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no ñn i wilAT does áJjZdllTMBAN! TW Qnertion has been aked mnnv times lately and onc ni' EHn'saom 9ld, "It woold tnkenncdu c-ntud mon to tell thm." lü'.t it r.icons thut ti. COI..I5V, who has for thí lnnt threo yrs bceñ n partner inn Inrge holcenlc house In Chicago nnd lthongb the terrible Uro offast.f.tll bas left ihtucüy ln ruin, be etlli lÍTf , nfl 11 BAKNABY'S CB.OW, Xevcr ' T i ne opone tl u fine stock ofnew deanOKOCRKIBS.ftt No, 29 SGUTÏÏ MAIN ST, bot'.vccü thc hshtonable lrj Good Htnre of Ilonlon & O tt, amithe Msmmoth Hrdwr Store oí Lewla '' UlL-: a. 1 wlll aj to cHizoní of Ann Ar' (ir üiid snrronndlng country, (hat I wlll sell Orocerio, Provisions, Crctltery, niaas ■n-iirr, tt low flíaro for Cnsh or rosily pay ouly I alwayn ;v.v UMh Down for Qoods, anrt must hove pay for them wlicn dellvercd. lo net nek me to trnsf yoa, (ívoii if yon are worth fl lriülion. BIT I WH,l 8ELÍ ;OOV.S I-O FR TKA' iST MAS ÍAS WHO TIRES CREDIT I'OH PAT. A fl Wna of Proflrtce tuiten In iTscebmg nood dellvert-rl in the City frt'e of charge. Come in READY PAY CÜSfOMERS, und exam'.rn' riy ?cofls. I wlll SSIOW 1OÜ AUOÏIXD, irtth the pfKtett of plearare, mul If yon do not boy. I promloe yn T wlll not olc cross. Specin nducomonicio HnflrilIngnonOBDtt Clubs. Look 'or the wlfjn of the C. O. I). Grocery and the Big 20. Xjgwís Colby. Mircli 14th, 1ST-2. 1365 a Ï-AL.SK REPORT! TIIAX A. A. TERRY rrsaoNuoDTOP tradb HE ÖTILL LIVES, AND HAS A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF HAÏS & CAPS I JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT TnE TIMSS. ALSO APOLLLINBOF GENTS' FURKISUINO GOÜDS! DON'T PURCnASE TOCn SPRING ANDSÜMMER OÜTPITS ÜSTIL TOU qivb xxa: .a. a-A.x,j_.15 South Main St., Ann Aibct. tMI-tf. "[DR.CROOK'SWlNËÖFTAf álO TEARS PUBLIC TEST Has proved JDr. Crook's êWINE n ií ti r-r Iiavo more utLáJySb - erit than any Sgftftl g siniihir prepara &iÉBSaBíio tion ever Oilercd me pilone It is rlcli In the medicinal qunliticsof Tar, and unequaled for atacases of the Tliroat and Iims performing Iho most remark ble cures. Congus, o!(3s. íiironic CougtaSé It effectually cureB them all. Asthina and Bronchitis. Has cnred so many cases it haa been pronounced a speeific for these complainte. tfor pains in Breast, Sido or Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the L'rinary Organs, Jauudice or any Liver Complaint, It has no equal. It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Remoyes Dyspepsia and Indigestión Prevenís Malarions Fevers, Gives tone to your System, NATÜRE'S BEMEDYTV fisifiipu The Great Blood PümizRj ..m... 111...V x!.-i..,j uüín thc juices of ciiruíully stbeeted tarkti jtb fuul herbpfandío Blrnngljr concentra ted that it wlll effcctunll.v tradlente irnni the Bjtttem every tuint of Scrofulai Scrofulous H'Jimor, Tumors, Ca cer. Cancerou9 Humor, Eryíipelas, S.ilt Rhcum. SyphUitic I)iea?cs. Cauk er. F antness at the Stoniiu'h nd ah dlsewe that rise fr m impuro blood. Sciatica. Infiammatory nnil Chronic Eheumütiam. Neuralgia, Gout "'I Spin'U f'ompï.iints, can nly be eff'-ctually cured tnroujfh the blood. Por Ulce's 'ni Ernpt've Difeases ofthc jktn, Pu6tales, Pimples. Boils Tetter, Rcatdm. VEQBTINB has never ln!ed lo 'fiVcttl peí miuirnt curo. Por Pains in the Back, Kvdncy