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The Impeachment Trial Of

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BÍoner EDMONDS came to an end on Friday last, and rcsultud in his acquittal on oach and evory article. The voto opon the sevcral articlos -was: lst. For withholding lauda for sale for a pecuuiary considoration : guilty, 16 ; not guilty, 11. 2d. For purclmsing Stato lands contrary to law : guilty, 4 ; not guilty, 2.'5. 3d. For furnishing descriptions of licensed lauds where thero was int'orraiüity in settleinent or ooctipahty : guilty, 12; not guilty, 15. 4th. For conspiracy with Wm. G. Patrick aud otbors in frandulontly witlidra vving from sale, or causiug to be marked as sold, largo quantities of State lands, to the detriment of bona fule purchasors and for the benefit of the conspiratois : guilty, 0 ; not guilty, 27. 5th. Engaging with his deputy in tho purchase and salo of swamp land scrip, so as to operato in fraud of and to tho damage of the priuiary school fund, tho bov eral counties of th Stater and of tho State trcasüry": ff'iüty, 8 ; not guilty, 19. . 6th. Employing dissolute clnrks, allowing thoui to sell valuablü inforinution containod in the office, and to act a3 agonts for cortuinlanddealors: guilty, 16; not guilty, 11. 7th. Itctaining inoneys roceived for the Sale of scrip: guilty, 1 ; not guilty, 26. ■8th. Oonducting and publisbing Etery Wednesday Xight - a scurrilous and obscene sheet : guilty, 14 ; not guilty, 13. SHh. Also about Etery Wednetday Üiyht : guil'y, 8 ; not guily, W. lOth. Druukonnosa ; fpiilty, 0 ; not guilty, 27. 1 Uh. Adultery : guilty, 1 ; nol guilty, 26 A two-thirdB vote of all tho Senators olect, or 22, was neeessary to convictiou 16 being tht highest obtained. - Though the Commissioner has been acquitted, it can hardly be said that his reputation is unsullied. The proof showei a disgraceful state of affivirs in his office, morally and officially ; speculat.ion and corruption, and tho Commissioner sharing the profits. But, perhaps, the Court thought tbat to convict Edmoxds would bo to serve n notioe to quit on souie or all of the other State officers, tlie practice of inoncy niaking not bcing confined exclusively to tho Oominissioner's office. It was, therefore, nocossary to lot Edmonds down easy. It remains to be scen whether the Republican party of the Stato will ciasidor hihi thoroughly wh-.tewosfofid and nomínate hiinfor another ter.u. - According to the Adrián Time this little attempt at imriiieation costs the State the snug little sum of $12,595.05, as follows: Managers, $719.40; Senators, $7,385.80; Officers, $1,658.50; Witnesses, $1,132.80; Messengers, $380.20; Reporters, $1,000 ; incidentals, $312.95 ; stationory, $6.00, or had up to Friday, May 24th. ïhose figures do not include the printing of the (laily journal, or the publishing of proceedings in book form. Another exchange figures, the total expenses at $25,000. But thon tho people have the satisfaction of knowing that the Commissioner didn't couimit adultery ; didn't get drunk ; didn't have anj'thing to do with that vilo sheet, Etery Wednesday 2iight didn't have inxruoral, drunkon, dishonest ar speculatïng clerks ; and didn't divide with them or outsiders certain illegal fees and perquisites. This is knowledge worth paying liberally for. The ElOHT-irorR niovement is turning everything upside down in New York, and all workinen inwH. trados and avocations are either on a strike, over a strike, or making ready for a strike. Eight hours work, with the same pay as heretofore received for ten hours is the basis of most of the strikes, though in some departments both eight hours and increased pay are demandcd. Efforts are being made for co-operation in Chicago and other largo nmploying centers, and sooner or later omployers throughout the country will have to arrango their business on the ntw basis. This is the iirst res uit of the legislation of dornagogues to catch the votas of laborers in governmont cmploy. It remains to be seen how rauch tho laborers of the country will be benofited by the new order of things. If the nianufacturer can run his establishment but eight hours the oost of proJuction will be largely increased by the loss on idlo machinory and capital ; and to this inarsased cost of production must be added a fif th for the increaso of wages. The consuming community, of whicU laboring men are a large sharo, will in the end be compolled to remunérate capital for this loss, so that the pay of the laborer or the buying capacity of his pay will be not tho whit inoroased. His only good will oomo from tho two hours of leisure. Will he use that leisure in " work," in working fox hiiusolt', in study, or in dissipation? Theso are questions for time to solve. Meantime, how long will the raass of mechantes and laborers, on the farm or in the shop, who are thcir own employers, and who find tho rewards of ten or twelve or fourteen hours duily toil none too large to meet tho wants of their families, bo willing to bo taxed to pay men ten hours pay for eight hours work? Not long, we take it, unless tho valuo of "their productions, grains, fruits, vogetablos or wares meet a corresponding increase in price, and that done what has tho laborer accomplished? Tho skilied and intelligent laboror can always command work with full pay. Eight hour legislation, uniong anti strikes aro prinoipally for tho benefit of the ignorant, inefficiënt, unskilled, indolent or dissipated laborer, irho wftnt8 the Öo-equalizo by pelling oapital to giYe'bija what he bas not earaed. TherO is really no conflict between capital and labor. Labor crofttes oapital, and without capital the htboror would find his occupatiou gone. The law cannot make all men intelligent, all men skilkit1., all men industrious, all men sober, all men honest, nor all men economical. th'rlftyor rioh. Two men equally intelligent, equally industrious and equally honest will not prosper aüke : 011e will make moncy and eavö it ; the other will barely live. The law can not Obange all rhia, It can only protect each in his perflonal-HgUts, guarantee him tho right to his eaniiDg if withheld, and throw on liim the solootion of his fiold of lnb. r, tho rogulation of his oarnings, snvings, and expendituree. Tact and intuïtie ii and skill will ñiake one ïich with a fi w liours daily labor of bruin mul niusclo, the lack of such qnalitica will keop liiin poor though hc inay work sixteon houvs a dy. Thoso things the law cannot rogulaii', and the laborer must not calcúlate tlnit eight hotirs is a panacea for all his Uk.


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