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Local And Other Brevities

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_. IVame.! : ra'n „_ Vrrjr diy: Ibc weather. „.Ntcdeii at tliis office : moiiey. _ Ín m-irket: l:ie rnspberries. „penty: cherrtai and trawberrles. _ a (ír''iil run : on ElXis' Bida Fount _Toobsoin: thow Parker sugar cured ymsut Si.awsom & Son's. v-TIi opper section ofthe dome of Uní" -fslly Huil l neariy n'uted. _ B. .). mm i ciM left lust week to v!sItenurliind, lakingwUb hlm ooe of Me ugl'tcn_ Elon. Dónalo McIsTTRB, late of thia tty, salled for Europe on Saturday last, k, striimor Anilla. _ Thu First Ntlonal Bnk bus decía red ,5 per cent. BCinl-aDDal iHvidend, puyable on lue msr uay 01 o uy_Thj;P:irk Assoilation hnvc firranged w celébrate tlia 4th of July- Thtivsd.iy pest- in viir'it llvelj slyle. , _ Cbakmb, aoii of Hruman Tf.ats, of i!:c eth Ward, wMsonntrnck on Wediies sy whlle bathinji in the rlver. _ Ex-Gov. Bi.AIR was 1 11 town on Wed jfiday : looking a'ter eiluciitional rathir 4iaii polltlcal Interesis, we presume_ Mr. E. B. Braddock trtated the boys (his office wltli a box ol his excellent pop 4n Tuesdiiy, tbr which he has tlictf thanks. _ A man Damcd MULBACH was drowned la the Sinclair mill-rnceoo ïiu-sday eveniDg. He w.s ii brewer, witli no reUuives la this vicinity. - Ifany strawberry grower In these rirtacaa beatö. Macomber, of Plttalleld, 'Vl. are without evldence ol the wet. We jlawtcsted Mac's frail. _ Our oltlfellow citi.tMi Hon. Wm. Jat, „OW Mayor Jat of Eiaporla, Kansas, a tbriviog young city, is rasüc&tlng in thls Ticinity, ani is looking " natural as lifu" - Prof. Phkscott and wife gailed from ffiw Vork on Sstorday tey tflamer Angiia íor Glasgow. Prof. Boise, of Cliicago, and daujjliter Amck went out by the same jtetmer. _. Wool is coming in in small lots, Bacii i Aisel haring pnrchased up to yesterday iboat 4,000 at from 50 to C5 cents, witti (itt lor long wool. We are not advised oí 6dölng8 of other dealers. - A merm.ild, se;i serpent, or somc otbrr ibuormal wuUT-fowi, was seen In WhitmoreLake on Satuiday. It had a srnooth, luii'l, an orange-colored body, broa (os, and was estlmated at about slx Beet long. - We have seen a letter from J. M. Wbbbleb, Enq., tlutetl off SouthamptoD, -: nd tlie nlany frlend of his fainily wlll be - ,1 to learn that they bad enjoyed the i.iyaiie, and th;it tlielr lavalld daughter bd improvcd dallj slnce leaving homp. - At a meeting of tne RégentM on Tuesdy Doxat.d McLbah, M. D..'of the Univ rt.yul Toronto, was appointed Lecturer on Surgery, al a salarj o: $1,800 a ycur. Dr. JULeas is to take lip liis resideuce here. ]k i, we think. a gradúate of the oi Edinburgh, aml is highly recommended. - AMífn Pidd, Rfeí abont lSf, (ianglH dr of Absalom Pidd, r Ann Arbor Town, ru drowned In a UUle Uikc ne r her futlitrt on Wednesday evenlng f last week. fhe ind been hatlilns witli sornc friencls, bnt l!d Dot lollow Imraedlately home as t!i(-v supposcd, and glng in geareb fin: was tuund drowued by the slde of ft 1. A singular fuct is staiec : i wee!; or so before ehe had dreamed 01 golnic Into the laktud of beln drowned In the sume place.