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I UMBtíR YARD. C. KRAPF, UftR a largo and wol] Htnckerl Liimber Yar1 or Jefforeos su eet, In the.8onth part of the Citv, nt will keep cañe tiintly OS liumi ftn exct'llt'iitvftrlety o LUMBER,SHiNGLE,LATH&C which wlïlbertM aslowascar be afforded in Jthlt nntrlíti . QuaUtyaodpricep-inch tliat NO ONE NEED GO T0 DETROITC. KBAPC Anti Arbor .Tanuarj-SOth, 1871 9S6 nwmmv prbscriptíoss7 VCCL'HA'. KLY AND ', CAREFOLLY PHEPAPED li. W.ELL1S & VO.,VRUOOI878. j nn nn iwhatM 25ö, Zü ! ITMBAN! TIiIp qtiestion hn been nfilced miny tlmcs Intol; anti one if Rrln'a BODS Batd, '■ It wou I tl tnkc :in tuin cated mon t tol] that.'1 Hnt it nu-ans that t COJL&Y wfao baa for the iftHt threo yearsbec apartuertna larga wholesalc hoojM lu Obleas and alttiough the terrible flro Of fast fuU has lef that city ín r'iiuB. he ptih íives.ftiul liko BARNABY'S CROW, Kever l ■' " W bui hfls oponed a fine stock of now deán OKOCERIES, at No. 29 SOUTH MAIN ST„ betweon fashiohnble DryGooda Store of Ilenion & G"tt, and ttio Manfmotta Hardware Stoie 01 Lmvls O. Riiddn. I will J - oitiicus of Ann Arbor and BDrroabdlDg country, thnt I will sell Groccric, Iroviions, Crockcry, rlw arp, Kt n low ñgttn for ash or rendy pny only I ftlwayfl iuiv CüsIi DoWd tot Ooods, dnd iritist havfi pny for them when dellvored. Do not tik me to trust yon, irveu f you :ire wortli a milllöti. BIT I WIU, SEM, fiOOES 1.0WER THÁT W HÍN Ci WHO TÍRES CREBIT FOIl PAT. Allklnd of Prodno taken In Fxchange. nood deliTered in tbe Cltj froi f charg. Come hi HEADY PAY CUSTOMERS, and examine my Roods. I will SHOW YOU AROUM), with the greatcst (jf plcnm'ri'. ard i f yon do not buy I promift' yon I u-Hl uot look cro.H. Hpecltt indnoementsloBoardlngHouiiesánd CluiiS. Look 'or the sign of the C. O. D. Groccry and tlie ï?iüj.2i). Xewis Colby. M.irch 141ÍJ, 18TÏ. 1366 'f Mê ' A tfALSEÈÈPOÈT! THAT A. A. TERRY HÁSGONEOUTOF tUAÍfíí HE S.TILL LIVES, AND HAS A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYIiE, ANÖAT P&ICÊB Tf SUIT THE TIMES. ALSO AFÜLIiLlKJiOV GENTS' FURMSHING GOODS! DOST PüRCHaSE YOUÏl SPRING ANDSUMMER OUTFIÏS USTIL YOÚ aiVE X-ÏI1V1 -A. Ok..JL,. 15 South Main St., Ann Aib'oi. 1881 -tl. [OR.CROOK'SWINEOFTAR êlO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Jr. Crook's WINE m ja to JL AA JLSb ' rTO haTe more üVtoiJLito - erit tlian any '5BSYSSiWlBBr similar prepara "BBMÉHa lioii ever oíiered the public. Tt is ricli In the medicinal qiialitiesof Tar, and unequaled fór ilisí'üsí's of the Throat and Ijlings, performing the most reniark Rble cures. Coughs, ColdR, Chronto Conghs. It offectnally cures them all. Asthma and Bronchitis Has cured 60 many cases it has been prohounced a specifíc for these mmplaints. ' For pains in Breast, Sidé or Back, Gravel or Kidnéy Disease Diseases of the Trinar y Organs Jaundice or any tiver Complaint, It has no cqual. " It is also a superior Tonicr Restores the Appetitc, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and üebilitated, Canses the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión PreventsMalarioTis Fevers, Gives tone to your tíysíem. - - ■ - r pOTTLED LAGER, ALE AND PORTEE, Pnt np in Pints and {uarts for Family use. ÁLSO BY THE KEG. rw Oriler left nt I.cltcr Sc Co.'s Drug ' Storo will lo proiwptly flllcd. HIIX & CHAPÍN. Ann Arbor, May 28, 1872. lf For Scrof 'tila. ScrofJf uioiis IHscascs of %- the Kj'es, or Serofii.J, Ia in any forin. ■Sm Any disease or crtiption vrL of the Skin, disease of the üJ'J Liver, RheumatUm, Pim&a ples,OldSores,Ulcer9,BrokfoWff. en-dowii Constitu t i on, @fê Sypliilis, or any disease de" r,@J3 pending on a depra ved conS?y a dition of the blood, try mfê$ DR.CROOK'S O551 SYRUP OF FK POKE ROOT. 3iï& ' JMhettedjíái'ü propCTns erty of Pokecombined with 11 a preparation of Iron wliich JLy goes at once into the blood, Jfjr9 performing the most rapid and wonderful curen. Ask yoiir Druggist ior JJr. Crook's Compound Syrup of Poke Koot - take .tand be healed. ipfiOPLE'8 DltUG STOxvx.1 R. W.ELL1S& CO. DRICES OP GOODS AT THE METROPOLITAN! FOn THE SPRING AND SUMMER T1ÍÍIMMTCT) IIATH, From One Döllaf, and upwarcls. RIBBONS, From 5ct. a yard upwards. TIBBED IIOSE FOli LADIE9, lV 10 cents a pair. WHITE COTTON IIOSE For Ladies, At 10 ets , 1'24 ets., 15 ets., 18 ets., 0 ets., 25 ets., 30 ets., 35 ets ,40 ets. a pair. Í' ADIB8 LISLE TIlREAU GLOVE9, j At 10' ets., 12L ets., Í5 ets., 18 ets , 0 ets., 25 ets., 30 els!, 35 ct3., 40 ets. a pair. f-lIIILÜREN'S IIOSE, J At JO ets. a [Jalr nnd upwards. ■ ENTLEMEN'S HOSÉ, JI AL '0 ets. a pair and npwards. TOWELS, WARRANTED LINEIÍ, At lüc, 12e, 15c, lc, 20c, 25c, Soc, 35c apiecu. rpoWELIXG, . JL At 10c ft yard and upwariis. LINEN TABLÊ CLOTITS, At 50c, 60c, 70c a yard "1OLORED TABLE CLOT1IS, _j At 30e and 50c a yar J ptOUNTERPANES, Ly Fiom $3.09 upwards. WHITE AND BUFF PIQUES, At lüc, 20c, 22e, 25c, 2ue, 35e a yard. OHSETS, Kj At 50c, 75c, $1.00 & pair. HOOP SKIKTS, At öOe, 65c, 75c, $1-00 apicCè; L ADÍES' HANDKERCHIEFá. From 5c, apieee upwards: Ladlcs' Linen Hemstitched H'dk'fs, Froin 15c apícea upwards". PARASOLS, From 40c apicee upwards. FANS, From 10c apieee upwards. VTOTTINGIIAM LACE FOR Curtalntt, From 10c a yard upwards. KID GLÓVES, $l;00 a pair. BUTTON KID GLOVES, L % 1.25 a pálr. LACE COLLARS, From 10c aplcce upwards. QILK AND COTTON FRINGES, ILE ANÖ COTTON TIÜMMI.NO, 1RESS PATTERiNS, T7ELOURS, SATINS, SILES, 1OTTÖN TRIMM1NGS, t ADIES' UNDER GARMENTS, U 1 ADIES' MADE UP DRESSES, j XFAXTS & MISSES Made up Dresses, And a thousand other artioles too numerous to mention, at prices less than any other establishment in this city. H. COIIEN, 13T5 33 SOUTH MAIN 8T. JAMES McMAHON, Justice of the Peace, OÍBoe in new block, North of Court lïousc' Money collectes and promptly pard over. INSURAISTCJC AGK3STT. Triumph, assete, $727.90.11 Noitn .Missouri, " 45,117. !'l Uibernia, ' SSU.OOü.OO BKAL 3C9TATK; I have SI nere nf l.inil i of a mila from tho city imil, flnely locutod for fruit or gulden jmrposes. Also 40 acres. Also 10 acres, wlth house aDd bnrn, and a Hvely atream of water running through the barn yard. 00 acro,a mile nut. 1 wil! seïl riny or all tho abovo cheap, or exchanco for city property. 174 JAMES MoMAIION. ipOR 8ALE ! A now Phaeton Tïupgy and a econd hand Cairiage, for 1 or 2 horst, in ifyod conditioti. . Infyiii-p uf 81 LAS H. DOV (H.AÖS. Aun Arbor, May 3M, 1H72187ötf GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, PaintB,Oils,&c. J Q. Á, SJESSslOftS INSURANCE AG1CT. Hls Companies Árft Joundè pHOENlX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITAT. gíttí ASPÊT9,Ji-lt 1, 18T1....1,7S1,000 CHICAGO LO8SES 760,000 TIIF PIKEIVIX is Ili' !.