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DETROIT ADYEBTISIüEMs Jóiinr í'. hi:asii;, MunufacturcT oí TIX. (OPPER AND SHEET I RON WÁKE. Wbolaaale and Retall Dealer in Stoves, Hardware, Glass, P:iiuts, Oils, etc. No. IBS aud 184. comer St. Antoiu" and Konrtli St,, DETBOIT - - M1CH. A]ao Mcant lor the North American Llghtning Rod Manufactory Ga OVE A BAKF.Il'S K1.ASTIC AND LOCKSTTTII SEW1ATG ÍIACHINES. The vety best iu nse, aflórele sil the latcM improrements Sentí ftjf a circular. No. 4 OPERA HOUSE. Kl'.TUItlT. OTOÑE CCTTKRSAND CONTRACTO. EÖBB, WALLACE & LAW, Arr preparadlo firtilsh all kinds oP'CUT STONE ' Water Tables, Silla, Cape, Cop!;iL, Steps, Lnndinge, &c. Country orders promptlv ntlrnderl to. Otflct: and Vnrd cor. Macomb aud Beatibicn Bti , DE'JTItOIT. CARRUGE REPOSITORY AND MiNUS'ACTOBTi eV have constantly on hand, of onrowu tnakc, a aueassorlmuut of OPEN AíVl) TOI BUtiíilK . Whieh w can sell LOW GOR CASH We defy rompetiiion for eond work. Dosiers tmppHcd. u ex aminaliou ol stock solicitad. I.'iNOPRKY & l'Efi R?í, 1347 4042 Lnrucd Street East Detroit b. & w. r. Lifm, V Mannfctnrpr of í.rouiiil t'attrtH, Splces, !Iuttard, etc. and wholenale dealers in TEAS AND GROUERS' WHDRTBS, 120 Jeflerson Avanne. Detroit. PHUIV, CaNKED GOOBS, Etc., ï have Dow in tore a larpe ittock of Foreign and Doraestic Fritits, Canned iïottrl of all írmeos PickU's. eíc , ote, which I nm offering at low prirew to the !rade, ■JOHN ílRKPHON, Wh'olpeaTn Frnlt rfoiíse, '21S .lefferson tve. T i;jll.. MiWLAM) & (O.. Manufncturcrs, Iraporters. and wholcsala dealers iu Hats, Caps and Straw Ooods, 146 and 143 JenVroo avcuue. Detroit, Mich. AIso Khlijper of umlresíed Fur. t v. itAi.mvix & co., JlaniifnüiriT nnd #Dnleale cfcsTír In All Hand Made Custoin Boots and Shoos, 13 Wuuihmnl Avenue, ÜKTHutT, MI H JOMKi PAIXOSi SOI, Mannfactnrc r.r.d Dealers In Carrtages, Buggfea, Sleighs, Etc, TUo flnest assortment in Michigan. Eatabllrliod la 1841. Factory. corner Woodbrldge and Brush Street. Ripoxit rj-,2ti.T('ff(?rsor avenue. I)-trolt. lARRIAGES, I alway keep on hacd a very nlce aosortment of Open and Toji Carriage, l.iijii i wlll neliNit lbTfljiie. Bnyon wlll do well to culi mit1 HXikmloV-tbck nirl prlces hpiorc pnrcliai ing. lealcTtf eau bu'y of mt to l'oo1 nrlvaclasa. JO8EPH KI.NOEL, "5 Oratiot Street. corner Fnrrnr. Detroit V.ich bOOKS ! 3. M AHNOf.D .'JO" snppiy l'nhlic T.Ibrnrii-f, S-iboath Si:ho;ls and 'iook liaytr penerally, al low ratte. Oilr stock Í choice nnd lri.'o 1S9 Woodwurd Avenue, 'etfolt. tLCift nnn ohio stonkwark JUU,UUU at Wholesale. Aleu un entirel.T uiv tiick of Wliiic f;ritiiltc and C. C. tnodi, Plaia ao ' "'icorative. Ohlnn Dtnnor an! Tea Set?, (. Sl Gl 's t ilvcr Plted (3oodi . T.amps Cutlery, Japim Ware. etc . at No. I'J Michigan uveniie opiolto Dew Citv ITall. DAVID MoCOKMIl K v,j IC1IKÍAN .TIACIIIKEltV ÖliPOT. G. S. Wormer & Son. Dulen in :ü'. kinds of Wooil and Irou '.1 orkimr Tmliiinrj , 19, 11 and Ifi3 Ji-ffers m Avenne, DETROIT. MICH. )oiiïai,i: );."tii.Mt:s For Mechanica] and Farm usea. D K. KlCii. lanufactu-er, 101 Atw:iti;r 'ireet, Detroit. TOIIX II, AVENDELL & CO,, J Cominission Merchants In Flour and Ghrain. Offlco nud Warehouse, . Nos. !), 52, '4 nnd 5i Woodbrldge etreet, weet, DETKpiT, llkll. toni: avahe, i Ha Hard & Starrat Maonlactaren ad wbolwale 4elcr in Stout' and li t k.nhiini Wnre. Fire v;lay . Kire lirick auil Druis Tik-, (üji! Kruit Jars and r-'hifkt. Miiuiifiictiirera' Asieuls for tbe Ohio Stonc Socket Sewer and Water Pipe. OIHcc nud warcb'ni'! Nt 60 Wnodbrldge ?tr. et, oppuhlte Boar'. of 1 rach;, Detroit. Mlch A. TYKEIX & C 3WAIN, Who'esule and retall dealer.s Ii all kinrís o Farm [mplemenlJi, Muchinea Stnlr Ageiit for lui Phtladcluliia LAWN INI IWKR8, wnrrantrd lo bu the bont lu tin market. P'.'Xi; irooi $15 toáS-TS. Liberal discount to dbálera tW St-ud íor circular. No. ül Je'feraon av-nne Ueiroit. I , VII .. Detroit Stcain Fanry I}iiis Establishment, 42 Congress street east, between Batea and lian do'pb etreeta. Fancy lv invr on slik. Woolen aHt Mixid Qooda Of everv (l'ncri])tiili dolle in the be poMible mauner. Evcry kiuti ol Bbawla, ilkI etc cleaitcd ui.d re preïsed. Kid (loroa cleaued uut dyed. AliUIIIU.tLU GHAN'l'. t i SCHri.KNBl'RG, Bitliard Tublc ' '- uvan li f ucl urer, wlih neïiuiey'ii Patent Steel Wirc Ou-hlons, unlver -ni y Ackmiwtodgfld to be the best iu use, 'JS, 10J an( IOS "líaudolph street, Detroit, MichVolG-HT'S PAMOT'8 MlLWAÜKEE LAGER BEFE ltho beet brewed in the S:nie Addne E W viiic.HT. Mihvuukee Uruwery, Detroit, Mich Terms oash. PKO. S. FrfÓST & CO_ VT Detroit, ITIicIi Agente nnd dealers ia Pine iiiul I urmiii": l.nicds, in Michigan, and in nearly all the other States rmctt of ' nu Lánd bougot ur Bold od Oommitt tion t he best of lanJs in the Southern States at low rata. Chas. Noble. Geo. S. Frost. Cha. W; Noblo VLEIS. Frcsb and Iteliablc Garden, Huiver, anti Farm Secds, Wholesale aud Kctall. I) M FERRY CO , Seedumen, '-'08 Woodrard avenne. P. S. Otirillatratedandduscriiitive priced Seed Catalogue of MU paes free to all applicants. JEED8I SKEÜS! Prestí and KfHalle Garden. Field anti Klower Secds, wholosale aml rctnil, at tlïe lowes', rat'' Aleo Kruit ani Ornainemal Tr'-i. Ontpe Vine?, Shrubs Rosos aud Plant í ot all kinds. Seud tor a catalogue. . ADAIR & CO , Detroit. JOHN EZ. DOTJGHKHTY, Manufactiirer of 'lirror and Picture Frames, hroiuoi, i;tiirrii ius and l'iiutus, Di-ilcraand Asientn sappllad. 