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COMMERCIAL. &EÏB0X?, June 19. Thedullnese which has chracterizfcd tne dry gooda trade fbï weeks has ut last manifestad itst-lf by a ma terinl reduction in ijriceö, partioularly in bleichec Mhirtingd uud brown s .ee.ings. Un ttio formcr tho re d.iction is j i l' t ; y general ut lo, tliougli in nome case- it ia 2c. Bheetings aio obout h[c lower all aroumj Cottonades are tlighUy lower, and paper cámbrica are ll4cdown. Corset jeuns, dt-ninis and ticks have al&o had hkc revisions. Thcrehave been quite a few b ijan in the last tlueedays, but ultogcther the markt t is quiet. li' we inistakc noi, tbjl is a gooi time u buy. Wool values are etill the subject of diareomfnt. Huyen have had tbeir origina orders tjeuerully counittmand cl on now ' qh o txcteti óöATc iö". floeco. GiüW rs, oí ooursí, ca;j t .íc ii, nnl ns t ie muihm m soiüt v ha m üy the ui.expt.oi.fd (urn aüiiirs iiiivt: tükftu, fliey wiil vfj liktlj have no:h.n . io ÏOj by lioit-int n. TLere is no uctutu scarcity o wOOi, cerciiin y ; Lul wetc .nb erop tu jasa iuto the hantUoj tpeouiutora, aaartilicial BCoreity vould UtproJmed iaaid.' et Vno muuti.. Naw (bat the mar- ir ,!■ i bottom pncL-?l fanntfm welJ take the giHinflgtt. lí lor-.-in wool is ao ery plenty, wiJitt but tt. e tspirit ot' tfpucuiation in maldng all thu duzzhoouL thu jrowers eun Í Farmers &old then wool uq 1 tiieii' wneat laat year only to sec tJiuo arti ii. s fco up iü per Cent nlnlt rifclit away tnrough tittawl bcaroity. liy holding ou ío their produce üic; ..i ■ i ke tiie governor on tiie eugin, du ' ulatc taquen. They will aeer get muiO for their produots iiuiii bey are worth. liesid .-.■, auj nuu - . i OMaauie iJmt will help ííliouiu m dmS io repnw tue imiuouü a;i4 imuiorul boñoou of apcculative yitinblin. Breadstuffa havo haJ a hard time tho paat week " Dull and iowei," daily, hua ouly half told -the Uiie. Flour in aïuettled- oholoe wiiite oik'i-.i it ísy. W.ii-. t ris üeclined cioBcdiie ioilowe : Eztru $1.77; Xo. 1 White il. 72 Tieadwt-11, $1.70; amber. $1.88. Corn is Cc lowtr- clo.ed ut 4c. Outu nru dull ■■■.; -. ::■. BottATil ploi.tyand dull at ;5f.l(i ; the s.ock is g-enerally poor- bndij iñude oí" bauiy mixed. tifiga auttdy at lö. l'ütatoi-b, 40 e.% outsïüe late lor puiiciiblows. Ltir luacts ot the alter have soid :m luw a,5Cc. Jüess potk, f 1S#18.30 city hanii, 12c. A Cuilec ei:gai', l2}Ai3tVo. -M.t.c.u advauced 10 - r cent. Avn Abbob, 1'HunsDAY, June20th, '72. Beef- Brings 7,j 6c. Boltkd Meal- 82.00. Butteb- Pricesremuia at 14c. Bfi-v.vs- fl.7o pel üu. ispaid lor good quality. Brinjïs 50,aAöc perbu. CHicKENP-Dressed 12c. Kogs- Comraand H@12ic. 1'louu- xxx. 14.10 per cvt. BaT- $13.a-l ' pw ton, üccording to quality. HONKY- lll CUP. 18 a 20CLard- The miirket stands at 7@Sc. Maplk Sugak- 15@17c. 3 c. POTATOEP- 800. TüitKEYB- UC. We quoto White at $l.EO:1.75; amber, Ui') í 6 ; red $1.