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C. H. miLLEgy Will, on Friday, May 17th, OFFEli AT SPÉCIAL BARUAINS, AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SINGLE, AND STRIPED LONG SHAWLS, LLAMA, POINTS, AD JACKÈTS, PAEASOLS, ,T APÁÑESE AND SÜMMER i SILKS, BLACK ALPACAS, I PURE MOHAIRS, SUMMER DRESS GOODS, WIIITE i QUILTÖ, LINE N S, TABLE . DAMASK, NA PK INS. T f) W E L S, CASSIMERES, A N 1 ) DOM EST1G8. I OFFEE 1HE BEST ONE DOLLAR KID GLOYES IN THE CITY, WARHANTED. C. H. MILLEN ííjr.crookswineofW êlO TE ARS PUBLIC TEST Ilab jnu ved jr. Crook's WINE Vfl A Tl JL JHLJSiïk - Fo havo more .. .v,.lÜfel;. -lerit llian ny SggjgS % siinilar prepara Uit' public ' Tt is rich in the medicinal qualitiesof Tar, aml unequaled for lisoases of the Throat and Luilgs, performing Iho most reinark able cures. Coughs, CoIdH, Chronic Cougha. ït offectnally cures thcm all. Asthma and Bronchitis; Has cured so many cases it has been pro nounced a specific for these complaints. ' For pains in Breast, Side of Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Iiver v- _ Complaint, It has no equal. ■ It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetilc, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and Dcbilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, RemoTes Dyspepsia and Indigestión; PrerentsMalarious Ferers, Gives tone to your System. NATURE'S REMEDYrV fISIfilpD The Great Blood PumnRj X ni1,', i I.Mt, iï maili." t-xciiitivt'ly t'rom the .jaices of cartfiully Bected barks. rüotii (t herbe, aml fo stronjily conccnirtftert tluit it will cffcctanll cuidicate Irom the sretem everj tatiit of Strofulai Scrofulcus Hunor, Tumor?, Cáncer. O;tncerou5 Humor, Erysipslas, S-ilt Rheuni. Syph litic .Uisefitcs. Cank er Ft.intnea at the htornuch ana ttlicttoeaee tuut (irir-t; fr m impure blood. Sciatica. Infiammatory [iRd CtroDtc Hheum.Htisin. Keurt tea. Gcu: aml Ppmal Complaints, can only bc cflL'ctnalIy cured tfiroajch the btoinl. Por Ulcers and Fruptive DienseB of tho ekin, Pustules, Pimples Blütches. Boib Tetter, Scaldhead and Ringworm. VKCïETINK hns oever Jailcd to effect a permanaot cure. For Pains in the Back. Kiciney Comphints, Dropsy, Female Wnaknes. Lcucorrhoea. arlelrp Irom internftl uIOBratiun, nnd uterina dieenscR and General Díhility. VBQETINB acts flirectly upon tlipcaujc oi ttic-SR complaints It invjjornïes and Btrongthesi thé Wbfllè syMem, ncts upon the secretivc oriiiïns, nl!av-8 informuti"a, cures ulccrution aud recaíales the botéis. ForCATARRff% DYSPBP8IA1 HABITUAL COSJIVBNB3S, Palpiiation ef tke fetrt, Headack PÜe, A'iTMn'fi wand (Setwol proatratloa f the Pftmna System, no medicine luis over glven nieta perfect t-ntlsfitction ín the V3GETINE. Itportflu ihH blood cleaiMOsall of the organe, an3 poKuses a controll ín? power over t!ie Nervoni Svstcm The remarkable cnrrs éffected by VKGKTINE have Induced ni;iiiy pbyaiclftiia anrt apothccaricn whntn w-e fcnow to ireBcribe and ne it in iheir own EamlUcv. In fact. VEOïïTIXE U the best remcdy yct for the ab 've (liffiihCH, and i the only rcMable Kllood Pvrlffler jrot placad before the public. Prapareö Ijif H lL. Ntcvene lïostou Maes. Priceftl.25. Suldby all Üruggifets. l80lm8 fLOUR. KAIIA5I Fl.Oriï, Bl'CKWHE AT