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Local And Other Brevities

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- The C miit ( '.nut is still In scsston, gnd lias dispose-d 01 tour jury caeea to date. _ Wheat, 1 Dot coming 1 erí UVely ftrmers holding tor It to g up as1'1 to 2_ StflTH lias ssihmI öttHÜJ tor a 4th oí July lï.ill, til the CIlUou House, WhiUnore L:lkc. __ Wool-erowew wlll do well to read the "U'ool Market" reporta foinul eaeli week in the A.BOIÍ _ Rev. L. lï Fisk has retdrded from the jl E Gert&ral Conferonoe, aud wlll occupy is pulpit on Suudajr. - Lknt's circus was largely attended on ffedussday, ttnd the rldlng aml performlog gave general satisfactiou. _ A new Miflo table was put in operaKon on the Central ro:ul on Monday. Bee coiTCCted table on thls page. - Experiméitts are beini marie at the lakes west of Mie city to test tlislr capacity tsaFiippiy for water1 wrks Tjie tveatber for a week Ims been capital for wbeat, grase, oátí) BÍtd barley. weather is wantel lor corn. _Tha ftrst 8trawberry Festival of tlie g.;afiou is adverttsed for this evenlng at the basement rooim ol the iVesbyierian (Jhurch. - Prof. BoiMtvOf Clllciijrd ÜniversitVj formerly of onr city, is golng to escoria troupe of boys and Lirls through Europe tlie coinini; vacutioil. - At the "Decoiatlon Day" ceremonies jn jfew Orlean, Mny 00, Col. Joii.n B. Howard, formerly of Ibis city, presMed jiul dellvered tbe opening attdreflq. The neiv landlonls of Cook's Hotel. .1. g. and B. 0. AvkiIy, givc, e.vldènce of linowlng tlK'ir busim-ss. A jirst-clats ouse: thnt's what they mean to keep. - The lïev. Qeo W. CooKEjOfMcadviüe, p., will preach at the Unitarian Church ju Sonda; next. Subject In the mornln : 'Open Qnct:ons;"' In the eveUlbg: " Keceiit tïyes of Jesus." The Ladic of .lie Congregatlonal Chnrch .vill gve a Brawberry Festival, in the basement cf tlic Presbyterian Cliurch, on Tucs:lay evonlng of ntxt weck. The public (ire invited. - CH.MlI.LBH, Esq., of this city, is iimcd i the liill pending in Congrvsa as oue of the iJoard of Finance havlng in liarse Uie fimincial departnient of tliecen:pnnial ce'tbratlon, now set down for PhilIdelphla in 1SÍT0. Appointmcnts have been inade for t!ie ;omiii(r Unlvewrtty Commencement, ns fol,,■: C. (i Beönett, W. A. Brooks, A. H. Urown, II. F. Bnrton, II. X. Chrlstle, W. J. ilerriman, L. McLeatï, Öalrton Bmtth, Miss SI L. Stockwell, O. K. Turner, and W. T. l'iKkrwOotl. - Hkxhv W. Rogers, C. II. MrLiBN, and 5. B. GnAKT nre the lay delegates flrem It, Andrew, Clmrch, of this ei y, to the ith Animal Convention of tlie Diocese of rtichignn, which comraonccd its sess'.on at ■".intinic n Wccirresday. ItrV. G. I) Gil, i-nr. va nii.iiiimously re-filected Becre ary of the Convention. - A correspoiKÍonl of the Niles Dimicral rritL's front oat city that "an aildltion, flve Unies In height, is belng added to the demnent of Literatnre, Science and the rts, whlch, hen completed, wlll bveqoa] Fnot snperior In archltectnral beauty to lic City Hall of Detroit :" also that " the Soort House is sltaaled In the center of the ty, and is a ftne three story stnietnre of ■riek and marble, Burrountfed !y liandijme rrounds. The j-iil is a sliort distunce resl of the court house, and Is a plan riek biiinliiii;.'1 Vf fiiüy asree wlth that irrespoadent wheo he says " we d not link our pen on do the subject justlcc." Good progresa i" belng matte all nlons i Ihcline of tlio Toledo, Aun Arbor and Korlhcrn Rullroad, r that