2-7 Jefferein ave mie )'troit. MJch IV aanwin p ates at lowcst market rates, .Si-:i(i catalogue. .a" F. A. CADWEIJ,, M. . Oct S uliNt and Auriul, perm inently OTuMIftJ '"'■■'" '■ Detroit ior I'wcnty-Five tófföBISf yeare. Speclully treatiut! dletcaeen HV h -r-K. ,NI) KAlt, and Catarrlml afi'i;ctï"us of the HKA1.. A.NI TIIROAT, OAqe and residence, No. 52 LaTayctte avenue. Oftiee hoTWB froiQ a. m. to 5 p m . Referencia by Pt-rmlseion - Nuthanipï W Brool ilon. [ra Maybew, Oao, Vu Dtiss, E Wm. ' Mor ton, Bankeri H. F. Morton, Emj , Wm I Fowler, Ksq. 137(im3 AONEY WANTED. Fiveoruix thousund dollaiRi ye more, on i mortgage of unineunibereil renL osHtö 'wotth thrce tinteè tbe araount. Enquire oï' 136 E, V. MOUGAN. POR 8AJJET A IIoupc and Xjot ra tho wct side of Mnynnrd Btreet, beureen WilUutt and Jcffersou. Una a good Ban. ud CintevnR. Trnu asy. Ann ArNir. May tl, 1872. 137tf J. J. TAESHALL. i I AM NOW UECKIVIKO A LARGE AND SELECT ASSÜHTMKNT OF COATING3, VESTINGS and THOWSSBI2ÍGS AND EVERÏTHINU IN MY LINE FOR Tl SPRING TRÁDE ! Cali a d Examine Oup work in the Field Speaks for lselt'. Also a Line of Gents' Furnishing.Goods, at 24 South Main Street. JAMES BOYD. ;,.-,S,v z a H 9 H 2 . S . g ! L Si1? b 'S S H o I" f J .2 1 S . i!1 ál p ■ 'fl s e ni"! 'jí H H " t n i CQ g . S í s 5, Pili 15 DONT FORGET Thnt thc Fairent. Squarvut, and heít piuco in ■ Ar.n Arhor to taf Pan Dram nl Meaiciucs, Wincs nnd Üquora, for Mudlciunl l'ur(O8ce, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISKES, BRUS4ES, &C, IS AT R. W. ELL18 & CO'.S romer Opponite tho Snvin;i Bank. CA.LL ft-lSTID EXAMINE Onr Vnritmnout '"oIts. for 03'lldc or Inilrlc palot de. r ni PnT hit.. Lrad Zinc, and [,in. -,-■! Olí. Uhonpcr and bftttar thnn ni. y otncr Pnint mitle o ly the gtlllon, k.-i: or harral, ]o P'ir.; Whltn I.-':'id. Zlue, fte., at BDttobctvr; Price6 REMEMBEKXA'iE AND PLCB. K. W. BIIn A CO. Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO'f for choice Wines and Liqucti for Medical Purposes . g B. GIDLEY, Saccoseor to COLGItOVE A SON. v v! DRLGGIST ANÍ) CIÏIiMIST IN COOK'S SEW HOTEI,, No. 12 E. HURON SIREET, DK.VLEH IN DRltiS, IHEDICMES, BHtCWaL HSTRlflEVTS, PIRE WUIES IÏD MQEOaS, CFOR MKDICAL PURPOSES ONLT.) Fátícy Goods, Perfumery, PA1.TS, OILS, VAU.MSIIKS, GLASWAND PUTÏ, mmxkm prescriptíons Carefally compoundod ftt all hours. I PBOPO'E KOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURWISH AS G00D AN ARÏICLE. ia. b. giiï.i:v. 137tf J. Wn.KïK, PnprUtor. K. H McDonalo ('o.. Drog iu A Gen Ajtfinw, Sun FmticivQ, Cal., nl 34 Conmi,rc Hrwt, N, Y. Ml IJ ONS Bear TcHtimoiiy to Hielt WoimIim-I'iiI Curativo Ell'ecls. Thcy are nut u vilo Fancy Drink, Made of Foor Rum Wil I kert IVoof Spirits ñutí Itrfuse Ijiljliors doctored, ppiccd nnd swectcnud to piense t.lio tuU',culted "TonicV "AppOtliOTOt11 "ltestorers,":c., thatleail ttietipplcrontodrunkemiesMiiui ruin, but ars atruc Medichiu.iniHlc f rom the Nittive IiíM)ts and Herlm of Ohltfornlft. freo l'roin nil Alcohulic StiuiuInntn. TlieyurethoiUEAT III, OOI) iUlMÍIBBnnd A LIFE ÜIVINÖ IMtlNCl IM.E, ii perfect Kenoviitor um nvlfforntor of the Systeni, carryingofT uil puisonous matter and restorni tliebtood to a hciiltljy condttlon. No jursun eau takc these Bitters uccordiiiR to directions umi reninin Jour imwell, provtded their bonen aro not destroyed by mineral poisonor otlier mean s, and the viuil orcivnd wasted bcyond tho pointof repair. Tlicy ure u (ïeiitle PurtratlTe as uell ma Touif. poBROttflifí, also, tbc jHïculiar me rit of nctinc as a povvciful ïijiciit in rclievinu Cunesttun or Inflummatton of tho Li ver, and all the Visceral Üií::;hs. FOK FLMALK COMPlAtNT, inyomiffor olit, mnrriO! orsinRlc, at tlied;'.vn of wuinanhood orat the turn of Ufe, Uicko Toiiic Bitters have no Vov InflauiiiinLory nul Chronic RheiiinntlMiii and (ioiit, l)ysioiMÍa or I iiiiigt'Mtïmi, ]ti I ioiiN IÍ cm il tent and I nlcrini I lent Fe ver, Dlaeacea of tho Hluod, I-lver, lviJneyr niul ISInthler, these ltitiers have been most DOOBMfnL Siicli IJ i.HCii rf ;i!'i' r.: ■ y t ui imI Itlooil whtch isfít-neniUy producid by durancmctit o( the )iffiivc Oren n n. I)Vsrr.P.;iA Olt INDKJESTION, Deadi'.rtj-, l'iLÏn Ín the ShouMci'., ('ouiis. TfffbtDMfl of the Cliest. DizzinojiR, Sour fiftlÁatloui of the Stomacb, liad Tjwte la tho Mouth, Illllous Att.icks, ratpuatiun oí tliu lleart, iiiflaiimiatiou of lï:o Lungs, Pain in the reptons of the Kiditcy. and a humJrt.'d otbcrpaiuful sympicms, art? ihe oflspriuss f Dy8p ,MaTbey tbê ytoiaacb andtstimulatetbótorid Li7cr aud 0owl1s. vlilch reuner them of uneaualled cOdcy in clransinff tlie blood of all impuritma. aud ídipartins now lifeaud vigor to tlic wholesytftem. POIt MKIl)ÏSEASES,fininiiona,ïetter. alt ltboum, UlcilciiL'S, Spots, Pimplos, Tustuiwa. lioils. Carfauncies, Rint-Worma, Seal.! llead. 