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tyANT EIM A O IRL to do ffeneral hmispwork nnd one wïio undentanda araking. Inquin at Mo. 40 Washington ■ EitiiU' of William Howard. iTATK OF MICHIGAN, counly of Waahtonaw,. ' At a aession o; tho Probato tuurt foi of WasMenaw, r.olden at ine lroimto Oltlre, in the ityofAnn r ir.oi l' Juue, in the year 0:10 tlicuiand i;lit imndred and : ■■. 1 . . Jlirimi J. BeaJces, Judgeof Probate. In tlie mntltr oí ÜW estaU of William IIoivar.1, id filii kfae rariflwt, ■- Myixilhi li'.wai.i, pfayülg ibttl HÍie ov ome othtT sultable prawm maj t appointd ndminis'rntor of ir t .-: fttë of aoi(3 di ■ J"!jc: v u.wti it i tn.l-r':, that Monduy, tho tveul jtid day of 1 ■ ; v 11, tt, at I ; e hearing of Boid petitie vrsoKs mterei re rtKiuirod to appeax tt, a SL(.'ourt, tlien to be holJt n . in the t oí Ann Albor, and show . why ]ir:i(-r of the petitionei bould uní begrantcd : Au.! it ia I udd jMtitioner give notioc to ■ ited 11 j of s;;id petition, and L!ie . by cauoiiis oopy ot thia order tu lie 1 v. toree oueoessiTO wccki tZOTlOUfe liuir. (A truc copy.) ' HXEA3IJ. BEAKES, 1377 Judgc of Prooi toners Notice. JTAT i CftxA N, county ol WoehtetiftV, m. The ondei n appomted by the Probate (Jomi - t". :i:. i ftdjant till claims and ö of all [■ ■ ■■■■ uinat ihe tate of Jobo late of aai 1 - Bix motitha trom t ent thêirelaitna ■ :. und thni ■ ■ nieet at the Oiflc of C. To lin, in the city of 3 in a;ii.i county, on . ,],y -f ■ r, bd i on !'■; ■ -hy, the twonty■ vtfat lOo'clockA m. tudday, ive, nxaraine, and - I DaWd Juneïlth, ... J). 1872. - :■- josi ', üeo i:r. Wï0w4 Commissionoï. Shoriffs BSfo; TATr OF MI rHlOAN, comxty of Waebteoaw, m. Cj Hy biue of i ifrtfc of t'xecutiou imnsdl Out uí i í anddf lbo seal of tbc Circuit Court for tho co naw, aud tu mw directej aud delirered, auuiai Ihe KpodB, chattlí. landsand tenexnestá í (ieoruc I). Ifill, Iditi oú the t ïtith day of Junt', A. JD, and Idtj upon all tb rJsUt, title and inD. líül bas in ther following de&criböd f -iii Ai ■; o,-, i ODDty an t tstate atorea ;■. l, to wil : Beifiniuxig nfc h □ ion thirty-th ■ e, ld township two in range bíx east, seventy-llve roii- srimii fom Uil1 Dorihweöt oornor oí fHii section, thence sonth o S;ti(i SOCtijll 1ÍT1U tWI - eotparaUe] fcothe north line of Haia seotion aeren oflainsand torty-one links, thence uorth parallel tu ! seötion twelve rhnins an I iks, thenco oast paral "i ai I ■ d )t- h and Bouth qaartei line ol tion, the&oe north lo quarter ioat of said scction apon the north linc ol Baíd seclion, thence weet on the north lino oí wkJ sef'iou to tho north west corner ol south on the weet li'-.i; "i ai tiun to ihü place of bezinning, contamina ninety-fiT . [and; more oí tusa, excepting tbexofrom thi umla of the Waahtenaw Ouunty Agricultura! uní