-0(41 0 QLORIOUS NEWS FOR ALL CREATION! E. J. JOHiMSON, H ATT ER ! HA8 RECEIVKD HIS SPRING STOCK AND STYLES oír Hats, Caps & Straw Oods, GEíTS' FIRISH; GOODS, ETC., WniCII HE PROPOSER TO SF.M, AT PRICES WHICH UEÏY COMPETITION. 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor. nn nn iwhatdoes Zd,áJ llïMEAN! Thisquratlon hnsbccu ncked tnany timea lr.tely nnd duo "f BlÍDl nona snld, " It would take an edo Oated mun t I]] that." Bnt it mcans thst I,. l'OI.BY. li o hila tor the last tbrce ycars been a partner ín a Iftrgo whoIcalc house in Chicago nd alttanagb tho terrible flro of fa9t fall hos left tbat city In tuliiü. be etil. üvck, nnd libe BARNABY'S CROW, Ncver By tïii. Imt hns opencd n flne atock of new clean QROCEK1ES, at No. 29 SÖUTH MAIN ST., belweeti ihc fahlimnUc l'ry Qoocis Htore of Henton & il, niiflth" Mammolh Hardware Store 01 Lewia f!. Blldon. I will wiy to cillieu of Aun Armr arid anrroandlng conutry, that I will lell GrocvricK, l'rovisions, Crockcry, QIubh wnro, at a low Bgnre forC6h orreailypay only I alwny piv Cash Down for Ooods, and maat hnvr p ly for them when dollvored. Do nel ask me to truft you. even if yoo are worth a mlllion. a ÍJ'AL.OlíltJSPOliTl THAT jTJL A. A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOP TRADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A L ARG1Í AND COM PLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT I'RICES 10 HUIT THE TIMEd. ALSO A FL'[,. LINE OP GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! DON'T PUKOHaSE YOüR SPRING ANDSÜMMER OL'TPITfi UNTIL YOTl O-I STS HIM AOALLi. 15 9outh Msin St.. Ann Atbói. f DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR álO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Has proved Jir. Crook's ■WINE TAR - Fo have more ïSu JLfiUi íl than any gfgiSS 3f siitiilar prepara■BMÉHé tion ever oliered Ilie public It ík rich In the medicinal nualilii'S of Tar. and uneqiialed tor aireases of the Throat and luilfis, performicg the most remark able cures. Coughs, Colds, Chronic Conghs. tt effectually cures them all. Ast lima and Bronchitis. Has cured so many cases it has been pro nounced a specific fot these complainta. r'or pains in Breast, Side or Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Janndice or any Liver Complaint, It has noequal. It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevenís Malarious Fevers, tiives tone to your System. Ë REASONS WHY! HOUSEKEEPERS SHüüLD BUY NOXE BÜT ANTI KUBl LINK TOI'.-.J PROTECTOR FRÜIT JAR . Tliey firft 25 por c nf. les? in prlco: . i nry c:uu n ciot;u nvuiy limes inore rnpiuiy. . y oftn i' i'pi-iu-tl mort! roodUj . Thfi ODven are Uoerl to prevent rust, and may ba nsoa n)HDy linie?. Thi y are Witrrantcd Ilelinblc. . ThouantlM oí fjimilieti hitTe ust d, and prefor them. Special Agciits IVnnted iu Evry Place. WRITB FOB CIUCULAK AND TKKMS. COHAXSEY GLVSS MAXUFA(.'T'N(i CO. 4 9 IVorth SI., Philndclphiu. Maiinfncturct-K