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How Secrets Are Obtained In Washington

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Wohavementioned how an enterprising correspondent obtained one of Mr. Buchanin'a messages by inducing a printer to get .ui iinpivssion trom the " torms " ou a pair . f late overallá: A Washington lotter 8;iy.s : The greatest watchiulness is maintained over pnuters in cases of this kind, and the only way to get at a seerot document is to pay somo of the young woiueii ewployed iu thu otMco a haudsoiuo sum ot moiiey tor finding one. The woruan in the public printing office are rumarkable in tuis respect. Anything that Mr. Clapp turns out the} always find. A Washington correspondent therefore is incomplete unless ho has a lady acqdaintunce in Mlo governnicnt office ; and it would doubtless surprise the uninitiated to know how great uu 6XteUt public documents are thus obtaintd iu advanco of their issue. A gro.-it mauy 3e')itors, sensible of the needs ot' the times, ari rather glad than otherwiso, that thuir secreta do get out. ín tact, by rt sort of passive policy, they oftentiiocs greatly assis and greatly benefit the country in the procuroment of essential news. umorous storics aro rola ted of the passive policy as thus applied, one ot' which I will give: A ye;if ugo' a mómentous question was before tho tíenate, and tho utmost secrocy was observod rogarding it. Corrcspondenis were in distross over it. It geanted impossiblo to get at tho faots üntil, onu more determined than tho rest called at the resid-oiico of 8 whII known Senator, nnd statifig the exigeiiciès of the cftso; bègged the favor of tUo honorable gentil .issUtancc. It was in tho Senator'a libraL-y, and uo third party 's present. ' Veiy well; sir.' said Mr; ; "I 800 you aro anxious to gat 'it the document Do you seo that safe in the corner 'i " Ttio correspondent saw it. " Wall, sir, " prooeeded the Senator, with dignity, " that safo tbis iriorüing oontainnd it." " And the key ? " " There is a buuch of keys, sir, on Üu table, ' pointing to au oval inantle. " I am going to skü Senator B . I may not return in an hour." And tho honorable geiitlornan went out. W'hen he retarned tho correspondent was playing with a buuch of keys on the tiiblo. " A!i, bnck again," he said, rising. "I nat thinking of going, Hunator. I wiil i)M ym good evening. " G.iil evining, fir." The document was in tho safo jugt as it had beau left by Senator in tlie morning, and a very excellent copy of it was te.lograj.-hed f o New York that vory night. The oldost sehooner on the northorn lakes has bcon in constant service fox ( ty-sevcn years. ' Whu wad ootmrii and éêt otrt ota KeV flrtt toyagé ia layó, anil, bosides her inaster, oarried ten niun mul two matos. Her ürst captain was ordered frora Quobec. This waa dwuu'l necesaary froiu tho fact of hor beinglarge and oonsequeutly deiuanding the ability of ono ot' experieboe. She was built at Erie, and is 149tons brirdeït, The Citizen hus had ouo thorough rebuïld. NeftTly 3,000,000 letters went to tho dead letter office last year. Four huridred ihim-mnd OÏ thmn klad 110 stampa ftnd 3,0Ü0 bad no addrew. They oontainod 92, 000 in cash, f3,000,000 in drafts and check and 3,000,026 photographs.


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