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Platform And Performance

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In the platform adopted by the Phila dolpliia Convention - see first page of tlii sheet- a resolution or plank will be foui as follows : " 10. The franking privilege ought t bo abolished and a way prepared tor speedy reduotiau of the ratos of postagu. Thig ia platform, now fox tho official in terpretation. This declarati'on was mad on Thursday. On the following Monday the House, eupposing that it was made in good faith, passed a bilí abolishing th franking privilege frorn and after Sep totnber first. The bill was imraediatel; sent to the Senate, and Mr. Trumhull no Republioan in good standing beinj willing to stand godfathor to it, movci to put it on its passage, but objeotion be ing mudo it failed. Tho Senato is large ly Repuhlican, and its majority thu soornfully spits upon one of tho planks o its party platform. The Grant Republicana are terriblj exercised for the future of the Democrat io party. To nominnte GuEELEY willassuredly bo its death, even though Greeley should be elected. And, besides they can't see how any Deinocrat can possibly consent to vote for Gkeele even to beat Guant, and wo are, thereforo, soleinnly warned against snch MOrinco of principie and tlio consequent impending dissolution. And yet the acceptanco of Greet.ey 3y the Democracy, preposteroixs as such a :eat may seem at flrst sight, is ouly to emulato the action of tho Republicans in 1868. Grant liad nover boen a Repubican ; Giiant had boasted that the only voto he had ever given was for JAHZS Bccuanan; Geaxï was not in sympathy with the ultra political notions of the Rejublicans - if ho knew enough about ;heir political notions or any other politcal oroeds to have any bcliuf concerning ;hem ; Gkaxt had threatened to carry lis sword over to the enpiny in a certain emergency: Guant had traversod tho South for AxDliEW Joiinson and reported " everything was lovely and tho goose hanging high ;" Grant had " swung around the circle" with the same Andki.w FoHNSON; and the Democrats were threat ening to make him their candidato for President, - with his implied consent. And so the Republieans sholved all their old stagors and leading statosmen, and nominated the ]olitical nondesoript Ui. Yses S. Graxt : nomiuatod, elected, and tsed him. In view of this performance, )ut four short years ago, doosn't this Rejublican condolonce with or roproof of )emocrats for running after strandje gods jave a savor of " Satan robuking sin V" The Philadelphia platform bcars in;ernal ovideuco of being a pieco of pit-hwork, tho soveral planks being drawn 'rom a hat and tlirown togothor at ranom, and lacking in harmony and unity. 'his internal ovidonoo is oonfirraed by lio correspondent of tho N. Y. Timen. 'he general draft was sont in by that tfiss Nanoy of politics, Gko. W. OüBTIS, f ILtrpcr' Weckly, whilo the component jarts havo various origins. Gen. ÏÏ.A.Wey is roaponsible lor the stump speech iivluded in the tirat resolntion, and must ïavc feit matorially rolievod af ter throwng it from his storuach. The civil rights ilank was preparod by Judge GltAV, of ■ ; the workingmen's plank by bat horny-handed laborer, Wüxdki.i, PllILUrs, assi9ted by S. P. ' Cümminos ; liO vroinim's plank by Mrs. &LAOK.WEIX; he tariiï plank by Judgo Scofibld ; and he 16tli plank, sqiiinting at free trado in iquor, the abotition of Simday laws, the estraints of personal liburty, otc, by Iekmann Rastee. A regular mosaic, that's a fact. W. E. Warxkh, ii prominent Wayne ounty poiitician, writes to the Free Press bat not ono of the four hundred Dumorats in I1Í3 town, Kotnulu, can bo inucod to voto for Grkelky under any ircumstances. For whora wil! they voto : the Baltiraore Convention shall decido liat to accept Greet-EV is tho only way o beat Granï? That's the question, xiend W. Wo don't takn to GREBUET as aturally as a duck to watur, but if in na ther way can tlio corrupt and dospotic illitary and political rings which suround Gbajït bo broken up and driven 'rom tho capital of tho nntion, wo will wallow GREEI-KY dospito his anti-Doiucratic record, and trust to Providenco nd a Democratie Congress to direct his 'lministiation for good. Wo don't urge 10 of Obeklxt, but if it omes we shall sugar-coat anrt swallow lini. Aftor bolting Fisaxk Blair in "88 rHEKLEY ought not to stiok very bardl t Uomoi'ratic throats.


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