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no on pull 4d,ád SITIAN! Thtaqvestinn has been npkcd raany times latcly fiad onc í Ei u's sons said, " Uwoivld take an oduinifvil mmi tn t'-n tllnt." Dut It nienns that Ij. C'.Í.H V, who has for the last threc years becu a partncrin a lurgu wholesale houac in Chicago, und ilthnngh tho terrible flro of fust MI ha left that city in ruin, be still livee, nnd like BARNARY'S CROW, Ncver say? die, hut hne oponed a fine stock of new :Ican OUOCKKIES, at No. 29 SOUTH MAIN ST., belween the faehlonable Dry Gooda Store of Henion & Qott, and the Mammoth Ilf.cilwara Store ol Lewis 0. Rledon. I wlll say to ctttiens of Ana Ari or and eurronndfng country, that I will ecll Groccrics, l'rovisions, Croclccry, Glassvrnre, íúalow frïiire tofOaib or roaiiy pa; only I always pav Cash Down for Gooi, aiid must have py tor them when dclivcred. Do net luk mg 6q trust you, cveu if you are worth a miltiou. BIT 1 WILL SEI-L (.OOKS I.OH CS TH lY MM CAS WHO T4KES CREDIT FOtt P.l V. All kinds of Produce taken in Kichange. doods dtflivered in tUe City free of charge. Come in R3ALY PAY CÜST03ILEES, nnd examine my goods. I will SHOW YOÜ AttOUND, wlth the gronteat of ileftrtnre, an1 if von do ot buy, I promlec yon I wlll ot look crose. Bpecia inrluccm'iit i o Bonrding Houses and. Clubs. Loolf for the Bij;n of th.c C. 0. D. Grocery and the Big 29. Hewis Colbv. Marchl4th, 18W. 1366 í UMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, Has a largc and well stocked Lumbcr Yarilor n strekt, in thc Píiuth part of the City, une will keepconstaotly on I unid ;m excellent varíe ty oj LUM8ER,SH!NGLES,LATH&C which'wlübe-intdttBlowascar be affordod lujthl inftrki't . tQuiilHyíiDrtpriccsinchthat NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KRAPF. Ann Arbor,January20th, 18T1 98 Ï DETROIT JfflTOEÜim M;iiiuf:ictaTOr of TIN, COPPEU AND SHEKT I UON WARE. Whofcsale and Htaïï Dealer in Stoves, Hardware, Glass, Paitits, Oils, etc No. 152 and 134, corner St. AntotBA and Fourth St., DETROIT - 2S0.1OJ3:. Also nfent (or the NorUi American Iiijhiniig Rml Mauufactory pROVEll A" IMKKK) .X BLASTIC AHJ I.OCK STITOII SEWLVG MACHINES. The v:y best in niw, affords all the tatest imurorements Bond for n cireu'ar. No. 4 OPKRA IIOtTSR, DKTROIT. OTONE CVTTERS AND CON TRACTORS. COBB, WALLACE & LAW, Are preparcd to rirnish all kind of "CÜTSTONE '' Water Tabica, Sllle. Cnps, Ciiping, Steps, LaudloK. Ac. Country orders promiïv nttended to. Ofllct: and Tard cor. Macomb ftud BonttMcn Sts , IJF.TUOIT. CuMüWE nsposrrouY and manufacTORY. cV hnve cnnstantly on hand, of onr own mnlir, a futí1 IMOttOlttDt of OPEN A VS) TOP BlíiiíílK . Whldi w enn solí LOW OOR CASH W aeli'üo. petiiion for vood wurk. Dealers gapplied. An exnminatiou ot stock oliclted. longphky pkt:-rs, 18T 40 & 12 Lamed Htrfft Kast. Dsthoit . r. r. r.iw, c MannTnctHrcr of nrtimil Coifecs, Splres( Mnstnrd, etc, and wholcsftle dealers in TEAS AND QROCERS1 SCNDRIE-, 12(1 Jrfl'erson Avenue. Ofitroit. r'i!ti', c.iXMii) .oo u. Etc, 1 liüve iifrtv rn ctore uisxgo stock of Foreiarn and Domesiic Frnits, Csnned Goods of ;i)l ffrmlcs l'rekli', etc, etc. wlücl ï nm offenns; at low prices to the traile, JOHN HErFnON, Vbolp5.iK1 Fruit Tlouse, 218 Jeffrson ktc. T m it i., i;;i,asji A CO., Mannfncturi rs. Importers, ind wliolcsalc dealers In Hals, Caps añil Strsnf Goods, 1 lii and Ï4S JoftTiion uveinip, Detroit, 31ich. Also chippers of uncTrcsseit Ft::. IJ P. BILUWI.t & ('O,, Mflntifi.clnrer." flrd TCoi'jsaie (feftlerti in All Hmid Miitfe Oustom Jioots and Slioes, 43 WoiKhviuilAteiiiu-, DETROIT, Uil n. Miiniifnctiirer." oud Dealere In Carriages, Buggico, Sieigfis, Etc Thu fliieut üBsortmcnl In Michigan. Eetabliylicd in 14. Factory, corner Woodljrklge and Brn?h Streets. Repositnrj, 2J .leffereor Avenue, Delrail. (ABniAwis, I Hlwajs keepon h.iud a vory nlce arsortracnt of Open tml Top Can-iaffes, wliirh 1 wfll i-i'fr .it öw C vQTef. Itnyers wï?! a well to cali ftnd Rxamjnja -tif.'. and piico-t lefor; purclms lnj;. Dealers enn buy of me to (rood advnntaee. JOSEPH K1NGKI-, Í5 Gratiot Street. corner Farrar. Detroit. Mlch J. S1 AnTN'Or.D & ('O Sllpply Public Ubrarfes;. Snbïatb SeHnole umi Donlc Bavers prenerally, at low raten, üur slucU is cboice and l:ro IS9 Wsodvurn Aveiiuo, Detroit. r%nn iinn (:AI'''"X" t;iio stonkwrr 'JJJ)HJt at Wholetale. Also n euiirely ni-w stock of Whito ranite and f. C. Gooilf, Pl:i ati i Deconttlre China Dloner and Tea Sets, C tit Q! i-, süvor Piattd Otjixis. l.ainns Cutlery, Jap'Mi Wave, ■: , at No. V) yiirAi'vna-ixvtituic npnoette r.'-w Cfty TTall . DAVll) MoCOÜMICK 'yj ICHIBA7T -HACJIIEltV Ulil'O'i'. Gr. 8. Wormer & Son. ii alen n jtllkinds of Wood anti Irn Workin .nucliLucrj ' l!9, lül and 108 Jefcrson Avcauu, detroit, micit: :ujkt.isi-i: :; jm.s Por Mechanical and Farm u? t-s. D. Ji. itlCK, Mannracturer. 191 Atwater Stiett, Detroit. TOIL H, WEIVEL,L 4: CO Oommisston MerciHnts ín Flour and Ghrain. Office and Warehonse, No. 50, 62, .'4andsr. street, west, DEÏKOU', MICH. TOXE WABE, Ballard & Starrat Mnnur.tciurers and wholedale dealer in Stooe and H 'k:n-hum i;re. I'irc _ïny. Kiro Brlck and Drain Tlli (tas Fruit Jars ancj Clutka. Man;if.iLti:rur!' Ai;i'iiu for tlic ohiu Stone Suckct ■ Seuetam] VVuter Pipe; Office And irarohoose No 60 Wootílwídgc Mrict, opporite Baariof 1 rade, Detroit. Mich. j A. TYREIX & C Y SWAIN, Wholesale and retiiü dealers li tl kind of Fnrin ImpIcmculH, Machine, Aueiits for the rhlladclpbla LAWN M'tWKRS, warmntcd lo bc the bM in Ihe market. I'rlies ironi $!; ii $.!".. Llbaral dlMoaot tih.