ilortícultuxal 8ociety ; also the soutb part of thciisi . the northeasi quartei ol ■ nsaboT !, tu las :ül oí sal l hall onartor seotion winch lien south of the Aun Arboranl Ypsilanti road (n i acres of laad sold by (íeorse ■ ivor, and contuininy thirty nere of tand, i.i -r leas; a] twuis doacribed tundí, to - if of the uurtheabt quari oíncteen, and the tal half of thewesl half of tlnï wei hjilt of thö northweet quartorof section twenty m township two fonth in range six eieti in said county and State ; aleo vi! í l1 fbliowiiia .i litïids, to wit : Lota numbejr Bve, six anc ■ i hlock one north ra range thred east, iitjithc: with tli" Opra Kouseand other buildings thereon, in thfcityof Ann Arbor, county of Wrxshtenaw aufl ■ iivM'.i'i, v.-!,ih afaorede oribed property i shdll exposQ for snl ut juli[ir uuction to the lii;'1! rerl bid ar, nt the eouüi door of Mie Cour! Souge in the CitToi Ann ■ - i oath day of AogtutA. l). LsTS, al ten o'clock . ï. Düted, Jone Í7ÜJ, A. D. 187?. MTRON WFBTÍ, Sheriff. Unancery IN ótico. ÍN tho Circuit Court for the Cuunty of Wo I iu oha MAKY LTJ0A3, Compluinant, JOHN N. LL'CAS, Defcncinnt. It sa' i ; oarin to thi : tourt f mt tlio il o fendant, John Ñ. Cucaa, ia n n of thia Ktate, on motii n of E. l. Efinne, soltoitoT lor : p'niütir, il i S. Luea ' inee ia tiiícníH ■ to be en iii'in i lic date ui' tius orfli e. ■ i'l r 86 ut bífl AppeaTtfcnO6 lo the coraplainftata hill 10 bc Kted, nod a oop] 'í to be serrod on wid oomptaiuanta soiicitoi hrenty i loe o :i oopy of tatá Wil and oothii wrder, and in de unit thexwol thai I tüi be taken na oouf wwd bj saiddel ndant, John Ñ, Luoas: And rt : furthei ordwred that within tirsnty IMVS til: .L OOI IO8 't' I !. puluir-.-uii:i be cnntïnufi l in cuid p i] ov nl jocU week t r m uc ■ ; on the Mild ■ preseribed foj bw appe tranoe. iï. BKA B n ■ , ' 'rciit Court Commiw R D. Kin ne, Bolioitor for Oompjainant. ÜöOwG PRAGÍRAIÍT S.M'OLÍK. - I ths Ribí'rTiJt, : . ir a, 'i una ' --■'s C iushio is, or any nrticle má HUH. OL V8IKB. Aifent, l:17'nvl C'Tii-icii' l'luiiitpaou mi 1 Willimn 8t. piCOPLE'S DIUJG 8TOxix.i R. W.ELÜS& CO. A. INT INT ABI'OB A NN AllJiOE Mineral Springs House, Thi.i boautlful roort for health ■ ...i lu ' " ■"'■■" i.a iRONj MAGNESIA, ANO Süi-PKÜR WATERS and well venüliitol roume. ' lta Ui), WATER AND AIR BATR tteHtmeni of „ r.irme o" L. a?T1tS! With pnnt)t Biirronndifio nrfl u Wo' the Spring., j, om dcilriDg circu'am t. (1P imi 1 ! i, - ... . . '■ Hl' f' n! rVm ij_ '"" noro reet, oral íhc p-n.". """di MORRIS I1ALF,M.D., ft,, ADn Arbor, :lch.. June i:, uïj. P ITTniTMORE LAXE ITarinR r.ccntlj rcfittod oni rjrnlt&Ma CLIFTON HOUSE! Speciil atientlon gJvcn to tle wni. tori .,: thOMwho ,vi htn sp-mia fri recroationda . . ', " ws I, No pinH wlll be .pared t.i m,k. L, I.AKh. 111 tne futitre ne in Uie p't f . ?"' DF. SMITH. jjONy wantedT" """ Fivcor aix tho-j9.