BfcMon oí it inder contract, betwecn this and Che State line. Uji to last Saturduy, when ihe Chief Englneer pagsed uver thc Une, slxteen miles cfcarih-work had been coro'pleted reaely fcr tbe lies, and tlie other work done on !:i:ivy cnts anl tllls U cqunl to the completion of four miles more - or half ihe en ti re line. Besides, tbe bridge acfom the Saline t Hilan is cowpleted, the onc cross the Macón, between Milán and Dundee, un !cr good lieadway, and tlie ties nearly all oui iu1 pnid for. Tlie cootractorg wonl.1 be SM to push the work stül faster, bu t cin nat do so and keep tnelr inonthly estimatis wlthin the nicBiis ut tlie conunuiid oí tlie Treasurer to meet their bilis. If eVery stocklioliler wotild pay np over-due usessments the Treasurer WOUld be able to meet all deniantls, the cimtractors would lncrease thelr forcé, Riitl all partlea vvoiiUI te better pleased If the work gocs slow ftuone nced be blamid save those wboneg ltct to pay thelr asaessments. Theae faets answcr tile questlona asked Isalmost every day, and will convlnce ffftn the croakers that the work hs not l)een stopped. ) -B+ - i t m r A musical treat is n store otir c'tlns, In Prof. F. II. Pecaíb's " Operetta of Rnoch Arden," to be given at Hlll'a Opera Bonge on Frlday evenlng next, June 14th Prof. Peask ís wcll-known to our citlzeufl s composer, teacher, performer and lisetor, and " Eliioch Arden" has been a favorite wherever btnaght out. Assisted by W.IE Uiíebe, of Jackson, as Anule Lee; of. .Iackson, of Detroit, ns Enocii Ak k; Prof. McCiiks.ney, as Stftfie Manager; Mr. Hkwitt as Organist, and a full and 'arge cliorus of select voices, it is r.ot too mucli to predict tlmt the rendering of' the Wlietic story will be all that can be asked lor. We bespeak a full house for the occasion. At a meeting oi the Ladies' Benerolent Swicty of the .M. li Churcli, held Wednei (1y afternoon, thc füllowing resolutions ere adopted ; Rexolced, That the thanks of the Lidies' ooclety be and areh ereby tendered to the 'resident, Mri. A. Bbal, for her interet, and for lier liberality in fitting up and Wrnlshlng the church parlorj lor the use of the Society. He-inbed That the Secretary present a W of the above resolotlon to Mrs. JJbat,, eofiiniish a copy í'or publication to the Clt' papers. The Ladies' Repository for June comes to ourtable a little later than other pnbiicaons, bnt none the less welcome. It has a y beautiful landscape, on steel, "The Wetterhorn, Swltzerland," and a portrait f![rs. Ada Kuisinan Wanlcss. missionary o Bulgaria. The contents cover the giml Wde range, farnlshlng somethlng for ev'f? nieniber of the family circW, intcrest'"S, reflnlng, Instructlve. It is emphatlcal.v a macazlne for t lie lióme. $3 50 a ycar. Bitchcock it Walden, Ciuclnnatl, Ohlo. Th Flint Democrat, which has long Jen flying Charles Frailéis Adama and Jorge V. N. Lothrop as its candidatea r President and Vioe-President, now ""uls down its flag and hopes that the "mo-ratie National Conveution will opt the Cincinnati ticket. The June mimbcr of the Industrial Monihlyiü full of instructive artlcles lor the factory, work-flhdp mul hoüsehold, the prnctlcnl and the amateur mechiinlc. lts Illustrated papers sip. Odllotv A.a(ter, Band-Saw Machine, Siclhir Tellurinn, Au Improveii (iate, önsrar-ralllS, Shelvlng, and buproveitiefat In Ballroiid Car Wliee's. 1.5(1 a yesir. Aldress "Industrial Publication fcompany," 70 Urostdway, Ñ. Y.


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