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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MF. FASQCEI.LE, TH. . Offi over . fvrrvV tore. Risldence TV aehloyton ürtei.fónr im east of State 18I3yl . v ARBOH JtlJiERAI. SPRIKiGS. M .-ris Hile, M I).. 8p rintondent Ofllre üiia, corner Mann and tVeet Huron Streets. nrlXES & WORDEN, ÏO-onih Main strect, W Loa Ar ur, Mioh. wholi-aale nnd reuil D'T O'iila. (litrpets aml Orocenes. I UMtf Sf BíO%VV, 2Mit Tor the Pinkte & Lyon I, "'v'" Sa .ving Machine They re fllent, ,„:tiv,'. rnn i' y ia I na ke tue loes slilch No T ji'lii 'I lin -treet Ann irlior. Wt iTtCK SCIIMIB, Dealers in Dry GuodB. .U (ir.)ceries,Oroi:kery &c No. 64 outh Main Sí trïcïïlEÏ, ni'HBAÏ) KnoTer Fire and U iter proo . Pelt aud Composition Gravel „, a ):i! nn i. irdiir nud v irrauted. Besidcnceon ■ v-s'm Strekt, Ann Arbor. RU'. ELLIS A CO., Dniggtota ani dealers . in P-lnts, Oils, etc Jiu. Suuth Malu itrcet, in Artior Ur il. JACK.SOX, Dentlst saccesortoC B. P.irler offlce curuer M.iin and uron street. ol H W. EllixA o. Ann Arbor, awüMlloi idmlnktered if leqaiird. il. 1'. IÍKEAKEV, M. ., Pliyslcian sni', II Sargaou. 031e . at resldeno coruer of Hu Mindümmn8treis flrst door easl of Presby ark Aun Arbor, ■Uch. p j. JOÍISrtX, lli'Hler Id Hit? and Capa, !',. ■ ira, S ■ lí G.-uts' KnrnishiuK (SoikIs, : Ño ISiftl i M:"lu tree!. Ann Arlor "ich JtTHEHI-AN & WHKDOS, and .V .. icnla. and dealern iteal Btt. )lrem üuroa Strteet. i EWIS V. H!SO., Dealer in Hardware. L Si'K Uuuse Kutnl hiug Goode, Tin ttraie,. Dtta Mui btreet. ÍTÍCII ABEL, Dealers o 'ryGoods GroI) rica, c &c. 2io -6 touch Main treet. Ann LAWSOJV .V SOS, Qrooer, Provisión and . ,-,,:- Ui-rctaaiiU aiui dralen in Water tud i'iuvtc:r. and Plaslei Paris. No. 1" Bast '-..:■ n -iri-t. ,. i t j .ídii il, n'uolu'. nd Rolail DeKler ,n li:.ilv ia-ie lothtne, lotiis. CiucimeroB, - .ii!'i,:nt's Furnioinns dg. No a South - .':Ct. i "I. tVAKÜER, Ot-nler in Rady MadeHoth' t -. lot lm Citaximerea Vestins. Ilni. Caps .jut üay;s, &v II -outh Mai Street. "iI.TIíHtl-; A: FISÜI", Bookwlle andSta.1 lic .: Luw aml College Tril Bo"ks, I MiiuelUncunf Boukt No. 3 North Malu ::j:v Bltick, AlMi .Arbor. r!J.I".V & jLE-'.VVJS, IV:iI,-iln lioop.Shoee, f litera, á jpjjera, tc No. a Kast tliuon. -treet, r. ÜOAH W CHKEVEK, AiTORNEY AT LAW ! b :". W. UorgB, E-tst !lde ofCourt Hoüíc 1981 J. F. bCHAEBERLB, lacher f -;is: G'- Instnictio on the NANO, VSOL1N AND GÜITAR, .-, Nu, 67 South Main ptroet, CMooree r ;it ihe sideace of the pupil. Pia1O 'i'ÜMr.G, inlirv Hud ír.tiífacliiin guaramced. BLISSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & P ronnellv jtore ildrgpstock'f 'rocker}, GUsswnre, .