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1m JMwvtomcttte. VymTMOEE LAKE. IInviiiK recently refitted md furnuhcd tïio CLIFTON HOUSE! I im trom pTVpamd to reeeivc and entertain plen. ure, Ssblng Mid daodite partios, :it ooe f thu ooaI nttirtctive, plcasanl uud hcitllhy watcriníi; p aCM In the Weet My fn)(tts are now. iaova nel c-mmodious, and well adtiptcd for tho ise ol pleasoro BaekeM, AiigU-rn wilt ilnd u l'ull und cúmplete equipiuent alwnye-ou Imnd. Special ntiention fïivcn to the wants and comfott 'l those who wi-h In cpiml a few weeks in recrcnlïoii dorlDfi te warm summcr raoi Ui. No ualna urili be ipared to make wmitmdhk I.AKI-). LD the future as in the p'it, n fuvorite uiunmer rusart. - D. F. S-MITII.. nEA8&8 PePUfcAB OPËHETTA, ENOCH ARDEN, Wlll bc performed by h Chornt of 50 Ffcsli Vouiii; Toicca, umler the direction of Ihe (Mnpooer, at HILL'8 OFEBA HOUSE, AXX A1U1OK, FRIDAY EVENINU, JUNE Hth. This Operettn i not musical patchwortt bilt ie cntiicly original with '■ r 1vm trom Ovurture lo Plnale. fnj pi-ii, irars wlll appear in chnrming !(! uppropriatc BoeitUuea. CHARÁCTERS : I.ixzio Rccbr, of Jnckon, as Annie Leo. Prof. S. ft. Jnckaon, Teacher ol Mnsic In Detroit PnbUe Srli"lK. ss iïuoch Arden. Prof. II. yi. tfdhosney, Stac Manager. W. Eii-u'ict, Organist. F. II. Peas, Musical Director. mc-mi Estato of Caroline D. Freer. CTWEOF HIOniGAH. Conny nf Wa-htODÉW s tJ At ii sesston of the Probate Conrt for the Connty ui WaBhtoniiw,ho1dn at the ProSste Office is the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursdav, the thir leeiuh day . f June, in the year oue thoosand elffbt baAureo and peventy two. Preaeot, Hlram?. Heat es, Jude of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Caroline D Frurr, deoeated. (in readiiif; umi illlnsthc petition, duly verifled, of AWa Preer. dmlnlatrator, praying tha't he my be to sell ceruiin real cstutu whereof aid'decaased died d Tbercnpon it is ordercd, that Mr.ndnv the flrii-onth i:y of Jcily uext,nt t-n o'clock in the foreuoou, be aaslgned for tho hearing of eald petition, and thai the helrs at law of eaid di and al] othei penonslntweatedili said etate, are reqnireii to appeaf ai a nessiem oruidCouit,thi"iito be bolden, at thu ProbatsOfflce, In t he City of Aun Arbor, anl.ihiiwcaui;,iiiinvthor('bc,hTthcproTerol thepetitloner-hould not Ixgrantedi Andit i fur. therordured, thatsald petlttonerglTe botlee tothe persona latereated in aald t-state, of the pendencv ol saidpetlUon,aDdtbeheaiiDslbereof. by catteiúga copy of thisorf'or t" be piilll;heil In Ote Michigan Argm, a nowspaper, priuted and clrralntinü in aid Couniy, four suctessive weeks previour to suid daj of heariiiL'. (A trnecopy.J I1IKAM J. BEAKES, 1378 of l'robatc. Estáte of Patrick JIcM ahon, Senior. cTATEOKMICIIIGAN.Oountyof Washtennw f. At amssslnn of the l'robate ('i)iirt forthe ConDty of Wunhtt'uaw, holden at ihe Probate Oflïcc. In tinCity of Ann Arlxir, on