-ate I" Sc-ud fur clicttlar. Pfo. ïl Je.lersjn venue, Ueiroit. rpTBINO. Ii-trit vtiiim Tfnncjc Dtyeiatff EstablisliniKur, 42 Coni:xe8 street, easl, U?lween llate and Bandolph sireet9. Paney Oyviujj: on Slik. Woolcn and Mixed Goods of evcry descrlptloD done in the beet poiatbb mfinnor. Every kind oí Shïiwle, Silks. etc . cleanud and re preesed. Kid ;lovcs cleaced and dyed. ABOHIBALD UHANT. ( SCIIlüliNBIIMi, Billiard Xablc V i íiiiiif ut'liirerf with J"elancy'n Puient Htcc] Wire Cuhions; anivc nl Ij acknawledged to be the best in use, !i6, 10J ond loa lUudolph streel, Detroit, Jüch. rüIQ;H.T"S FAMOTI8 M1LWAUKEE LAGER BEKE i the nest trewed rrj rv:o Sltte Addreí K. V VOIGH'I', Mürt-aukuv Urevieïj-, UeVroit', SUch. TermKiob, GKO. S. FBOBT 6c CO.. 1 lotroif, illicli. Agents and Joalers in Fine and FurmiuK !.ai:ds, in Michigan, and in nearly all the oiher Sfntea, tractiof l'ine Land bought or sol.i od Comrois."Ion. '1 he best of lauds iu the Southern States at low ratel. Cha. Noblo. Oeo. SNFxt. Cha. W. Noble. Fresh mul ltrlinblr Carden, Flwcr, aud Farm Seeds, Who'.csalc umi Retal!. D. II. FERRY & CO , Secdamen, üo:j Woodward avenno. P. 9. Our illiwlratfdjiud descriptivo priced Seed Catalogue of 1C2 paeö free tc.-aK'a4lioiit. JjKEDS! SEBDS! Fresh and Reliable Garde, Field and Flower Secds, wliolesalo anO r-i:iil, ai tUo Ioh'r ratos. Alsn Fruit and Orimmeutal Treea. Ornpe Viueii, Slirtjtn, Uoses aud ['luiiiH ol all kiuds. Scnd for a catalogue. Wit, ADAÍR A CO.. Detroit TOÍLÑ H. 3DO"üOtH3CRTY. J Manufactnrcr of HIrror and Picture Fraiues, Chromoi, niin Iiij; and i'liuluw. Dealer sml Aijents suiiplied. 227 Jeffor3n ave ue, lrtroU. Midi tv Uernnm p'.ates at loweat market ratea, tíeml for catalíiue. F. A. CADWULL, rr. M. OcS liliwl untl Au rist, permuniMUly BjLS' located n Dutruit fur Twcnty-Five ''tfQP ycnrp. Specially trcatiug dlboa?cR S! YK ANO EAH, aud Catarriiai aöectina of the HKAP AND THROAT, Office and reeldence, No. 52 Lafaycttc avenne. Olllci' hours from 'J a. m. to S r m . Referencoi hy Permlsfioii- Nathanlel V. Brooks, Hoo. Irn Mayhow, Oeo. l'rentiss.Ksq.. Win. I). Morton, Uaükeri U. F. MgrtOD, Esq,, Wm. 1,. Fok Ier, , Kj. 18Tein3 TV40NEY WANTED. Fivcor six.thcusand dollars, or more, on o j jage of unincumbered rent Citftte worth tliree times .ho nmount. Enquire of 1898 E. W. MORGAN. pEOPLE'B DRUG STOiiü R. W.ELLIS& CO. JA.KTKT ARBOB J AM NOW RECKIVINO A URGE AND SELECT ASSOHTMENT OP VE8TINGS and TRGWSEBIKTGS AND EYERYTlirN'G IN Mï LINK FOR THE SPRING TRÁDE Cali ard Examine Om work in the l'ield Speaks for Isclf. AIso a Line of Gents' ishing Goods, at 24 South Main Street. JAMES BOYD. I $ # ö M ÍS I h a i ! B L I ■ ■■■$5 ' 5 BÜ.S g SS g s ? S H 1 Q o x 3 s Sil) fc g n I'S5 ti : ï HO H g DON'T FORCET That the Faircst. Squnrof., nnú-betpree in Ann Arbiir tolray Pure Draga and Medicines, wiuos nnd Liquors, for Medicinal Itfrpuse, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, &C, IS AT E. W. ELL1S & CO'.S Corner Opposite the Snvings l'an!:. CALL JZJISTT) E2CA.TVEXlSrE (f Pcrrjifui "i)l Tf. for j:itpideor insirió pnint Ing. innnnfiicttir.'d irm Pure White Lend. .Inc, niid Ijiiüvrl 011. Ohaaper nnd beiter thnn any other I'iiini made. SoM ly th jr;il Ion, keg, or barrel. AlsoPure White L";id, Zinc, &c, at witisfactory Prlce. KEUEMBEIi N'AMK AND PI. -CK. IC. W. BIVCaU & CO. GotoR.W.ELLIB& CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,0il8,&c. ]L B. GIDLEY, Sacceseor to COLGHOVE & SON. DRUCCIST Al CnBMBT IK COOK'S NETT HOTEL, No. 12 E. ÏÏURON STREET, DEALER IN BMfeS, 7EníCIV5, NJKICAL nSTRI .'HESTS, pitii: v.ii;s mg LiqiORs, CFORMKMCAL PÜRPOSES ÓÑLY.) Faney Gfoods, PciTumery, PAixis, eau, VAie.visif ï;s, c;i, sm, am ivrn, PBYSHJIAÏS' PBESGRIP7I0XS Carefully nmpoandad at all liourj. I PKOPOSE ROT TO BE UNDER80LD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHO FUR1ÏISH AS GOOD AN ARÏICLE. !■'.. H. GIDLET. lMTtf J. Wai.xrr, Prvfiríaicf. R, 1!. McDoMALQ Co., UniRjiUt êt on. AgenU, Snti FrmicUcb, Cal., and 31 Commarco treft, .N. Y, ?i 1 1,1. 1 ON Kcnr Trsiiinoiiv to Unit „ Woiictn lul Curativo Efl'cctH. Tlicy nrc not n ilc Fmu-y Drink, Modo of Foor Rum, WhUUuy, I'roof Spirits auil KcfiiNo liiquors doctorcd, iplted mul swectcnedto pleuse tWo tiistc.CAÜcil "Toiiloa," "Appetizers,'' 1"ÍírstunTii,"á:c., thatlead thetippter on to(lrunkenncsRíindrnÍn,butato ttmModfdnjnadB fromthsKatlvfl BctM and llcrba of Culifornia. IV e e IVoin uil Alcoliolic iSlitinilnnts. ThcyarellioGICKAT Hl, OOI) l'ï'IMFlEliicnd a ï.iris ;ivin; principle. n perfi'ti Keiiüvutor antt In viurjitor of tlc System, cayryingoff all polsonous matter and restoring tkoblood to n lic:ilUiy ronditiou. Ko person can tiike Hum Bitters accordtng to dirertions and remnin lone unwcll, provided tlieir bones ure not destroyed hy mineral paftmwuT Otlii í ïneiiriH, nd tlio vitul urbana wnsted bevoiul the point of repair. Tlicy uro a (ende Pnr&wtlve n wcll nnm Tonic, potMssing, :dio, thejiecnllarmorlt of acttafc as n powerfut nffeiit fn rcllevlnf; Congestión or Indammat ion of the. Iavct, and )i Uto Visceral Otgimm. FOK FE.MAI.i: C'OUMiAlNTM, Injoungoj oïd, tnarrted orstiiglc, n.t tliodawirof wonmnhood orat ihv Ltirn of lifc, Uicflo Ton Ie Bitters havo no cqnaL Fw lufluniiuaiory mul Cliroiïic llhcuma fÏMtn n ml fJoirf, Dysfictlft mHurMtlAD, ltiliiius, Kt'iuil tcill anti Iiit rrnii t leut !'