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Heavy Storms In The South And West

Heavy Storms In The South And West image
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CHICAGO, Juno .'J. - A tremendoin ruin storm passed over a portion of Contral LUimiia .Saturday and Saturday night, doing greut d m g to the crops, feoce', etc., in the ooum.y At Üpriugaeld thu bascments and eeUars were flooded, and in severa! iastanoee thc water poured into tlie first rloors of the houses, driving tho inmatos to moro comfortablo quartors. The drains and sewers were ovcríiown and badly. damageá. En the briokyarda uear thu oity inany thousand unburnt bricka were totally destroyed. A portion of tho track of the Springfield & Illinois SoutheasteiB Railroad was washed away. G-reat dam'age is belièvéd to nave boen oaused throughout tbo entire section visited by the storm. TEBKE HAUTB, I iuL, Juno 2.- A terrible thundur storm, aocompanicd by heavy wiiuls and tórrente of rain, passed over tho city last evening. The latter did considerable injury to trees and orojia and blcw tho tin roof off tho Qaeettenevra paper office, U tting in a great fiow of water whioh did nmoh damage to tho stock Memi'His, Jnne 3.- On Thursday evrning, May 2Oth, R Bevere toim swejit over this part of the country, doing considerable damago to propéríy and causing the death of ono man. Several oth, ra were wounded. At a circus in this on that evening three actora of the Ciueen City C'irous were severely wounded, one having aa arra broken. Tho other has a shoulder disoolated and the third has a severo contusión on the head. Ori tlie samo night at Porter'a snw mili, about ten miles from this place, a largo tico was blown down aorosa a ehanty in whioh Mr. Davis, who was supplying logs fur thc mil), was temporarily staying, wounding Mr. Davis. and two others. Mr. Dais is not expectod to recover. At Calgrange, near Leighton, in this county, the honte of Mrs. Ëlizabeth l'cltuu whs struck by lightning and burned. Mrs. Felton was away on a visit and no Uves wero lost. Great damage is done to timber throughout the country, and also to outbuildings. Sr. Louis, Juno 8. - Passengors nnd railroad employés who arrived here frem the East yesterday and to-duy, report that an unprecedented rain fell Satmday night in central Illinois, covoring tbearea from tho Wabaah to the Kaskaania Kivors, and from tho Toledo and Wabash to the Ohio and Mississippi Railroads. Thonsands of acres were subinorged, streams overflowed thoir banks, railroad tracks inondated, crops, fences, t-ees, etc., swept away. A report from Winchester. on tho St. Louis, lïockford and Book Island Kailroad, says somo ñve hundred i yards of track near that placo wcro washed away. At Bunker 3 Xí 11. a lew miles east ] of here, eight inches of water fell. It is i bolieved that immenso damago has boen ( done to crops, farm improvements imd i railroads throughout tho above named ( tract, but no detailod accounts aro yot } received. ,


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