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Wanted--an Opinion

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Tho most thoroughly non-comiuittai newspaper 01 the Stato is the Argtu, of Ann Arbur. We huve an idea, from the drift of its Feleotáonc, howevor, that ït lsans toward the endorsoment of Mr. Greoley. Bro Poïid, kt out the AfffUê a little, so that outsiders muy understaiid tho ieeling in. your vicinity. - Juckton Patriot. " Wo rise to explaiu." Personally, we are not an admirer of Horace Greeley, do not hanker for the privilege of voting for him, and shall needs wear out overal lead pencüs before we shall be able to write a first-class editorial advooating his claims to the Presidency : and that will not. be before the Baltimore Convontiön. If that convention shall decide that the Deuiocracy can not " play it alone " aud win, and that it is Gkkki.i.y or Grant, we shall support Greeley, not becuuse wo expect to admire hiin more then than now, but bocauso we are tbr breaking up the infernally corrupt rings, political ar.d military, now running the "national masheen." We hope, perhaps against hope, that the Baltimore Oonvention may contrive some other way out of the woods, but until it speaks we, personally, adopt the " passive poliey." As to '-the feeling in your (our) vicinity," that's another question. 1. A Uu Democrats hereabouts, convinced that Domocracy is another '-lost causo," and that tho people will notagain elévate il to power, are eutliusiastically in favor of " letting the dead bury their dead." These go for GREELEY, believing that his nouiination at Baltimore is the road tj victory over GRANT-ism, centralization aud oorruption. 2. A larger numbnr, like ourself, will go for dcfoating Grant with Greeley, if the Baltimore Convontion can arrange tho Democratie party under no other leador, and while thcy vote for GREELEY as a duty and not from choice, will shut their eyes to bis pust career, and trust to Providenceto both "rough. hew and shapo his ends" - perhaps this is not a literal quutation - in the interosts of tho country Patriotisiu- not partisanship, nor even a laudable party feehng- will induce this class of Democrats to accept GheeLEY - under protest. 3. A still larger portion of the Democracy of Washtenaw Otrunty, we may safely say a largo uiajority, protest daily agaiust tho nomination of Greeley at Baltimore, and pray fervently that the Democratie National Council may bo guided some other way. Many of theso will, doubtless, bury their opposition or prejudices, or whatever one may choQse to term their governing motives, if GltEELEY be uominated ; but many of them havo registered a pledgu that they will not vote for Greeley exen if nominated at Baltimore, and this plodge we have fears that they will keep, or at least that the number keeping it will exceed as five to one tho number of GREELEY Eepublicans. If this county is a type of the State, and the Stato of other States, the Patriot eau possibly discern wisdom in advocating tho nomination of Greeley : we can not. Therefore, we have been passive, - cali it "non-committil," if the Patriot chooses, - trustiug that timo may bring a solution to the vexod question. Is the Patriot enlightened 'i - In this connection it is proper to say that we recognizo no honorable obliga tion on the part of the Domocracy to accept Greeley and Brown. The aid few or many Democratie journalists gave the Cintinuati Conventiou, from its inception to its terrible if not fatal faux pat, did not coinmit the party to the support of its candidatos, and the Baltimoie Conventiou must have soinething betterthan "obligation" to assign for such action. Diro neecssity, with probable success under Greeley and dpfeat with any other j candidato, are the only reasons which should determine that convention to shelvo the tried and truo Democrats undor whom tho party would delight to rally for a candidato of both the personal and political unfitness of Horace Gree ley. We ha ve said this much in rosponse to th e "cali' upon us, and with a realizing senso of our duty to ourself, the Dumocracy, and the country. To conclude : with us as with the mass of the Democracy of Washtenaw county, it is Gkoesbeck, Hexdricks, Tuukmax, Hancock, or Randolph, if we can; Greeley if we imwt : and Greeley before Grant every time. Chaeles Francis Adams was tho nrau for the crisis, but the Ciucinnati Convention overslaughed him, and now Groesbeck and Jojin Quincy Adams is tho best comtioatiou - in our humblo opinión. Democrats remember the "?ard Caucuses next Wednesday evening. Thecaucus is the important moeting this year. Wo also again urge a full representation of evory towa in tho County Convention to be held nxt Priday.


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