- vci'fi, Disrairs of" i!ic fïloorf, JJvn Kid' nyn mul IElittIWr, theso Iïittrrs hnve bi-cti inot tl. Sucll Dififii hvh :ii "i: f. n ''! by Vitimed Utood, wii-.i.';. Utccueriüly produccd by derauKcnicilt the IHgCflilvO Orcniiia I V.SIKISI A tm 1 MHlaiSffTION Uvancho, 1' in tlieSlioiiI.lors, Cunhs, Tigütuuss of tbc C li ast, DizzJnoKS. Jour BractatloiM tf the Stoniocli, liRd Taste in the Moitth, Bilious Attack, ralpitation of tUü tleari. InflanimatioD of tlic lUDg, Pain in tbc rerï;"Tïs of tfio Aklntj-s, ::nd a liuuúred o'hcr iaiuiul tymytoms, aru the oOiprtnga rT Pj-spcpsia. Tliey inri-orate tho Stonoacli and stimulatc Iho torptd Li ree and Bovrel.s. which renner them of unoqualleI cfficafiy in clcansJnj the Mood of all iinnntie.s. and iinpartins new IMfl nnJ vior lo tho wholsjstein. FOK, SKIN ISIiASKS;i:rintionR,Tctter,Salt Khcum, Ilïoïchcs, SpoU, Pimplos, i'ustules. Bolla, CarbunclM, Rlnr-Worna. Bcald Jlcrci. Sorc fijroa, KrysfpolaMteb.8cur6Jl8CO]oiatiomtortlie8klii, JTlumoniaiiJ ]iHeasus uf the iikin. cf wiuilfv.! ñamo or imíurv. hio litcrsllv iIuj: up and rarricfl out uf the Rysteni Iti a Bhort tiuie bythe ue ot these Uitten. One bottlfl In BUcll sc-s willcouvinco the most incredulous oftheir cura t!: cfitOClb. CU-auso the Titiatett BlooU whcncTvr yon Gnd ftl i'mpuritiea bursting throvffhtbv kin in ritnptoo. Lrup ttorii or Sores; c'cansc il irlran you ünd it obatracted and sluecisli In tho vcluar clcanso It when it'ls foat and your fcclin;s wil] teil youv.-hen. Keep the Mood, ' pure. and tho hcaltliof theaTatno-wlli toliew, Pin, Tnpts nnd oilicr Wurm-, lutkinff In the systcin of so thousauds, aro cífcctuallr destroyed and rpmoved. Says a dlutlnuishíd physioloist-, there is scnrclr au Ind1rjiitl nihmi tho face otthc carth whse Body i exempt fhnn' the ïnvsoncc of worms. Il U bot loon the hcaltliy olennüitK of tho otHij tnat wqnu cxf Rt, but unon tho diRpanccl Innnoni f und BUOir deposiis Unit bre.-.l Iliwc Iivin-r nionstcru of ctlwaae, No Syst,fn of MedletaK, no vermifus-es, na nlhtïnntijt will free tho Bfltsm from vroritti ike these Iiittcrs. J. WALKEK, Proprletor. R. II. McDONAM) & C0H Drutffists and tten. Asonts, San Fmnrigco. Califorula, and 32 and 34 ComniiTce Street, New York. B3"öOLi HY ALL DRUUGI8T3 AND DEALERS. NEW SPRSMG GOUDS FINLEY I LEWIS, Are novr receivirig the most complete ani■BLEGAKT STÜCK OF F1NB GOODS ' IN THE tlN OP BOOTS and SHOES EVEH BROUQHT TO T.IIS CITY. BAVUG THE EXCLUSIVE 8ALE OF THE W01ÏK OF Air, TUK FIRST-CLiSS 1IA.YITWTTItlIUS IV THE COl.VTRY, WE CM OFFEB TO CASH STOMERS GEIÍATER 1NDÜCEMENTS TITAN ANY OTIIER HOUSE IN TUIS CITY, Wcrry complete lince of worlt from v.. C. tsrirr. HAY isno-rjiF.ns, sxiuvi:i,i, bros. In CHILDUEN-S FIXE SHOKS, oT v. liich wo hnvc by far the lMiiicsL hihI fincflt asportment erer bronght to Ann 'rbor. Jas. n. Burl' Gente FINE HAND1ÍADE Bootl nnil Shoes, uncqualed orStyle.Darability and finish. .lohn V. Ilurt" Boys Fine Siioes, and in fact a Complete Storkof yiNE and PLA1N (Joods, BUtUblc f 01 thl mirktt. 13 Si HURRY UP! "OAISTIKS wHhlng AVnl! Paper, Slirwli s Jl UoiiiitiUíí, Wimiow PixtnreSi Codih Taesel, Ac, nll New 8tyle. t Satiafactor) Piii-ec. b .1. K. Wcbuler Co., Book Store, or the lixpiess Ofl)CC. x - a 1 PHYSieiAKS' PRBSCB1PTI0SS vi;nrnA'.ELY and ', CAHEFÜLLY PREPAFÏD 1 R.W.BL LIS. & VO . , DB, UO GIS1 S . Mortgage Knie. DB7AUXF bavlng beeo made ui the condïtions oí u ccrtain indenture of movtgapB oxecnted1 by Wüli;ti'i s. Bnrry und Ann Riirry, his vit', to l!];t,dinrd Curtir, oí Mecco, Truiubull (Jounty, in tlie Öti Ohio, beuring date the twenty-eiyhth duyof April, eighteen huudred and serenty-one, and moordea in the ot&ce of Die licjrister of Deed fox theCbunty oí Washtenaw, Btat&of Uiehiyan, in Uber forty-threeof .ir hu!:ihi-l and fililí v-mx, on thetvfen ; eignth day of Apiil, sightêsn banal - one: by.whiohdefavlt the power of sale-coutained in naid mortgage b:v.s beoomo op tratxW, and no proceedingfl at law or in chuncevy hftvuag been in-stit u tedtorooovei thejynount tlueon said mortgn the boud accoropanying Che same; and then now datmed tu be abe on onSd iwortfiimu and t) ■ accompli nying tlie s;uuo, tlt muu pi t'oui thi finir bui 'ii' 't and imt' dolían and cucty-stx conts, mid also tlie fui .