Cotnplijnts, D'-cpiy, Fernnlc Wenknfts. Leucorrhoea. arlslra (rom i&ternal ulceratlon, and aterln i penaos n General Df-bility. VJSQETIrJB ct dtrectlj apon th CftQses of thee complalntfl It ioviiíorates and BtronKtbens the wbole ysïem, acts npon the secre■inH. Rllays iufonnnü n, cures uJccrationand For ' '. HAHlTiM. rnsHVBA ' hr Ueart, Hraiiacto,Piltt, 'pstratlon oT the Mermus no medfcloeliils ever glven bqcd petfWct -atn ■'■ the y:;a:k n ::. It parifica ttae !Iood. 1! of the orgaos, and possecMg a controllirr ■ power over the Nervona Aystem. romsrkable corea effected by VKOHTINK hsve tndaced niany physictana -inrt apotbecsrlea lnm we know u proscrita and nse it In iheir own famlllea 1 11 fut. VKOE 'IN'!: la the best remedvyrt rtlsrov. ereilfor i1. . c dlMaMLandla the only rollsble KiouI Purlfieryei placed before the public. Propan-rt liv II. R. Strvrj) Mar. Prlcetl.vSi Soldbrall uraggUts. POK8ALB J -n 13ugn :nl u necood bnnd Curiage, for 1 ur 1 )i i condition. Inauire of Et. 001 0LA8S, Aan Arliir, May 2S1, "72. 137S1Í : Finest ássortmon tof Toilet I (Joods in the City,by pRICES OP GOODS AT THE METROPOLITAN ! FOR THE SPRING AND SÜMMER HHRIMMKD II ATS, X Fi'om Oue Dollar, and' upwardB. RIBBONS, From Sets. a yard upwards. RIBBED HOSE FOR L ADIES, 10 cents a pair. WHITE COTTON I1OSE For Tedios, At 10 ets , V!4 ets., 15 ets., 18 ets., 20 ets., 25 ets., 30 cts.,35ct9 ,40 ets. a pair. f ADIES LISLE TIIREAD GLOVES, 3 i At 10 ets., ï% ets., 15 ets., 18 ets , 30 rta.,25 ets., 30 cts",35ct3.,40 ets. a pair. CHILDREÍÍ'S HOSË, At 10 ets. a pair and upwards. fENTLEMEN'S HOSE, Ji At 10 ets. a pair and npwards. TOWELS, WARRANTED LINEN, At 10c, 12Lc, 15e, 18c, 20c, 25c, 3oo, 35c apiece. rOVELÍÑG, JL At 10c a yard and upwards. T 1NEN TABLE CLOTHS, JLj At 5Uc, 60c, TOc a yard ftOLORED TABLU CLOTils, V_y At 30c aud 50c a yard Piountekp'anes, _y F rum f2.00 iipwardá. WHITE AND BUFF PIQÜEd, At 16c, 20c, 22e, 25c, 8üc, 30c a yard. CORSET3, At 50c, 75c, $1.00 a pair. HOOP SKIRTS, At 50c, 65c, 75c, $t'00 apiece. L ADÍES' IIANDKERCHIEFS. From Bc, npieoc upwnnls. T adíes' Linen Herastitclied IlMk'fs, JLA From 15c apiece upwurds. PARASOLS, From 40c apiece tlpwards. FANS, From 10c aplcce u pwanls. "VTOTTIIÍGHAM LACH FOR CurtalnM, From 10c a yard iipwaftls. KID GLOVES, $ 1.00 a pair. 0 BUTTON KID GLOVES, 4t $1.25 a pair. LACE COLLAR8, Froin 10c apiece upwards. QILK AND COTTON FRINGE3, OILK AND COTTON TRLMMING, 1 RESS PATTEUiNS, T7ELOURS, SATíNS, 8ÍLK8, 1OTTON TRIMMINGS, r ADIES' UNDER GARMENTS, ADIES' MADB UP DRESSES, TXFANTS & MISSES Made up Drcssea, And a thousand other articles too numerous to mention, at prices less than any other establishment in this city. H. COHEN, T5 33 SOUTH MAIN ST. Tam kb mIímahon, Justicc of the Peace, Offlco in now block, North of Court Housa Money oollootcl and promptly paid over. IiSTJRATsfCIÜ AGENT. Tr'mmph. axscig, $TïT.9ns.ll N'ortn Mls8"nrl, " 45,417. ui Iliïjirnla, f' 350,00;). OU TUSA-lli JfGSTATE. I Iiav(sn rrcs of Inml y of a mile from the city Imite, Ihinly lucjited for fruit or garden pnrpostjs. Alno 40 ftcrcs. ■ AIho 10 cros, with hn90 nd brn,and a llvcly stritam of w.itcr running thrcin(?h the barn yrd. 60 ncref., a ralle out. 1 will rpI] finy or 11 the abovo chftap, or excliantro for cil y iropcrly. 