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Ore dfiy 1 iit ircnlt. nebr tli Un'v(r?ï1y pronrrTfl. h GOLD' MOIJNTKI) HAIIt BRAOBLET. The ownercin h'ivi thu s-imi by provine property'ana piyiagfor thifl a-iriïrtiapmei.t. Ánn Arhrr, My W, 18TB. ISTOvl' JABOR HATJ.ER. M O T I C E : The mUfeffriton hap ntthfïr ccmrmni, n a genraï thin','. from flvo hun 'rnúl to ftvr doltars to loiin on dm urifl flrst cï' mortiïiio Uaatfl In the Comity of Wmhtcuaw,- from thrce to fivtï yean. Tertns librral (!fl : oppopïte the Punt Ofüce, and ut O, A. LelCer A O „ iroi Store. No i (imiriiry Ulock. Oar Abstract Do aks aro poetcd up to date. Ani Arbor. Mr 30, 1ST2. i thaoy w. root, ROOT & LEÏTER. CIJAS. A. í.KI ER; -3 Qtf pOTTLED LAGER, ALE AND POItTEB, Put np in Pints and ({uarts for Family use. ALSO BY THE KEG. fï" Orileivs Icit Kt I. citer & Co.' Iru{f More wil! be priMiipily filio I. HILL & CHAPÍN. Ann Arbor. Miy 5. J"-2. 1376tr UILL'S üPEHA. ÍIOÜSK ! . One TsTiglit Only. Fridny May gist. JOIi E. WHITING, IBEAItjttiJBK. First and only nppearance of BUFPALO BILL Supporied hy the cutiro comp&n; fruía Wood's Theatre, Cincinnati ! BUFFALO BILL THe of ttie Border KIen, Producotl wlth New Wardrobe ! Hcalistic' Sceni.'iy '. Uruiul Tableaux! U nul prtcè "f adminlon: RtwrveS ecats aecurcd tl 8Umur c Plko' Bookatore. WM. H. OOIUIAM, Bus.Agt DEASE'S POPULAR OPEEETTA, ENOCH ARDESS? Win bo performed by a ('Iiortift of 50 Fresh cuui Vaice, üiüi.T thu directiou uf lüe Uumpos-r, ut HILL'S OPERA' HOUSE, AXX AKHOR, FRIDAY ETEMNG, JUNK 14th. Th! O'ifTPtt.i is not mndcal patchnrorh lmtiecnnrelv original with . r Poiw, Irum GMortQM U Plnale, iu; pcrfcfrtterfl wlll uppcar iu ebaiiuin' and uiroprlvti cautines. CHARACTERS : l.iT.xic Uoct)i', oi JiH'kson, ne A'mic I.t-r. Vrot. S. f. Jnrkson. Tenehci ol Mutic In Dt-truil Public f dio' I.-, cu K-och Ardu. Vrat. II, M. Mctliosucy, S'asc Macngor. V. lluivlu, Ormniit. F. II. Vgime, Uaileti Director. ! @ HOUSESEEPERS SIIOÜLD BUY @) OXE BUT Xj . W TUK 'ANTI B9VI LIHBX) TOF".J PROTECTOR FRUIT JAR 1 . Tnoy arp 95 per ernf . lr:is iu pricci 2, Th,'..1 cAH bi closwl intny tinuí moro rnpldly. 't. They cas bu iipraed oaore rofUly. 4. The covers aro If nol to prevent rust, and raay b . ntact miiïy tintes. fi. Theyara Warrantcd KelinMo. ff. ThiMis!i:n]rt f finaihed have used, auü prefer them. Special Avenís lYanted in Erary Place. WIÏirR FOIÏ CIUCULA.H AND TERMS. COHÁÑSFf QLASS MAXrFACPNtt EJ6J 4 iVortti'.Xhird SI., 5lM(ilelp!iia. Maunf:cturers of the celohrfitod Onkarwcg and Bridgdo Brands Windoat íVuí., Hotiies.&c " _- _ 1376W4 listiito of Jobn Miller. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WüBbtan,triai v? Ata sauionof the L'tvtb&i ■ Ootirt for the Countj of Wdiiiti'sinw, lii.i' l'.'n ut Lue Frobnte Oifilcc, in the .'i(of Aun Arbor, on Tuesiïuy, the twcnty-eiKhtli flfty ol Huyi in the yenr one thouind eipht hiiixlrtd and Prösent iliiam .1. Beakeff, Judge of Probiito. In th mpttec of ti:e csLivto uf John Stiller. (!