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Boston Wool Market

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The ivool market is without any matoria] chango, so far as prices are ooncerned. But these have at length settlod down to u point at which biiyers are more willing to opérate; and hunco hransoctions aiü more easily negotiated. In fact holdurs aro moeting tíu; m&rket quito roadily, and any fair offer is protty certain tö be accepted by them. Manufacturera havo bought scvefal round lots of both fleece and pulled during tho week, and tho prospect now is tliut very little desirablu staple will be lelt by tlio time the new clip of western bugins to arrivH in quantiry. Pulled wools have also boen sclling inore frecly during tho past week, ncgotiations for soveral larga lots, which havo teen pending for some time past, having at length been cousuinmuted. These wools have lately aeeumiilated in tho land of tho receivers, whilo the largo inflas and sales of foreign skins Have tended te depreas the market. Under these circumstances buyurs havo lind an adrantagej and prices of pulled, which durng the carly rart of the year wero Con iderably above, ara now below the natural lovel. But, althöugh growers aro somewhat ess sanguine as to the future óf wool than hey were three montlisago, thoy arestill lisposed to enlarge tbeirflocks, and heneo Laughter tlioir natural Lacrease very paringly. Pelts are more plenty than ney were, because the extreme rango of jrices chcukcd tho business of pollers by ':iving them without i margin. But ;hey are stiü relatively high as oompared vitli wool, and, with the usual oonsump;ion there is not likely to bo any excess uring tho coming season. Fine foreign wool continuos in fair domand at about previoua rates. ïh; new domestic clip is now leady for he market in some portions of tho VVest ; )ut the views of buyers and saliera are till widely apart, and the sales have not 'et been suffiuient to t'stablish any reliible basis of values. 'Operators aro movng very cauliously, as it behooves them x do in the present unsettled stato of aftita, !ind in view of the depressed condiiou of the Eastem niarkots ïhus tut ïey have done: more than to prospi-ci ie field and secure samples. A fewsmall lavo been mude to our iasion merehants, and judging from )reeent sppearanoes, the bulk of the listend 01 boing bought up (arly Uy local jeculators and Eastern dealers, ts it v.-;is 1 .st-yoar, will finaliy be shipped and sold bero ■ n commiasion without the intervention of middle men. There is uothing new of importance ffoni California. The spring clip is neariv all in, the better portion from the uorthorn counties, oonstituting tho bulk rfourrent receipts. Prices are unchanged for choiee quality, bul short stapled, burry lots are still tending downward, while ordinary selections are selling moro freely at a range of 1 12 a 45c. ■Salea of domestic for the week hive been considerable, and loot up about 100,000 lbs. Inoluded are 25,000 lbs choica XX ühio flneoe on private terms; ,(ioo Iba mixed Ohio, 7.J; ; 12,000 lbs X Michigan, 72 l-2o ; 20,000 lbs X Wiscousin, 70c; 11,000 lbs tub washcd Western, 80c; 1,0()0 lbs black, 40c; 8,500 lbs unwashcd delaine, 60o; 5,000 lbs rolls on private terms; 700 lbs sooured, $1.12 ; 2,u00 lhs. black do., 80o ; 1,000 lbs broken wool, ''.): ; 9,200 lbs Utimerohantable. 59o ; 10,000 lbs unwashed Eentuoky on private tonus ; 2,000 Iba do., 55o. in pulledf wool, sales 13.3,000 lbs extra and super ranging from ",■' a 'S'jc. ; tö,O( 0 lbs extra, G5c ; 33,000 lbs do , 70 72 l-2c ; ,000 lbs do., 86o; 10,000 lbs do., 72 l-2c ; Iba Buper, tóe. In cotubing wools sales 5,000 lbs unwashed Kentucky, Góc.


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