Fi,OÜR, COBN MEAL, FEED OF ALL K1XDS. All th aboro artlclpx are wnrrantcd to havo no piipcriiir in For salo nt Partridge's Flouring MillsN. B - Grisiing douc at ihon notlce. Go toR.W.ELLïS & GO's for choice WinesandLiquorf for Medical Purposes . DRICES OF GOUDS AT M METROPOLITAN! FOR THE SPRING AiND SDMMER TmiMMEÓ HATS, Krom One Dollar, and upwards. RIBBONS, From Sets. a yard upwards. RIBBED HOSE FOK LADIES, 10 cents n pair. WHITE COTTON HOSE For Ladies, At 10 ets , Viyz ets., 15 ets., 1 ets., 20 ets., 25 ets, 30 ets., 35 ets ,40 ets. a pair. r ADIES LI8LE THHEAD ULOVES, j At 10 ets., 12,' L ets., 18 ets , 18 ets , 20 ets., 25 ets., 30 ets", 35 ets., 40 ets. a pair. f-IHILDREN'S HOSE, J At 0 ets. n pair and npwarda. ENTLEMEN'S HOSE, J At 10 ets. a pair and iipwards. 1-OWEL3, VARRANTED LINEN, At 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c, 3oe, 85c apiece. JL At 10c a yard and upwards. LINEN TAHLE CLOTHS, At 60c, 00c, 70e a yard ""5OLORED TABLK CLOTHS, V_y At 30c and 5Üc a yard pOUNTERPANES, 0 From 2.00 npwards. WHITE AND BUFF PlQUEc, At 16c, 20c, 22e, 25c, 30c, 35c a yard. ORSETS, O At 50c, Ï5=, % 1.00 a pair. HOOP SKIRTS, At oUc, 05c, 75c, $100 aplece. L ADÍES' IIANDKERCIIIEFS. From 5c, apiece upwards. Ladies' Unen Hcmstltched H'dk'fs, Fitnn 15c aplece upwards. PARASOLS, From 40c nplccc ujrwards. FANS, From 10c apiece upwards. NOTTINGIIAM LACE FOR Curtains, From lüe a yard upwards. KID QLOVES, $1.00 a pair. r BUTTON KID GLOVES, - $1.25 a pair. f ACE COLLARS, Li From 10c apiece upwards. OILK AND COTTON FRINGES, ILK AND COTTON TRLMMING, 1 RE3a PATTERJMS, y ELOURS, SATINO, SILKS, ( BOTTON TRIMMINGS, f ADIES' UNDER GARJIENTS, I ADIES' MADE UP DRESSES, INFANTS & MISSES Made up Dresses, And a thousand other article3 too numerous to mention, at prices less than any other eatablishmeut in this city. H. COHEX, 13T5 33 SOUTH MAIN ST. TAMKS McMAHON, Justice of the Peace, OBBloo in new block, North of Cojjrt Hauso Mouey coUcctcd and promptly paid over. INSURANCE AGENT. Trinmph, aasela, $727.903 U Nurtn .Miseonrl, " H4S,4lT.vl Uibernla, " 3SU,úúu.0U BEAL SSTATE. I hsve SO aero oí Innd íá of a ml!e from the city iiiiüw, ttufli lucAtod for frait or garden purposos. Aleo 40 aeree. Alao 10 acres, with house aod barn.aiid a Uvcly streuiu of water running tbroogh the bars yard. Gt iicrofe, a mile out. I wil] aell sny or all tho abovo cheap, or exchnncr For city proptrty. 1 74 JAMES McMAnON. JPOE SALE ! . rioiiw and Iit on tbe west iele of Mnynurd str -t-t, Iwuveen Wiltuim nnd Jrifonon. lias a good ij.irn and linterna. Terms eiwy. Ann Arbor, Alay 21, 1872. I375tf j. .t.,. i Finest Assortment of Toilet joods in the City, by Q. A, SESSlOftS' INSURANCE AGENCY. Hls Companies Are Souutl. pHCENIX INSUKANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITA L AND ARSETS, Jdit 1, 18T1 . . . . $1,781 ,000 .CHICAGO LOSSES. 