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V i LI be publislied every Alonday murning, ín Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEYj FOSTER, & Co. Fon the Michigan State A.nti-Slavkut SoCIETT. Tehms. Ome Doixar a ydar, Irt advancet if not paid, in advancc, Two ÜölLaÜS ivill be invarUblt required. O Oíd substífibéra can hnve thcir papers nt One Dollar a year, by forWarding that tíiiiount, and paying arMsarngett All aubscribere will be expteted to pny within thc year. TERMS OP ADVERTlSlNG. For each line of brevier, (the amallest type,) the firat insertion, 3 cents. For each subaequent inserlion, 1 Cent. For thrce moinhu, ? cents. For ix monthe, 10 cents. For one year, 15 cent. Orden by mail will be promptly attended to. 'Leral AdvertUing by the tolio. (Manufacturera, Booksellers, Mnchinists. Whulesale Merchants, and all others doing an trtsnsice butiness, who wi&h to advertise, will án tk Signal thebest powible medium of comtúurtícition in the State. O All Remittancos and Communications íiould be addressed, Post paid, gJT3i3SAi. or Libkrty: Ann Arbor, Mich.j


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