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The Irish Not All For Greeley

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Krom tho Kreeraau's Journal :md Cntholie Iiegister. Can (he Democratie party indorso Gre;)ey and Grat?. Brov.-n r No! and a thoHSand times no! The attempt of any corrupt or oowardly Leaders to botray tho Dumooratic party thug would be only I the deelaration that tho Democratie party was captured, and bd surrendcred, bag uncl bsggage, body and boots, to its most implacable enemy. Private bargains may have been niado, but Demócrata wiü nuver ratii'y thiüu. It', to supposa (lio impossiblo, tho Democrotic Convcntioii at Baltimore, in nc?xt July, wore to nominato no ticket, and if no othnr rally oi Democrats to ñamo a ticket were to bo made, and wo wore to be left with the beggarly choico betwecn Graat and (ireoley - between the "man on horseback" and the willinjj instvumnt of all the free-lovers, " Internationals," communists, and othcr foes of raorality, society and religión - the general verdict would be, " Grant rather than Groeley !" Wb cannot imagine our comnntting ourself to tho support of Grant. Uut we say it distinctly and dcliberatoly, that as a man, a Christian, as the hoad of a fiuaily, and as a citizon having the duty ot' trying to guard our country from the most shamrful dognidation, if wo were tied up to tho desperate ehoice, we must DM all iniluenoe for continuing tho rule of tirant, the stupid "man on horseback" agaiust Ureeley, the man without discipline, without doctrine, and akin to overy aboininution, in America or in Europe, that would dethrone God, revilo the rovelations of God's truth, and ii-.itornize with the commune, tho International, and every other scheme of devil-worship. Our iustincts teach na to. oppose tbe lawlew person as if he were the tiary of tho anti-Ohrist. Tho vulgar, plundering follow "on horseback" is nieroly human, and a very poor "humnn" attliH''. But, at least, he is not a thoroaghly bcwitchod tooi of the devil, on plaus inade by bud womou and men, as Mr. Greuloy is. in ii Ono liinidrcd thousand persons in Cashinen: ure; eraployeS in tlie shawl manufacture. A female cpiunei earns the munificont compensation ot' soventyfive cents a month. Soute shawls of olal- oi-ato jut.tcr-ri oooujiy theso weavurs twelvè or üftuen months.


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