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From the Wob!nton Patriot. "Tho Patriot has from tho bcginning opposod the Cincinnati inoveracnt s;i fat as it icnds or muy tond to disorganice demoeracy, and asserted the most prononnced ideas of party fealtjr, but it has liever coiumittod thü oonsummato folly of ignoring possibilitios. It is preposterous to pretend that -the nomination ot' Mr. Groeloy is not among the ' possibiütius.' Probable wo do not think it. Desirable wn are suro it is not- but possibto it is- and heneo every idlo or delibérate word of r.incor now uttored isay romain and he treasured up and in a given event bë useu for discomiiture. Why, we repoat ugain, why cannot thu very grave problera, whiob is to be resolved noxt Jif ly, and not before, be diseussed in a talm, judicial and impersonal temper, f 'There is bat ono daager in th.e present or the future which the Democratio party has to apprehend, and tbat danger a persistenee in these acrimonious disOOB8ÍOD8 ia apt to precipítate, and that is a repetition of 18(50, and tho disruption of tho Convention. Fcr ourselves we have uo fear, but it is but roasonable to look at it and its suro consoquenees. If the Democratie Convcntion, acting according to tho timo-honored forms of the party, and 110 other action is eontemplated by any ono, determines to nomínate and eleot Mr. Greeley, and wit.h hiin a majority of the ñext House of Repiesentatives, no one will pratend that its integrity wih be impaired. ' It is only one Frenonman more,' said the restored emigrant monarch. ' It wili bo only ono Domoerat more,' when Mr. Greeley is ohoaen by Democratio votes and forms, as his will have to be a Democratie udministration. Still loss will tho integrity of Democracy bo impaired if - retusing, respectfully, not oontomptuouslv, the combination which is proposed - it nominates, as we trust it will, a purely Democratio ticket. Wo do not believe it will be beaten, for we do not sec how the Republican schism can be healed and rebellious and prodigal Bons like Mr. Greeley and Mr. iSumner be roconciled. Never, in our judgment, since seventy-four yearsp ago it was callod into existonco, has tho Democratio party been more compact and true to its traditions and discipline than today, af ter twelvo yeaTs of disappointment and trial. It is benause it is so that it can afford to listen to plans of compromiso and combination. If it were numericaüy half as strong as now, it would be more apt to shut its ears in despair to all plans of afüliation. A distinct nomination at Baltimore will, we think, bo succossful ; but if it bo not, the party will survive. The mistako Mr. Greeloy's sanguino frionds mako is, in underrating tho actual vital strength of this grast historical and, as we think, indestructible orgunization. The only alternativo to all this is the dtvngerous one - a disruption of the Convention - and it is as tending to that calamity that we so mueh deplorn tho acrimonous discussions whiob in cortain quartors are now encouraged.'


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