Honda; . the icnth day of Juue, in the year one tlio miii.d aight hnndred anil aeventy-two. Present. Iliram 7. (leakes,.l!id"e of Probate. In the matter of the Entate of Patrick Ut.,ahon. Senior, deceased. On reartlnRundniingthcpetitioTi, duly veriflod, of rnnda Mcilahon, prayins tlist üome anltable pereon maj ba appolntéd AiliuiuiBtritor of the catute of eaid cieceim d Thereupon it is ordcred, thnt Mi nrtay, the ciMlh ilay of July nexl, at ten o'clock In the rprenoon be ualgned for the hearing of aald petición, and thai the lieire at Iaw of said deüeaaad, nni!nllother;)crsoniinteretcdiiisaid"i(nie, arereqnlred to appear at a easion ofsaid Conrt, then to be holden at the frótate Office, in the City ot Ann Arbor( and show cause if my thnrebe, wiiy the prayr of the petftiouei should uot be grauted: Andltisfarther ordered, that aaidpetitioneraivenoticeto thepersouü nterested in nid estáte. of the pendency ofaaid pet il ion. and the heariinrtliercof. hvcüuinfra copy of thii ordnr to bepabllabed In the MiMgav xrut.a newspaper, prlnted and clrcnlitlsg in said C'ounty.t.hrce euc oeMlre weeks prevloae ti alddaj orhpariiijr CAtruecopy.j HIIiAM .1. BKAKES, 1:il Jiidce of Probate. Estáte of Edg-nr SI. Gregory. OTATE Ot' MICHIGAN, oonnty of 'tishtenaw, ss. 1 At a iH'-'i.ion of the I'robiile t'ourt lor inuiiiy of Wachtanaw, holden ut tho l'robate Office, in he city ot Ann Arbor, on Monday, the ttnth dy of June, In tho year one thousand eight hundied and S0T9nty two. Pieaeni , 'Hiruin J. Beakes, .Tudo of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Edgar M. Gregory, deeeased. ()a iia.ü!i;indfilinr tlie petition, duiy reritícd, of Doxliaca N. QTCgorjTi prayingthfit aheor iiLcr auitable ptirson muy be ap; ointel admiiiistrutrix ot' tliL' MtStB of srjid 04 ' Tbereupon it is ordered, thnt Mondav, the eifrhtli day of Ju'.y next, ut ten o'dork in tíie forenoon, be asKigned lor the hcarinp of snid iwlition. and thnt the bMrateea, dsrjsees ainl !n-irs al Iaw of ;ii'! dei and all other pei-sons intereated in fa(". i si üte, are required to appear at :i ücasion of sniil eoii:l . then to be holden, at the Probate Office, in the tity of Ann Arbor, and show caue, if any there be, why tiie pra er of the petitiontr hould not be grantod": Aud it i., further oi-doretl thnt said petitioner give notice to the persona Intereated in sa'd eftate, of the pendency ot said petition, and tlie hcarinir Uiereof, by oaUHlIlg a copy of thiH order to pnolished in tíie Micrígan Arguêt a ncwspitper printed and circulating inenid eounty, three suceessivu weeks previous to said day of beaj n. (A truecopy.) HIRAM J. BF.AKER, 1SÏ8 Jadgc of TroLate. Estáte of Zonas Burd. f ATE OF M I CHIGAJT, ('onnry of Washtennw, s . At a aoHsíon of the Pronta Gaart fortheUouniy of "Wiwhtenaw, hoMen at the Probate Office, in the City of Anii Arbor, on Wèdneaday, the twelfU) diy of June, in the yenr oue thoustmd eight hundud ventv-two. Present, Hintm