ík i" muD oJ tifty dollar ai anattorney lee on the foreclofturc of Buid mortgoge, hould aay proceedings be taken to forrclose ttio sanw; Nntico it thercforqhereby givn tlvtt aiod mortgagewfllbc foreon Mondiiy, the nincteonth (i;y it AugO ut teu o'clouk in tht) moroing of tnut day, at the soutfa hniii door of the Court House tn the City ol A nu ArImr, in HEiid Couu+y 'j Wa '■ Oow.1 Bouse being the place of holding th Ciroutt ('ouit for e:iid Cbunty oiWMliPBnaw), íy a sató al auotionto Uu. highuat bid ü i, ftn saahi ot the premiaes ü wdbod in said inortgage, or bo much thereof as shiill Ve nwfííiry to HaUsfy the uniount dn i om aoid tnertwiff, fffth I expenses and the in'creat on wiid ïher "vrito an Attomey rv of ilfty dol lawprovided forintüd mortsoge; whicii inortgaged preraUcfl iic deacribed in $ni' morteage as hüIowb, vis, : Béing thé Dorthvestqnartei oi'seeiioii twe&i sevüü in tofl nship one tuuth oí ruego nomlieyíix oíwt, in thp State of Aichlgan, (except that iirt lying novtli of tho ten ttorial r'xy.1 which interneet it). Al u all th ■: pari ol tho oh i half of the soath west quartei oi BeotJon twety-two bring aoath of Bsid fcei ritorial rond. Aio arighi of w;iy four rodu oido Irom inii roml 10 :v spring or Inook u little norih ni svkl rond, xnr the right of w:u-v :us rtscrvel in a deed to -ïohn (Jnnnun in Detroit. Alaoapartof theeast half of ihenortheast quorter of seotñsn twenty-eiffht, sume tovmship und ïiiiipc, íicHorjbed as ÍoIIowh : coiiimeiicinií ;vt the nnrthci'.H' odrtiot tli'Trui', tlsoice ■v-.:- :i t he section line to tho üöï Imnk ot' a áiU-h ubout twniy roiN dtetant, thenoe si athwlyalong thbeasl bank of suid dircli to toe -.-ist liiu' ii udd seotion, Umdm north to theplaotkof beginniiw. ooniaining nboui ttve sxares, ns is supposeo. Also thirty-flvo u;tís rï huid. dhH of said ïnt msDtioned u-n-uf seetion, bmnded south by the eoath line thereof, éast by he ensl Une thereof irom the southcaat oofnöT Of said quartcr aecHon, north to the north bank of a ditoh runiüng nt-urmkI westt Rnd on the north by a lniü running trom sn d poction line westerly aloog the north bftni ofsaidditoh, and continuod in that direction bo i;ir that ;i liii'1 runnini.''s nitliorly thcrt'froui poraUel to the sast lino of said bcolion to the south line of tui'! quarttrHuction will, with the linca heretoí'oi-e incntioiied, includo thivty-flve aorm Uatod, Ann Arbor, May 14. Wtt. BRADFORD ('AHTKR, Thacï W. Koot, Ulortfriigee. Att'yfor Mortgiipee. 1374. PALSE REPORT! THAT A.A. TEKRY HA9GONKOUTOF TRADB HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A I.AIiOK AND COM PLETE SI'üCR OF EATS & CAPS ! JU3T THE STYLE, AND AT PKICE8 TO SUIT THE TIMËSI. AL?O A FCLLLKTKOF GENTS' FÜRNISHING GOUDS! dos"ï puiícii-isí: roos SPBING ANDSÜMMER OUTFITS UNT'-t TOÜ 15 South Main St., Ann Arboi. IS NOW mm fob the mm tbade Iiavin üccoivcd rt.Lurge Stock "f SPflM Al iülü GOODS, ÏNCLUDIG JLOTH8, OASSIMEKBP, VEST1NGS, &C. f the LE3T STYLE3 ar.d QUALITIIS, WHICH Hl W1L1. WïikN ÏÏPAOTÏÏHE on terniB to suU; Also a f uil line of REABY-MADE CLOTIÍJNG AND Gents' FURNISHING Goods BT3ST STYLEI. ALS ) LADIKS1 AND GENS1 MOROCCO SATCHELS I No. 2t Sonth Main Street,- EastSJdw OALL AND SEE TI1EM. Ann Arbw, April lit,lS72 . l'"or Kcrofiila, SorofjL uloiis íMncíihcs of X Eyes, or Sterofu- la in any ibrm. (&♦ An'(iisease or eriiption Sí of the Skin, disease oí tlie CK' J ïjiver, Kheumatism, PimOX-- ples,OllSorcs,i;icers.Brokft ' en-down Constitu t i ons, Sypliilis, or any diseasedcQ[, pending on adepraved couwj ditiorj of the blood, tr.' M DR.CROOK'S Sm sykup of W POKE ROOT. f It linstlic medicinal propMój&jt 'i'y of Pokecombined witli ïjrs a pieparation oflron wliicli ly goes at once into the blood, J jcrforming the most rapicí & and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook's Oömpound Synip of Poke Eoot - take l iind be healeüt CARD. Alr(. CLARA B. DAUROW wonld respcctrully ncnotinci to her formor pntrone, and othors intoreetcd Ihat she will rceome her instniction in Vocni aói ínstrurcontal Muslo. Shc wrll atso form a clase for Instruclion of childrcn in the clcments of Vocal and Houding nnd Singimf by nole. AddreeH ltcr at t8Wcace 28 ffourthStrcc,, nn Arbor. March Tth, 1ST2. 1S6lm3 ,Go to R. W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquorf for Medical Purposes . Mortgöigs Sale. "IXTHERKAS, defaull Rh beéii in&dé1 In the eondiI v tSons í-Íh urt{f&gu inode and cxccuted by iï-.nikt K 1' i winnti, to Theodore A. Carter, ', New York, Ireanng date the thirtn.ntli d; vf Of April, ciglituen hundred and sixtyttig-hti and recoraed in the office of the Resistor of Deeda "i' t)if Counl v f Wnahtanaw, Michigan, un tlu fourb unth day of Api i!, eíghteen buodred and sixtyUbe förty of mortgugps. t patfe one hun(ircd and ííixty-thi'te, by whicli dof.mlt the power of .-■.vl.-coüinin' 't i:i &ud mortgage h;i.s boon' qperative, and nosuit or proceetlin at law haring been ínstituted for i reoovery nt the debt soourea V-y Nud ir.ortnny purt theroof, -i: 1 1 luí c batnfp ;v c tu i-,' dúo Mi Miiil mortxagf th6 sumof tni" thoTOnud flve hmiri vf.'fl and aeren Ly dollars and eihtv-ílirec cvntá ior principal aml luterost, besiden twcntT íol1 ir.- as u atton ' i ii BnM inoi I ven that by rjrltio oí the xmtaSued in said mortgage, aaid mort■ d ly i Balé oí f.ho tanda and ■ dftbdibed in sala mortg ige, r some part i1" i. ni public anotioD to the higrn át bidder, on tíondny, i .. líínetoeath dar oi A ugusi oext, ;t ten -n, at the Hoúth door of the tarrt 1 the ( i! } ol' im Arbor, in wiid county i I Couri llon.v b in1: the place of holding the Circull Oourt tot tha Coan&J ot Waahtenaw), in pursuat-ce oí uta tp saeta oase made and. provided; Baid mortan ■ I psemísAS BOtobesold boincr dtscribed in sjiiil mor'if ut s ffIows : Sitúate Ín théCounty cit Wi btcnaw iml t:t■ of Michigan, yjg. ; The nñvtli tï.irty acres of the wint hftU oí thc íuhonst quarter of scciion one of townliip ihree south of rango mimber ix eust. Altso, Un ■obthweat quarter of thc Dortheiutt quarter of.saidsectirm oiife, lown ti reo south ol i.tiiL' huí anal, couaiy and State Ibresaid. Dated, Auu Aioor, May II, 1872. Ï1IE0D0EE A. CAOTKR, 'I'hacv V,'. RpOT, Míjrtgagce. Att'y íür Mortgapoe. Mortgage Sale. DKI'ATIr havipg been miidein thc enndition of u mdrtgAge friten by John !