■■, mlerj tiriiceriun &c, 4c. all lo be riitt.auuftuatly low priors, No - ast il'.irin Siri'nt. Ann Arhor. UJStf J. & Í'. DOXXFXLY. JOHN Gh GALL, FRESH AND SALT MEATS. URO; su:sa(ks. Ele. tfvlerDsollcIted and proicpttj flllecl with thebeet ctatf in thv murkft. 31 Kust Washington strret. ln Arbur, Sept. lfith, 1S9. iSíítl Pi' tfKONÏS Miiantncturer nf (IIKUGES, BtCGIES, LUI HF. Il WitOS, Si"lth WCS, ClilEUS BLCIBB8, Ut. v-trk warrsntud of the best matcriar. Rcpnïr[iruaipiiy und roasotiHb e. All work war'ive perTecl sati facilun. 0 S"llth Muin 1343y ■- [jR U. A. LEITE"K" CONTINÚES TO PUT ÜP AND FILL Physiciuns PrescriptionS; At all Kour, at No. 1 Qregory Block. C. A.LKITEK & CO. ina Ari'or. Dec '.'21 1 8T1 . 135 [)a.u. b. poutkrT" DE1STTIST. in the S AVI GS BAKEBLOCK, AnnArbor. i'i Operations on the Satnral Teeth PERFORMEV WITH CARE. !f50RPAS3ED FA.CILITIES AND EXPERIENCE M% mhmi teetd, rr ttlVE BACH rHDTVinUAL, iiotke proper ize, kape,iolor% firmncigam na tl :r.pTfiot 1244 JCKSON WAGONS! 1 t'r Load of JACK3ON T QONS Jct re"áed t ?ers' A?ricultural Warehouse. Jjiosewho w:int .iackon Wagons, had bet!ero ' "■ now ut the preaiTt LOW PRICES! i.'feUio-) . to beabont eisht dollars ndrlrrtto wJ'"llt l)riï ou uccouut of the advance In prïce ffu KUKks. M. ROGEKS. lSIMajS FOH SALE ! i l".( rf tho mAcflbí. lloiip No. fi2 and y yn IIilr0I, Street E"t. Poisossion Rivcn the ■) i( dt-sired. Inquire at the Ahocü Ofïice, 1,,., C. H.!). ""i Ann Avbor, March 20th, 1873. 12b6m2 pËOPLE'8 DRUG 8T0iti.i R. W.ELUS& CO, ANfNT A.RB3IÍ N-- _ MICHIUAX CENTRAL RAILROAD. SUillIBU TIME TABLE. Paaeengei trainb now Iuuve the scveral stations, a oUowl : GOINO WKSI. C3 M M 8TATI0K8. _; M g en o la p a ■ w ph A. M. A. M. T. M. I T. M. P. M. Detroit, leave, "00 9 20 too 550 9 30 i'psilanti, 8 28 10 25 5 30 V 17 10 -10 Ann Arbor, 8 52 10 42 6 0 7 50 11 00 üexter, 9 20 6 80 8 3 Cftelsea, s 40 8 82 Irass Lnke, 10 07 9 00 a. M. fackson, 10 40 11 W 9 35 12 15 P. M. l'. M. A. M. (Cnlm7OO, 1 hh 2 12 25 Chicago iirrive, 8 20 7 30 6 30 7 30 ooiso Ttasti 3 i 6 u { I i 1 f 4 & -- M -2r a L = es H 15 L3j _S Q P. M. P. M. A. NI. A. M. Chicago, loave, 5 15 J 00 6 0 9 30 a. m. r. m. Kulamazoo, 2 15 12 00 2 28 A. M. P. M. ■ai-kson. 12 35 4 35 3 20 4 40 i.raesLake, 5 00 3 47 - - OudMS, 5 25 A. M. 4 13 ÜextOT. 5 40 G 25 4 S0 ■VnnArhor, 158 6 00 6 S5 4 5T 5 41 Vpeilnnti, 2 22 6 20 7 20 5 20 fi 00 Detroit, al-rivo, I 35 7 25 8 45 6 35 7 00 The Dextor Train runs to Jackson Satunïny ereninir u ' FA-enÍ7iur Mxj.n's" time, and back Monday morning on itsown. The "Night Expiess" ioea Hot paM wwt Monday niorninfr. Tlie Atlantic and PaciHc Kxprees run between Jackswi iiTiil Nilt-s on the Air Line. DatedJunt Sd.1872. p)ttT ÏÏAYiNE, JACKdON AND Saginaw Railrcad. T!ic most direct route to Pittsburff, Philadelphm, Baltimore, Washington, and nll points soutli und douthweat. Truius run by Chieago Time. TBA1N5 GOING 80CTII. Mail, Express. Angola Ace. Ann Arbor, . 