8ow Breg, Un-sipelas, Ilch.Sciiit's, Discrolornüons of Uk Skin, Humor umi Piseaxca i iIjl Ökin, oí' whfvvr nau or uuture. aro litt-iallv ffflfe up ftii'l c;irrit'l out oftiic systeni in a nhort time bftíie ue oi these Uittera. Uoe bottlc in uucli Ciisos will couviut-ü tho uiosl incredulou of their cura tire ofTccts. CleanBc the Tiiiatcd Blood vhenevor you fint! its !mpnritics burstins throuiri ;!ig tkin in Pimples, EruptioDS or Sores; cleanso It wIkmi you fiud it obstructed aodsluïisli hi tho rolos í eieanso itwheu it ia foul. and your feeüns vri'] teil you when. Keep the llood pure, and the hcaUh of tbe Brstcm will follow. Tin Tap-, and oihcr Worins, lurking: in the Bysicm of so many thoosaDds, are ciïüCtuaMy destroyod and removed. Saya a dtatïovalshed pbraiolcwJat, there is fcarcoly an individual upon tlie face of tbe eartb nliow body te cxmpt froin the prsence of worm. It á not pon tho hpalrliy clcmeiits of tho body that vorm exist. but ïtpon tho divraMd franion and sliniy deposita that breea tbese II monsters of . No Sysf-ni of Medici m, no vermiftiifei, no antbflmintica will f reu tho systum froui wornu Uke these Bitters. J. WALKEK. Proprietor. R. H. McDONALD CO., DrugtBts and (ren. Atrcnts. San Francisco. California, and 32 and 3 Commercc Street, New York, BarSÜLÜ BY ALL DKUtiQISTS AND DEALKR& NEW SPRING GOODS FINLCT ! LSWIS. Are now recelvillfi the most complete and 1SMT STOCK OF Fl! GOODS IN THE LINE OP BOOTS and SHOES EVER BKOUOIIT TO TUIS CITV. hvïix; the i:(!,isïvj: sale of te wokr of all the first-f iass masITACTIRERS l TUE COl.TiTRY, WE CA OFFER TO CASH CDST0AEB8 GRF.ATEll INDUCKMENTS THAN ANY OTüKIi [10 USE IN TUIS CITY. Wcrnrry rompíate Unes otwork from E. C. BPRT, OKAY KROTIilOKS, STI'IIU K 1,1, !L. In CHILnUKX'S FINK SHOES, of whlch we have by f;ir the Inroest and ilnost nsj-ortnu-nt DWr broajihi to A:.i rhor. ,tnti, yi, llnrt?s Gentv KINK lIANDMADi: Boott and sh'.cs. aiiequtleo orSiv !t-, Durtitjilily nntl finish. .Inbll W Burt' Boys Fine Shoes, and in Tact a Complete Stock of VINK umi PLAIN Uoode, eiiitr.bli-for thi n.i.rket. 1)ARTIKS wi-hiiiL' wn Píper.PhtA É llollAndtf, w iniiinv Plxtaree. Co"dn, Tliiuwia, &c . 11 N"w 8tvle t Sitlfctorj Pikes. lij J. R. Wcbstrr d: Co., liuok St 'Ct.DMI tho Elie88 Ofllcc. X _ X II PHYSiCIARV FfIËSGRIPTIORS I VCCCRA". El. Y AND CA.REFULLY PRBPAPED BT K. W.BLL1E & CÜ.,VIWUGIS18. jyWL WÁCNER IS NOW READY FOK THE SPRI' G TRABE Haring líeciiivecl u.Lnryc Stock ( MM AND Mil O-OODS, INCLUDING CLOTHS, OA8SIMERE8, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and QUALITIES, WI1ICU HE ÏV1LI Mik XJFÜCTTXRE on terms to suit. Alsó a full line of REAÜY-MADE 0LOTHÏNG AND Gents' FURNISHIH G Goods. BEST ST-ÜTXjjèj ALSO ÍADIR6' AND QENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21 South Main Street,- EastSidc CALL AND SEE THEM. WILUAn WAGIfEB. Ann Arbor, April lPt, L8T3 . Drain ComiuÍ88Íonere Notioe. la beieby giren tl.ut (he Drain ommissioner of WahtnawCoonty wiUbi atthi bonseol Uhaun ey Howell, in the Townabip oí Doxter. ineuid oounty, oxi the ílMh' fifreenth day ol June I&7Í, nt twti o'dñok ín t!ic afternoon, to m ■ purtíea to coutfnct Cor t'.t t-xeiivutiotl a:;d tOontlUCtÍOIl Of i üiain. lo be klifjwn ís Ben Allen Dntfi.coinnienoinfriiear theaouthwesi eonu r üi socUou lt in suid uwn and running thenct: soifth 'o neur ihu half míle p b, thonc fagan outlel ln whal U knownaa Dextci Draia .No. l,beLween landsuwnal by James Fitzgerald and Wra. E. Etevenson I wilt ftlso be al tbe house of Chauncey Howell on the (lltl.) eleventh dity of Juta, at tv tli; iitVi-iioun. n1 wjií(l) ti: . mapa ol thn above propospd dniin and desoriptiom o! the severa] pnrceLsof uinddeemed me bencflied . . ■ni.', ;ini'iu!it and duscrlption by división and nul) Uviaiun of the ibove proponed dvuin by me apportioned to theownerof each deitcripiitfa of land rnct, andtothetownshtp of Dextertoeonatrucí on accotint of such draln benefit?flg 1 1 ■ Itiu ■ wny. nnt u li -;ir Fftaaont, tí un y oro offerea, v Uy stñb apporLioiiiQtüit should be n vi d and corre Anu Arbor, Muy 27th. 1872. DAVID M. FIXLEY, Drain Commimiunex of Washtenaw Consty I376w3. Drain Coinmissiouer's Notice. Notkv Ib hwteby iriven tbat tbe Drain ConunissionínOf Wi-,)t((;niv Couitty TTÍU bé ut tlic h( Crippin, in feue tovnabip oí Superior, on Mond of Juno, 1872tattwo o'olock in the ahernooii, to meel porties táO ;niil constniotlon of árafa knowD ts Rnpeiior No. i, couuneneing ou tíie sonth partof thoeaat halfol the southeast quitrín of Becüon twenty-one in lo two fiouih, seven east, and rnnnlug souUiAnd ..■■". thenoe enst necir the sec. ion line Iai veen seotioiifl _i nnd 28 and 2 aml 27, tht-iu-o southeaaterïy acro-s j oí X. AV. '.! of sectioD i . terly and aontherly, and.