■■■. t.:ií]. . fioij nnd HJing tho pet turn, áy vrrtfied, of Tor;i HiUor, pfnyino1 wmt ndmlnlstTation of bhio estato nviy t - ït;nt(?(l to WIlliAm McCuilough, who is Bxeoulorio the izwtrumont now on tile in this court purportiiig U, be the lust will uud testament üf Koifl deceusrd. uïxn it ia orclcred, tliat Monday., thetwentyfourtfa day nf Jtmo next, tit tcno'clock inth( forenoon, oa for Mie hcnriDjrof Aaid prtition, nnd the ■- iiiül ::cii '.- a; l.i w of r :iiil ilt'i-i :ved, !ind . are required tó appetfr :if n èok ton ol i$d i onrti tJïcn to bo holden, it tho Probftte OfllCP, in fchH it-f,f Ann Arbor, ;md síjuv " i'tsc. it' itiiv thera bo, why tho prnyer of tho potitioner ahould not lc prantod: And i1 is Unit siiid petmonor gfrenótloc to tb pér aona iatwnpted i;i BaM oatatOi of the pcndcToy nf tiont nnd tlu hi '.' ;.v t I;m.-, .f. by CAtinny a crtpj of tïiM owler is lo pUDshed in tne Wictttpan Arpv,n ncvspApec ynu4ra iul circulatitag ■ '■ :i:ri' , nu-': succesiiivo vnekftpréviouB to said dn y of hetirutff. {A trun copy.) HIBAM ,T. BEAKE8, ■-37G Jd?eof Probate. Estáte of Joscph Howard. QTÁTE OF MICHIGAN, Co inty ol W táhteoftw18a i At a sesión of the Probate 'ourt tor the ( 'ount o: .i-lii-Miiw, holden at the i'robute OHioo in (he'iïy of Auü Ai'n'v, i;i Fii'.biy, the twt nty-íuv.rtíi tltiy ot M:iy, in Vnê yfc-ur ono thonsnnd oight himtU'od ;ind BBYCttt tlVO. tl iln;i!u .1. lïcfikes, Jmlffo of Fr. I In the matter of the esteta af Jngeph Rowaxd, Eeoeaaed. Ouroadiog nnd filinj? tho i'li(ion, diily veri' Aaron H ííowaril, prayin tbat hv or aome other luitable person, may be appointed adinmistrntor oí the eatnte of wiid dewnsrd. Xherenponil laerdorod, thftt Monday the tn fourili of Jtïno next, a! ten o'tJiK-k in tho forenttn,, lm wwiTjinni ibr the hearing frfs:iii} petüiAO, and , thii licirs :il taw Of WfíSé JeoPOa4i WMÍ H otlic-r ( vjrdons Lnteroated in said eatab . me n nuired to ippeai aí a si Bnon of snid Céwit, ben i" do holden ut the Prolwie Uit in the City" Ann Arbor, nnd ion oftuao, ü' oay theve be, why the jnayer of the petitioner sliouM aot be rrontoA '. Ana it ik furthcr , iorfcit, that sniil jx'titioner ffivo noticc to 4hc rn-vscns uttrestfd in said t-Hiatr, ot tlio jtrndowry oi sui hÜ ion, and the hearing thereof, '- oaiisiug n oopy of this rtlr to le publisheu in the Michigan Jrffu, a nmre uper printod md cirtuihitiníí iu Bftid ounty, thivp - nreeks previous to suid dny of henrin-. (V troeeopy.) H1RAM.T. BEAKBÖ, 1378 Ju'lgeof Trobate. Estáte of John Eiscle. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coonty of Waahteo At it seasion of the l'robaU; CoQTt fov tbc Couuty of "Wushtenuw, holden ut the l'robute Otíir. . City oí Ann Arbor, on Wedneaday, the twi-uty-ninth doy of Muy, in t)ie year onu thuu.-.and eight hun. ■ I 1 4:1 1 :ind Aeventy-two. Proeent, Hiram J. líeakes, Judpe of Probate. 1 11 tbo matter of the tete of John Bisele, ñeetaaétL. On rcndinir and flling the petition, duly nriñta,ti Antón Eiselc, prajrmg tliat a certaiu instrument :.'