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1. The re-election of Graat wi'í be a calaraity which must bo avoidod if possible. 'Í. We beïong io tho nurnber óf those who decore to see a straight forward Democrat noniiftuteil hí liultimore. .'i. The platform adoptod at Cincinnati 8 occeptablo if tho noniinco is not. 4. We believe a mnjority of the masa of hu Wemocratio party are opposed to }reol(;y. Wo beliove a minorüy is now Tvorkiiifí with groat zeal to procure bis nominiition at Baltimoro. 5. If tho ]jtiltimore Convontion shall eoido it is for the welfake of tdk teole to nomiiiate ürceley wo icill abide by the decisión. 6. We depreoate just now any feeling of bitteruess botween thoae Democrats and Demooratie pipera who do not agree in opinión, as leading to lioth personal and politioal difficulties by and by. 7. We deprécate :'-s unbocoming, ungentlemanly and wrojig tho use of epitheta cilculaUd to work estrangeinent among Democrats. 8. Wo will do all in our power to harmonizo and make a unit of the Democratie party, in action and in feoling, as soon as the Baltimoro Convention decides. We shall expect thim to yield our person al preferonoes, as wo shall expect those who differ witb US We do not beliove it will break vip or deatroy the Democratie party, in the future, if tho Democrats and thoso opposed to Grant who havo belongod to the Republiean part}', act together in this campuigtti lo defeat Grant. Such a combinationfor the purpose of dofeating Grant if decided on at Bultimore, will necessnrily lead to looal nominations of Govornors, menibers of Congress, State and Couiity offices, frora the runks of the inited opposition without reforence to thoir former poaitions. This will lead to the election of now men, and to the overthrow of bad uien nv.d dictatorial local politicians, who assuiue to speak for tho psirty and díctate to tho character of their opmions. This combination will lo:id to the election of many Democrats who could not, as in this countv. otherwiee bo eleotcd, and throngh whom will bo transmiited the séëd of v nitn pprfeot, full and glorioua poiitioal to siirndtion in the future. Let , os be prudent and wise, and ab thinga, Let ua oot sacriftoe the substantial tood oi t!if country hy in iet ofpero::al discourtesy t.nd wrnngling or any uudue show of our i irsonai bnpottanoa tul the name of tho nominee of the DemOCRATic CoNVE?rriOM shall bo transmittcd to us by the lightning of huaven, ia the American Telegraph Oompany's ry at Biltiinoro ou fhe 9th day of uly,


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