J. Denkes, Judgeof Probate. I the matter of the catate oi' Zon liurd, de-' ceased Charlee II. Worden, Executor of the laêtlfllfani :ostament of suid dewused, comen into couvt and represente that hc in now propared to render bia tw"account atUefa Executor. Thereapon it ia onWed, llmt Momluy, the eigh'h iayotJuly next, at ten o'clock in the toronooti, ie d foi examiningandaUowinganohauoount,aii4 ;hat the iflgaUfeB, dovisoes nd heira ut law i Hiiid dfiOGAMM and all othcr I"fT8na l&tomi I n Buid cátate, ure requirjl to appear at n es sion of K:iid ("umi, fcbï to le holiien it Ü ato Oöicc, in the City of Aiin Arlmr, in saï( .'ounty, atad show oaaae, if any tliere bo, why tlic siiid account shuulil nol bi allowed: Anditisfartber ordcred mat r-.-iil Executov give noticr to tlio ptTKHii Ufttoreated in sal estáte, of tJic peneoey ofsaid account, and the heariuff thcreof, by eausiiig a copy of thu order t o be publiahed Ín tin; Michigan Arffvtt anewspapeT priated and oireulating in saidX'ounty, thrOQ B11008MIT0 weeks pre vk nis t' s;iid (]ay oí' hearing (A frrueoopy.) HiBAÏI J. BÉAKKS, WÏ8 Judpeof Trobate. Connnissioiicrs' Xotice. STATKOF MUliHiA.,couiity ot Waahteoav, ss. - The undenógned, haviBfj been appointed bythe l'i'obate (..'oui't for said county, CommwiOnTS lortceive. examine and adjust all claima nnd demanda of all poiiu'i.s i(f iin--t the estáte of WiUiam Q.:igiey, late of suid connty, deoeosed, hezebv siye notice thai Bix mOAtfas i rom date nre alloiMa fty urder ui said Probate Court lor creditora' to present therr rlaims agftin&t Uieeabite of said dofltwed and thai tltey will ïueet a t the remdenoeof Jamee ihe city of Aba Arb r. in Sttidtiounty, m Öitm-d;iy,thethir:y-tirt duy o: AogtiHt, and on i'ucsfViy, the third day of I'ecember, ton o'clock a. m. of encli of said duyp, to reooive exumiuc, and adjiist Baid claims. Datud, Juiiuüd, A. D. üt. JAMES SCcKAHON, JOHN CLANOT, 1378vi Commissioncrs. Commiswoïïer Notiee. w TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenav, ss. The undersjgned, having been appointed by tlie Trobate Court, tor saiil county, ('ommissioneïf to 18 06ÏTC, exarnint' and adjust :iü i'l;(inm and demands of all pcTsons against the estáte ol James MbtcueU, lateof daid OOtlbty, deoOHSed, lioreby tfive notice thuf six montht from ante are a!hwod, by order of said l'robate ( Ouri, íor OMÍton to pifscnt their clainif agftinpt the estáte of said deoeased, and that thcy will in x-l at the oüíl'í: of (eorjie E. Southwick, in the vülate of 1 Vxter, in saii oounty, on Satttrday, the twenty-fourih day of August, and Tue&duy, the tenth day Ut'comber next, at ten O'olock a. k. of each of said days, to receive, examine, aud adjufit said " Datod, June lOth, A. D 1871. AJllSÜ" rATKÏÏR. ISAAC M. WlIlTAKER, 1378w4 'omniisAionera. Chanoery Sale, THE CIRCUIT COURT FOK. THE COUXTY OF WABHTJENATV- IK CHANCERY : ELIZAM. HILL 1 Complainant. w. AARON DEAN a-nd OATHERtKE