of the eclehrated 'Ooktnttg tsmd Utidfjelttn Brands WinóQvo i'iaxst JiuttUt , ttc." L'Ult ÖALK ! A new I'inelon Bilggy uud a seoond lisncl Cairiago, ör i ur i hOTdOH, in vuil f.oudition. luquire of Sll-AS il. UOL'OLASB. Ann Arbor, May 2Sd, 1372. I8?ttf pEOPLE'8 DRUG 8Tü,L.i R. W.ELÜ3& CÖ, plíICES OF GOODS AT M1TR0P0LIM! FOR THE SPKING AND SÜMMEll HPKIMMED BATS, JL From One Dollar, and upwards. ' RIBBONS, F rom Sets. a yard npwartls. RIBBED HÓSE FOR LXDIES, 10 cent a pair. WHITE COTTON HOSK For Ladies, Al 10 ets , VZy, uts., 15 ets., 18 ets., 20 ets., 25 ets., 80 cts.,35 ets ,40 ets. a pair. f ADIES LISLE THREAD GLOVES, I j Ar. 10 ets., 12 ets., 15 ets , 18 ets , 20 ets., 25 ets. ,30 els.,3rct3.,40 ets. a pair. pUIILDREN'S HOSE, KJ Al 10 ets. a pair and upwards. pENTLïïMEN'S llOSF, Ol At 10 ets. a pair and opwarai. X'OWELS, WAKKÁNTÉD LIÑEN, At lUo, 12c, 15a, 18c, 20c,_25c, ;ioc, 33c aplecu. TTOWEUNLÍ, X At 10c a yard and upwards. f 1NÉN TABLE GLOrriS, Lj At 60c, 60c, 70c a yard pOLOUED TABLti CLOTIIS, KJ Al 3Uc aiul 00c a yarJ COUÍtTERPANES, Fiom 2.00 npwarcls. WHITE AND BÚF1 PIQÜHd". At. 16c, 20c, 22c, 25c, 'Je, 33c a yard. COHSETS, AtSOc, 75a, $1.00 a pair. HOOP SKIRTá, At 50c, C5c, 75c, $100 ap!ece. L ADÍES' IIANLKE ÍCIIIEFS. From oo, apiece upwards. Í adíes' Llncn Hemstitched H'dk'fs, J Fiom 15c apiece upwards. PARASOLS, From 40c apiecc upwards. FANS, From 10c apieco upwards. 7OTTINGHAM LACE FOR Curtnlus, W From 10c a yard upwards. T ID GLOVES, IV #1.00 a pair. ÜUTTON KID GLOVES, L $1.25 a palr. LACE COLLARS, From 10c apiece upwards. OILK AND COTTON FRINGES, SJ ILK AND COTTON TRIMMING, 1RESS PATTERMtí, y ELOURS, SATINO, SILK3, "1OTTON TRIMM1NGS, j ADÍES' UNDER GARMEXTS, I ADÍES' MADE ÜP DRESSES, J NFANTS & MISSES Made up Dresses, And a thousand other article8 too numerous to mention, at prices less than aay other establishment in this cicy. H. COHÉN, 1375 33 SOUTH MAIN ST. T AMKSMI AÏI O N, Justice of the Peace, Office in new block, North of CourtHouse Money collected and promptly paid over. INSURAÍSrCiC AGENT. Trlumph, asatt, $727.903.11 Nortn Miss 'iiri, " tU3,4H.91 Uiborula, " S50,(IOü.U0 REAL ESTÁTE. I hJve 81 cre of land Ú of a mllo from the city liuim, linely locjitort lor frait or garden purposes. Also 40 acics. Al8o 10 acres, wlth house and barn.and a llvcly streum of water ïtinnlng throjgh tho barn yard. 60 acre, a milc out. 1 irill iiell nny or all the abovd choap. or eschaDse for city pruperty. 174 JAMES MoMAHON. HURRY UP ! TIAKTIES wMhinc; Wall P.