-,-, on Bis in hiH :ourt, pui-porting to Lu the hut ttíH mul tedtutnent ol said tlLceatcd may Lo atiiuiiu-d lo probntü, and that he muy be appoiul-d Kzeoutoi theieof. ihi renpon it li ordered, that Monday, Ule tventyduy of ,iun: ni t, it ten o'clock in tli. h-k.Rw the hearing of said petíüon, iat the Itgatees, dbviaceii mid hcirs l law ütíL'üücU, und all nlí,ei ini-sons iiit''■ i ii id ■■'■'i-, are requned lo aj,:nr ni a aemion of mid Couit, théh to le holden, at tht; I'roUatfl Ofiire, in the City of Ann Arbor, iu.ll show ca -.tuve 1 v,', ivtiy tinj prayer oX the petitinnci ahuuld not be giuutad: An.l it u furDiei ordeiwl, tliar smd petitioncr gire aotioetothe penoni i ntorwted in said estáte, of the poudency of sniii petition, nnd tnö heanng tlierèof, by cauasg ncopyof this order to be publishèd in .',■ Michigan Armu, a newspaper printed mul dmilaHng in said Countj, trewoeiuprei y ut 1-uurint IA trucpjr.] ; m ,i. ijV.akhs, 1SW Judoe o: frobat. Estíitc of Palmer Elliott. Va-lito:mw.BB. At a se.ioiKij' tíu I loi tlM ( oui.ty of Wíishteiuw, lidldcu at thfl Pïtbatc Office, in Uw city of Ana Arbor, on Sntdidy, üil tventy-tifth rhiy ol' M:iy, in the your ouu tbtfUMod eighl huudred mi s.-vtuiry-two: Present, Hiratn J. Bdakes, Jtidee ot Piábate. In the matter of the ■ ilxaer KHiott, l'iivmonin T)rv, Executor of the l.tst will Titl testament tf s:iiil tlecenped cumos mto Caurt iu Tcaenta thut he in nox? pvupured to rendt b account us uucli ICxccntori Thcrrupomt is ordunid, thut Moinlay. the twentyfoiiTth day of Juhü next, ut. ten o-clock iñ thé forenoon, Maignefl f.r éxanüning nou allowiiv. account, aiid tlmt the tegaleiv, Htm es, m at luw of ooid deccudWI, und all otber pernnu ini::- roquín d to appeax ;it . then to bu bolden :it tha 1'robnbe iÖlae, i:i the city trf Aiin Arbor, ín uid County, und movr ontue, if ;:ny thovc hi , Iiy the said account shüuhl not bt allowcil: And jt is fiutncr orderect, that said Exocnipi gire notfee to tin in;-vti( ,1 in jiid account, and the heaj 0)py of this ordur to Ui puUUlifcd in Argüí, a nevepapcr pvinted add circula t in in iaid County. tlix-cu HUoccASte weeks pïuvioua tu ...■. daj of heanng. (A truc copy.) HIUAi J. BE&K IST8 Judge ol Pxob&tp. Ë tate of Iliraiu Shopher'i STATE OS MICHIGAN, County of Warfitén Al rvoeuionof lJr iUitö ('ouri, for the (jour.ty of W'u.ihtenaw, hoidu.i :t tjic Probate City of Anu Albor, on Wodnesdny, the twfjïty-ninth day of May, ia the year one tho isjtnd ciyíit, hun■ tr Ú iind ïwjVL-nLj'-two. Pl .nl, Iliram J. Bcakee, Judga oí Probate. In Oio loattet af the estáte of il i rum SUepherd, deouuttL Ou r-'iiliïiif rtn Slinjf the petilion, dnly writicd, ol ■ nriny b-: nppointíxl a istrator of the est ut e of sui-l d- tas;d. Tbcreupon ii U orderecl, thftJ Wondny, the twentyfourtïi d.yjf June aexi , ;;t t m oclick in tbefon do u. :!■ J foy tttö hearing os iúú ]titiou, umi ihui the heirs ;i: lim aod, !nÖaïl imiei interest uil in Bnid estui . - ■ -cl t o appciu ti uon'of sniiJ Court, then feo beholdenat the irubftt QBteo, i:i tbc 'Üy nf A.nn Albor, nnd kïiow eauec, i Hiiy tin-ie '.ii- ivhy the pravo!" cpI t!ii potitioncï bhould ot be?:r;i!jn-v! : And tu ítuíher ordered, thut uid DOfeftn to tha perrons mt'Trsttil in H.