üutlniP' an outlel on Iands owned by Lovridge 1 will also be íit the houm of Roger Crippin on Thursday, the 2ütli day of June aforeeaid, nt whtoh d place 1 will exhibit mps of the above prodrnln and the descriptiona of fhe evral pareéis ol lund deemed by n mid 1 ln1 tunount an ( desci iption, by ói ditiston, of Ün . osed drnln by me lionedio tb.í ovnex Ol ench desoriptiou of lar.) to construct, and the towusliip ol Bupeiioi tn ?onfitziict, on noünint of such draín benefll 'ma t.r Lighwny, ;:. i ■ o henr n fi-Mii-,, lf any are offeied,Thy socb apportioninent ihould be íf-vnwed and oorxeóted Ana Arbor, June 4th, 1Ö72. DAVID H. PINLET. Drain CoauoiBatoaer of WaahtcnaTr County. Mortgagc Sale. 3r.n;r tuiving been tonde ni tí.econdiiions of eertain indeatun ■ xecuted by Wú■ . batry anti Ann Barry. bw mie, to Bñdford lor, oLM coca, Trumbull ('ouiktj! iiithe8tute oJ ■ :f:i i, 1 1 dat i the twcnty-t-i:. .iJi day of Aprü, eightem hundred and aeTewty-o . dea in -t thi d unty of Wabhtenaw, Sutc oi Michigau, in liber f irty-threeof iiiurt4ri(jt on pafre tour liundiedand c.ghty-six, ou the l wenl igntü doy of Apiilt eiyliteeu -OUl : by which lifianit the pOW' I taine I ín id i i . una nu ■r., (■!■:■;.■ ir.Vli;. I ted to teoover tlie amouni dueon futid moi or tiio tíou me; and theie being ii;l laortgatí ttiti bund inyins the sume, the eum ot four thousuud t'ii.r liñndüred und ono doilurs und eixty-ix centa, and ttbto Un !■; . 'i.i-r snni oí titty dotlitra aa an attotuey fee ou tii-' loi'culOsUR ui suid mortgugei hould any ] iyi i .i :!_■ . be tulícu to (oréelo Un same; Píttííct' ís titiviui-1 h ■■ ■ :■ piven tbat mid mottgngevil I . ■ . Dineteentli daj o] iL cén o'clock inthe morning of thut day, ni th fiont il' j oí xm Arbor la sttid Counti of Wtwbtenafl I Eiouse being the place of holding thnCircuit ' ■ ox Washtenaw), byu snle ut uuction to tlit bidder, ftr tush,üi tho premis Ueseiibed in said moi tgage, or bo mucb sary tö wvtiBíy tho amount duo ou - ■ ■ ■, wilh ■ xpenaee mil tlit? i .., mi Attorney fce oí fifty dollura provided íoriasaid mortage; whii i premUos are deacribed in said i i i.. -. ■■ Being th-' iiorth"wettiunrtcroi r tion twtnty. Lowushipone eouth of rm in [íieStatoof ■ ichi thnt part lyiug norih of the territorial rora which mteraecá i' . lao aU Lhai parí ofthí eas1 hulfof th ranthvesi qu Be tion twenty-two lyini? soutrh of aid terriioiiu] roud. Alauaright of way foui rodft-wiUefxomaajd roa . ton Hpring oí brdolt . llttle novth of said road, and tbc . ivatci s reaei vedi I to John I ni Detroit. Alao ; puit of the aast hall oí thi oorthton twenty-cjght, saine townhijí an i range, deacril ed oa foD northeasl abmer tlrarsof, thenee wesi on ihe section line :-j the east bank ol a dit.Oi about twenty rodsdtetant, thenoe soutbprly along the east b ;i]. of said ditoh ro the eust lino oí tuiid si otíon, thenes north to the plfloe of bo&íniung, contatbihfc alwot íí ■%■ ■ aerea, as ía suppo d. A lap iliirty-iivo acras oí uind, pazl oi Baid lat mentíonod quartor w ction, boimded southby tíW'floathlinetiicreoY, eaal bytheeaat line thereof irom the t mtheast córner of aaid quarterseo tion. north to thp north laik o{ a.diteh rwnuing near■.■ nortb by a lineruunlns mg the north bank of said ditcli, and oontinued in th ti dirwtion so far thai a Vina runnin&;aoutherly therefrom parallel to the east Une of t lid seotiou lo the soutfa Une of said quartersoction will. with thc linos heretofoie mentioned, iuolude thirty-öve aoves. I a. An Arbor, May ] 1, WTÍ. BRADFOKD CARTEIl, Tkacy W. UnoT, Mortffágeo. Att'yfor SforiffAgee. IW4. Mort gage Sale WQEREA8, default bos beeft made in the oönditionsofaui '■■■ ige made and iíxecutd,by Uarii. i Kellogg, of Tpklami, to Theod A. Carter, uow of AubUm, New fork, beèring dnM ttti teenthdHyof April, dghteen hundrod nnd eixtyciïht, nml rcuordfd n tlie orticc of the Kegiater of Deeda of the ( ountv of Wartitenaw, Michigun, ;n the h daj ol April, eighteen hnndxed and alxty .. libijr forty of morttfugeti, t pageone hundxc i and i ixty-three, by which defaali thq power of sale contained in saidmortfoge ba beconM operativo, and nosuit or proeeeding ut luw baving been luaütuted fot the rooovery of ifie debt seoured by uad mortpi?o or auy part thereof. aml tnere being now claimed to be due on w;iii uiortgaite the sum of onc thoueand ilvc hondred aud Bovenly dollars and oightv-thr oenta tor priodpa] and Intereat, beaidefl twenty doltan sa on attorney tv. aa provided in said qnortgage : N atice is therefore hereby privón that by virtue of the power of aale contained in aaid mortgage, aaid gag ) will be foi'ccloted by a sal of tlu: lande and premfoea deoenbed tn Baw mortga, orsome pnrt thereof , atpubUo auoüon to tbe mgheat biddi Mond y , the nineteenth tïay of Anguet next, ar U n o'clock id tha forenoon, at the aouth door of tho Court Hou ín the City of nn Arbor, tn baidcount: Court Honae beiñgthe place of holdifigthe Circuit Court loi the ' fcunty of washtenaw), in purw ■ ate maneh oase made and provided; :i mortKftjrrd premiaes ao to besóla boiug described in lowa : Bitnate in the County of Wnshteniiw atwl Btateof Michigan, via. : The north ttiirty aerea of the west hal of the southeast i;u:irtcr of township tbreel&onth of range numbersix ■ Üie sonthwesl quartei i Dortheant quart' i of aaid ööotiou rm, town ihrccfoufh of range si-; eaat, ooumy and State aforeaaidL i ated, Ann Arbor, May 11. 