10 ï a. ■ JnckMin, 7 15 A. M. U 17 r. M. 4 25 P. M. Hanover, 7 ü 42 1 Jonesviile, 8 25 1 '7 5 57 Aufcola, S 53 2 49 8 05 Wxtoloo. 10 i 3 29 Auburn, 1 48 4 41 lort Wayne, 11 45 5 45 Indianoplia, 6 0 P. M Cinoinnati, 8 50 6 50 a. at. Luuiiville, 11 00 TÏIAISS GOIO NORTH. Angola Ace. Express. Mail. Ixmisville, A SU a. m. 11 W f. M. CiT,ri..nati, .... ' 3!!njiiiDiipolis, 3 6"r. M. 10 25 Fort Wajne, 11 1 A. M. 4 10 P. Jl. Aubum, 12 08P.M. 5 13 Wutirioo, 12 20 f 27 AnKol, 6 IJ A.M. 120 6 20 .!L„„..6ville, 8 2S 2 50 4j llIlO.■r, 9 OS 3 18 8 13 Jackson, 10 00 3 55 8 50 Ann Arbor, 4 42 6 24 At Jnckson- Close ronnectinns m:i cwilh Michigan Central, .'nrkson, Lansing & Saginuw, and Grond Kivtr VulU-v Knilnwda. At Tonwvüle- With I.ake Shore L Micliigan SoutbCFAt Walèrlóo- Vith Lakc f-horc & Michigan Kouthut Fort Wmme- Wttli Vitubujv. Fort Wvnc & ChicHtro Toteio, Wabürii Weatenttfliuu Ft. i ; if, MnnoeCtodUUE.Ü& a Kob't. Bttl-Et, Gcn'l. Ticket Ag't. Dcc. 11, 1S71. PLAYÏATM BITTtUS. S. ï. - 18C0 - X, Tliiö wondeifal vegetftWe restorntivi is the slieet-iuichur ot'tlio tetble únd debititívtod. As a toiiic and cordial lor the sed and lanjruid 1 íias no equal amoilg 6 toco achíes. At, a r'iiH'(ly fir the nervoue weakneeoss which vvomea :u-c peciaüj suljectcd, it ifs '-v.])tr?t'(l 'nr een other stimnlant. In all climatee. tropical, températe or frigid, it acts is a spvcifrc in overv gpecíes of diarder whicli audermiues tlie hodily strengiti and breaks down the aninal spirits. 1355 -vi. Baaitiful Womao ! IIAfíA.'H MAGNOLIA BAI.M Rives to tile Complexión thc Ficsliniss of Voiitli. Hagan'é Mao.noi.ia Bai.m overcomes tbo fluhed t mncociiuícd 1j ncat, fatigue and excltemeut. It mkes the lady of forty appenr but tw.-u!y. and ■; natural n&d perfect tli&t do pereon cad detect tt ai);)lic:itïon. Hy its usc tbu roughct (kln Ib mndc to rival thc pure radiant U-xture of youthfril bcuuly. It removes redaeas, biotchef, and pimples. It con tains aothlnK that will injurc the kin in the lenst. Magtfolla Halm is uaed by nll faslii nahle ladlcd in New Yyrk. L ndon nd Pnria It costa only 7; ct per Bottle, and ia sold by all Druggists oud Perfumcrs. 1355-e3w y. BUOKS. BOOKS. J. R. WEBSTER & CO. REW OOK STUE SEAB THE " EXPRESS QFFICE." LOOK TÖ OLU OTEBEST kSH t ALL. BOOKS. j ]_ LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AXD S3I0KIXG TOBACCO, SmifF, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EASf HURO STREET, Ncxt to the Express Office. AMR ARBOR, men. 1345tf T IVE ÖSESE FEATHKRS PIRSTQTJALITT, toimaLti.viJiiliand androreali by BACESr.ABLL


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Michigan Argus