■'. ñmd 8amh A. Gcil to liri.-iiiaii Mfipk aml Frodedek í?chmid. ranuary tenth A. D. IhTÏ, nrl reoorSéd in il. tr' otlir -, ni V;:.Í.ien;tw Coiiutv, Michiwu, in kHtef Nu..44 ol raortgagtw, ;;t pttge 7ij, byvhícb (Ivfatilt the poner of kile tí. w::r oeintaÍBd becatoe èperatSv, and no suit or prooeedag bañug beeu ni.-.ti!uted ut ia ;i reóover thi moi tgnge Icbt, oranypart theroof ; and the som ot three Irandred aud thiriy-uiylitdollarb and BCyenty-thrce cents being now cluimed to be dne, and thirry UoUar ab aa Attorney Pee, aa protirledln Svinl murtags, and furthei tuinsto bw umodtte; Notico b iherelore hereby gtven, tlmt Baid nlottgagc wtU be foreclrised by n lato ot itettortgnged pxgoomcb, dodcribed na folíowa viz : üommenetng Lwtlve iod: casterly of the nortiheast corner of lot twehe {12) in blook eight (6), in-lïiown & FnUtVs mlöïtion to the now city] of Aun Arbor, Michigan, aooordlng lotiic psoorded piui thexeof, tiwnoe ulong the south iineof Wall Btrcet in adid uddition in ,i Boutheastcrly ton fonr (-íj rods, tbenou in i totithorty direetion ut right angJes to eaid VVali streel tbirteoji roda aud three links, tiiert: rtorttíeasterly ín a tino purnlb I tu Baid Wall strtt.'t fruir roda thenoa in riTijrlj:rly ction tíiírteen rods uud three liukn at ul'Iií áttglm lu s.nd Wull troet to thc plilcu of beguuung, sxceptíng iind reaexving one and one-hnlf iols off fiom the south end of thc above deacribeU land lor h stxof.t, at public vontlue, at tho Coart House, in Ann Arbor, on the i WL-iiiy-Mïvunth day of July next, ut noon. Datcd, April 2üth, L87 ISVIAN' MÁOÉIj 1372 PBKDLXÜCK st.'UMJD, Thomas Xinde, Attoincy. Morígagecs. !Mortgag(! fíale. DEFAUIE having been nade in the conditiou of a murtgagc cxccutcd by liirum Bheyherd apü ËtUza : th v. Htiepherd, hrfwÖk v tbe unéewütuerf, Al pheus i'el:l.( betiriiiH datutliC tlind day uf Jaunarr A. D. eighteen huudrcl and aeren ty, and reoorded ín the otüce of the Register of leeda of tVaetattouiw County, iu tbc Stutu ut 3Lichigan, in líber -íi oí mortgages, on page 131, iki tlic lowrvceath day of -lanuary, A. I. 1870, by whicli dcfanlt tho pover ol ik. le contained ia aid mortgage haa beootne operativo, una i-i cl.iimud by me tobediieoil Mftid mort gage at the dato ot this notice, the snxn of f uurtcon hundred and seventy-on doUan and rixty-eix cents, for piin!- pa) and int'.'H.'St, and uUo 1 he snm oi' forty dollar as a reosoiiable BoïlatoVa or At tommy's fee on taking these piornaiülMgi t IorcIom said rao7ts;ftgetaaexprnsly proviiU'd m tho same, aud noauit or proceeding at law or tn ohanoery hnving been inMitnted torecover thc debt .O'juix by suid moi'tgage, or ;my part theieof ; NoTicEislherefoieliereby given, thut by virtue of the power, oi' aale contuincd iu thnyJ: jMtguge, tfüS 6f the statute in such cu?e made and provided, eaid mortguge will be forecloaed by a bbm of the mortgaged pie-mises, at public auction, to tJie Lilicst bidde;, ou afonday, theoighth dnyof Julynezt, at ten of thcclock ui ilio rorenoOD 't thwjt day, at tliQ f#owtïfc door of the Court B-ouae, iu the city at AuArhör, in ïid county nteatw, htÜ ( olirt ilouse boiuji the place tvf bolding the Circuil Court for the suid county ofWashtenuw, Thc premisea so to besold uro describtd in said mortÓge ü foHoW. to wit " 'i'he noiih half of the uorthwest quarti rof w ction twenty-one, (21), in town fowr (4; toutfa of nuiKc eÍk (C] euèt, in ounty of te of Michigan, coutainiug cignty ncreaof tand more oi 1 ■ -." Uatedi Ann AiIhm-, Michigan. Aprils, 1S72. AIA'HKl.S l'JILCU, Mortgag. C. U í i bant, Alicmoy fwr M get; 6S Slortgage Porcclosurc Notice. DEFAXTLT haring been made in the condición of a moitgïiiie made and exeeatod by John GaentMl (o Cllark Snttm, bearing date tlic foorth day of My. A. )j. eigtiteen hattdred itnd Bixty-eight, ana réeorded in in; office oj tho Register f laceas oi Wtuüileaaw Couniy, Micliigan, in liber thirty-eight of morl ui 'iii-i fooi hundred and tvreacbty-eix, on the eig-hteenth dny ol Juni , A. ID.oighteenhandredandaixtyeiht, at eleven ftnd il )r.