-iit! eistiifc L ; . ; .- ■ : nidpetitfon, and the fcear■ -T. : , pHli ;■! ■ i copy of this order (, ht publUhed '-■■ . üi'e Vn-.'jí.íw ,lr-5u.%:i uc.v.sp.ifxi . print cd an-1 c'ucnla;íi;p inania county, turcu Bucoe&sivt Yecks prevfoiw tu suid dáy öf hearing. ( IM J. HI'.A'. 1S76 Jude of )-■■ Estáte of Ruby A. Jloskins. QTATB OF MH'HIOAN.CnuntyofWaJitonnw.sp. n Ñbtice is fteréUyglvcn, ):it y nnordi t otfthe Probate C'o'jrt for the (.'otmtyof Wnaotinaw, moiíAoB be MT6BtO0ntb dy oí May, A. D. l.S7ifsx men h fnin th;it duto wov-j oUúwvd for Qrcditora to pre c'.aims aaainat the pst itö ol Ruby A. Q lato of som (ïotinly, deceawd, and that all cjtklifon (.t suid doencd aro êqnired to prarat tneir olnim.-i Coiiit, at the Probate rffiw, in the City of Aun Árbol, fox examintitíon Jtnd nBiiwnnoe-, on or Ucfore thc eifthteentii dny of November pext,and thal hkIi claims wij! be herml beforesiuu Piobs e Conrt, on Satxirday, the tvffnty-aftvejatïi dny cf July. and on Monlny the f i 'ombrrncxt, at ten o't-tock. n hc. forenoon oi Qaoa tif thoae daya. Datcd, An:i Arbor, %Laj I7th. k. D. 1878. HIK 1M J. BEjOCBS. 1370w4 Judgeof l'robate. Kabate of Hichírd C. Billón. STATE 0Ï MICHIGAN, GOanty of Wnshtennw. ss NotÍMil hnvby üiven, tlmt by (in order of !i ■ ljtoi;ito ('ourt for íh; County of VPftshtchuw, mad on th; hrentrQuarth dny of ny. A. ï). 1872, mx i ■ ullowod for cjffflifora to their claims ngatnst tho estáte oí Bkbard ('. jDilbm lata of soi4 county, deceísea, and that all ore '.]■■'.' ni ■ ai ibeir dalxu to ft?iH lVhïite Court. ut the Próbnté Offic, in íhe oity of Aun Arbpr, fw exarainutic n and alio on or before the twenty-nfth dny of "Xovfirib'i' y ' . and tlim suob cl-'inis will be hc.utl béfore said l'iobate Oonrt, on Patuidny, the twt-nty-st vcntli flay of Tiiïy, and n Moa I:iy, the twflntf-#fth day of November next. at leu oVsíoek in te foxenooa of each uf tbose days. Dutcd. Aun Arbor, M;iv 24th 1872. I m j. in:,VKfs, l37Cwl Judgeof Probate, Keal Estáte for Sale, QTATE OF MICHIGAN, tuatv Oƒ Washtennv. ?■■ 0 In the mntter of t! ■ ; Cbraelius Iughlín, Oí tbitt in f''!: . :i the uud i in-t '.itor of tlie estiite of ■ of Probate, forlheconiily é entfa 't;-,y '.i Btlaxob s. i. 1872, tbei e ■ pulilic veiüfue, fcotbe hlgheet bidder, ftt th dweUfnp buuso o tbc pyi roisM i" ;i ii: .t'íir described, in tlit.1 co'iiity of Washtenatf, t sai ( Btate, on Xn noy, ti. rtieth dnvof A pul. .. d. 187?, al len o'c] ■ the förerioun of thatday, (subjeol to .ili eueumbrnncea by mortffnge or othenTi ■ exi&ting i tbe dénth ('i aaiü decoa Dwinfcdetmil . estáte '.o-wü : TUewesl half oi t)e 8tt(hvetit qiMT1 r of sf;c'ion twonty-th.'f;, in tov.vnsbíp ont rtutñ of range six cust, cont:tiniiK eighty aexea more or Icos, in suid Stnte, Dittcd, M xvh llth, A. I). l7í. ISÉá WU.1.LAM BURKE, Ad::iinintnitor. The ábove sale postpofuLto Thureday, tlie tliir tioh day of May noxt, it tbu wüko place ultd time of day. Üated, Auril :ifü}, IS72. 