-sl conductcd Fire liiHurancc Compaiiy iu the l nilil States. Alu-iiyi prudent ? nound, anti nlwiiyii prompt in paymcif t of lusJNTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK C1TT. TIip firrt Compsny to paes.the ordeal of tho New York Insurance Ccmmíssíonera sínce the Chicago Flro, coming out from thesevere test TEIUMPHANT ! Associated Press Dispatch, November 2,1S71, THE IMTEBNATIOKAL INSCTBANCE COMPAKT. TheSnperinteOdent of thé New Tofk State Insurance Dcparlment, who ie makhig acarefnl ofèclnl c:x.imiunti(in of the Now York City Compame to-day.cprtiltee thatthe International Company's Maetsof $i,5on,000 are socur;ly invested, and its cnpital of 500,ooo, after proviainfr for all liabilitie?, iuclndingthe Chicago fire, Is wholly nninipafréa. This Comimny is payiug allits Chicago losses and isKiMiinl and rAiaMe. Policíesísaiíedst fsïr rates (it nïy office, Ko. 11 East Hiron strect, Arin Arbor, J. q. X. 8ESSIONS, Agent. 13-lTtf. ylYl. WÁQNER IS NüW UUT FOR TOB SPRIX6 TRM Ilaving lieceivod aLsrge Stock of SPRING Al SLIMMER o-ooris, ÏNCLUDING OLOlfiSj OASSTMEREB VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and QUALITIES, WHICH HE WIU. MANU FiLOTÜHE on terms to solt; Also a full line óf READT-MADE dlOÏHING AND Gents' FÜENISÏÏING Goods. BEIST STTLB. ALSO LADIES1 AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21 South Main Street,- ÉastStd ar OALL AND ÖEE THEM. WnUU VACNER. Ann Arbor, April Int, 1872t. JTLOUR. OKAHAM FLOER, BUCKWHEAT FLOUB, COEN MEAL, FEED OF ALL KII)S. All tlii! above articlen are warrnntcd to have no superior in $öt áale at Partridge's Flouring MillsN. B.- rlptini; done at short noticc. ■pilAGRANT SAPOLIENÉ. niouns r'lollis, Cleans Clothinfr, Clonna Ribbons Oleans siiks, Cleana Laoe, Clesns Oarpeta Cuiuina CJuahions, or auy nrticle wolled with (ïrense, Tar, lain' etc. MUS. lü.AS! EB, ARCnt, I375W1 Cornrr of Tliómiisoii and William Sta Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by i , fl.jií.Eiiis&eOoSmggíirfí!. Ë REASONS WHY! HOUSEKEEPERS SHOULI) BUY ÏÏOSE BUT (ANTI BUBI LINEl TOPS.) PROTECTOR FRUIT JAR 1. Thoy are 25 por cent. lcsp 'm prico: 2. They can b' clpêed i'iuy Unies moro rapidly. :!. Th-y cnn be opnifed more rcadily. 4. The oover re Hoed to prevent rust, and may be B86d nimiy times. .'.. They nrc Warruntcd Itclin!lr. 0. TlionsHiKls nf fnmilii-3 huve iimnl, and prefir them. Special Agenta WiOtted In Evory Place. WRTTE FOR CIRCULAR AND TERMS. COHAXSF.V (ilASS MAM FVCT'Mi CO. 4 urth Tliirrt St., ï'Ii il n!! pliiu. Mannfnctifrers of tho celebrated ' ' Cnhanup and Brulnetvi Brands Yinl,ui (,'lais, BoUXa, de." tWW " - X HURRY UP ! "OAIITII'S wishiiKT Wall Paper, Cloth aad t'aier sliailcn, Hollands, Window Plxthrefli Coidp Tas'aols, Ac, a1' Btvlea, a BattftfAetot) Prtafe. bj JU IC Wi'tïstrr V ■., IJ jok store, ncar the . - Go to R. W.ELLIS & CO's for choiceWinesandLiqunTf for Medical Purposes . JLORIOUS NEWS FOR ALL CREATION! E. J. JOHNSON, H ATT ER 1 HAS RECEIVED IIÏ3 SPRING STOCK AND STYLES ÖF1 HatSí Caps & Straiv Goods, n ifisiin; coods, etc. wnicii nv. troposes to ski.l at prices WHICH IKFY COMPET1TION. 7 South itfalu St.,Ann Arbor.