üf o dode a. m., and the power ii Hale conteinod is Mid mortvage having bocomc tperotiTe hy rcAson of Buoh default, ntnï the &um uf hi-ce hundred :u d sighty-one dollars and ten cents jeing claiined to be duo on 8;iid m-octyae at tho date of Ihw notioe for principal rmd 'm-'vs;. hi ddes a rea ao&ablfl Attoey leu for the fow dosure oí auid mortrajjr, and no auit o proeee&r.jii i fc&W hiiviog Vcn - nstituted tneoovcr the debí soenred bysnid moi r any part thereof ; Notice ia therefore hereby giren, that aald mortgage will bc foreclosëd by i lic of the mortgaged landsand premisas Üiored described and Jicreinaltoz menuoned and ■ orth, or Bome part Oiereof,on Suturduy.the Öfi luy of Juhe noxt, ftt eieren o'oloci in." the forer.oon, , tt the .suiith door of the t'onrt House, in the city of un 'i uur, thaJ being the place Oi ht!ili:i the i'rcuit !ouri for Wie county of Waahtenaw. TKeaaid mortnged preuaiacs n to bo soiJ, by vite f the power of Ld mortgage. ncaréneerived m aaid moi tafüUovs: " AU tuat truct ur paicel of land i H the tftwntifeTi) (►: i . in the couuiy of VaaliiïiiaTv and State oi MJohigan, boandéd and lescribcd as beüig tbe norfeheeal quartex ol lorthweat quarter of neotipn numbflr thirty-six (361 in ownshlp number jfour (!) eooth of ranje number tur east, eoataining forty acres of Uad. b te amo more or leaBv Dated, Ann Arbor, March Wth, 1871. LAEK BUTTON, Mortgapee. HnMV J. Beakes, Attcrncy for Mortgagce. isë$ , riff Tl SaW. OTATE Oï BJ1CHJOAN, county of Wnshtenaw: l i i; rfrtuc of ono ezeóutfon. issued out of the uit Court for tbe oouuty ol W uahtesav, to me I d and delivered, agaümt the toods, cbattlee, tandt nd tenfincnts of (ieorgo D. llill, caid ít wnnt oods and chattlea L dia on ttte fourtctutJi daj of ] Vbrumy, A. Ü. WT2tnm-aw levy upon alltheriftht, ' tle and ínteres! George !'. ililll:asin tlic folio wing cfibed real úntate to wii : the curt half of the northist quaxter of BCOtion ninetoen, and the weai half of ' lat half oi weet hall of nortbweef quurtei ín section -wenty, town two soatnMngB six onst, mnkiaíf oc sfr atfUBteÜ .; l , pot Ann Arbor, eounty oí Waahtenaw, nd ' Btate oi Mirin.u-aii; also all the Interest Qeatge I). Hill hns in Iota number 5, Band 7, block one uorth, . range three east, pnid Iota iKincr sitnutod in city of Ann Azbor, eounty of Woshtenaw and State of Miehiyan, whicli above dcscribwl reul cftt.-ite T ahaB exposé for sale, at public uuction, to the highest bidder, at tlie &outh door of the Court House, iu the city of Ann Arbav, 3 th tWtd dy oí June, A. H. 1S32 -t i o'clock a. m. of Aid day. Datcd, April Ilth, A. D. 187Í. MYBON WEBB. Sheriff, c 1370 By Joitïiü Fobbsb, Under-Shexifl. Drain Comniissioner'e Xotice. Notice is heréby giren thiA the lraia OommlSsfori-" ar Of WaahtñUM i'ounty } bent the house of "William Busa, o Uie Township ui Scio, in sairt county, on :. -ïst) 6rt day of Jhd,1873, at twoo'clnrkin the utti rnoon, to mcot parties tO OOntxact for the excava i ton and i onatruction of a di.iin, to be knovn ns thu Bim and Tuon&y I train, commencinp cighty rods east of the sowthwest corner of soction venteen, and running eosl on the&cio lineto the southeast corner of sioüon m1 venteen, t heneo casterly and Bontherly aeróse rtcctions sixufn and twonty-onc to near the half-iiiile post between BectíOM twenty-one and twenty-two. I will iilso te ui Uw house of William liusson Tued iy, 1 he tweniy-eigblli day of Sfay, at two o'oloric ffl" theafternoon, at wïiich time and placa i ■willexhihit in.-ips of tlio ftliovc propoWHl drain and descriptions of ihc sovcral parceui of l.uid deemed by me iM-ncflttvl 1 y. Mul thi inioisnt and dcscriptlonby división and Hiibdivision of tlic above propo.sed vdmin ïij' ïftft :vpportiouc] to the owncr of eneh denoription of land to construct, and to the township of Scio to constiurt on account of snob drain ontfAung tbo hïghvay, and to. lu-ar repons, if nny nre offered, why sueh apportionment should be reviewed and corrected. Ann Arbor, M3 Hth. 187J. DAVID M.FINLEY, Dmin Cwctniiwioiicr of Washtenaw County. !S74w3. Keal Estáte fo Sftle. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of "Vnshtcnaw,s3. Í3 In the mntter of the eétat of RofüB Matthews, doceascdi Notico is hcreby givcn, that in pursuance of nn order pranteil to tht; undorsitfned, Exrcutor of tbft laat wül and tasfeaoMttt oflwúd dooeaaN by tho Hon. Judjri1 ui' Probate fur tliecou-wty of Washtenaw, on tlie 'l' duy of ApsiU A, L. Ib72, ítiere WÜ1 bü sold it public vendne, to the hüjhest bidder, at the south loor of tho Court House, in the citv i Ann Arbor, in tlK-iounty of Waahtenair, in said st:ite, on Taeadjay, , rth day of June, A. 1). 1872, t ton o'clock n tne i'oi'i'iiooii of that day [subject; to all encumbranvs by mortgage or othenrtse exiatíng at thotiiiyf tlie ueatJi of said dccoaswl) tho foÜówioff deaonbe eal eatote to wit : Being a párt ofseotion twentyone, in township two sou tb of rane ix casi iasáid State, beginning:, at the southwcüt corner of land liercoforedeèdod by Calet) Onnaby and Desire Ormsby to luim Sinclair and on the cast side of the Adviaii and 'untiiio rond, and running thetnee enstcrly along the snutli lino of said Innd Bold t (WM Bindair eïcftt ro N, ■ iitlicvlv at ji'lit iViVili witli abe aid lino and Iarallel with 6ud txwa fer ïodav, th wee ircrly i iitt 1 wlth tbo ifrst im-iHiuücd line eiglN rödi to lifl east line af Baid road. üience nprtberly ilonfl the Citst line of Baid ruad to the place , inniiif? ; also a piece or parrt'l of , and aaJoiniug and bcing nortlierly of tfie aoore i iGffrribea parool, commenemg at t Jiu northwesteylji , . kbotald ttnt ahovttufacrUfed of land on : 'üiitiac ütïfiït or road, thënoft runnina easterly on tlie , ïorlherïy line t-t iir:t tnciitioncd land efglit rods, .■Tl ln-ily at right ajQgles and paraUel uitli sai i { oud !