1-74' ' JA5TE9 WcM AHON. HURRY UP ! 1ÏARTIKR wlshiiif; Wll Pnper, Phnrlo 1 Hollands, trindQw Ptxtarca, Co-d, Tanela, Ao , n Neit Style. al SitifHrtory I'rirfl.o, bv 3. It. V-Isr & Co., Hook Stort', iieïir thft BxptMI Oüicc. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'e for=ttrictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,?aint s .Oils . &c . I T CJ. A, !SEwslOS INSURANCE . ÁGENCY. His Companlos Are Sound. piíOíNÍX INSURANCE CO., HAKTFORD, CONN. CAPITAL ANTASf;ETS,JiíTl,lSTl....l,T81,ACO CHICAGO LOSSES 760,000 TIIF, PÏIT'ïX íft lhp1cit condactcA f irc IiisuniHcc Compnny in the I'nitrrt States. Alwaya prislciit and onnd, anl il v;i prompt in pay inent o loosca. JVTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. The flrst Compnnyto pass the ordeal of the New York Insurance Commtssloner sluee the Chicago Fire, coming ont from thesevere test TRIUMPHANT ! Aeeodated Proas Dlepatíh, November 2, 4S?1, THE I!ÍTERNATIOSAI.ISaüBAXE COMPANY. The Snperinterulent of the New York.=tatc Tnnivincp Dopanment. whoií-mnktqjr careful offlctril exiimlntiiin of the New York City Companlec to-daj, ccrtiflne thntttie Internationa] Companj'i !'■"'; "f íl,.".O',non ate inveBt?il, nrt its capital of 500,ooo. after prov'flluc forall Habilitíea, Includinethe Chk:fte"flre, ie wholly nnlmpalred ThlsCompan.vlspaying al Hts Chicago lusses nd issonndand rt-lí-.h . Poli-ios lisaedst fair rates at my office. No. 11 Koat Harón íttect,, Ann Arhor. J. q. A. SE8SION8, Agent. W4Ttf. ÍÍ0TE2RS! MOTHERSÜ MOTHERS ! ! ! Don't fail to procure TïllS. WINSJI.OW'S KOOTIIINK SYKl'P FOB 1191 JÍKi: v TEETHlJíe. Thls valuante preparation ha heen nped wfth NEVBR-PAIL1NQ SUCChSS IN TBOÜ8ANM OP 0ASK8. it not only relieve? 'hícUd from pain, butlnvlfforatcp the hioiü ich ani bowel1 corrücts anídlty, a3 givee tune and energy to ihe w lule system It wil aiïo loitaDtl; relieve Griping i the líowels and TVind C'ollc. Webeüev it the UES' and SCTRKST BBMBDY IN TH1C WOBLD, in sil cieos of DYSE.NTKHT AND mAIHlHffl. Ti CIMMJllKrt, whcthef arUlng from Kwflüng o imy othr can?. Depend apon itmutliers, itwili givero toyonrselves, and i Itclief and Health to ïouf Irifflnts. Be surc and cali for ".Hrs. Winslow'S Sootliins Syrnp." Havlntc the rac-íimlle o: "CURTÍS 4 PFRKIXS'1 un the ODI8de wr("pr. Sold hy UrugKiet tbrouïhout the world. . 7 Fot Scrofulit, S-rofT iilous DiNiases f JjJ Ui' K.yos. or Screfníi la in :iny ('orín, d&Hi Any rliscase or eruption Vr% of the Hkin, disense öf the {Kf3 Livor, Rheumatixm, Piint$ ples,Old 9ores,TTlci'rs.l?rkQ$fo en-down Constitu t i o n r , g)J Syphilis, or any diseasedeJ pending on a depraved conjabri dition of the blood, try MS DR. CROOK'S OV1'O SYAUP OF H POKE ROOT. STp It liaathe medicinal prop01a orty of Pokecombined with J a preparation oflron which ljjy goes at once into the blood, ffr' performing the most rapid f and wonderful cures. Ask your Dniggist íor l)r. Crook'g' Jompound Syrnp of Poke Koot - toke .'. mul be healed. T30TÏLK1) LAGEE, ALE AND PORTER, Put up in Pints antt Qnarts for Family use. ALSO BY THE KEG. ZT Orflcrn lrft nt'I,citcr k Co.' Britgr Store ivill lc promptly fillcd. 1IIM. & fHAPIX. Ann Arbnr,Mn?2i. i ISTfitf Go to R. W.ELLIS & CO'8 for choice Wines and Liquorf . for Jlodical Purposes .


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