760,000 THEP1KENIX is the beat conductcd Tire Insurance Coinpany in the Unlted States. Always prudent and nound, and al n prompt in pa y inent of losse. JNTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO,, NEW Y011K CITY. Tlio flrst Company topas the ordonl of (heNew York Insurance Commissioners Binco the Chicago Pire, coming out Trom thesevero test TRIÜMPHANT ! Associated Press Dispatch, November 2, 1STI, THE INTEBSATIOSAL I3SCHAKCS COMPANT. The Superintendent of the New York State Inarancr Department, whoiinaklnK acarefnl oflloial eiamin.tlon of the New York City Companio todav.ccrtiflesthntthe International Company. assets .,f are securely invested, and lts capita] oí S500.0W, fter proviílinp for all Habilities, incluaingtlie Chicago flre, Is wholly onlmpalred. Thi Company is payiog allils Chicago losses and 18 sound and rcll-sble. PolldesiMuciI.t fair ratos at my office No H East iuroii street, Ann Arbor. J. q. A. SESSIOXS, Agent. 1347tf. PIANOS Have taken the First Premium OVER ALL CO.VPETITIO.1 AMÉRICA, SNaLAND, AND FMANOE. These Standara Instruments, 'Are now offered at Rcduccd Rate on the OW PK ICE SYSTEM. ZW 4O,OOOj OF THESE Standard Plano-Fortes '? Have been made and sold since 1823. and EIUHTÏ.OXE FIRST PREMIUMS Have been awardedto oar FIrm OVER ALL COMPETITION These Pianos aro still regardcd and universally conceded lo be The Standard Instrument! of tbe World, and are so prononneed bj all the great artist. Dr. Fka.vz LiszTsays: " I conslder the Chicbering Piauo superior tn imy mailt in Eropi or America and am fully convinced tha that they w ere justly eutltled totheírí t'riu." ChicfcerlBg & Sons' ttammoth ífanufacíory s moro thun one-thlrd larper than ny other PianoKorte Mauufactory In the world, ar.d is in cvery reupccl tbe most complete hh reirards machinery and the füciluies for doing the very best elnss ntoork. Mewra. C. A Son have, nince the onablishnreat of tncir huelneas in 1823, made and sold 40.0 :o IManos, and Iluso .vmiari Instruments are now olTered t Keduced Katcs upon the "Ohr-Prioi Smtem," free from alldücnumstnd commissioas ; nnd they are heyond all rermation the vïbv BisTaad Vsrt CiiEir. kt Klrtt-Class l'ianos now offered. We caí! especia] nttention to onr ÜPRIGHT PIAMOS which re in every particnlar the flnest notnimente of their i-laas muuf:ictnred, and seroml only to the Grand Pluno, f"r whloh thcy are a nood substitutc. tyery Piano wnrrnnled for Fiv years. CHICKBRIrXG & SONS, 1 1 E. 1 1 tii HU, New York, 3S4 Washington st., noaton. ïaó'jws Nf)TICE -The eommitfv htTbu in eharse the i hicniro nrl NuohiRnn Relief Fimd grive notice Ihat Iherelsn mirplun unrxnended that wül be pnid at M ïller & WeVstcr's Bank pro rata to subscribers on demtnd. Amoiinis nol mUed for in thirty dys from date will be npproprintrd one-littf ti the Ladiet1 Benevolent AESociatifin for the Poor and one-hftlf to the Lndies Library Asociation. Ann Arbor May 30, 187S. 8 H. DOITOT.ASS, Ch'n of Committee. PHYWCIARS1 PRESCBIPTI01S VOCÜRA'. EI.Y AND CARErOLLT PHBPABED flT R.W.KLL1S &CO.,DRUGGI81S. DRY GOODS AT MAYNARD'S WK ARE NOW OPENING OUK ISTES-TO" STOOK OP SÜMMER DRY GOODS. THE STOCK IS MUCH LARGER THAN USUAL, AND HATTNS BEEN SELECTED WITTl GREAT CARE WE SUAtl. OFFER TOKM T PRICES WHICH niST SITISFT TUI CLOSEST CASH BI VERS. J. H. MAYNARD. 13"Bw4 QLORIOUS NEWS FOR ALL CREATION ! E. J JOHN5ON, : THE " HATTER ! HAS BECEIVED HIS SPRING STOCK AND STYLES OP1 Hats, Caps & Straw Goods, gets' numm oods, etc, WflICn IIE PROPCSES TO BELT, AT TRICES wniCH DEFT COMPETITION. 7 Bouth Main St., Ann Aibcr.


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