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Belleyille, Canada, Juno 22 - The night expresa vent down put thia plaoo At 12:20 thi.s moruing, luil of puscngors, among whom were tha immy ministers ei tho Eüglish Churoh on thcir way homewurd iroin tho Syuud ut loronto. About leven mües below Bélleville station the engiae janiped the track, oarrying do&tfa ml fearful torturo toeoores of passengen in the forward cars. The 1'. romuinod oa tho track and tolescoped tho smoking cm1 and seoond oiass pussongor cur lt-aving thein on the top 01 tho enginc, expoüd to the escaping steam irom the boiler. ïïere these poór croaturos woro hopelcasly penncd ior foino time, hreathiug tiie rapors oi döath und stiffering il! the agony of immenion iu boiling water. H. M. Hoddy, an eye witnoss, says medifttoly alter the disaster ha wnt to the Beoond-olaea car. It and tho smoking car rere teleeooped and on tho engine, tbe steam trom which, issuinK from tiio o:irs, was so donsc that bo could see nothin. One altor anothor of tbe si vietims wi'i'i: orawüng t'rom openius. Crowbara wero immediakly put into re(uisition by tho pusscngers t'roiu tho iirstolaes curs, all ot' whom eeoaped injury, ;iiid opnniiifi i were made. Many were fouiid tjntaogled and woro oxtracted with tho utmost dilHüulty, timburs havinn ti be braken; Five iorsons Wi-re foumi and carriod to tho roadside, wíuto tiie wounili'il lny tor rtearly threo honts in the most puinful agoiiy. Dr. Bur-iett, of Bcllevillo, hal tlicm removed to a Pullman car. On their arriviil luü'u everytbing vfh promptly done to allay their sttffierings. 'J.'ho medical men ot' the town wero mmiuuiud and ïiiattressen proourod uul tho laig; freigfat shed turned into a hospital, w)i ira hha natifinta rsoeivfid ovorv blo attention. Tho mediaal men ar. unremitting in th'-ir tttentior.s, whilu ministers ot' tho gospel vio with other in tbeir eoal in tho administration ot' tbeir sacred pflioö. The soene wat one to baölo doscription ïhe terrible crios of sufFerers rent tho uar of thi' I : ' : lts o i. vvho made evory possible effort to grant theii roquasts tor water, and their condition, ander the infhiunco ot' their injuries, was Eoarful to witnoss, whilst prayers and cries of preLnosition of appraBohingdissolution ware beie :ni(i tbere beard. Alter the injured iirtivL'd liore sonio of theta passed away, a happy relict' byin rtfforded from their terriblo agonio. ïhose who were le:ist injared walleed about, swathed in bapdaiffw, ind oonveixed freely about the ourrenoe i mu nigui. The expresa and baggage car was forceil pust the Droken engüje without iujuring the cxpr.'ss möBsenger ar baggageman, tmt the smoking c.-ir telescoped the secoad cks ;ir. 'fhe hittr, gointr forward, kmooked the tai ty-valvo off tho boti r and retcAtned on up ut the &ngine, nllowiiig th'' stfiiiu to fili the BeoDnd olasa 0 i;. which waa crowded with paesengei i m;my of them n ;wi' for Quebeo. The two ifirit class cars anti Vullman car wero cumparutively aninjured, and the i-is3ongers were traaafwred and went uast this Ing. sixiy men and women were foarfmlly scalded anAothePB verá injured, six of wliom died un the spot, aud their bodics v. ira bróught to tlii place. ETour moro havo died and otliors aro dyÍQg every bour. Not more tlian ono-tlurd of tho iujured will live. John Hibbert. ongiii.'.:, was instantly killed. Tho Tornan w.TK badly injared. One of his legs will I haya to bc amputated. ii. Nielson, conductor, and other train hands escaed nninjnred. The woundcd and dying are lying gtrotched on mattressee on the floor of tho freight Bhed, so muob disfigured as to lic unraoognizable. Fivo of the wounB.èd who were able to walk left by the expresa train tbr Toronto. 3ÏKT,i.].viLi.K, Canada, June 2'2, evening. - Siiice tho report stut this atteiuoon twelve iiioro of tli; injured by the rail oa dtdattdr liavo died, uialdng lwet ty-threo dead now and othera are dying. Modioal mon n;iy tliat not more than six or teven ot the sixty iivo injured personii will livo. Th suiúring and dppmir ot' tho wouudod is frightful. 'i'uo killed iind wooudud are all second-class passngers. The fitst oltisa passungcrs esoaijud uuinjured.


Old News
Michigan Argus