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The Deacon And Soda Water

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Saturday, a venerable gentleman frotn the country, who ia a r8peeted churoh deacou, a iustica oí the poaoe, a merabav of the "Band of Hjpo," and a Goocl Templar in nis uativo village, carne to tho city to trade a Uttle iu dry goods, and puichase such agricultural iuiplemunts as wcre neoded to cultívate hi spring crups. The deacou ia striotly températe aud uever looks u'on the wiue when ril or any other color. Uufortuneately ouruld trieiid had auiïured from opthuluiiá in his early dys, which left hiffl with au optical pecuLarity whioli cnusud hia left upper jye-iid to drop evory few seuonas, and which, to those not familiar with hi infirmity, gave the appuurance ot winking iutuutioually. ÏUe ueacou ia passionately fond of soda water, and suuii ligut buvoragaa. Ha loves to feel the gaseous oouiiiouud coursing down his tUroat, and craadiig iuternal commotions and typhoons that, however eudurable by older persons, throw bábes into agouy uuii rehuiré prompt do 8es ot peppuiinmt ; so Satuíday, attüf ha hud buuüt a tuw shovels, ptows, bÖM, raket and tbrt&hillg machinas, also a Dol ]y Varden for hul wil'e, hu thought he would tin up wnli soda water and move on tovvard hüiiie, He eriterod a ávuif store, iuquirtd tho prioe oí the roquirud refreahniest, theu dupositud his sonp aud awaiU-d iu mixture. " What syrup do you want ? " said the urbana eleiK, as ho mopped oif the luarblo oouutfr with the sanio töwel whioh ho had ÖSëd a moiuuiit, bofore to reiuovo tlie hoiicst sweat t'roin liit brow. " Oo, give me s;irsuparilla ; that's about as 'lealtny us anything, 1 guess. (Here the dcauon's eyehd went üuck on hiin and dropped quickly.) " All rigüt," replied the fountain-tènder as ho disappearect below tho counter, and came up a moment later wirh aboutthree lingera of " saraaparilla," to whioh he added the other ingrediente, and handed it tu che deaoon, The latter drained the contente to tho very drers, thon brushed the troth froin his uiouth, tind sinackiug; his lips, and : "That syrup is a little stroug er thau they usually make it, but uiy blood is out of order, and I guess 111 take uuothcr glass ; " ut the same time hia eyelid ttutfüied meaningly as before. The dose was repouted, and the sodawatèr bibber let't thb stoto. Abont half an hout hiter he untered another establishment where a sign auiumnii J " Soda and -Mineral Wuter on Diailght." It was uoticed that the ueaioon wullièd ás if he had the spring hall ua ho entered the duor, and his spectaeles were upáido down on his noso He oallèd for Uuirgress water at this place, gaying " ho did not feel quite riftht, and was atraid ho had used loo ïuuoh syrup in his soda water at the othur store, or else he was billions." His optioal weakiifss cxhibited itselfras he spoke, and roturning the wiuk, the clerk lutiiüd to a dark elo-et, then returuing Ulied up a glass with plain "Congress ' and gave it to our " tightually slight" frieild, wiio swallowed it without a murmur. llow inany "sodas" the deacon stored away before he left the city we are unable to s;iv, but he was t'ounj lato in the d;iy asleei in liis wagon, with a plow ln.iit i'ur u'pilluw, aud huveral yariis ot' D . lly Varden calicó gracef ully draped aoout bis porson as a oovenng. He ravived sutüciently to inform a stranger that he had been "drugged," ' and á sübsequent visit to the localities where he had taken soda water developed the fact ihat his unfortunate habit of winking - adetectover whicti he had no control - was the cause of all his trou'ble The soda water dispensérS supposed him to De " oi;e of the boys, ' and every time his eyelid dropped took the hint. Tho dc:icon escaped the 'jiui-jauis," but says hereutter ho vill Weaí a blinder over tha1; eye when he purchases sünimcr driuks, or


Old News
Michigan Argus