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Philadelphia Convention

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- A rare lily is qflered to our citizens who Wl9fi to pa y a Yiêkt td tlis grc:it c:ty cf'Pltiladelphia clurhiL' the National Kepubücan Conventlon, and sec the olllce-hoUiers in counoil. Tlic Fort Vayne, jackson ft Safflhaw R II. will seü roñad trtp tickets from Jack sou to Phlladelphia, and return, tot 917 M Excursión tickets .vil! n!s.o be sold at tlie prl riel pil stations on the line of thcir ïoad at rcduccd ra.tei. The tickets will be on sale át the depots from May 27tli to June 5th, and will be good for return until June I5th. Wc whould say or the benefit f thosc .vh.o,niay wish to go, that the Fort Waync, Jacksöü & S:ii'iii:iw li. It. niakes close connection with the PenusylvuniM Central at Fort Wayne, and that. tlirouuh coaches run from here to Philadelphia, so thal passc-nircrs who k by this route have but one ch;tne tö inaRe. (rand Rapidi has un extended Heeose systcro, and the following is the scale of pflceS ectabl!shefl lor the currentyear: - First elass saloons, $55; second class saloons, $50 Brat clas victualing houses, $35; íecoutl.clasí! victuaiin houses, 15; bil Hard tables each, $15 ; plgeon-liole tables e-idi 5; hotels, firit class, $25; hoteis, second class, $15; meat markets, ilrst clas-s, 10 ; miac markets, second c'ass, $0; mest peddlers liccnsc, $10j hucksters, $10; pawnbro'kers, 950; auctioncers, $250 ; transierit auctioneers and peddien per day, iroin $1 to f 15 ; clrcuses per day, $50; side shows, large teots, $20; side shows, small tents 10; other cxhlbitions under tents, $30 ; theaters, concerts, eic, per diy, $3 50. Grcceries, hotels, drng stores, etc, dcing saloon business, to p.iv' saloon liceuse ; livery slables, $10. Wood's Theater from Ciucinnatl puts " Buffslo BUI" on the boa-.cls of the Opera House this evenlng. This ploy is one of the theatrical rages of the day, and the company Is reported thst-class. The Democratie Leader, pubüshed at Charlotte, Eaton Counly, comes to us enlarod, in a new dress, and printed on a Tayior Cilinder Press- Chicago make. Sach enprise deserves success. The Senatk having revised and ad vised the ratification as revised of a supploinentarj' treaty article, it is now reported that the Queen's Ministry don't relish the revisión, and won't accept it in place of their proposod ono, AVhat next V


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