DEAX, Defendants. J Tn pursnunee of a decretal order of the Circuit Court for the county of Washtpmiw in clumof-ry, muda in the alwive causo, Uu-re will be soM, onder the direotion of tbe subscribir, at public nuction, at the south door of the Court Iiouse in the city of Ann Arbor nd counly of Waahtenaw, on Friday, the second dny of August next, at ten o'clock a. m., nll thnt cortain paroelof )jn) tsituaifd in the city of Arm Arbor nnd OOunty of Washtenaw, nn.1 d690TÍbcd n I.ot tuimlur ninc in lUock numier ÜWC DOTth of BTuitm llfeot, iji range No fonr of the nrigiual plát of wiid city. Dftted, Juuelüth, 1872. R. BEAHAN, Circuit Court Commissioner for tho County of Washtenaw. Colman, Root ir Kinne, Boliotton for Cninplainimt. X X HURRY UP ! PAKTIES wlshinj: Wnll Paper, Gïotta and l'aper fihad#s. HolWinfl, Window PlztareSf Coids, Ta#seli. Ac all (Tew StvloH. Bt S;itisficlor PrlCöB b y J . II. Webster V Co., B ok -?tore, near the Express Ofi'icc. - X jy O T ICE! The pubscrlbcrtt hnqoatthoir commanaan grnitrnl rhiii!,'. f rom flvehunrtredtó flvc thiiMQd dllara tu loan on Bnt aiwi flrut eins mortgnge iltnate In tho County of V:ihtinftw,- time. froni thrfe to Bve yi ars. ï'erms libera! Ofllm oppostte tnc t)St Ollice, imifati'. -. Lviu-r Cou Mriiif StM. So. 1 Gregory Kloek, üur abstract Boukb ure posted up to date. Ann irbor. Mny 30, 1872. thaoyw. nooT. KOOT & LETTHR. CHAS. A I.KITEH. 8 litï' PflïSIfilARS'TRBSCRIPTIOllsT I lOOUBAVKIA' ANP '}', C AF.SJFÜLL Y PHEPABED BY R. W.KLL1E & VO.,I)RUOGim8. TEN REASONS WHY 2d.-It will cure" the mos Zh ü!""1w?J?sP e P 8 ' a alKl ' n " B 'on rT 3 d .- It is the best remedv ín i!, ■ n S,ck Headache, a-, thouUdsíS.'S1,' taken whenihe fint syraptoms apwar l6üii4 4th.-h is the best druretic ew'l U the public; curing thosc dislrcssirtr Si? Bth.- It is 4 fnost excellent Ei. BOB", and to the YounK cinr6""1 aged Women, and at the Turn of l '.mzldl' remcdy is of incalculable valué. "lü 6th - It will remove wind frem the lj. and henee a few drops in some swtctmfj" given loababc 8 better than a dozen aS Relieve and make t Sleeo r ■■ mg no anodyne. p "-"" 7th.- It is a sure relief for adultsand Mu ffected with worm 8 ond Pin t? It will bnng nray the wornis. "rmi 8th - It will cure the PI los anrl UM rhodlal difficuhies. "■" Hemoc 9th.- It will cure Con stlnatlom.ji the bowcls regular. It will also cure ■ fcc ,!?'"' ofSummerComplalntandDïi..,.011 IOth.-It will cure Sour StomIVi1 Stlmulate the Llver to heaithy "1' Relieve He art-Bu rn and actasiS Regulator of the sysiem. M1a, When taken dilute the dose wilh Sueji... Water toa Win e-C las f uïf have a pleasant ton ie. ' ; Whittlwcy (Dysyepsia Cure) $,., p,r taa Whitt esey Agüe Cure 5oc. per boitE. whmlesey Cough Granules stc Derlynil. ' Sold by all druggists and warriíítSd WUttleser Prop. Bed. Co., Toi DRY GOODS C. H. IVtlLLEN WILL OS SATüKDAY, JUNE 80, OFFER 800 YARDS OF DRESS GOOD AT 25 CTS P KR YARD- FORMER PR'CE 