Timos, May 6; II.)v c.mes it that the Liberal Kepnblicana at Cincinnati ahould havo accoptod Mr. Greeley as thoir nominec ? Thoro can bo little doubt about the proper answer. Tiity have no man distiuctivoiy belonging to themselves who could bo put firward with any chanco of success, and they had to chooso betweon soma one who would conciliate the Domocrats aud rally Osmá iiround thoir "platform," !i:iil bd&W om; wlio would attract to thoir side tho Itepublicang who had hitherfo not cared to join thom. If thcy had fixed upon Mr. Adams, and prououuced Joldly tbr a tari ff canstructed only ir rovoiiuo purpob'03, they might have won ovor the Demócrata ; but they have af ter ome hcitaticn preferred to put Mr. ïreeley at their head, thinking that tho Jemocrats may still bo disposad to juin hem out of oppoeitkm to President ïrant, and that thoy wül certainly atract more. E ipubtioans to their standard. We oannot bi.-lieve Mr. Greeley has any ijinr ■i;ii.i(]i.: oliar.cj of being electad to tho i.'ivnú.mcy, but it by .no means follows that liis no:uintion as a candidato m i'ncs General G: ant's re-electiou secure. The Kew Y"ik Wurl-l, the most able und trust wjrthy orgnn oi' the Democratie party, tronts the choico of the Cincinnati liáan a 1 1 unwis. Mr. Greeley is at once tho must conspicuous opponent of ;he Domonrats and a zealous high-tariff proiectionist, and neither as a politiciuu nor as a financier would bo accoptable. But t'ie World adds that Mr. Greeley ij populur eQCrogh Ie mako a fonnidablo split in thi; Hepublican ranks, thus giving the U imoCTStfl a sulemlid opporhmity. Thisis undoubtedly true. The Democratie party havo held baok so far as to llow the fiopublicaus to develop their ivn (juarrelf, andthfy wil! huid back as ong as possible in tho hope that these uarrels may become irreparable ; but if t a soraowhat later period of the camaign thty wero to take the field, nomiating s-ioh a man as Mr. Adama as their indidate, they might secure tho victory 'or themselves. T!ie state of affaira would thon be just the reverse of what it was twelve yos ago. A party numeriaUy a minority then securod for Mr. jincoln the majority iu tho Electoral Coilege bocause thf party having the ïajority wra divi'led betvveen th supvorttrs of Mr. Douglass and of Mr. irockinridgo. It is quito pjssiuïe thufc ):ielhiug of this kind m;iy happen if President Grant does not contrivo to roak up tlie purty which has nominated Ir. Greeley. We seo it is suggeetad that ie should dismiss Mr. Fish as" one means t' redeemiug his own , but w et upon f i tion would be a grievous, if not a l', error. It' Presiks tp restore a waning jopularity, ho must do it by corrocting ;ho fauits whioh have causod it to vano, 'lioso aro sufHciuntly notorious ; they ipeply disi-ussed whon tli:s Trentyof Vasbington was the occasion of A ■ 1 ivjoiumg aud self-congrutulation o:i icth aides of the Atlantic ; and it was ring to these fauits that the Liberal iopublicans carne into oxistence as a seprate party. If the seceders, or any of hem, :iru to bo brought back to their alegiaBCB, the cause for which thcy secoded mist be removed. General Gnvnt's gravst f:tu!t as a President has. been the notnination to oílice oí persona totally unworihy of his trust aud uniit to disharge tho duties assigned to them. ?hrough mere negligenco and carelessïess he hasallowi'd men to remain about lim who did their best to mix up his n ïme in intrigues with which it ought lever to have been. associated ; ho ap)ointed to important posts at home and ibroad men who wnre in overy respect lisqualiiied for them ; and in at least one. ustance he long forbore to suspend au, officer against whom a prima facie caso of corruption was established, or to require from him any explanation of the charges alleged against liim. Fauits like these croated the Liberal Republican party and cooled the enthusiasm of tho American people. Four years ago civil-scrvice reform was little botter than the crotehet of a single meiuber of Gongrew, and Senators and Bepres(!niativt?s woro agroed thit it was idlo to discuss a systora wliioh. would tako away the patronage by which incoming Presidents roward the zeal of tho vvire-puilors and agents who havo se-r eureil (heir eleetiön. NW we sec it put forward as a chicf "plank" in the '"píatr fonu" of tho Liberal Itepublicans, and thoro is, indeed, no party which doos not ii lv it somo outward respect.


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