1872. THEODOEEA. CAETER, TiïacyW. Root, Muicgagee. Att'y (bï Mm-tirapree. Mort gage Forcclosuro Notice. DEFAULT havingbeen made in hv. conditioaof a ra.ue .uw exeeuted by John daeatel to Clark dotton bearin ■ thdtij f ■■i.i, .. {. eijrhteeu hundred tuid rixty-eight, and recordod ro i tei oi ! i ■■ ' : oJ W a Countj , W i hignn, in liber tliirtj'-oight of moi . four hundred nnd twenty-six. on the eiffhlny of June, 'A D b hundred Riulslity: :■'.- vi n and a half OÍelodt -t. ( , aiM Chepowei oontained m saM morisage having i ojperutive by reaaon cf such default, aud bum of tnree hnndred and eighty-ona dollars and ten oenti i'i ing claimed to be duo on aaid mortgage al the date aotice for prineiva] and intereal . aonuble Attorney fee for the foreelwure of said mortoitoi prooeedinfra at lwt havinq boon instituted tp recover i hedebi seoured byanid mortgago or nny pnrt thereof; tiotioe is therefore hereoy nven, tnat said mortpajn will be forecloeed by n sale o4 .'■.■ mortfracred landaand premiaos thoreñ ieacribcd an 1 hereinflfter mentioncd nd Bel Fdrth, ot ome pari thereof, on Bainrday, the Bftconth June next, ftt eleven o'oloclc m tho forenoon, t th .i,-,v loor of the Couri ffouse, in the oity 't1 Ann Arbor, tW1 benia thepbieeol holding the 1 ircuil Oouri foï Wie orfunty of Wnahtenaw, Theaald mort;ii:i.ii ■■■■■ ibeold,by rirtueof the power of sale ni said mortfraire, are deacribed ib hh'u mortpaKe aafollowa: "Allthal trad ur pareal of land wtuate m the townahip of Bridsrewater. in the oounty "t Washtenftw and State of Michigan, loundcl and dencribed as beiuff mu-tli-vist qnarter of the northweat quartei of aeotion numwtf kbirty-aw '1:' In tuwnvi.ii' n'...niii foor [4] south of mnpfc numbcr tuur t aast, containing fort) accea of land bc thc tumi more or lesa. Dated, Anu Arbor. Match Hth. 1872. CL A lï K BUTTO ■; , Mortgageo. UinxM.r. tiikKKS, Attovacy for Moitgngve. 13" -'■' ■:'1rhaving i-, u i i .■■ nf u ' mort Eliranj tshi p] , to tbü uaileniisiiied. altdate the third il.iy f Jánuary, ■ y, and i col ; ■ ■ naw County, i,, thi .,; libe ,■ 3,,. ttliday of Juuuary. A. 1). 1870, iiy whicb dtefaalt Ou power of sale cmitained ni said inortgugo has beeuiuc O] duo ou .-;.id moi e. il, is notj . M:y-M cvnljs, tui jal and . ■ i ntal . ■ ■ . ae''t lereof Noti ■! in uiid ntortgage, and of e in :.■;..■ Kid proviücd, uaidmott■ ■ . . ..... d bjr ■ , to Uit; highcat bidder, on Julynext.attenoJ the doek in the forenoon ol that dny, ut ;].■ jonfli ■oor ol tnHouse, ii, the citj ...- Ai, i, . ; county '" "" p neo ut .. UicsoidcounlTi ■ i in sid :i.' wit : ' Tbe ikaUi half ol the ■ 'i twenty-one, [2; ia I .. u foni (1) south oí . .,'-(. i,, theoo Washtenaw aud Suite of Mioliigan, oontainiu (■f land more n lew." lutcd, Aun Ai!, l '■ril S, 17. AXJ UEUH FELOH, Moilu-ape. (.. B. (.kast. Attorney fo lsct Real Estáte ti OTATE OF MICHIGAN, rantyoi WVwhtenaw L 1' thenli i ,.-,t.M;i Jeion ';'"-" ' reby given, that in purauanceul ratrixot i oí l'ro. i . xtli di v y, A. D. 1872, therowiil I du, totnehii , at the dwellintt house uu tha preminea, in tbc town of Vork, in cneceuntyof at .. .. Wednesduy.tbe tireutyune, A. D. W72, ,, m Uie t Coreuoonol that da) Isubject to all encumtarancc by I mongo twine exbtiuK n t).. Ume oí ü dentó ui said decsiwed] the folWing dcscrïberi real estáte towii: A patrol ol luud ld tbe m quarterol section entten, in ton uutfa of rangnsis ena : Qvecbaina ■i oí' liini northwest quarter, thenco outh forty degroea i uat thrce gbnioa and thirty links thence Bputh flfty dogioea west niae ■■: lina and aixty-one luucs to the an:i i ut Uwn ■ . n-.tth twt-u! '": tw tbe liijihwiiy to tluj half niiarter ' line.thenoe uant eigbt oliaiua and tveiity-Jx links to tlic place of begimiiiie, coatai , 31-100 uerts; siso I [ Mie nortu . ■ tbirte, iii :K-i:.-.liip foor aoath of ranite six cat (oxespting tb at iwunty leavinu sixiy acres, i .... .h.-.i : andalsotbo undivided half of tbe northeaatquartei of ■■ norUmeat qnaxter of aeciion twen ty, in townsbip tour somli of rrtnoo ottf, oontainlns foi r aorea more or lc&i. Datcd, May6th, 4.TD. 1872. ( LOlUUTHAMGOOpiNG, W73 A !ijiitu.-iir;itrix. !. Real Estáte for Bule. i OTATE OF MICHIGAN, eonnt; ol i a. .. i ■ : ■ '■ : Notiu is hereuy given, tfaat In punuunce t oí un oí iimUi .í;,t.-., Adiniuistroi toro: I [i rtliecoumy oí UTaslib ■.. . k. D. 1872, 1.. TO WÍIl b il the dweïjing i. ..... i. ir, -., r. inittirr deaciibed, m Míe co'untyof Wa-liti-imiv. in aid - iday, the . %. D. 1872, at k.i! a'clock in ■' tonll enoini raii Naiin ni I ■.-it: The wost hall' of the southwem qunri teiofaectiont One onth ol . raDgií six ciij-t, contuiuiijg iebty aoraa muit or leal I in tiiiil State. d, Maroli ilth.A. I). 173. IVILLIAM iüüke. Admlniatmto. 