1372 : í M v-, :■:, AVniniatifttBT. fux.ther pjstponeá (rf BírftíJwy, tbe tiftenHi, day of Ji:6 pext.n1 tlie same place and ij day.- Dntefl, Mity SOth. 1 S ï -2 . i reíd vlLAl iu:aíi:, Admiistrator. Drain Corunussionor? Xotíc?. ■ ■ is !.f-n ny ir i vi n tliaf the Dráhi i'omiDÍsdoiier ot' V. te 'Ot Ch:itino y ■ r, ni wiH couniy. on h] Ofte ':::h dny oí June, 1872, ai two o'i tho afternoon, to mcel partios to contract foi the fx tkbyaXioD and conctxucüon ol aditin, to benpwitna thu Ben AUen Draiii, commeiiciii o ithwésl o r.".i'' ni" fit'Gïiou Vi iu a'vl lown. and running ibencc south 'ixiiPièFiho half mil ■■ pnat, tneriro easí and Öndin? ATvcutlet in vbat knowti as Dester pjain No 1, betreen laid oxAied fcy Jome a Fitagerftlö and V:n E. SLotq J irill .;]-' be ftl íhe hoiweof Clrfinneer TfoweM on the (llth) eleveuth oí Jnno, it two o'elock in the af tcrnooQ, at wftfoh time and place 1 ■will exhibid : tbo ftboví propOBPd 'hain and (iescriiitionw of [ti ■ ■ r:il pareéis of land doèmed brxae benefit ed tii-i'. by, and th,e anvunt and dcscj ipUon by división and sbhvision of thenbove proposíd drain by mr ;:ppoitioiK.'d to the owiior of ench descriptïoti oF land 1 1 corisi roct , n&d ta the tbwnship o f Oéxterlo cohfttroct mi ofeuch denin bpneñtins tlie biirliwny, iind to hcíir r'fisnns, if any r.v (]' tí-.], wLy such ftpportionmoiit should be rcviscíl ai.d lonectcd. Aun ArboT, i(fty ';tu. I DAVID M. TTNT.F.Y, Drain CommLioner of Washtcnaw County. 1370w3. Sh:riírs ale. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtonaw, a. iO By virtue oí a wrífcof exeouüon issued out of atid ander tlie seul of the Circuit Cburt for the county of WashtenAW, and lo me di. c ; ■■ and elivered, againsí ihe yoods, iles. landsftnd toiiemt nta of Ghéorge J. llill, I Uid on the 5th day uí Apr:l, A. I). 1872, MÍz iry upon all ttie right, UÜe nnd interest licotyc D. Hill bas inthe foUowina deaoribed lands, sitúate in tltL' imviishipaf Aun Arbor, oninly oí Waáhtenaw, Michigan, beginning ata point in tht' west lineof íction thü'ly-three, in tovnship tvosouth in rungo eix eat, ■■vrníy-tlvc ro ís s'uili tnnn tho northwcs) corner ot s-iiJ section, thonce south on said seci ion line twelve ohaint and Híty-two links, thenco cast paraUel to the nor tU line of hw sectoji. 8e,vei chans nnd lorty-one linkn, thence north parnllel to tho mt line of saidseetion twolve chain and Üfty-two links, thoñoe eaat parallel to the north lino oí sata section to the norlhnml soutb qnarur liw ofjMíd seetion, thenee north to thüQifaxterpöst of sfiíd sectíop ujwn the nortli Une ot' said ftoefeSon to tlte nnrihw'ist corner of rutid scction,thence south i;i ;lit; ireat line tí' said sccíion to the place of begiñmnj eVratftininpnincty-flve acres eí LfMuLmore or les, cxeeptinK therofrom th tanda of the Wnnhíi n:nv Coonfy Aricutturñl ahd llortieultuty ; alsa thcsontJi part of the east half ot the northosst quarter of said section os