371-2 AND 50 CTS. I SIIALL ALSO PLACE ON SALE MY ENÏIHE STOCK OF SÜMMKR GOODS, AT GREATLY REDUCED TMOES. I HAVE JU SÍ IÍ OEIV E!) 300 YARDS OF METATItíNJAPANESESl -VUICIII WILL SELL ATM CENTS PER YARD. TiïESE GOODS WERE SOLD FOR 75 CENTS IN THE EAIïLY j ijari uF'jiie m-:asox. C. H. MLLY. MOTHERS! MOÏHERSÜ M07HEFSM! Don't fafl to procure MBS. Wil LOWS SOOTIIIX; SYKIP FOB UII.HUi: TEETHIJK. Thls valaeble prepaiatiun hn In en nwtiu NEVBK-FAILINQ SüCClSS" IN THi Ol' U 18ES. . . It not coly relieves thü chlld from pain. bBtirotj yives tone nml euergy t thu wllolo systcm Itvrl ' aleo instrtntJy re.iov Grlplng in Ihe Bowols nnd Wind t'olir. We bclleve it the BEST nnd Sl'REST KE5ÍEDT IN THB OKI., In nll cases of 1ÏSE.VTlKl NI DIAKRHfflA IX CilILÚKBN', wlielher in in from tcotbilUE r nny other clise. Depend upou it molhera, it wlll glvp resttoyofselvea, and Kcllef and Hoaltli to Yonr ïnfants. Be snre and cali for " In, Wlnslow's Soolliiiig Svrnp." HaflBK the facsímil o "CURTÍS i PRBD8" un the oiittíide wiapper. Sold by Drng-isu throuïhuüt theworlit. iy Íf% RÉAS0NS 'T' UIUY! f ■ ff ni i 1 (g, HOÜSEKEEPEBS ANTI BCtiT LINLI TOl'-.J PROTECTOR IIliTJB . Tliey nrc 55 pr cent. les? in price: .,, l. Tlu-y cn CIoMd many-times more npw ft. Tíuy cíui be ipnwd more retulily. . .ííí 4. The povere ure Hoert lu prerent rnst.anf ""' use i npiriy tim6 5 Theyar Warruntrd tw, 3. Thonsands of families have ucd, and pre' Spocinl Airciils Wanted m Br plK' WRITl FOR CIRCULAR ANI? 'i'ERMSCOHAXS3:v (ÍLAS8 MAJiCJFACT'l6 4!) .-Vort! Tbtrd SI., PliilndelP1' Mannfacturcrs of the celebrated " Vrttgtbm Brandt Win ■■ 01, HM,i:irt'ir4 ____-. ___________ . . - Mortgage Sale. DKl'.vn.T been mude in il'Y'ïïljj. róortg given l,y John P L&$ GeiltoChriatian Moek nnrl Frederick ■ "B(f Januarytenth A. D. 1871;,. .Jii tev's nBiri'. "i W n-hu-iwu ! "!■■!■ So. 4-1 oi moxtaugee, At p Ihe power of wilo thcrein nitained '"' 'l-JjttJ andnoeoitorprooeoding hMrte l"'n ' ■■" luw to-ncoTer the mortgaga '■'■'■ '";'" ')!;, JW nnd Ibe sinn "t thrce hundml and thirW "Jt,]! tnd ■ ïi nty-thrce centa bcing no clainM _ WeJ ia andthMydoUttMnsiinAttorney f'. !; J: anid nualeng, nd fnrthci sums to '■ ' ,!,... i, th..:..i,i„. horel y eiven, tl ut W gS,.,, followa i: I'. luineiii'iWJ of the northcast conwr oí M """ ,„ tbr block eight (8), in Brown & Fulleir ' JZL&( Tillago(nowcity] .'t A:in Ar hor. - to th. recwdLd pint tL-i,M. theii. tliie! V U : n aid dditio ■" Jj' diM(W dinelioD four [4] rod, ttoenoe in a JJÏ I ?, , ngbt anglMtosaid Wnllstreet thir " „ikl three links, tlicnce northoiiitirly in ""' . said WaU tree foui iojIs. tlimwe n. iJ tion thirtern rl Hud thrce links nt rgra tmd Wall tieet to tbe pla oi i"'"" (,0 V iiml reserving onc and oihMihII rou aouth end ol the above describrd land lor rbor, o" nblicvenduc, al theConrt Houo, '"?"„. Sètwenty-Mventh day f July m-xt. ■ nu" I ■.!, A„rilh, .2 M.rA ,,„ Tuou.ui Nixoz, Attoincy.


Old News
Michigan Argus