1 '" ■ Thnnday, . hetbday uf May next, ut the same place and ti uio of day. Datod, April ina WU.I.JAM DUÜKi;. Atlministrator. llieabove sale ia lurtiur piistiioncrt lo Satqtdny, . the flftenth, day of June iioxt.n: the same pUce aud tnn. .f day.- Dated, My SOth, 1873 MJfltd U'íli.Ia.M' BUKKE, Adminiatrator. ■ :ío of Euby A. Hoskins. ' OTATE OF MICHIliAN üounty ofWsbteiMW.r. ' Ni.iv.. i: heiel y ir.v.ii, thai lv anordi rofUie riobate. Coort tor the i tenaw, raadoon tlie ■ Daontba bom ' thut aai: were dllowed for credi I i! ttuby A. Iloskins, Iateofaald county, id that alien said deceamd nre reqotrod tu prearat tl'cir daime toeaid Probato Oonrt, al tlie Pfobiite OfBce, in t!.. ' City of - tion and d'.i'w eightcentn dny oí,and tliur ;.;!.!) c": - i t i ■ - -,-. Pi-obate ■ Oourt.011 Sjiíur.liiy, tlie twenty-seventh day of Jnly, ■ and on Mondar tbi y of Novembornext, o'clwk in ti. i'órciKion of eaph of thosc dujs. Datod, Aun Arbor, May )7th, A. I). 1S72. HUiAM ,. BEAT 1376wl JudgooíPrc Comintssionnrs' Nitice, CTA I n yof Washtenaw.aa. 0 Tlio undereifp 1. pointed bythe id eounty, . ■ to nceive, examine nüdiiiljust all olaime and demanda ol íOnw ugumst the estato of David I oonty deonwed, fteroby prive notioe thnt atlafkom date m allowed. bj ord r ofsaid 1 reditore to pre nt thi ir claim ■ '■'■■ el ■. oí - -i . cnsod, 1 thal . meet nt tbe i b !, in the city of Aun Arbor. iri unid ooaiity, on pBturday, the twenlyV'-1X '-'"'■ eadny.thetwCDtleth -x , :it ten o'e] oxiimJDe. and adjust wud 18T2. EY II. MILLEN, PETEE IL ABEE, 'Wit . CommisaíonetÉ. ( lomuiissioaerg' Ni . s;l'AI UÜAN, county of Washtcnnw, aa. un iBruijrae I, n api ouited !y the Pi iba o ■ id e lunty, C ■mmissionera to re of all peí ■ e oí Potrick & ai I y. late ofsaid connly, deoeased, hereby ge i iticethal ti !j from tha Hl I ':: ' . íl ■■, twenty-s ■ al [eth day . to reoeive, examine, tmi] adjusi w;iid oluims. DaU-il Jlay íütll, ■. 1'. WILL1AJI FITZGEftALl), UICH A !■ ; 1S7."nvl t'ommi.-isianers. Esfaf'' of Síary Ami Thyer. T.VTK ni MICHIGAN, Cnuntyot Washtenaw,R. Notioe is hereby girón, tba by an order ofthe PfobnteCourl for I '.-.r Couuty of H the twenty-firsl dny of i;;v. a. i'. 1872, .-ii Tüuntl.í from that date wure allowed ! prosent theú il the etate ofMaryAnn . late of a lid ooi ■ :. aud that nll creditors of süi.l di chuma te i'iiut, at the Probate Office, in the Cityoí Ann Arbpr. C aOowance, on orbef li-.-r íuxt, and that flufth olaims v.iií ).; heard beforc . on Baturday, tho twenty c'ay ..f July, and on Thurgday, tbi Uveutj-fiíst day oi Novomber next, nt lo o'cíóck fn t!ic forenoon of each of thoae daj i. Dated, Ann Albor, May 21sf, A. V. ls:í Q ! RAM J. REAKES, 1375wl Juoj ■.. Pnit Kstai of Jacob 'Cook. CÍTATE ÓF MICHIGAN, County ofWaíhtonaw,. k' Al a seMion of the Probate Couii; for th County of Waahtonnw, hokten ut the ProbHte i Ifflce in the City of Ann Arbor; On Tuesday, tl.c ronrUidity ol .:i ili yéar une thousaud eiUt íiundred nd sevcnty-twfe Preacni, íliram J. Benkes, Jodgeof Probate. lie matter ot the estste of Jat.ub Cool;, deocii 'i. i in: and flliug tbe p'.tition, Anly Verified, of John Ueorge Meyer, praying tliat a oertain instiui:í. u: now on ín i!ii; court, purpurting to be tíui last wfll and testament of :ml deeeased, inay be adbato, aud Ihat he muy be apoiiited cxW ii'.ir of Thereirpuo i! is ordered, that Jïondnv, the fiw day ol .;;uy i.tx;, :-.i un ooloek iii the íorcíioüii, be asaürned for the l.caiüg of Síud petiti n, and that the li . tnd heire nt law of sail deoeased, and all otber peivona íutera h.l:.; . ■■ ■ ( liicd to appeax al a sei oíd Court, then to be hulden at the Probate Offloe, in tlio CitT of Air.l .Vil) .r, al:;! -3:'..w Cause', il' any therebe, why ol the peritioner slioulfl not [ 'e M-anteJ: And ii is turther oixlercd, that siKl petitioner pive nöriee t the persons nterestéd in s-ii.l stMe, of the pandeacy it' asid ní-eount. nnd tlie hl fchercoi'. copy of thia ordur to be publishtd r prlnted and clrculatm in said fouiuy, ÈhreC & ICOOnire WcHvS ireviouB to sititl day of hearing. [A trueoopy.) niRAM J. BEA i 1377 Judgeof Probate. Estato of John ilillson. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, countj of Washtenaw, es. At a session ot' tbr Probate Conrt for the count) .i Vashtenaw, holden nt the Probate oliloe, in thi oïry ut Aun Arbor, on TuesdAr, the fourtfa day of June, in tin yeur one thousand eight huudred and a;eatytwo. Present, Uiiani J. BeakeSi Jodgv of Pröbato. In the matter of the estáte .-i Juhu Millson, .l.v.ased. üu ronding and liiinir thepotition, duly verifled.of William Millson, prayincf that, Junius Short or abmeótheTsnitablepenon i linted adnüii' iatrittor of ths Mtato ol - Thereupon it is ordered, that ilonday. the fitst day ol JnlyiK'xt. a ' n o'ttluck in the l'orcnoor, iL-iud l'or the heoñng of Baid jh:iiíhi t and that the at buv of Said d. v. a-.:, and all otlior pirtons intereated in giüd e&taie, jiro requirorl to npjiear at a session t.i ' ii.i Court, tb., n feo be holden at the Probate Office, in tbe city of Ann Arbor, and qhow o Uiere be, why the ■t' the petitioncr should w .. : And it is further ordend, thal - . i otiee to .'