-md dollar, or mure, n( gajre of unincumbcrfT r8a] eitats irurth tta, thcnmount. EntpUnot W. MOBGix. Ö'T i c k : Th? suhs-rihir h8qatthir c-mn.,I1j „ ra! thing. fr,,.., fiy :i;:,, ■,..,, ,„ fiv, "nP:i flrni sn-i llrst morm „ lu the County 01 Wht,.nKw,_timer ir?, lermslibfral omJ Block. OurAlw-.ract BoübíiTJJÜt A í.a i.rbof, Sta] 3tí, Iítü. tioï w. oot, ' I:O)TiLElra CI14S. J LCIIU. ')L IS NOW m f oa tbe mnña Ilavir.g Iteosivodn Lnrf;o Stock! SFli!{i Al II GOODS, INGLUI'tKG CL0TR8. GASStMEBEP, VESTINGS. ÍÍ, of the LE3I STYLES and QÜAinni, WHiOH HF WIL!. MikUFAöTURB on ternis to solt. Aiso a ful! line if UEADY-MADE CLOTHIXG AND Gants' FÏÏENISHIÏÏG Gcé B33ST STTLBi ALSO LADir1 AXD GKNT8' MOROCCO SATCHEL6 No.Jl Sonth Main 8troet,-EulSlJi GALT. AND SEE THEM. WIMIAJÏ WAC.trB. Ann Arhor, April Ist. 18TJ . QBAHAM FLOÜB, BÜCKWHEAT ILOin, COEN HEAL, FEE OF illiDM AH the ahnvo nrtïrlcp are wanTtDted Co hrt aperfox1 In BnrkeN Forsaïeat Partridgc's Flouring M1 N. !"..- Griítinjj done at stort notie. AttENTS VAJTEU ' FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FAEMEB9. Thp best booke pnb'ieheíl on the Harei" Co-w Liberal tnrm nutuai witttifWttV el big these books. ■ ndfnr inutart. s, PORTBR & OOATKS, Pobiibhieb. PblWW TEN REASONS WHY KoFamih shonld ie without a W WHlTTLESEY in the !"■ _ ( I at.- It will relieve the worst Msc.oi B Cholio or Cholera Morbu ' "5" Í 2d It will cure the mest lf"1 _ , fc f Dispepsia and In d lgot ion ■ weeks. . . ,. 3d Tt s the best remeJy m thenLfy1l Slck Headache, as thousands ca Ie" taken when the first symptrtms . fcH 4th.- It is the best diurctic ?ver TjaiOi the public; curine those distressins .'UiH Dlabetsand Cravol andoihcrUn Bth It is a most exrcllent Ern"1 S COgue, and to the Youns clIi"iVei' sed Wpmon.andat iheTurn of-1 remedy is of incalculable valué. . bofe 8th.- It will remvc wind trom '" rt!á and henee a few drops in somc wew ctnjil.!' given to a babe is better than a.'10'" OHf Relieve and make It SloeP" ingnoanodyne. ,, ..j ckiW th.-It is asme relief for r.d"l """„l' I afTected with Worms and Pn " Itwiil bring away the worms. . ünttiO' 8th.-irwU cure ik PH"J H' rhodlal difficuliies. .inanii' Oth.- Itwill cure Con st Ipatio" e I the bowels rehilar. It will also cn'ígeiit? ofSummer Co m p I a 1 nt D „cD. lOth It will cure SO u r VÍ '""i Stlmulate the Llver 'o ' "" gtix Relieve He a rt-Bu rn and l " Regulator of the systern. . ..„ar 9" When taken dilute the c)ose n ''f and Iro Water to a Win e-Olass fu" havea ple asant tonio. „rboi' Whittlcsey fDysyejMia Cure) ?;■",?: Whittlesey Agüe Cure 50c. per ttl'cU,t. Whittlesey Cough Granules P"t8d. Sold by all druggists and warrant ft Wblttle8#f r0 Mcd. (o-t


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Michigan Argus