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Pruning In June

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I have boen engagcd in cultivating fruit trees for the past twenty year, and havo pruned apple and pear trees in every nionth of tho year. If I could always have the time to spare, I would prefer to prune in the month of June, for the following reasons : First, the wound made by the removal of a branch at this geason will hual sooner than ono made at any other season of tho year. Second, very few water sprouts Ayill grow after pruning, and the fruit that remains will be mueh larger in consequence. Auy person who is at all acquainted with tho management of fruit trees knows that if a tico is barked in June the wound will heal in a very short timo. To pruno in June persons should wear rubbers, or other soft shoes, to provent burking tho branches. My reasons for not pruninp in the spring are, wo have high winds and copious showers, tbc winds dry and crack tho new wounds, and tho rain enters and blaokons it, which it does not do in June. Water sprouts will also grow, which will have to bo trimined oll' :very season. You suggest covering the wound with paint or wax : but evcry farner does not always have these materials at liand, and in Juno he does not noed hem.- Cor. N. Y. Sun. Soap snds should nover be wasted. It s woll tohavo giapo vinesplan.tedso that he waste liquids froni tho houso ean be ïsed to fertilizo them. If thero is any 'ood the vino ospccially loves, it is the oapy liquids which accumulate on washng days in families. Vinos drenched evry week with theso liquids will flourish stonishingly, and extend theuiselves so s to cover large buildings, every branch jearing fruit. A distinguished Ohio horiculturist sayfl that his family of ten porons eat a ton of grapes, fresh and cancd, during the year, and he thinks that nbt'only does it pay ia tho matter of health, but also in tho saving of grocors' bilis through the diminished degire for pastries and other rich food. California papers spoak onthnsiastically of the growing crops. At least doublé the average productiou is expected [rom the agricultura! región this year.


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