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Final Failure Of Arbitration

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NEW ÏORK, Juno 11. - Tüc Washington dispatch says the failure of tliü ti'Liily ot' Washington, so t'nr is it 16Uteatothe settlement of the Alabuma olaiias, at last oonaeded by the President Fish callod on tke President on tho receipt of Schenck's dispatoh, witib note of Karl Orannlie as to tho mode uf diaposing of the b usinesa oL the arbitration on tho löth, and tho President said tho only oourse was t meet tlie pretenaiona of tho Uritish G-overnment in their own language. Acconlingly Mr. Sohenuk' was yesterday instructod to abandon the arbitration. Schenck's inHtructions speeify thtit this government declines to become a party to the joint applieation for adjournmenti If moved by Groat Britiiin this govurnment eannot be a party to any understauding whereby üresit Britaln submits her argumenta condiionally, the obligations of the treaty boing recijirocal and unqualifiod. If the British Oovoriuiu-nt lias a desire to withdraw trom arbitrationi they must do so without asking the consent oï thisgovuininent. If Buen a Uotice of withdrawal ns is suggestnd iu Granville's note be giv en, it will )ie the duty of the Atnenoan agent and counHol to rcpel it very decid■illy ín termswhich gelf-respeot willmako necesBary. Sach notioe would inetantly tfin;inats.all furthur nogotiations on the i part of this govornment. Bancroft Davis has been instructed in aocordance with the above. NbW 'í'iihk, Juno 11.- -A Washington special stiys the President, before leaving totvn, told a prominent .Senator, u membi;r of the Committee on Foreign Kelations, thtit no s-ettloment had bcea made with Groat BritaiB in rolation to the question of indirect olaiins coTsred by the snpplemental treaty, but that lie expeoted some definite conclusión would hu arrived at in a very few days, and that in his judgment the Britisb Jlinistry havo no' intüiition of aüowing the troaty of Washington to fail.


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