nbove described beinp all ol' said half quartcr aí;ction whioh lina nouÜi of the Ann Arbor and YpsiJ-inti rofid, (so c:iilei.', t-xccptinií ton acres of lanrf $út by CieoCfro ruiin to !:■ " -ti VVeairer, nnd contrininír l Kirt y acres of Jand, raoi"e or Ies ; also tbe folio wiñctleacrioed tanda f o :í ; The cast huif of the northeast quarter of section oinetorn, :intl tbe west half of the west half of the northwest quarter seclion twenty, in township two so'ith in rane six oast, in said eounty and State ; ateo all the füHowiiiL' denciibed lnn.ds, situatod in the city 'of Ann Arbor, Miclii?rap ta rit ; Lotq anmbei live, six nnd seven, jn bjo'n one north, in unio thfee past, 1 :',■ t withtne wpera Honse and otherbuodinn tacreon; nrhfcn realestAte abora tlesmbed l shaM oxpoae fox Bale to the iii [hes( bidder at public auction, at the south door of 'tho Conrt Houeo, in the city of Ann Arborfon th.'LMihday of ilay, A. l). 1872, at U o, doek A. :ir. of süid 1:iy. Drtted, April ttth, A. I, 1S72MÏRON "WKlüï. Rberiff. 1368 By. Tortin FtfRBKB, (JndurSlierifl. Tho abOTQ salo is pnitponofl nntil 'Aiosday, June e le ven tb, at tíio nupe pinQt and time of (hy. Diiteti, BXay J3thf 1872. MTROf "WEBB. Sheriff By Joiitin Konucs, l.'n-.lor-.SiicriiT. POR SALE ! A nTC Phaeton Buggy nd a nccoad hnnd Oarrine, for 1 or 2 bore, in goiMi cohdftion. Inqnire of s-las ir. DDT6LASS. Ann Arbor, May SSd, 197S. 1375tf pRAGRANT SA VO]A KXF. Clfn? Cloílt-í, Ole$ flNhit?, f Ic-oiti Ri;. Cieaiu Silkp, ( Üeana ran, Cleans Carpeta Curtain. L'uahions, or ar.y article ROÜed wlth Qreafle, Tar, l'nint etc. MRS. OT.AS1ER, Affont, 137." w-i Corner of Thompson and Wiiíiam Sts. OjEOPLE'8 DRUG STOrii R. W.ELUS& CO. New York Circus ! From Iht' NippoUie.'itrnn l'nn DnlMln Strec, tte Aculi :n; o: Mn-ic Nev Ull L. B. LKNT, DlREClS; ff WTTL EXHIBIT AT ANN AKBfJR, WEDNESDAY JUNE 54 This Celebratod Metropolitan Trost Wh'ch is permancntly fetabliübed in plecjij l (diftco. anl ooctipyint' afrontage nf fe, on -"' teeuth Streef, in Iho ( iiv ot New Y rk. wll(wï!; thn upu il Bnmnier vacation, duriug hcti thewi? lDglacloaadi with i 6HAND lmm Bï HAiLWAY throiliïh the eimntry, tr.ivvïint' rT ppecñ] tnh ( aartered Mr the p-irpo (. with the ín ter tioorf givfng the Inhabttaota f other cl iesaiwj towmJ!' porttmutexorwitneasln; a cureluliy tdrcti „J" gramme of ü: 'tJ Brüliant, Excitlne, and Elegant tmts. trian T?ntertainmsDts whMi iorP:irp h-vt prowd ..: tbomMtMML. nmlKn-C!'sful fc-ilnresol thefubllo amuscxtDirn !New York. TiiFEMüis imm um whlcli has performed for min y rn nth. in wcwíi ! ireest nurt'eneos ever (Jlriwn on: tntiOM hïblttun ia New Yorlt, willwppeir V rrrntimi w ereentertniumtjuti are giv.u duriugüM tour Prominent amoirg tb WORLD RENOWNED ARTIST3 ráUchettin (he NE W tüRK ClRCü.s.wiube íhe mimes uf CHARLES W FISB, vUhast icepiion thi bcit bare-buck wtnuü ñtVfl pirotJV'ttrï rider who Iims ever lived: wjiotui Alevï-A the must trlunphiii:! hk-ccei in bbCBlL LBNOli SOMiltóAL'Lï ACT ON A B-BE-Bál HOUSE. M'HeCAROLIíEROLLA'W) bevond