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"the Valley Of Death."

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The Talley of Deafch, a spot almost as terrible as the prophet's vullev of dry bonos, lies jnst north of the old Hormon road t o California, a. región tliirty miles long hy thirty broad, nd suriounded, ex3ept ut two points, by instccessible mountaina. It is totally dovoid of water and pegetötion, und tfre shadow of a bird or wild beast nover daikene its white, ylar ing sands. The Kangas Pacific rai&oad it, tui alsosoine papers which show the fate of the 'lost .Uont 'omory train," which came south from Salt Luke in 18Ö0, guided by a Mor mon. When noar Death's valley soiue same to tho conclusión that the Mormons knew nothing about tho country, 50 they appoiuted ono oí their numbor a leador, and broke off frcm the party. Tho leader turncd duu west; so with the pople and wagons and flocks ho tmveled three day, and thon descended into the broad valley, whose troacherous miiag. proiuistd water. Thcy reached the o nter, but only the white sand, bounded by icorching peats, met their gnze. Aronnd the valley they wandered, and ono by oae :]:n men (lied, luid tho pauting fiocka tretoh'ed themselves in death undor the liot sun. Thon tho chiklivn, crying for water, dird ut their mothers' breasts, and with swallcn imniiiii vitils the ïuothers folio wed. Wagon íiíkt wagern was abandoned, and atroag men tottei'ud and rayed and died. Aftër a ftfaüdorlngi a dttzun eurvivors toaiMl Sotnê water in tho hollow of a rock in the ïuuuntaia It lasiel but a short time, when :11 purished but two, w!io escap'cd out of the valley and followed the trai] of theirfonüerooinpanittos. Eightysevon families with hundreds of animáis perished hero, and now, at'ter twenty-two yeari, the wagons stand still completo, the iron work and tiros aro bright, and tho shriveled skeletons lio sido by sido.


Old News
Michigan Argus