-iper, Phriíl'í ■ Holland, Winrlmv Klxtiirc. Cod, TaneU, c , till New Stylo, ut üitlafactort Prkes. i J. II. Wobstcr & Co., Honk Store, naar lbo E.puss Oftlco. x: _.g GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's forstrictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,tiís,&c. INSURANCE AGSNCY. Hls Companies Are Sonnd. pHCENIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITAL AND ASSET6, Jutr 1, tSTl. ... $1,791 ,00O CifICAGO LOSSBS , 760,000 TUK I'INE-VIX ís the J...t coñdticted I'"ir Insurance Compan) in tlie Uuited State. Always prudent aud oorn!, and uluuya prompt in payincnt of loases. [NTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. The (list Compnn.f topase the ordéal of the New York InsnrancK Commissloncre slncc the Chicago Fire, coming out from theaeTero teet TRIUMPHANT ! Associated Press Dispatch, November 2, 1ST1, THE INTERNATIONAL INSÜI1ANCE COMPANY. The Superintendent of the New York State In IVpa'hr.ctit. whots imikins acnreflll offlcliil exnmln tl..n of tbe New York City Cohipaulcp to-day.ccrtiflcs that th tnternntinnaf Corhpaiiy's metêof ?I 50 .'ii.'i :re s'acarriiy iiiTested, and lts C'íipfínlofí500,n.r,'r;rnrovf1infrforiiM Hahilltles, includiug the Chicago flre, is Whollr nufmpaired Thls Compiioy ts payiuj al lila Chicago loeses and isoundand relijble. Poli leslasucdst fair rates at my office. No. 11 East Uuron streot, Ann Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIO.VS, Agent. 1547tf. MOTHERS! M0THERSÜ MOTHEf.Sli: Don't fui! to procure MUS. lï[S. LOW'S SOOTIIIX; SYÏlfl' FOK 'VHlLBRiiJi Ti;i;iii.i. Th! vnlar.hlo prepnration has been n?el wllh NEVER-FA1USQ SUCUiSS IN THOÖdANDS OV ÜAHE. lt nol nly relieve tho chtld from pa'n, bilt nvicorjttes thi; Bcon icb and bowel-, correct ocidiry, and gives tone niid enery to Ihu whole syatem lt wi-1 Aho iitüSuiitly reteve (rlpilis in the IíoitcIs and Wind (.'olie. Webelieve it the HES 1' and SURËST IÍEMEDY IN TUK 1VOKLD, in nll caat-s il UTÖENTBKY AND DIAKRHiB. IN C.IILDiiBN, wliiithir arlsiuï from trciliiuk' or nuy other case. Dijicnd upuu lt muiLcrs, il will give reet to yonr. selves, niet Belief and Hcaltb to Your Infants Be enre and cali fr "Mrs. Wlnslon's Soothing Synip." Havlua tbe fac simllu o ' CURTÍS 4 PFRKI.NS'1 on the ouiside wiapper Sold by Drugg!8t3 thronrhoat the world. iy T UMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, Ha a largo and wel] stockcd Lumber Yarilor JoffersonStrcct. in thesouth part of tlK' Citv, ant will keepconetantly on hand au excellenlvaricty O LUMBER, SH1NGLES5LATH&C which willho-ioM as 1 ow as car be afforded injthlf market. Quallty and pricesnch that N0 ONE NEED 00 T0 DETE0ITC. KBAPF. Ann Arbor JannarjSOth, 1871 880 TJOTTLED LAGER, ALE AND PORTER, Put p in Pints and Quarts for Family use. ALSO BY THE KEG. :- Order loft nt l.eiter & Co.'n Drngr store wiil be proniptly filled. HILL & CHAPÍN. Ann Arbor, Mny 53, 1872. lST6tf ■pil AG RA NT SAPOLIENE. Cienos Cloths, Cleans Clothinif, rl-sns Ribbhns, ('io:ui-i Sillts, Clc-ans tepj, Claaiu Carpeta Curtains, Cushiona, or any articlo noil6d with Orease, Tar, Paint etc. JtRS. &LASIEK, Aecnl, 1S79W-Í Corner of Thompson nnd WiUlnni Sts. Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO'f ! Tor ehoice Wines and Liquori for üïodical Purposes .


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