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At a meeting of the Liberal Dcmocratio and Republican oitizens of different States, held in the City of New York oö the twenty-lirst day oí' June, lí'i, the following preanible and ryaoliitions were adopted : Wiereas, At n, conference of gontlonun from the nevera! States of the Union, held .t New York City on June 20, 1872, it has been conclusivoly stiown that Uta opposition to the re-eluction of Gnuif. ca;i not bc and ought not to be nnited on Hoiace Grerley ; therefore, be it II tolved, ïhat thefollowingdcclaration, in our opinión, contains tho political principies essuntial to tho welfare of tho Ajnerican poople. Resolved, Th:it, wo, as indepon'lent citizens, dif.rügurding former political affiliutions, and laying aside all more parties and prejudices, now deniaud w th ec]ua suffraga for all complete amnesty for uil wo doinand ft hearty and anreservod acquiescence in the Uonstitution as it stands acceptinjj all tho amendmenta iü thcir true significanco ; wo demand equal civi and politieal rights for every oituen, nni complete proteotion in tho enjoyment o thosc rights. Hesolced, That looal 6elf-govornmon with impartial suffrage will guard tlie rightg of all citizena inoro seouruly than any oentralized authority, and wo aiBrm our belief in tho doctrine that the peoplo are best govurncd which are governec least. We, therefore, doruand for tho individual the largest liberty consistent with pubüo ordor ; wo demand for the State gelf-govomraont, and for the nation a return to the niethods of peace and to the constitutional limit itioiiM of power. Retoloed, That we aro opposod to the mploynient of governmunt patronage fcr party purposes; we protest agains' tho use of publio offices to reward political friunds or to punish political eaemies wo are in favor of the adoption of a thorouh system of civil sorvico reform and wc uomanu a return to tin.-eariy pmctioo uuder our governmont of appointing men to office on tho grouud of thoir fitness only, and of continuing tliera thore whilo they aro honeat and efficiënt. JResohod, That national taxes, whcther colleoted ander un 6XOÍ36 or tariff act, should bc infposed for rovonuo only, anc not for what Í8 ealled protection ; and that all truile or exebange shouUl bo as free as the noopssity of the guvornuient for revenue will permit. Renohed, ï!iit an act wbereby thopromise of a dollar 3 inadu a los;nl tender in I)lac of :i true dollar can only bu defended as a nccessity of war, and tliat justici demanda the redemption of the promÍ8 both that the standard of value nuty be true and just and hat the honor of the uation in.ty be inainfcaineil, Jtesolciid, Xhat nndue devotion to p;uty has alroady greatly damagnd tho Ktipublic, nnd we tiow engago onrsolvea to diHcontinue in every possible way the despotism of party orgauivtion and the abjeot sabmission of voters to the diotates of party politioians. Éetolved, That Horaco Greeley dops not represent thosc principies, but h:is been a liio-long opponent of tho luost essential of thum. i Tbat we, thereforc, reject his nomination as we roject that of fTflTirrn.! (rriLiif". '."..', That we rocognizi in William S. Uroos eek, ot' Ohio, andFrederek Law Olmstod, of NtiW York, iiion t'ully in accord witli onr principies, auil of such c'iariicttir mul ability hs to bo worthy of the eonfidence of tbvj American peoplo ; and that wo reconimcud them to uil ptriotic, independent and liboi-a.1 voters for thoir support at tho coming Presidcntiul eloction. TnosiAS T. Oantt, of Miaíouri, Cbairman. Jrurs T)!;xi::u, of Ohio, ) „ , Buom Stbbmb, oLN. V.. ( nccJ3' Ou motion an execvitive committee of (hr ■ perso&Si resident of Ciucinnati, .v:is üLUued, with powor to add to their number. Goorge Hoadly, Charles Strobel and Julias lioxtui' were appointed such comluittee.


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