.-, of hv ] . oi suid pol ition and I he hearing I (..;. v of thia ord v tu be published in the Michi fíí.v, a nowapaper printed and ciroolatinB in Baid coxin■. three suÓMaiTfi woéka prertoaa tu said duy ot hcaiing, (Atrueeopy.) HIK M J. BBAÏ 1377 .li:ilH-.. Of 1 ". Bberiff's Sale. KJTATEOF MICHIG IN, eounty of Washtenaw; ts. i By trtue of a wril of axeeution issned out of and under theseal vi the Circuit Coiurt i&ohanceiy, tor theConntyol Wayne, Btateof Uichiiran, imd to nu.directed anrl delivered, ::uiii vrut..ds. chaltle lands nnd tencments of Charles Ö. Sathei-land, I did on the twenty-fourth day ol Mar, A. D. 1W2, - ■ ■ ■■ . i - ujMiri all tbt' risht, title. and interest Charl b i . Sutherland has in th; following desóibed propei t . to "' : in.niy ■ and . n. -l:i ii feetin width off of the North !j(ïe of lm numbex ftre, in Block nuiaber one South of llnron SI:. .■[, in i:tr.r four I :.t. hl the ' ilyi.t' Ann Arbor; .■!!' all the dght, iiif and interest tbr said i snitf ilan.i has to tho use of a oertain alley alung theEastend ol lotsnumber ftve and iuxin snid black niimbiT one, whioh real estatt above deanribed 1 shali exposo for sale, atpublii nnction, tothehigheat bidder, ai the'rauth doorvf tho Court Bouse-in (he Citv ..i' Ann Albor, on tbe twenty third day of July. A. D. ISTx, al ten o'clock A. M. Dated, June 7Üi A. Ii. iir::. M.TB0N WEBB, Sheriff. GktoR.W.ELLIS& CO's forstrictly Pure Drugs and Modicinee ,Paints Oiis , &c. ! 'v-v Myuunf At.iwsii . ■ , ■ ;■ '■ -i. I Dl An Arbor, ou Jtonouy u,,. T' 't&l the ycui ';■■■ Lhousund eLhtT Ol ■two. Il Prcdvut, Uirain J fknUcs, Judi-o tk_ , In tiie ruuttei ditUo e.-utcol 1 LvrattlinS the pehüoa A.i I uientno .. -,lr 'l:"ia rCJI mitifU ló probate, imd that hc;T' "fCi?l ty-ninthduy i I „ u, ,', r0Mk,,2 ,'] 'S0" m? i state are , 2 in li'n, ■'"tOul? ■ i ""fc tion, and thereot I-v ,■■,,','„' Ilidk? , "'f "% riutcd i-rul chculating ,„ Lt1"' L suocesalve w,ks previous to s:i UI dny 0# [" 1"l.t,V Judson'tt Estáte of Josepli Harrir STATEOï iIlCHUiAN.fouiiti Ataw-isionof fchi of 'Witohtci.i.w, holden ut the I Cjtï of Ann Aimk, uu of uüne, in the y. ui uneti. seventy-two. "-■ In the muttw .,1 Uu i:Ute of jÜ On reading nnd flbngthe potili.,„ ,,„,,. Hams, Drayuur that tronkhn j jTnfH( ■ ft ui the catate ol suid !eea.dP ■' í Thereupun il is orden-d. that Mooè.r . ■ ■ ■■■;■ "n I ir rlic hearinp nf .,; .■' t . i.'n beivsat luw of said dceeased ,"■' persons intarested in ai . i?!,.111! at a .wsóieu of said mm, tln.ii u, i lPh Vrobate ome, in „ ■ , i ,■ ,.r Am, cause, if any thora . . ly ,i„. preywof LL oldpetitionei ■. ■ ..-.,,.;.. rMm Jt, I ite, ol th eudt-iicy ui s,,, iWti1íneilía I publÖBcd i:i tho Üiehwm Ar.,,,1 ' , w ' I . ' and cucul;i(.ÍMK i ii.; cotiniy, tliKc-sui, prenoub to kafd day of heartux wttan Estato tif Jubn ïsfcïp " STATE OF m lm. VN.CouDtyMwL. AtaBOMi uol th. ,,V ' '". of Wuhtan w, holden at the l'ioi„.. , e City oí Ann Vrl„r. ■ ,",4; day ol Ma . in tho yeur one tóu' 55" dreaanda enty-two. """Othi, Present, [ll-am J. lifakl;, .Tuclic of PmU, In the matter of tho tstate of Jou 'tdecoaaed. "" lak, Onreail nndftUnRthe pootten, anh-nnu Antoa E le, msiyiug tl.:,' a &-:,u I?1 now ,i, il. ,-.) is . ourt, puirtÍM ,0 K Wlll and r t:r,,i, ut i , ,1 „„..,. ,,,;"W toproba:e, andthat he muy be iujuibi? i " v, Tli' : """'y,t!iti fourih day of Juno nrxt. a! ten o'clwi 'i. ii !' noon, be a -.:.,,: lor the hearinc ot Ju ü mid tlmt the leguicee, Octíkis ,.-.j iti,1 , of gai,l ,.,,..,. sert, arw uil oti.or wnmTi? cl in -mkI eiute, are r;iinc(i i0 „? a sessioa ot suid (ourt, tl,en to bc ïïï " ■Uow muse, il i,i, y tliere !, !,-, f, petiüoiier bl.ould not ba gtaatcd: And:"'.tolk. 22? , „, „{? tion, and the hearing therwtf, bv cuim7iïï this order to lw publishiil n tl.ó Wek,,. F1 iwti and arailatins in id cL.1 j wee ti mJJit Estato of Palmer EjÜott OTATE OF MICUIGA , I onntj „t Wto.,. O - iiou f the Prolrato Court for ikTlvS Wenaw, holden at the Probt oL,S? city of Ann Albor, on Snturday, tho twniuM day ni M,iy in the ycar ouo !i.misl,„,j '5 died and aoveoty-tvo. l'rcai:.:, :iu;:,;i .1. Beiikcs, Judgcol I'rokte In the ïnuttor of the estáte of plr 'ut. ' ■"! Paiminii) Davis, Eiecutor of the last fli -i ui ut viiu ii. ini0 CnuituiS rc.rfi:ts thal he is now prepared to renda hkSi ivccount as ï.uoh hxecmur. uponil ia oixlered, tliut IToodaT tbetim rourthdayo'f ten "clwkiuttetunt Cfued 1 r exHDiinin and allowinr iS account, imd tlmt the leg, :lccs, r!.;vise )k al law of said dtcented imd all pmmii:; t:iid estáte, are i ■., ol eaid Comt, then to he bi . in the city of Arm Arlut, il mi j . a:,.! show canse, it any tlicrc bc, hj tkiid i lowed : And it ' : -i0 Iio;i U I iitap(f I uunt, and the heariiitr thereof, t tswüi I cojyof thi.1 oi(3ï to be pitblislitd in 't Itdmi I b now8pa))cr printed and citcnlatitf n af reviuui tottidiu Of hi;;nilLT. IA bue oopy.) HIKAM .1. IIEAXB. 