nll qbftftioti the nnst dirtng ndipo. lilbhed larty rider living, -t" bas bren ptenibni recdreti wilde! rr.llinuD in hei woi ilrous iljhtö from a ÜAitr-iiAcK Stkkd. VMiLAvi Dcl'lOA. whow? pracofu horfoman-hlp hnsvni dn WiStiri .w rli'd lo mi ■i'iötrian. In M n.0tcrliicalaDiUpncc3 ■ rallnntiua-.uMifkoatuti laMornteljr nnnvaled in rumond net v.ith hts Cruirirkintí Iniit ïr-'on rthur, LÍ?: PK'l'l ! i: KltAKlilT ■ tuk BBAVrinn bab? liunnir. kider On Fmrj Bare bark Hocips Thft Groai Johii Hi'nry ('ooke The Champion Ilorscnt-in who i= jnily óitintTiííS ed :i lis! ombo.llmrut ,.f sk ■. undan; L'iji.'. win tlitr in msrvetbua Julliig fcM I ?iiítí hor 'j or in lii- msKQ ffi !CÏ Kt apnu Sa FITE TEST RIDERS IX A1IEWCA! in od ( oinp.inr, a combinntlon whicíi cmn ' (n :i'n'v pi"'K-Th" r i? tbc wötld. AW iiuliulud in thif Metropolitan Troupe, are ü woi' JEE BROTHERS, WhoproAnce DBLICIÓIH ill'SICfto EOU'G SLAES OP STONK TIic Lerantine Brotlicm, FrmnMt!'1 approüchilhlc SkiH. ICitliard Itiicrt, tlip Soenic Eqilfsm. TJl Prnsslan JJ;-ol!icrs,nri!Í'iiit'.''11 jTUIIbn Iivnt, thcGrent Ara.-ri nuClow Ge. N'icc, Pnnum Orot'PqTt. AVm. Ilcnry Jee, th Qrent Trk Clown. ('ha S4ety, the ( h mjilim TmiMer. .Jilo HnU helor, th: BqalH Hiirt Foiost and Kit Cursen, CW Lcapers , Mtrssrs. Jlorffan, .Hel villr, Híorríh"" ftrll ji1 i'SSciciit Corps of AniUlirie. Agrfotfcatlireol tlic few York Circo eat&Mft L4RGEST AND HANDSOMBSI STUD OF ( 'IECÜS HORSBS A I) F0' oo thls continent, nar.e ol wbich sre "f"r'5. bjt ihr umpo tlmn the exerc'."!1 '" :,nii A novel ïnmivntion will !. made in the tf'";'. or (he Circo Perfonnanct, Mr MitftiiiH"1'ii of the ordlonry final acls, th hi-Wr cd"1 renowned LnoKNir.v Srrc'Toi.K uf Jack The aiant Killer Which ivill l. trothfnlh llltitratl ly ac"r.r,it reseutïUoo r this va.ii umoi"1" ,av pcrtalnlni: to this rAJt.i;s a-íb komaü' ie ' ■ which holds an endnriue p eliion '"'„oritt KimoNS of ttm r-i. :i!.'! '::;' i'vrr ■n'-u ■ itlEXK or iffiUont forthejliTenilc "„.- f ïRCtS One of i!ie great featurea oflhe N KW ORM-1" Prof Chaï. Eoswold' BRA.SS A5TI) REEO BANÖ, ThisHan.1 I TI1RBE TIMES AS : v "■'"' „HM Bai.d ever n)!arhiicl to aoyoth-r C:rcscu TWKNTV-Fivk MBMBEB81 And will p-ir.-ile the principal tre;!s wnj ' „ij in I.Alun: T, no.i luasiive, and e'"" carvcd and rlecorated . GOLDEN CiïAHïOH Kvcrconptructed, ndrlnu-n bj thcU Team ' f TWENTT-FOUB HORSEN That the worifl cin proface. Ooi will befollowcdbj .. TEAM OF TWBi-VB FaIRÏ p! The Smullen and ?rettioft ta li "■''„) The Fniform ot this lland i gori;:'"s x tcrlptlon. coftinjciheeamofts.'t ,„,, rf THÉNE.V YOllK CIUCUS TENT gi and best conMrocteactretuTtn imm ter seaiiuc capacity ihau.unv olberim Aiueriea. jind wiI b ! Brilliantly Illantinated iti " Admisoiim . 6C Cts. Children on op NoSismüiis Koiim. BeUli ' 'r A s t at 2 and 7. (rand EDtree t 2 1 - r""' GiHi Ticket can belsecarc-l in vii?"v .;rr„, ' Flsk's Rook íhe New "" J,-„iier 41 al Ypeilaiíti, June Itb, C. " ■ rl


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