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The Philadelphia Convention

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i lio Republicnn National Convpntion mot ut tho Acadomy of Music, in Philadelphia, on Wudnesday, and offocted an crganiKation. Morton McMiciiael, of Phiadelpliia, was tpmporary Cbairman, and Judge Settle, of Norfch Carolina, was mado permanent President. Tha Miohigan delogatiou placed their meiiibevs as follows : E. B. Waiid, Vice President. A. S. Drapeíi, of Saginaw, Becretary. Hon. WM. A. IIoward, Ohuirnian and member of Committee on llesolutions. J. II. Stoxe, of Kalamazoo, on Coramitteo on Credentials. Hon. James Birney, of Bay City, on Committeo on Permanent Organization. Geo. Vn.r.AMli, of Battle Creek, on Committeo on Hules and Ordcr of Business. Speeches wero mado by Senators Logan and Morton, Gerritt Smith, Gov, Orr, of South Carolina, Gov. Oglosby, of Illinois, and by threo coloied delégate?, Messrs. Grey, of Arkansas, Elliott, of South Carolina, and Harris, of ííorth Carolina, aftei which the convention adjourned to 10 o'clock A. ir., Thursday. - Just before we close our columns the telegraph says that Grant was unanimously nominated for President on the first ballot, and Senator WilsoN", of Massachusotts, for Vico President, also on first ballot, receiving 384 votes to Colfax 321. Exit the Decliner Smiler alias Sciiuyleb. Writixo of Senator Logan's attempt to repiy to the Bpcecbes of Senators Suma in ii nl Scuurz, the correspondent of the N. Y. Worti says : " Hardly had he taken his seat beforo Ciiandleii staggered over toward him.cxtending his hand and pattmg him on the shoulder. LoOAM eoldly gave him hihandand turned away. Tho last indignity was too much. (iIíaxt's service might bc borne, but not iSAOH Ciiandleh's complimcnts." Is the great Michigander to be scorned by LoflA.v and thon insulted by the World t ' Staggorod" is tho word. Let ovfirj Wolverino Eepublican riso up in his wrath and robuko - not Ckandler for staggainy - but tho World for telling of ït ; else let Chaxdler rise in his soat and propose to have that audacious scribbler expelled from the reporters' gallery. The nan -vho has so ofton and so bravely tiirown dust in tho eyes of tho British ion, and who would even venture to pull lio Queen's beavd or knook a chip from her shoulder, to bo charged with " staggering." Too much, that! TirE Pennsylvania Doniocracy did a good thüig1 last week in nominating exScnator BuCjTAïew for Governor. His private character is abovo reproaoh, and his public caroor Ii as been such aa givcs liim the reputation of a statosman, and to assuro tho citizens of Pennsylvania that theÏT intnrests will bo safo in his hands, and that during his administratiou the money-changers will bo drivon from the capítol, and all corrupt rings be banishod from Harrisburg. His nomination is equivalent to sounding the notea of victory. And '"as goes Ponnsylvania so goes tho Union." Do you hcar that, boys ï John T). Davis, Democratie member of Congress from West Virginia, haswritton to tho Whecling Btgitter, denyingthe report that ho favors tho nomination of Greeley at Baltimore, and aaying that ho will not support him if nominated. Ho is also authorized by his eolloague, Mnj. Hereford, to say that his position is the samo.


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