ÍS ' frWttíHy and parallel vit li the ítb( lino tu i 1 1 t . f i : i r - streel ax nad eaght rods theiwe y aloiiK thé oast lino of said Pontíno streel j ix rtid.sto the ]ii:iceof U-irinniner. Iyinprnnd being in ( be nity Of Aun Arbor, county and State aforesaid. i Datod, April 22d, A. D. l72. MAKCUti J. MATTJIEWS, 3,U JExecutor. Estáte of Mary Ann Thayer. rtTATi1' OF MICHIGAN, Cou'ptybf Waahtenaw, rs. i ia lifii'iiy giran, thaf by an order of the VoiíJtto ('ourt foi UieCöunty af WVslitonaw, made nn twenty-flrsl day of Muy, A. J. 073, su .k íontha frwn Um 'late itlK)wcÍ frr onlitor to launa itftaipai Uiftestnte ot Mnry Aun c Late i aiud oounty, decenaed, and that ll Ï' of iaicl drenasnd' :irc required to pront ;ms to said i I the Probfttfl 1! the 4 ityof Ann Arwr, (br '.'xamimttn waá l Llowance, on or befbre tne twonty-flrst day of a . r next, uñ that Bucb oluinm WiU bp MarQ before E ddlProbate Covrt, on öftturday, the twenty-eeventh '' tjiy of Julvand un Thursday, t 1 wi-nty-íhst day of ,tMinifrnxt, at 10 o'clock ín thc foreuoon of eac) . ot i hose day. Dated, Ann Albor, JIiv ílat, A. 1). 1H72. HÏRAM J. BEAKES, 137.W4 Judjfe of Probate. I MW Keal lístate for SukT OTATK UFMKIlKiAN, e,n,lv.. ' öintheiaittcr „i tbo Kaúwol J.Í.Z' lllo., „. a,. ,..,:.-, .,, ï.t""'5,„ tute, on Wedií ""i j forraoon üi thut dy (ubjcct lo ,.[,!',' " n puth ol ■ i d decaí d) il.t t..iiur . , '" ü! i ".),'! '"""' ■ r Kwthwqrt „„.,,, v,""" t j -■■■'t nin, ïhi ''if.S thehthway tí,!"1 ttt)3; .ice eiwt eigEt vh-un J u,,f L he piuca of boKiuning, i-miiui,,,,,' '' ' I abo tho vest luir of rhe nor'keaS SI111 s'-l ■cHon thirteen, i.; township four Sí.'""? et(tat ..( lumbar,,,, ,f,ral-6 ■ ! ■inbotbt indhTidrt H,"1-;1,'1 uf4 etwt ii;iTtT (,f ihe nortlnvcsl rnun-c , , , tlle tk y, d township foui noutli ol ;.,:,..',." "m Iwü . . "niirbt, Estáte of Joseph iA - QTATKul--MlcHl(AX...UItv i 0 At m omion of tho liobüto Cou t ! 'ni. . of V.l.Uniiw, huWun ut the l'roi ■ ,, Ï ií"-'ii city ol Aun Arbor. on Kriday ti. O0l.llit2 dad üevcnty Cw6. '"muirtd la tl.c maller u tht J,.- J f V"íSViUÍBin . .im, praying iimt 1 '"Hu mont rv-.w on ule ín tilia CÖutt, purportS! 'flast irül mul ttoUnient of aid 3ecíai? ' mitted to riwlnto, and thal mT I 14. oilicr uitable preon nmy be uppoiuitdTáL" t-..l wlth the wnl antu'xnl of t;nw ,. i . ""n. Theroupon ú is onltii-d, (lint MuwÜmT",v teeuth dayoí .lunv m-xt. t teuo-clock In:!,, , ""■ ncd for the 1,iim oí wid pttui "?, iii.l nll otlicr privona intei-mtd i.i ni,". íi?4"!, í uiií.d t o nppeur ut u aemkm ol id m I' " holden, ui the I rvbate Oflire, in tüt Tdtírf? 'h lor, añil íhów eme, f any ibtte be i,, ,,Amife of tbe pctítloncr i'mt K ,.,.',. .. 1LeHm fui-ther ordored thal :,..:,i , petDonsiutcrested in suid estáte, ot tLÍS siid iictition, antl tlic Iicuiíiir thovtof "''"'"I copyof tilia ortfct to bu publisbcd in i! A,yas, :wi, priiited nml mkuUbTH" county, luce succcsaive weeks tu k.!?""1 Estáte of Mutthcw S. Cowan Atasawionof the lrobte ciurt fcïïï1'1 ot Wttíhtcnuw, holden at the l-robvé íi.UWB lüy ..1 Ann Arbor, on WlneSÜvftf2 daj of My, in the jreai one lliou,Bi h. k ttUl and n. uMv-two. ""l üaii Praaent,Hhiun J. Buokea, Judgcof Pr.K,, Ihftt ho i now p-epared ;o nufcu '!I', Thercupon it U ordcird, tbat Mond, , „ anj ol ■ - tui u-clock in tv w," ei 3ignedforeilhmingnndiiUc,Ri]:,..u.i ;,,"' tbat the legato, , "1 said ae..d and all , M '" f in Baid u.,tato, ■ quinnl ■ .sion of aid (...uit, th„, to kebotów.ttt.'ff b:ite ülfice, in tlw t#T of Aim 4rt", -" CooBty, uiid shvrtr ,r„.isc', if anv th b' .Í? ? aald account sliould not bc lüloivo,! : Aud ■' Ui ' l1 : thal Mid Exccm .'"f11' sone iotemtted in said estáte, of the ihikW, i1 account, and the heariup thercof, h V'S. it tas order to be imblishtdin tUeSÍ'; anewapaper printed nd circulating úivS!. threc suec-ossiTC weeks previnnn tn inldJuïSÏÏS' ( A t nu 00PJ4 illt A M J. BKAiüs"1' "' JoigeotPniJi. Jistate of Edward Bur'-os. S'riT: iraAX.conutyoiWSh,,,. a .-o..o:, of the rVJbkte Coiirt or tSï V, ashu nw, hoidfn at the Pnifau „tficc iiiTLÍ of Ann Albor, nn Wcdiiisdsy, the üftrtÈ-k dít j Ato' y6ar "" tl'"s"'"1 ght hïitaifa Prcsrnt, líú-am J. Binlie, Juto of In,bntr deeïwd "' fthe t'3:"'"-' "r MBnpv Dorothy A. Blufeas, odministratrix ofmüaii, comes mto ( 'ourt and rcuiwioiit. thul she b noií liid to renderfaei aaUoit u indi aiiiL Thercupon it is ordercd, thai 5roaay, th, t day of June mxt, at ten o'tíoek in tfw iornro "wwgned la i-xh raini-w? i„i allown mSJ coiiBt. sad fhe hi .. ar Ui „t Mjd ditMid .icu! it to appaarat a nesaion of raid r.,:i:i itimu holden at the 1 róbate offlee, in the ci.r ui Ana ,)n in said countr, and slmw cause, if any thcre hr -S the sa id account shonld not bo „]',oi: a furthcroolnca'that udad{nio(tiixiHaiih theiroiifcinteu'isti!d in siii ncciilinl, and the i.i-arinif ll,citW ■ copy or1 tins to ho publisbed in lhcjiari Argiu, a nowepaper priuted and cireulMiip 4 ia oount) , t..ree sui-cesiive week vrtvtw., t siiid farol (A (ruecopy.) ÉIBAMJ.I Judseofl'totalr. i:st:ite of Ji.incs MitcWl C'i'A'l : ■.