1376 Jud?eotrnta, Estáte of Hiiitn; Shcpheri SfATEüF UICHKiAN, I uuntyol w,uhniB,, '. nf tho I'iobüte (ourt foi ü ■ , liol'li'li ;:t the Probal c OS, II City ut Ann A . the tuiy.ii!j I in tiic y.'i'r one tltonsiud ■ !, O. ■ . '■ i ■ . i I ■-■'. c.'TwWe. In t!,e matter of the e.i s1bí -- 1. iHlfilimrtho pctilior!, duly vpiMtl .uuldmisr Ol ■■:. 1 '.'■ :t( A. , bcreupon it ordered, thut Mioiiiny, th t.f;f'iurtl, iliiy ut I Kl for t!ie hearing ot 'm! n.i:n,n. col tkit -, 'I. and li uthtiriK el inettid éstate, un rc(irímltc.iiprlistli sioiiol .- ien tu be holden at the l'nks Office, in tl.o of Ann A ibor, and show n, II '■■.■..!,■ 'h' ir.iyor it tin' pcütionfr sietü uot be gninted : Aud it ia red, lint ■! noti ■ rti n nü i thepeudency of t;iii petition, ;,uct tbc iwiriir thereof, tv causmg a copy 01 tl.i ■ pul lished m the Michigan ArffUt, n nevp.iper.pñBÍi tind eii-culatinp mbividcounty, thrce succesfcm b pn riousto paid diiy of hearing. í A trueoopy.) ! MJ. BEAKE8, Jmli-e ol' ProUi Estáte of John Miller. STATE OF MU 111' .A.N", :ounty of ijhfcw. Atn sessionofthe Probate Oourt forU0( ol Vi Khtonau', uoiil'm at the l'robaieOlfiüe,iiitlÖII ot Ann Arbor, n Tuesday, thetwenly-eigbtiiM May, in tbc yem one thousaiul cijfht haDired td . -rwo. ■i Hirnm J. Beakes, .Tuilfre of Trobtite. In túü matter of the. ci-tatc of Juan ÏStt On readinf?; and filins tlie potition, duly Tenfled, il er, pruymg thüt adniinidirution of eaid j be gfantea to Williitm Mv'Cuilnujb.wfc nuraed ;is [xecutorio tl.c inetrument now oc ilu tliis court piirpoiting tC be the last will and t#ï'Kw ut Bttid d'-LCüSFd. Thereupon it is orderod, thal iïonday, the tmfífourih dayof June aext,.at i:noV!ock in tb foreMW, nedfortbchearinirofHiid iKthiKi.aaduiituf ees ttnd hcir rit rnv of miíí1i!i:km.w U8 interestcd in said estáte, ore nq" . of said court, then to helio at tho Probate Olttce, in the City of Ann Art"" show cause, if any tli.--ru he, wliy th( i eiiould not 1 Kranted : And it is furt ordered, thut s.u,l petitaoncr givenotice totI sous intcrosted in said estáte, of tli pemlaff said petition, and the hearing thereof, bvoic1 copy oi this order to hv puhlishcd in tlic Wff ArffU9,a ncTfwper príntñl and cnvuliitinj.' intJ eoUAl y, ihiï succesöivc weeks prerioua to siud üiy (A trueoopy.) HIRAM 3. BEAK !3;r, Judgeof VtMtEstáte of Josoyh IIow:ird. DTATEOI MICHIGAN, County ol WMbteBWiJ Ai a session of the 1 ourl toribel'omii' Wiwhtonaw, holden at tl.c i'iobate Olfice, in tM OJ Arbor, on Friday, tlic tweuty-fouitlijl May, in t!ic ycar one thousand eight hundr"" jevonty-two, l'i . nt Hiram J . Ucakcs, Judpe of rrnna . In the matter ot the estute oí Joseph H" ■tij Ünreading and tilin)? the itition, duly jctiWj U. Uowanl, prayin II, at he oi l pison, muy apjiointed aoiniriiï'ril'üc theentateol said deceased. „. it is onJered, that Monday, tletngr fourth day of June next, ot ton oVlock in ( ' asaigned fortbehearinp ol aiil r-'"llu"'r, thaï the bcirs at luw et said di co eet, a " . Tj, persons inuaested in wud estáte, un1 "'"ívíja oi sawK'mirt.tlnaitoU ■ wjj at the Probate Office, in the tityof Adu A'W '■■" bIíow cbusc, ü any Uiqre be, why the Pïr ÜJJf titioner shonld ■'"' 1( ' ,l 'J, dcred, that sai.l petitioner givenoiiceto "fFSL interested in lid estáte, ol tl ardoVto be pubUshed in the Michipai 'rmu, " paper prtuted arni otiwilating in -im "" s previou te siid iiï "■ ';'l,n.ïSl Skabka Estáte of Joseph Annin. STATK Ol'' MK'llUiAN, county m1 aa""" i ascaaiouof tho Probate Loartfor ttie a of tduhtenaw; holden n! the l'robate '-"""La Ann Arbor, on Fridny, lhl' ÏÏSrii day : May, in thoyearono thousand eigja- . nlv ti'. t Preeent, Hiram J. licakrs, -j tAve of . In the matter ut the etat of JoKP " Ctanwding and fUing the petition, duly rut V:.h:,m W. Aimrn, prnring that a "■"" ï ment now ou file iu t i ■;"im': "" ■.,, leslamellt ol , initted to probate, and that UeorgeSJicrro", on may be ari."in'l' -um' tor with the rill mntxed o: - . „► Thereupon it is ordered, thnt -xl'"".': '', ...jajcofc toeuthdaj of June next, at i.noVlockinu l '" j , i said l"-'111""1',?", andleirstlvr.ofiwd25 and all othei persons intei-estcd "■.';"" ':en i1 .appenral . : ■ j' An„.W ,. tLe Probate OlhC', in I l,ov. a,.d-lu cauw;, if any ihen.' of thepetitiener wld not be -1-inftH' „,L. totW furth.,r oixU'i.'d that Si iuterestedin said estáte, of th tion, and the hearinp ther of. Of ., ..(l,.v'.! thia ordei to b. publbd in ." '"„ .(".., a n," "fd Mi connty, toreesuteesave weeks provioustoeu" heaxuuj. iitkaMJ 1 lAtrueoopy.) I joi ito of Eiohrd C. Ull05a,, STATE OF MieiIIUAN County oi ven, thnt b' ;"'■''. ■"■ oi U;: "'■ ' .;;. -' on l!,c twi-nly-loiMlh c!iiy ,.t ■ ;,. A;,:,,,',,. ,,,,„, 11,:,' l..l,M,n. f'V,''1;,! Hi'i thcir claims ngainst the est ' , t . ia ."ilion, lato of snid counly, .leceased , . '■ :., íredUorsol aid deeeased ure i"l';";'' S;1 ' 1.l:imslo-.-.i.ilV.l.a1.-O..,rt...l.thnl 1. ,, ... thecityot nn Arbor, tor exnminatii-n ai ,„, or efo ■ Ihe tjn nty Hfih day ■' " " }V bnt Court, on 8turday, lie " it?,hd?(il&&5 ISTewJ JudgeofJW


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