■.. .untyrf WêiSte,- 1 ' Al asesáionof Probate í'i:r fot I uf Wabbtenaw, holden at the Probate Offif. is ln City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, t!i ItiiJ !j uf Mol, i ♦ ywir ono tliousand wis hK diwi Hl St VLii'y-t'.vn. Proaept, Uuam J. l'sa&es, Judge of ProbaK. In the matter of llii; stilte oí Jame ïittbril, deceased. On readinf; nnd fllitijf the petition, duly reriieiLol Hdwin A. l'ierc,i.rajin; tii.n a cerbuu . now o i du ■.. u. io uurt, purporting to tïe iks: wui and testament of aidi - Wïittl to probiite. and lh;it he muy be apuíiw.rf soleilKfltor thert-of. apon il i onlered, tlmt Mondtr, tin Ehinl day of June next, at ten o'c'wk ir. :ht 6jcv aoon, be uangved lor the hearing f said wüCis :md ti.iii the legatccs, deviMfett and tuirs ut Iw at lid do.:9sd, and all otber .jorn.nï intniti' ri in said CHtate, are reoired to ari :! x acseion of said Court, itieu to be hoMrt, it iho Probatü Office, in the City of Aon Artor, ui :.'.-. cause, il any thwr be, wliy the pn M?titioner nhould nol l'i frrauted: Anüitófi1 irdei'ed, Uial s;'ul netitioner {yive r.otiec to tïie'irKU - :h'ii, aud tho hearing tiiereof, by oatuii .his order to be publislied in tf.o Mickty lewspnper printed and cJrculating ia-Áifl ComíT, ;hree succesaive weeks previoits topafo'd'nT ■ƒ hearj(. (A truc pojiy.J HI.'51 J. BEAKffi, 1373 Jndge Estatu of AVillinm.Quiglejr. Qgl'ATK OF MKSHS-AN, { ukMñi tj .' a seaaion of the l'robate Court for the Ccueít of Wiuhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, City of Ann Arbor, on Momlay, the xtti itf of May, in the yenr one thousand eikt k dred nnd seventy-two. Present, Hiram J. liuakes, .Tudec of Protatf. In the matter of the estáte of WiUinm Qoif7i duceafcetl. . On rcodillg and filinp the petition, duly TfrffiWi" Ann Quirley, praustbat l'utrick Wall ortoiw t er suituble person may lie nryciiirtW mhsB' of Oie catate of said deceascd. ,., Thereupon it ia ordared, tluit Mondar, "" day of June nc-xt, nt ten o'cluck in the foreww, aantined for tin hearing of wüd jtition, and tMtw hcirs at J;iw ot fiuid ileceu.stl, and all otbetpfl iutciited iasïud titnU-.ure r-'Luivltonpptuftt' Bion'of KMd rinrt', then to iwMiiwnt theiw' OHiee, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show ■ iiny tbere be, why the pmyerof tlic petitiontr g not tepTjinted : And it is fitrtlier ordWNi,w2 petitioner (iie notiee to the persons mtewstto in ■ 66tate, ot tliem'iidenpy of ;iiJ petition, nnd tl " inf? tbereof, ly eiiusing ;i eopy of tliU otüx t'J published in the Micliimm Argut, a n,'-3p,iiï"I"T and pirculatinp in s:ti(i county, tkjDee suc' previons to saiddfty oí hen _ta (A tnie copy.) ïilSAM J. BEAKK, 1373 JudEe of J " Commissionors' Nntice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of WmWmiw. The imdoi-signod, híLvinir been uppoimw 'T " i 'ouit fi stid eoonty, rornmusiM" "í ceive, examino and adjust all clainiH and "JLi ill peñón a;.MÍnst the estáte of J VTJ late of said couuty deceascd, hcreby trive 5olKe(_j Kiz iiinntlis from date are allowed, by orer; Piobnts Court, Lor oieditote u present """zrf Titirast the estute (vf soid deoensod, and that i" . meet nt the etoe tt Vmíi i Aid, in ' Z Ann Arbor, in kii1 eounty, on Satiuday, '"'JlSè scventh dy of Jnly, and on W, liicwliy, tholJJJ day of November next, at ien oClo-li a.m-t s.ii'ï (1-j.vs, torewive, examine, and udjust saw c Dsited, May20lh,A. I). is;;. r PKXKK U. ABEI . 1S75W4 li,iw ( 'uiiiiiüssiiKiiTs' Notice. Q rATB OF MICniÜAN, county of ''f, O The undcreigned, haring boen appomtw ) l'robate Conrt for aaid county, nj eeive, examine, and adjust all otate ana JJJ.l of all persons against the estafe of l'strw J"J ate of nid county, dccoascl, hereby pve J';3ií ixmontliB trom tUat dato are lloïr'KSi .ii.1 l'rutii,te(.'oiut. lWeiwlitoMtoprcsi.'nUníJí agaioat the estute of mid deeeiwed, ma """.1D!;_tlmeet ut the rewdonoeof XimoUiy .M.'i'art)-, 4 Held, in Raid eounty. on Saturdiiy, Ihe twcI!tJr,!(( ilny of July, mul on Weduesday, the ''"'.""fZiWt November next, at lOo'elockA. M. of encnoiw" to reeeive, ïxamine, and ndjuat Baid clftüBt SriCIIAEL O'HKlENj-i Estute of Samuel W, IlsSTATU OK MIOniOAN, County cf W.T fa KoÜob is Iwrcby Kivn, that by nnorder m u (a Date Court for the County of Wnshtenaw, "" nintl. tj of May, J. I'. 183, ÍU1 rom that date wec lUlowcd fuc CBWlW r Vék heir claims apainst estáte of Rimucl '.'...„li te of said county, dooswd, nd Üil }lmJ, m, iiil decenaed are reqnin d !■■ l1-' - "■ ll:".''. ui . Probate Court, tlieïrobteOffle,'"" e nn Arbor. for examination and ■lllon-'lice,'fv,t S ■oretheninth dy of N'ovemlier next, iiml ' „ ■lmrns will be héawl Vwfwe s:.i'! l'rob l : „ I ■atui-day, the twcntv-scventli day of Jui),"' , ut lay, the ninth dny I t fTorenioêr ne . .clockm the foienoon of eaeh of Ihose aal Pa,,,,. AP. Arbor, May iA.).; M74w4 Jujgofg. Cojnmifwionerg' Notioe. 3TATE OF MICHIGAN, Coub of Jjtr' Tho underswned, hYÍng be S2, 'róbate Court lor sn'rf cnunty. Comnn "J-mninii eire, exarafne nnd adjusl all claim 'Tn. ?ti ,11 fisons tfainsl the estáte of Cb'ir'?jrethal ktoofaoid oouoty.deoeased, hereby "ïiW; lontlis from date are ullaved, by oriier ji, to Court, for creditor. to presen rf rainal theestate of said decensed, "V1 ._ ia cobatfr ieel tthreddeiiceofaaiddeeoaed,ii JJ i ti Satunlay, the lenth ilay of ; , r „cJt, Vednebday, the nineteenth day '""2, Ue,i en o'clock a. m. of ench of said days, to recm ne, and ndjuit mud efaima. Datcd,May,8th,A.n.SHCin ,


Old News
Michigan Argus